Use date on x-axis but id to set domain using recharts - reactjs

I want to set the domain for the giving data set. So you can only see 5 objects at once. When doing this using ids it works well. However the x-axis uses dates. Is there a way to decouple the x-axis labels from the domain?
const initialData = [
{ id: 1, date: "05/16/2022", value: 4456 },
{ id: 2, date: "05/17/2022", value: 2789 },
{ id: 3, date: "05/18/2022", value: 7891 },
{ id: 4, date: "05/19/2022", value: 4561 },
{ id: 5, date: "05/20/2022", value: 5561 },
{ id: 6, date: "05/21/2022", value: 6561 },
{ id: 7, date: "05/22/2022", value: 4561 },
{ id: 8, date: "05/23/2022", value: 4561 },
{ id: 9, date: "05/24/2022", value: 4861 },
{ id: 10, date: "05/25/2022", value: 8561 },
{ id: 11, date: "05/26/2022", value: 6561 },
{ id: 12, date: "05/27/2022", value: 4561 }
const initialState = {
data: initialData,
left: initialData[0].date,
right: initialData[5].date,
refAreaLeft: undefined,
refAreaRight: undefined,
top: "dataMax+1000",
bottom: "dataMin-1000",
animation: true
<ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={400}>
<CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" />
domain={[left, right]}
<YAxis allowDataOverflow domain={[bottom, top]} type="number" />
<Tooltip />


Recharts - How to fix graph scaling issue?

In React application (using Next.js), I am trying to implement graph feature using recharts My code is as below,
const formatDate = (value) => {
return moment.unix(value).format('HH:MM A DD MM, YYYY')
const weeklyData = [
{ date: formatDate(1613619000), price: '1200.00' },
{ date: formatDate(1613617200), price: '1300.83' },
{ date: formatDate(1613615400), price: '1250.23' },
{ date: formatDate(1613611800), price: '500.55' },
{ date: formatDate(1613608200), price: '1600.23' },
{ date: formatDate(1613606400), price: '1850.93' },
{ date: formatDate(1613604600), price: '1750.23' },
{ date: formatDate(1613599200), price: '650.23' },
top: 5,
right: 30,
left: 20,
bottom: 5,
<Tooltip content={<CustomTooltip />} cursor={false} />
<Line type="monotone" dataKey="price" stroke="#4ec6f4" label="Shruthi" />
const CustomTooltip = ({ active, payload, label }) => {
if (active && payload && payload.length) {
return (
<div className="tooltip">
<p className="tooltipLabel">{`$${payload[0].payload?.price}`}</p>
<p className="tooltipDesc">{`${payload[0]?.payload?.date}`}</p>
return null
CustomTooltip.propTypes = {
type: PropTypes.string,
payload: PropTypes.array,
label: PropTypes.string,
export default CustomTooltip
Right now YAxis is restricted to 1000 and graph(scaling) is displaying out of the box and its invisible.
Graph should be display within the container which I have set.
Here price is not fixed, it can be like 123456.88 or more than this.
In all scenario, how can I fix this issue?
try to convert price type to number or use values without single quotes.
Note: if possible, Post complete code for better response

