Problem with training stylegan3 - got stuck on Setting up PyTorch plugin "upfirdn2d_plugin" - multiprocess

I faced a problem on training stylegan3 where the terminal stuck at "Setting up PyTorch plugin "upfirdn2d_plugin"... ". I have tried all the methods I found, such as reinstall conda, re-download the whole stylegan3 to retrain the whole network, and pip install ninja etc,. but none of them work. I don't know if you met similar situation before, and how do you solve it? I have attached the screenshot of the problem below. Thank you so much!!!
stylegan3 training problem


How can I fix an issue with create-react-app where only node_modules, package.json, and package-lock.json are created?

I know there are other previous posts on this. However, they are from a few years ago, making them somewhat outdated. The issue I am having just started as of May 2, 2022.
If I run npx create-react-app my-app, the only thing that gets created is the folder and two files mentioned in the question title. I've spent over an hour trying previous solutions to other questions and using other sources, but the issue is still not resolved. I was wondering if anyone could help me?
This is hard for me to answer without knowing the stack you have installed on your computer, however based on the information provided, you could be on your way!
From your terminal, I would try to navigate into the new app by:
`cd my-app`
Then, to start the server, run:
`npm start`
Here are some resources that I think will help you in your scenario:
Good luck buddy!

Next Build hangs forever

I'm building an app with NextJs and Typescript. I'm trying to run next build (yarn build) on my local machine to check for typescript warnings and build errors before deploying.
Next build hangs at 'Creating an optimized production build' and hangs forever. Don't even know where to start to address this issue. Can anyone help with this?
Could be a cache issue.
I'd start by removing /.next folder, if it didn't work then both /.next and /node_modules. Whenever you have issues with Next you don't know how to approach or it's just acting weird - removing /.next will solve most of the problems.
Have found the solution to the issue. Apparently the build freeze was caused by empty files located all over my project directory. Removed all of them and next build runs
I had the same issue too.
I solved it by upgrading node version from v16.13.0 to v16.14.0.
Make sure you stoped all servers that running in the background
Use npx kill-port 3000
Tried all the excellent suggestions here, but for me the problem was with optimizing one of the external packages. Since performance wasn't a big issue for me, skipping minifying solved it.
You need this in your next.config.js:
const nextConfig = {
swcMinify: false, // 'minify' in Next versions < 12.0
And to make sure this works, I reiterated all the above comments to make sure I wasn't hanging on one of the billion previous attempts :)
So the issue with it was that I had an empty file somewhere in the app. Apparently the empty file was what was hanging the build
You can't have both dev and build at the same time.
I solved it very quickly when I realized that there were several
nodejs processes open when there should only be 1, and killing all the
nodejs processes that were running in the background solved it for me.
It can also happen that a build started to fail and got stuck in the background so you should kill all the nodejs you see running in the task manager. I am using Nextjs 13
I solved it downgrading npm version to v8.5.5. I was testing using v8.12.2 and it always keep in "Checking validity of types"

Just to clear the air once and for all, how exactly do you update npm packages in your working repository?

Apologies if this is a basic question, I 'somewhat' know how to do it but at the same time do not and have scoured the internet for answers and none of the solutions seem to work.
Specifically, I am asking in regards to when github tells you that you have a security alert and must update a dependency in your package-lock file. How exactly do you solve this in your working repository? I am trying to simply update the necessary packages in my React.js repository and then push the package-lock file onto the master branch but cannot figure out a simple quick solution to do this.
Thank you very much in advance.
You'll want to use npm update <package> --save, that will update to the newest version and save that version to your package.json

Native Base Linking Issue

I have been trying to use provided library for React Native. However the command native-react link does not work regardless of what we do. It shows the error as mentioned below.
Now i found from somewhere that the upgrade needs to happen and than running again should solve this but after even doing that its did not.
Appreciate all of your assistance.
Cannot read property 'pbxprojPath' of null
I got this filled by following the following command
sudo sudo npm install
Once this is done, i just go on and run my command to open the emulator. Hope this helps to the people having the same issue.

React Native: NPM Module being uninstall each time a new is installed

I am using a package named react-native-linear-gradient which can be found here. I had to go through quite a lengthy process to eventually get the link to my project (by manually linking via the Binary link with libraries in XCode. I got it working fine, however, each time I install a new package via NPM, linear-gradient is removed from my node-modules folder.
1.Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? (Happy to provide additional information)
2.Will this impact deployment of the application if this is not solved?
SOLVED: Downgraded to 5.7.1... It seems 5.8.0 seems to cause the same error Michael mentioned.
