I run swingbench on my computer. And I want to know TPS. (not average TPS)
But I don't know how to interpretation this matrix.
Below is a part of result.xml
0, 1652690987544, 333, 1652690988544, 1224, 1652690989552, 1813, 1652690990565
what is the meaning of this result?
what is the meaning of the numbers that start with 16526...?
what is the interval cretaria between these TPS?
I am using this formula in my example sheet to filter the 5 last columns of data in a chart: =INDEX(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(SORTN(TRANSPOSE(FILTER({B3:U3;B5:U7},B1:U1=A11,B2:U2=A12)),5,0,TRANSPOSE(FILTER(COLUMN(B1:U7),B1:U1=A11,B2:U2=A12)),0))&"","select Col5,Col4,Col3,Col2,Col1",))
This is working great, except for the fact that I am unable to use the filtered values in a graph since all the numbers are being formatted as text, and trying to change this via the menu options changes nothing.
I know I can change dates to a date value if I use something like this on one of the filtered ranges in the formula: TEXT(DATEVALUE(J3:3),"mmm dd"), but have been unable to find an equivalent for numeric values.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can turn range B5:U7 to numbers?
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(COLUMN(B1:U7),B1:U1=A11,B2:U2=A12)),0))&"","select Col5,Col4,Col3,Col2,Col1",)*1,
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(COLUMN(B1:U7),B1:U1=A11,B2:U2=A12)),0))&"","select Col5,Col4,Col3,Col2,Col1",)))
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(COLUMN(B1:U7),B1:U1=A11,B2:U2=A12)),0))&"","select "&
TEXTJOIN(",", 1, "Col"&SORT(SEQUENCE(IF(COUNTIFS(B1:1, A11, B2:2, A12)>=5, 5,
COUNTIFS(B1:1, A11, B2:2, A12))), 1, 0)),)*1,
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(COLUMN(B1:U7),B1:U1=A11,B2:U2=A12)),0))&"","select "&
TEXTJOIN(",", 1, "Col"&SORT(SEQUENCE(IF(COUNTIFS(B1:1, A11, B2:2, A12)>=5, 5,
COUNTIFS(B1:1, A11, B2:2, A12))), 1, 0)),)))
I am attempting to get an output of:
but my output keeps coming out like
Score: 0
this is what I have implemented:
printf_P(PSTR("Score : %8d\n"), get_score());
move_cursor(37, 8);
we are writing the score in Putty, from AVR to serial.
What am I doing wrong?
Q: If you want "0" on a separate line ... then shouldn't you put a matching `\n' in your format statement?
Q: If You want it right-aligned at column 6, then shouldn't your format statement be %6?
EXAMPLE: printf_P(PSTR("Score :\n%6d\n"), get_score());
As you're probably aware, "printf_P()" isn't standard C; it's AVR-specific.
In every example I could find to facilitate this, the logic is precisely what I'm using, but I can't get it to do what I need it to. It appears that I definitely can't use an AND condition inside the IIF expression, but even trying to account for that I don't get the correct results.
Attempt #1:
=iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 5, "Yellow", iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 10, "Red", "Transparent"))
This results in all numbers, including 10 and greater, being Yellow.
Attempt 2:
=iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 5 and < 10, "Yellow", iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 10, "Red", "Transparent"))
This results in the following error:
I really thought this was going to be a super simple expression, but I must be missing something.
For starters, your second IIF() needs to repeat Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value for each condition you're checking.
So you need =iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 5 and Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value < 10...
Second, the first equation is correct and you are getting expected results. In an IIF() statement it will stop at the first 'True' value. Everything in your result set is >= 5, therefore they will all be yellow.
You can avoid the and if you simply change the order of your expression. Simply check for values that are >= 10 first. Also I made a guess at the desired highlighting logic, as I suspect you made some mistakes in your example.
=iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 10, "Transparent", iif(Fields!Days_to_Bill.Value >= 5 "Yellow", "Red"))
I am running a solr query against a large group of cats. The cats have four relevant attributes:
Eye color (string)
Stray (1 yes/0 no)
Relevancy (integer 1-99)
Age(integer representing milliseconds).
I want my sort results to be the following:
Cats with green eyes AND a stray
So my results will look like this:
Green, 1, 50, 300000
Green, 1, 25, 500000
Green, 1, 25, 100000
Blue, 1, 99, 500000
Green, 0, 98, 500000
Red, 1, 98, 400000
Green, 0, 98, 399999
I don't care the color of the eyes or stray status, unless it is both green eyes and a stray.
This sort parameter works but is missing the "stray" flag:
This sort parameter doesn't work and throws an error:
if((exists(query({!v=eyes:"Green"}))) AND
I'm really lost here, not sure if I am using sort incorrectly, or if I am misunderstanding syntax.
Error Message: Can't determine a Sort Order (asc or desc) in sort spec 'if((exists(query({!v=eyes:"Green"})) AND exists(query({!v=stray:1}))),1,0) desc,relevancy desc,age desc'
I figured it out for my case, it was a nest if that was needed:
I might be using an out of date version of solr, that's probably why #MatsLindh answer did not work for me
I have a Google sheet with fixed number of columns and dynamic rows.
I like to use countA to count fields with a value (non-blank) in the current row.
I found a formula here but don't understand it, neither can get it to work.
ArrayFormula(MMULT( LEN(A1:E)>0 ; TRANSPOSE(SIGN(COLUMN(A1:E1)))))
Sheet gives me error: "Function MMULT parameter 1 expects number values. But 'TRUE' is a boolean and cannot be coerced to a number."
The formula should work if you convert the booleans (true or false) returned by LEN(A1:E)>0 to numbers (1 or 0), as Barry already mentioned. This can be done quite easily by wrapping the output of the LEN()-function in an N-function or by preceding it with '--'. So, assuming your data starts in row 2, see if this works:
=ArrayFormula(MMULT( --(LEN(A2:E)>0) , TRANSPOSE(COLUMN(A2:E2)^0)))
An alternative way would be to use COUNTIF()
=ArrayFormula(COUNTIF(IF(A2:E<>"", row(A2:A),),row(A2:A)))
and probably even a combination should work:
=ArrayFormula(MMULT( --(A2:E<>"") , TRANSPOSE(COLUMN(A2:E1)^0)))
If you also want to include a header row, try:
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", MMULT( --(LEN(A:E)>0) , TRANSPOSE(COLUMN(A1:E1)^0))))
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", MMULT( --(A:E<>"") , TRANSPOSE(COLUMN(A1:E1)^0))))
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", COUNTIF(IF(not(isblank(A:E)), row(A:A),),row(A:A))))
EDIT: (after new question in comments)
If you want to sum the values, you can do that with MMULT() too:
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", MMULT(if(A1:E<>"", A1:E,0), transpose(column(A1:E1)^0))))
or using sumif:
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", sumif(IF(COLUMN(A1:E1),ROW(A1:A)),ROW(A1:A),A1:E)))
NOTE: if you want to limit the output to let's say the last row that has values in col A, try:
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", IF(LEN(A1:A), MMULT(if(A1:E<>"", A1:E,0), transpose(column(A1:E1)^0)),)))
or, again with sumif()
=ArrayFormula(if(row(A:A)=1, "Header", if(len(A1:A), sumif(IF(COLUMN(A1:E1),ROW(A1:A)),ROW(A1:A),A1:E),)))
That formula seems a little complex for your explanation, can't you just use this formula copied down
...but specifically addressing your question, you need to change this part
...so that it returns numbers - try