React component only rendering one item in my object

So I have a react component set up to map through all the items in my array to display them on the page. I'm importing my component onto my homepage and passing the object as a prop from the imported component. However, when I load the page, only one item from the object is being rendered. I'm not entirely sure if I'm passing my object correctly. Any help would be appreciated! Code is below.
This is my Modal component. I'm mapping through the listGroupArray that has a spread operator with my data that is being passed from the home page.
export default function ModalButton({ setData, title, arrayData, dataTitle }) {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const [button, setButton] = useState("Choose...")
const handleClose = () => setShow(false);
const handleShow = () => setShow(true);
const listGroupArray = [{...arrayData}]
const changeButton = e => setButton(e)
return (
<h5 className="inputFont text-center">{title}</h5>
<Button style={{ backgroundColor: "black", opacity: "1", color: "white", borderColor: "red" }} variant="primary" className="w-100 mb-4 inputFont" onClick={handleShow}>
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose}>
<Modal.Header closeButton className="modal-bg inputFont">
<Modal.Body className="modal-bg">
{ => (
<ListGroup.Item key={} className="modal-bg">
backgroundColor: "black",
opacity: ".8",
color: "white",
borderColor: "red",
className="inputFont w-100"
onClick={(e) => {
This is my homepage where I'm passing the array data as an object. I'm pretty sure this is where I'm going wrong. When I load the page, the component should render all the data in the object, however it's only rendering the last data, Classics.
<Modal title="Genre"
dataTitle="Pick A Genre"
id: 1,
name: "Action and Adventure",
value: "10673,10702,11804,11828,1192487,1365,1568,2125,2653,43040,43048,4344,46576,7442,75418,76501,77232,788212,801362,899,9584"
id: 2,
name: "Musicals",
value: "13335,13573,32392,52852,55774,59433,84488,88635"
id: 3,
name: "Sci-Fi",
value: "1492,108533,11014,1372,1568,1694,2595,2729,3327,3916,47147,4734,49110,50232,52780,52849,5903,6000,6926,852491"
id: 4,
name: "Fantasy",
value: "9744"
{ id: 5,
name: "Thrillers",
value: "10306,10499,10504,10719,11014,11140,1138506,1321,1774,3269,43048,46588,5505,58798,65558,6867,75390,78507,799,852488,8933,98911,9147,972"
id: 6,
name: "Anime",
value: "10695,11146,2653,2729,3063,413820,452,6721,9302,7424"
id: 7,
name: "Children and Family",
value: "10056,27480,27950,28034,28083,28233,48586,5455,561,6218,6796,6962,78120,89513,783"
id: 8,
name: "Comedies",
value: "1009,10256,10375,105,10778,11559,11755,1208951,1333288,1402,1747,17648,2030,2700,31694,3300,34157,3519,3996,4058,4195,43040,4426,4906,52104,52140,52847,5286,5475,5610,56174,58905,59169,61132,61330,6197,63092,63115,6548,711366,7120,72407,7539,77599,77907,78163,78655,79871,7992,852492,869,89585,9302,9434,9702,9736"
id: 9,
name: "Documentaries",
value: "10005,10105,10599,1159,15456,180,2595,2616,2760,28269,3652,3675,4006,4720,48768,49110,49547,50232,5161,5349,55087,56178,58710,60026,6839,7018,72384,77245,852494,90361,9875"
id: 10,
name: "Dramas",
value: "11,11075,11714,1208954,1255,12995,13158,2150,25955,26009,2696,2748,2757,2893,29809,3179,31901,34204,3653,3682,384,3916,3947,4282,4425,452,4961,500,5012,52148,52904,56169,58755,58796,59064,6206,62235,6616,6763,68699,6889,711367,71591,71591,72354,7243,7539,75459,76507,78628,852493,89804,9299,9847,9873,5763"
id: 11,
name: "Sports",
value: "180,25788,4370,5286,7243,9327"
id: 12,
name: "Horror",
value: "10695,10944,1694,42023,45028,48303,61546,75405,75804,75930,8195,83059,8711,89585"
id: 13,
name: "Romance",
value: "29281,36103,502675"
id: 14,
name: "Classics",
value: "10032,11093,13158,29809,2994,31273,31574,31694,32392,46553,46560,46576,46588,47147,47465,48303,48586,48744,76186"
screenshot of the homepage
This image shows the component only rendering one data item which is Classics. Any advice on how to get all data rendered would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The error is in how you referenced the arrayData and the problematic curly brackets you used on an array. In your JSX code, you have a syntax error, you are supposed to enclose arrays in curly brackets, or better still just separate them to their own variable.
Your JSX should then look something like this:
function JSX(props) {
const arrayData = [
id: 1,
name: "Action and Adventure",
id: 2,
name: "Musicals",
value: "13335,13573,32392,52852,55774,59433,84488,88635",
id: 3,
name: "Sci-Fi",
id: 4,
name: "Fantasy",
value: "9744",
id: 5,
name: "Thrillers",
id: 6,
name: "Anime",
value: "10695,11146,2653,2729,3063,413820,452,6721,9302,7424",
id: 7,
name: "Children and Family",
id: 8,
name: "Comedies",
id: 9,
name: "Documentaries",
id: 10,
name: "Dramas",
id: 11,
name: "Sports",
value: "180,25788,4370,5286,7243,9327",
id: 12,
name: "Horror",
id: 13,
name: "Romance",
value: "29281,36103,502675",
id: 14,
name: "Classics",
return (
dataTitle="Pick A Genre"
setData={(data) => console.log(data)}
The next bug you had was in using the spread operator. While arrays are technically objects in JavaScript they can't be spread with curly braces. This [{...arrayData}] is syntactically incorrect. Instead it should be [...arrayData]. With these in place, your code should run correctly.
I made a sandbox of your code in a working state for reference, check it out here:

