I am combining several spreadsheets with identical layouts into one master, and want to create a way to have my query({importrange}) be dynamic, as I will be adding / removing some sheets as time goes on. I have all of my sheet addresses in column C, so my formula right now looks like:
This works fine, but any time I add/remove a sheet I would have to edit a very long string.
Is there a way for QUERY or IMPORTRANGE to reference another cell that combines my various spreadsheets listed in column C?
I've tried variations of CONCATENATE, JOIN, etc to combine C into one cell that is referenced in the QUERY OR IMPORTRANGE, but no luck so far.
Trying to future-proof a little...
no, but you can do this:
IF(C4:C="",,"IMPORTRANGE("""&C4:C&""", ""Sheet1!C5:F"")"))&
"}, ""where Col1 is not null"", )")}
so it will automatically create a formula for you and then you just copy-paste it where you need it
I try to configure the formula (SUM) field in the iForels database.
But they don't have chess kind of cells: like A1, C7, etc.
My formulas in Excel look like this =SUM(A1:A800)and =(A1+B1*C1/D1).
iForels is one of the best productivity tools I've tried, but it's useless if simple formulas will not work.
Thank you for any help!
PS: I tried to copy formulas from Excel into my iForels application. I expect it will work in the same way as in Excel.
Hi 👋🏻 iForels "formula" feature supports JS syntax as well as Excel/Google Spreadsheet's predefined functions. Actualy, you almost answered your question. The iForels is a database and Excel is spreadsheet: just use column/feature name instead of code like a cell coordinate (A:1...).
Your =(A1+B1*C1/D1) formula would look like #A+#B*#C/#D. A, B, C, D - could be any name of the column/feature. For example #price+#qty.
You CAN modify the name of column any time, and formula would still work perfectly.
Another important nuance: because iForels is a database it automatically understands which row do you mean, and you don't have to specify the number of row, like A1, A2, etc.
You could also use functions like =SUM(A1, B1, F1). Just use correct database columns: SUM(#A,#B,#F). Also = symbol is not required in iForels.
If you need the "totals" for some specific columns just click on the bottom of the column and choose 'SUM'.
There are variety of precalculated totals, such as Average, Number of records, Standart Diviation and many more.
Be aware that totals are sensitive to the filters.
It calculates datasets which matches your filters request. If you'd like to see total sum for all records you have, just make sure there are no filters applied.
In case If you need filter from time to time, DONT delete it, just disable filter by clicking the icon near "term-condition" item.
iForels is much easier than Excel :)
Hope it helps!
My Google Sheet that will be updated over time with new sheets. On my dashboard/master sheet, I can write a simple INDIRECT that will pull information from a cell in the sheets. However, the formula does not replicate its way down the column. I understand that I need to use an ARRAYFORMULA to get the auto formula placement done.
I've tried many ways but the one that I think may get me there is to use CONCAT. My columns look like this:
Event Title [uses a script to pull in the names of all the sheets]
Use an array to get the titles so they pre-poluate down the column so I can use it later: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(Row(A:A)=1,"Get Title from A",IF(ISBLANK(A:A),"",A:A)))
-- The Event Title is now appearing as plain text in Column B.
I then use CONCAT to write the part of the formula I need to help get the name of the INDIRECT in without using the INDIRECT formula.
-- This gets me this result: 'Computers 101'&"B2"
At this point, my hope is that I could then use this information ('Computers 101'&"B2") into an ARRAYFORMULA. I used this formula to try and do that:
={"Event Date";ARRAYFORMULA(A6:A+D6:D&"Cat")}
-- I get the answer: 0
The expected value was the date cell (B2) in the Computers 101 sheet. Any ideas how to proceed? I don't know the names of the sheets in advance.
unfortunately, this is not possible within of scope of google sheets formula. if you need ranges from other than the actual sheet you need to use INDIRECT which is not supported under ARRAYFORMULA.
you have 3 options:
hardcode it like: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68446758/5632629 with IFERROR & array of empty cells to match columns of your range
generate formula which will generate your final formula/range as a text string and then use a simple script to convert that string into the valid formula: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61819704/5632629
do it all with scripts
I'm trying to create a spill-range solution to turn a list of dates and multiple columns of names into a structured two columns of data. I can do this using VBA, but because this will be automated and web-based, I need a spill-range solution.
A sample file of my situation can be found in this file.
As you'll see below, I have a list of a set of employees ("slackers") who have requested vacation/PTO during December. I've created a list of two spill range formulas that are:
A Column listing all days December
A list of slackers requesting the day off (array going horizontal).
Part 2 presents the problem as the the number of slackers is inconsistent and I'm not sure how to create additional dates for each row. Thus my problem is how to structure a filter/Array formula to list each employee, by day.
In the following tab, you can see my desired outcome. I've used a macro to generate this, but because this is web-based, I cannot use it.
I've tried a variety of mixing and matching array formulas and filters but cannot find a way to populate the date with each name.
While my question is scoped to addressing this conversion from multi-column to 2-column approach, I am happy to hear comments addressing the overall concept.
