Cannot generate and dispaly PDF with React-PDF library - reactjs

I am trying to generate pdf of below React component
function DocumentPrint() {
return (
<div className="container">
<h1 className="heading__main">This is a demo heading</h1>
<h3 className="heading__title">This is another heading</h3>
<p className="para__text">Breakable components try to fill up the remaining space before jumping into a new page. By default, this group is composed by View, Text and Link components
Unbreakable components are indivisible, <b>therefore</b> if there isn't enough space for them they just get rendered in the following page. In this group by default we only find Image.</p>
<div id="unordered__list">
<ul className="list">
const Doc = () => {
return (
document={<DocumentPrint />}
{({ blob, url, loading, error }) =>
loading ? <button>Loading document...</button> : <button>Download now!</button>
This is not showing Download now button and loading is not set to false.
Error in console
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'height') at setNodeHeight


Setting parameters in LINK reactjs

I would like to pass information through the Link tag to another component . However , i am unable to after watching several tutorials .
function Productscard(props) {
return (
<div className="item">
<Link to = "/products_info">
<div className="item_container">
<h3 className="subcategory_Tag"> {props.subcategory}</h3>
<h2 className="name_tag"> {}</h2>
<img src={photo} alt="" className="photo" />
<h3 className="price_tag">$399.99 - $500</h3>
export default Productscard
There are several Productscard components being rendered on the page . Upon being clicked , they should take me to the products_info page and display product name and description . I have attempted unsuccessfully and below is my product_info component -
function Product_info(props) {
const params = useParams();
return (
<div className="product_info">
export default Product_info
I have also set the route in app js
<Route path="/products_info element={<Product_info />}/>
I have tried the above code unsuccessfully

Objects are not valid as a React child found: object with keys {id, type} If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead

i want to display categories and thier questions, from database as api throught flask and react app. i got that error all the recat app that contain list, add and play questions. i think the porblem is the side of the react app. the flask api display json format correctly. any help guys
python ( flask)
#app.route("/categories/<int:category_id>/questions", methods=['GET'])
def get_question_based_category(category_id):
for searchquestion in question_based_category:
return jsonify({
'total_of _searched_question':len(question_based_category),
create js
render() {
return (
<div className='question-view'>
<div className='categories-list'>
onClick={() => {
{Object.keys(this.state.categories).map((id) => (
onClick={() => {
<Search submitSearch={this.submitSearch} />
<div className='questions-list'>
{, ind) => (
<div className='pagination-menu'>{this.createPagination()}</div>

I am using react-error-boundary, I create a component in which api data show and then i am wrapping that component in <ErrorBoundary>

component file :-
api data show here
ErrorFallback File Code:-
const ErrorFallback = ({ componentStack, error }) => (
<section className="fallback">
<header className="fallback__header">
<h3 className="fallback__title">Oops! An error occured!</h3>
<div className="fallback__body">
<strong>Error:</strong> {error.toString()}
<strong>Stacktrace:</strong> {componentStack}
i want when api will throw error due to some reason then error component show

How do you change content of page when the link is inside of the component?

Sorry in advance if I seem confused, it's because I am.
So from my App.js file which is like the main file where I call all my components and query my DB, which is then called by the index.js file.
this is my render method.
render() {
return (
<div className="site" >
!!!this.state.done ? (
<LoadingSVG />
) : (
<div className="page">
<div className="header-wrapper">
<Header data={this.state.dataHeader} />
<div className="project-list-wrapper">
<ProjectList data={this.state.dataProjects} />
</div >
Inside the Projectlist component I loop through every items and create a project.
render() {
return (
<div className="project-list module">
<div className="sectionTitle">Project I've worked on</div>
{, i) => (
<div className="project-wrapper">
<div className="inner-ctn">
<div className="header">
<div className="number">0{ + 1}</div>
<div className="name">{res.nomProjet}</div>
<div className="item-ctn">
<div className="categ">{res.categProjet}</div>
<div className="roles">{res.roles}</div>
<div className="date">{}</div>
What I want to do is with the use of transition-groups, render another component.. let's call it Project-1. Project 1 would refresh my App.js content so that the new component would render. But I can't do that since App.js is parent to ProjectList. I also want to keep a well structure project so I don't want to put everything in a single file..
I tried reading the documentation and basically every article about how to do this, I can't seem to wrap my mind around how this should work. This should be easy stuff, yet it's weirdly complicated to have a transition or even a link between two pages..

How to render my Modal window and all the information contained inside ( in React)?

My application renders twelve random people fetched from a different website. Everything works fine apart from my modal component(it should render more information about the person you clicked). For some reason whenever I try to render it I get this error 'Modal.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'medium' of undefined' and more errors comes with it. I am printing props.modalInfo from the Modal component to the console and it does have all the information I need, but for some reasons it shows that props.modalInfo is undefined when I try to render it. I have never done modal box in React (I am a beginner). Could someone explain me how I can render my Modal and pass all the data successfully? Thank you in advance!
handleClick(id) {
this.setState((prevState) => {
const modalInfoToPass = prevState.employeeList.filter(employee =>
if(`${} ${}` === id){
// get only and only one object that fulfils the
// condition
return employee;
return {
displayModal: true,
// update the modalInfo state
modalInfo: modalInfoToPass
return (
<div className='container'>
<Header />
this.state.loading ? <h2 className='load-page'>Loading...</h2> : =>
<Employee key={`${}
<Footer />
**{this.state.displayModal && <Modal modalInfo={this.state.modalInfo} />}**
function Modal(props) {
return (
<div className='bg-modal'>
<div className='modal-content'>
<div className='modal-image'>
<img src={props.modalInfo.picture.medium} alt={`${} ${}`}/>
<div className='modal-info'>
<p className='name'>{} {}</p>
<p className='email'>{}</p>
<p className='place'>{}</p>
<hr />
<div className='modal-more-info'>
<p className='number'>{props.modalInfo.cell}</p>
<p className='address'>{`${props.modalInfo.location.street}, ${props.modalInfo.location.state}`}</p>
<p className='postcode'>{props.modalInfo.location.postcode}</p>
<p className='birthday'>{}</p>
What is id and is it on an employee? If it isn't available, you could just pass what you're filtering for in your handleClick:
handleClick={()=>this.handleClick(`${} ${}`)}
Or, you could just pass the employee:
and modify your handler:
handleClick(employee) {
this.setState({modalInfo: employee, displayModal: true})