Add a custom style to victory chart bar

I want to create a custom bar chart with Victory like this:
How can I add a horizontal line in the graph every 10%?
This is my sample code:
const data = [
{ day: 1, data: 0 },
{ day: 2, data: 1 },
{ day: 3, data: 2 },
{ day: 4, data: 2 },
{ day: 5, data: 0 },
const BarChart = () => {
return (
<VictoryChart domainPadding={20} theme={VictoryTheme.material}>
tickFormat={(x) => `${x.toFixed(0)}`}
grid: { stroke: "none" },
ticks: { size: 0 },
tickFormat={(x) => `${x}`}
grid: { stroke: "none" },
ticks: { size: 0 },
<VictoryBar data={data} style={{ data: { fill: '#379F4B' } }} x="day" y="data" />
Have you tried to use tickValues? Example:
<VictoryAxis dependentAxis
tickValues={[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]}
...other stuff...

datetime x axis in recharts

so i have this data:
const systolicAndDiastolicAndPulseAverage = [
name:'Systolic Average',
category:'Systolic Average',
data: [
{ day: '23/05/2020 04:50', value: 76 },
{ day: '24/05/2020 04:50', value: 98 },
{ day: '25/05/2020 04:50', value: 63 },
{ day: '26/05/2020 04:50', value: 112 },
{ day: '27/05/2020 04:50', value: 81 },
{ day: '28/05/2020 04:50', value: 81 },
{ day: '29/05/2020 04:50', value: 72 },
{ day: '30/05/2020 04:50', value: 74 },
{ day: '31/05/2020 04:50', value: 124 },
name:'Diastolic Average',
category:'Diastolic Average',
data: [
{ day: '23/05/2020 04:50', value: 61 },
{ day: '24/05/2020 04:50', value: 65 },
{ day: '25/05/2020 04:50', value: 82 },
{ day: '26/05/2020 04:50', value: 74 },
{ day: '27/05/2020 04:50', value: 69 },
{ day: '28/05/2020 04:50', value: 59 },
{ day: '29/05/2020 04:50', value: 67 },
{ day: '30/05/2020 04:50', value: 71 },
{ day: '31/05/2020 04:50', value: 74 },
name:'Pulse Average',
category:'Pulse Average',
data: [
{ day: '23/05/2020 04:50', value: 80 },
{ day: '24/05/2020 04:50', value: 83 },
{ day: '25/05/2020 04:50', value: 65 },
{ day: '26/05/2020 04:50', value: 72 },
{ day: '27/05/2020 04:50', value: 79 },
{ day: '28/05/2020 04:50', value: 93 },
{ day: '29/05/2020 04:50', value: 96 },
{ day: '30/05/2020 04:50', value: 91 },
{ day: '31/05/2020 04:50', value: 46 },
i have successfully created a bar chart in recharts using this data and everything is great and working fine but my problem is that i want to take only the day and month out of the day and give it to the xaxis, i have looked up so many different documentations and github chats but nothing worked( for example on the xaxis it will only contain 30/05 31/05 ....) can anyone please help?
top: 5, right: 30, left: 20, bottom: 5,
<CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="5 0" tickSize={15} />
<XAxis dataKey="day" type="number" tickFormatter={tickFormatter} scale='time'
domain = {['dataMin','dataMax']}
tickLine={false} axisLine={false} dx={-15} allowDuplicatedCategory={false}/>
<YAxis yAxisId="left" orientation="left" dataKey="value" type="number" tickLine={false} axisLine={false} allowDuplicatedCategory={false}/>
<YAxis yAxisId="right" orientation="right" dataKey="value" type="number" tickLine={false} axisLine={false} allowDuplicatedCategory={false}/>
<Tooltip />
layout="horizontal" verticalAlign="top" align="center"
item => ({
type: "circle",
value: `${item.category}`
{ => (
<Bar yAxisId={} barSize={10} dataKey="value" data={} key={} name={} fill={}/>

