What would be the best way to store JSON files for use within a React application? - reactjs

I have a python script that fetches data twice a day from a server of mine. The script returns around 40 JSON files containing various data. The files aren't particularly big and the combined size of all the files is around 250KB.
Alongside my script I am developing a dashboard in React that renders the data from each file into a table, allowing me a visual representation of the data.
I have been looking at what would be the best way to store these files, something that allows me to upload and fetch them twice a day.
Someone mentioned to me about using MongoDB to store the files, but after some research I feel like Mongo is better at storing the contents of the file rather than the file itself. I tried to develop a solution but I couldn't figure out how it could be done when each object is stored as a document with no clear way (to me) which document came from which file.
Other options I have considered are:
Storing the files on the server that is hosting my React project and rendering them locally as I am doing now during development
Storing the files using a provider such as AWS/Firebase
Storing them in a different database (I see SQL now support the storing of JSON files)
Are there any other solutions that you think would work best for this scenario? If so, why?

Check about use of FTP server.
We have clients that send us data every 10 min via FTP that is inside XML files, then I have NodeJS back-end which read these files.
You can use it for your scenario with JSON files.


how to store data on client machine in Electron.js?

I am working on an electron project to keep inventory of a warehouse but I want to store the data on the client-side (on the client's desktop/laptop) and not on a cloud database. How do I do this? Is using an xlsx file a good idea to store the data. As it will come with an added bonus as the user can read the data outside the app if they want to in an excel sheet.
P. S: even if xslx is a way I would like to know other possible ways so I can choose which is more comfortable for me. Thank you.
Edit: sorry I forgot to mention that I might also have to store images in the data.
You have plenty of option. You can store json file and read it when application boot up. As this is node js related thing I would suggest you to use electron store
And xlsx is a good choice but that may be overkill if the thing you are storing is too simple. On windows you can store some settings in registry too. But I prefer the config version.
I have also used sqlite3 database for some app. In Android I believe many app uses sqlite approach to store local database.

How to filter body content in an Azure Logical Apps

My basic workflow is this: I check an FTP server for a specific file. If the file exist, I pick up the file and sends it to a Blob Storage. My problem is this: I want to filter the file content, eg. remove first and last row since they dont contain any real data before I send it to the blob. The first row consist of a time stamp and the last row contains a "row count". The file contains comma separated fields. How do I accomplish this? Is it even possible?
There is no simple solution for this problem. You can try converting csv to json, delete unnecessary data from it, and create a blob based on that json, but this is sounds harder than it should be.
Consider using Azure functions:
Azure Functions allows you to run small pieces of code (called
"functions") without worrying about application infrastructure. With
Azure Functions, the cloud infrastructure provides all the up-to-date
servers you need to keep your application running at scale.
It will be much easier to do such file manipulation there.

Consume data from local JSON file into website?

I work for a small publishing company with an internal website that displays a static HTML table of our published products.
We have a need to be able to list and sort published products (about 1-2 items are published per day) dynamically that is being fed from an Excel spreadsheet. The Excel spreadsheet is what we are currently using to maintain the data. The Excel spreadsheet is on a shared network drive available to the company.
I am familiar with AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS2 for front-end development and was wondering if I would be able to use one of those tools to consume a Excel file, parse it to JSON, and then display it dynamically on the client side.
Is something like this is possible?
When a user finishes editing the Excel sheet and saves it to the shared network drive, is there a script that would automatically save the data as JSON? I assume we would then simply have our Javascript framework reference and consume the saved JSON to populate its published products list.
Note: We are unable to use a relational database at this time (ie MySQL).
Part 1 - generating json from excel...
front-end technologies are not the way to go. You need to run a service that watches folder for change (like nodejs or python). Saving as csv instead of xls might make things easier as you may not need extra libraries to make sense of your xls file
Part 2, displaying json data...
Your browser, by default, cannot load a local json file. So you may need to run a server (again nodejs and python make this relatively easy) to host your json file.
there are many ways of presenting data these days, but without knowing some of your particular and based on the information you did share, looks like you've got a steep learning curve to get something like this going.

Server backend: how to generate file paths for uploaded files?

I am trying to create a site where users can upload images, videos and other types of files.
I did some research and people seem to suggest that saving the files as BLOB in database is a Bad idea; instead, save the file paths in database.
My questions are, if I save the file paths in a database:
1. How do I generate the file names?
I thought about computing the MD5 value of the file name, but what if two files have the same name? Adding the username and time-stamp etc. to file name? Does it even make sense?
2. What is the best directory structure?
If a user uploads images at 12/17/2013, 12/18/2018, can I just put it in user_ABC/images/, then create time-stamped sub-directories 20131217, 20131218 etc. ? What is the best structure for all these stuff?
3. How do all these come together?
It seems like maintaining this system is such a pain, because the file system manipulation scripts are tightly coupled with the database operations(may also need the worry about database transactions? Say in one transaction I updated the database but failed to modify the file system so I need to roll back my database?).
And I think this system doesn't scale (what if my machine runs out of hard disk so I need to upload the files to a second machine? What if my contents are on a cluster?)
I think my real question is:
4. Is there any existing framework/design pattern/db that handles this problem?
What is the standard way of handling this kind of problems?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
I've actually asked this same question when I was designing a social website for food chefs. I decided to store the url of the image in a MySQL database along with recipe. If you plan on storing multiple images for one recipe, in my example, maybe having a comma separated value would work. When the recipe loaded on the page, I would fetch the image associated with that recipe onto the screen.
Since it was a hackathon and wasn't meant for production purposes, I didn't encode the file name into something unique. However, if I were developing for productional purposes, I would append the time-stamp to the media file name when storing it into the server and database/backend.
I believe what I've proposed is the best data structure of handling this scenario. Storing the image onto the server is not only faster, but it should also take less space. I have found that when converting a standard jpg file of reasonable resolution to base64 encoding, the encoded text file representation took 30% more space. There is also the time of encoding the file and decoding the file for storage and resolving when using some BLOB type of data format instead of straight up storing the file on the server.
Using some sort of backend server scripting like PHP, you'll be able to do some pretty neat stuff with the information you have available. Fetch the result from the database, and load it in from the page using HTML.
As far as I know, there isn't a standard way of fetching media from a database yet. Perhaps there will be one day.
There is not standard way to do that, it is different to the different application. The idea is you need generate a different Path+FileName for every upload, here is a way:
HashId = sha1(microsecond + random(1,1000000));
Path = /[user_id]/[HashId{0,2}]/[HashId{-2}];
FileName = HashId

creating a video database

I am interested in creating a video databse. My goal is to have a folder where my videos will be kept and each time I copy/delete a video the website that presents them should be updated to. the problem is I have no idea how to approach it.
Should I..
Use Sql and store a reference to each video location?
Have a script that checks all the time if new changes happen in that folder?
A package like joomla?
I am using ubuntu btw. I already have a simple html5 page, and I am presenting the videos using html5 video.
It depends on the size and the performance you want.
1.Way : use php to scan the folder and generate links on the fly
2.way : Use a database to store the file names and retrieve the names from the database and generate urls
pros and cons.
simple to implement , no changes in upload or download script. no database required.
You need have a database , little coding required for upload and also while genrating a page
You should make a db (format does not matter) and storing in it only file names of videos: the videos would be stored on hard drive.
Any operation on the web site will pass first on db for insert/update/delete videos records and then (maybe in a transaction context) on the file system.
This would be the standard approach to your question.