Here it is with your datatable:
end, PtoRequestsTable[End],
strt, PtoRequestsTable[Start],
us, PtoRequestsTable[Slacker],
usCnt, COUNTA(us),
lst, DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),12,1),
led, DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),12,31),
dtSq, INT(SEQUENCE((led-lst+1)*usCnt,,lst,1/usCnt)),
md, MOD(SEQUENCE((led-lst+1)*usCnt,,0),usCnt)+1,
ussl, IF((INDEX(end,md)>=dtSq)*(INDEX(strt,md)<=dtSq),INDEX(us,md),""),
It will automatically grow and shrink with the table. It also has the start and end dates as inputs.
You may need to adjust maxWidth if there are more than 8 potential slackers.
So I have a workbook with 3 sheets. The first contains data from A:Z. The second also contains data from A:Z, but the data is different. The third page is used to query the other by using Filter.
I want to be able to write a single formulate that will Filter data from sheet 1 and display the results, and then starting from the next available row, Filter data from sheet2 and display those results, without any gaps or overwriting.
If the two filters are something like this:
=FILTER(sheet1!A:Z, sheet1!A:A="Bob")
=FILTER(sheet2!A:Z, sheet2!A:A="Bob")
So, the only difference between the two filters is the sheet name.
I won't know in advance how many rows of output each filter will produce, so I can't just put the second Filter formula in a cell in a lower row, because I don't want there to be any blanks rows between the two sets of output.
I thought that I could use COUNT or COUNTA to work out how many rows of output there's be from the first Filter formula, but even knowing that, how could I choose in which row the second Filter would begin displaying results?
I thought of using &, but that just puts the first result from each sheet into one cell and gives no other rows or columns of results.
I tried ARRAYFORMULA, but I've never used that before and don't think it is suitable.
I tried JOIN, but it gives an error saying it can only be used for a single row or a single column.
UPDATE: Here's my new code, based on player0's advice
={IFERROR(FILTER('2019 (H904)'!B9:AK, '2019 (H904)'!C9:C=A1, '2019
(H904)'!J9:J=E1), SUBSTITUTE(COLUMN(B9:AK)^0, 1, );
IFERROR(FILTER('2018 (H517)'!B9:AK, '2018 (H517)'!C9:C=A1, '2018
(H517)'!J9:J=E1), SUBSTITUTE(COLUMN(B9:AK)^0, 1, )}))
But I get a formula parse error.
put them in array:
={FILTER(sheet1!A:Z, sheet1!A:A="Bob");
FILTER(sheet2!A:Z, sheet2!A:A="Bob")}
the issue is if one of them outputs nothing. then you need something like this:
IFERROR(FILTER(sheet1!A:Z, sheet1!A:A="Bob"), SUBSTITUTE(COLUMN(A:Z)^0, 1, );
IFERROR(FILTER(sheet2!A:Z, sheet2!A:A="Bob"), SUBSTITUTE(COLUMN(A:Z)^0, 1, )},
"where Col1 is not null", 0))
I'm attempting to automatically populate a Google Sheets column in a "Results" sheet with the following formula, which draws data from a "Source" spreadsheet:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Source!$B$2:$D,MATCH($A2&C$1,Source!$B$2:$B&Source!$C$2:$C,0),3)," ")
When I place that formula in ARRAYFORMULA, it does not auto-populate, and changing the MATCH search_key to a range (i.e., $A2:$A&C$1) does not fix the problem.
I.e., neither of these work:
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(INDEX(Source!$B$2:$D,MATCH($A2&C$1,Source!$B$2:$B&Source!$C$2:$C,0),3)," "))
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(INDEX(Source!$B$2:$D,MATCH($A2:$A&C$1,Source!$B$2:$B&Source!$C$2:$C,0),3)," "))
Is there a way to fix this? Or an alternative way to automatically fill a formula? I'm also open to using a function other than INDEX/MATCH, so long as it can do a lookup based on two vertical criteria. Unfortunately I don't think a pivot table would suit my purposes, since my "Results" page also queries another spreadsheet to provide other information.
Example here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dsaMYsJeZl2o_rNTLwaVhnEehFvAKRMXghAJeEK220s/edit?usp=sharing
This is the formula you are looking for:
I tested this and it works perfectly fine.
To answer why your formula is wrong,
The second argument in MATCH should have an ARRAYFORMULA otherwise you are basically matching only with first element.
INDEX doesn't work with ARRAYFORMULA. It can only search for a single value in a given range.
The first part can be solved by adding ARRAYFORMULA inside MATCH.
A simple VLOOKUPcould have solved the second problem if you weren't searching for a combination of cells (Date and Name). A twisted HLOOKUP comes to your rescue.
Without the IFERROR part, the formula looks like this:
This formula produces the same output (see cell I1):
=QUERY({Source!A:D,ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(Source!B:B,'Project Lookup'!A:B,2,0))},"select Col2,Col5,sum(Col4) where Col1 is not null group by Col2,Col5 pivot Col3")