how to create Biaxial LineChart using .map function in recharts

so basically i have this data:
const bodyWeightAndFatData = [
name: 'salim',
category:'Body Weight',
data: [
{ day: 23, value: 100 },
{ day: 24, value: 101 },
{ day: 25, value: 104 },
{ day: 26, value: 107 },
{ day: 27, value: 108 },
{ day: 28, value: 105 },
{ day: 29, value: 106 },
{ day: 30, value: 107 },
{ day: 31, value: 107 },
name: 'salim',
category:'Fat Percentage',
data: [
{ day: 23, value: 134 },
{ day: 24, value: 135 },
{ day: 25, value: 131 },
{ day: 26, value: 133 },
{ day: 27, value: 137 },
{ day: 28, value: 131 },
{ day: 29, value: 130 },
{ day: 30, value: 139 },
{ day: 31, value: 138 },
coming from one component. and i'm drawing a rechart from another component like this:
<div className={styles.outer}>
<div className={styles.inner}>
<p className={styles.title}>Average Measurments</p>
<ResponsiveContainer width="95%" height={300}>
<LineChart >
<CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="5 0" vertical={false} tickSize={10} padding={{ left: 20 }}/>
<XAxis yAxisId="right" tickLine={false} axisLine={false} dataKey="day" allowDuplicatedCategory={false} />
<YAxis tickCount={5} axisLine={false} dx={-15} dataKey="value"/>
layout="horizontal" verticalAlign="top" align="center"
item => ({
type: "circle",
value: `${item.category}`
{ => (
<Line dataKey="value" data={} name={} key={s.category} stroke={}/>
the result is working great its drawing the data and everything, but what i'm stuck on is that i need two Y axis to be shown instead of just one which is present. i have looked it up but i don't know how to create it using .map can anyone help?
Here is how I did it.
const bodyWeightAndFatData = [
name: 'salim',
category:'Body Weight',
data: [
{ day: 23, value: 100 },
{ day: 24, value: 101 },
{ day: 25, value: 104 },
{ day: 26, value: 107 },
{ day: 27, value: 108 },
{ day: 28, value: 105 },
{ day: 29, value: 106 },
{ day: 30, value: 107 },
{ day: 31, value: 107 },
name: 'salim',
category:'Fat Percentage',
data: [
{ day: 23, value: 134 },
{ day: 24, value: 135 },
{ day: 25, value: 131 },
{ day: 26, value: 133 },
{ day: 27, value: 137 },
{ day: 28, value: 131 },
{ day: 29, value: 130 },
{ day: 30, value: 139 },
{ day: 31, value: 138 },
export default function App() {
return (
<div >
<div >
<p>Average Measurments</p>
<ResponsiveContainer width="95%" height={300}>
<LineChart >
<CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="5 0" vertical={false} tickSize={10} padding={{ left: 20 }}/>
<XAxis tickLine={false} axisLine={true} dataKey="day" allowDuplicatedCategory={false} />
<YAxis yAxisId="left" tickCount={5} dx={-15} dataKey="value"/>
<YAxis yAxisId="right" orientation="right" tickCount={5} dx={-15} dataKey="value"/>
layout="horizontal" verticalAlign="top" align="center"
item => ({
type: "circle",
value: `${item.category}`
{ => (
<Line yAxisId="left" dataKey="value" data={} name={} key={s.category} stroke={}/>
{ => (
<Line yAxisId="right" dataKey="value" data={} name={} key={s.category} stroke={}/>
Two axis one on left and one on right.
