Is it necessary to include linker commands in CodeChecher? - linker

Previously, I asked and received advice on invoking Clang Static Analyzer for doing cross-translation-unit analysis. But this is now a separate issue.
What I want to ask here, do I need to include linker commands when using the newer CodeChecker?

CodeChecker dev here. Linker information is not used during the analysis. You can read about the CTU mode in this user guide:
The workflow when using CTU mode is more or less the same, like without it. The standard workflow is to do a CodeChecker log then a CodeChecker analyse then a CodeChecker parse or store to view the results, just add the --ctu flag to the analysis command.


How to use compilation-database for build?

I find tons of descriptions how to generate a compilation database (especially compile_commands.json) for a C/C++ project.
But the other way round: how to use it as input for a build via make or similar from command line?

How to use shp2pgsql

My question should be very simple to answer for anyone not being a self-taught newbie like me...
On this page is a cheatsheet concerning a function to be used in GIS/DB environnement :
I would like to create a script allowing users to just have to click on it to launch the process, given the proper datas. But I don't understand how to use this. It obviously doesn't work in a Python console, nor directly in the windows console. How is it supposed to work ? What language is this ?
shp2pgsql is indeed a command line tool. It comes with your PostgreSQL/PostGIS installation (usually) and, if not accessible via PATH-variable, can (usually) be run from within the /bin-folder in your PostgreSQL-Installation. You can also always 'make' the programm from source in any location yourself, if needed.
One way to set up a script (independent of whether you use it within qgis own python environment or not) would be to use Pythons subprocess (or os.system) module (check related question here) to write to shell and execute shp2pgsql.
A slightly more sophisitcated solution to (batch) insert (multiple) shapefiles via script could be to implement ogr2ogr via gdal/ogr module within python (check this blog). That, however, would require a working installation of the gdal core library, and the respective Python bindings (at least to use outside of QGIS Python environment, where it is pre-installed AFAIK), which can be tiresome at times. Once installed correctly, it offers a powerful (I dare say almighty) toolset for geodata management and manipulation via Python, though.
Apart from that, the blog link I provided also states the implementation of a batch insert script/tool (which operates ogr2ogr) in qgis 2.8 toolbox...maybe that can help you, either with your work directly or (via sourcecode) to point you in the direction of creating your own tool.

Protecting PHP CLI scripts

I'm currently writing a little commercial PHP Script which would be a VPN (PPTP) manager, in command line.
Actually, it's a socket server which is waiting for commands like "create", "suspend", "unsuspend", "changepassword"... Then it parses the PPTP files and modify them.
The thing is that I will have to give the PHP files which are so simple that they ONLY need php5-cli to be installed (and no apache, nothing else), I need to protect it from being read (actually, it's only 1 file, which is an entire class. The rest can be clear).
I want the system to be lightest as possible, that's why there is no need of GUI, web-server, curl, *sql...
I thought about IonCube, but it's very expensive and can't be used on with cli scripts because it needs a loader, which is loaded by apache. This is the problem of every encoder I think.
I thought about HipHop PHP (From Facebook), but it's hard to understand how to use (because I can compile my sources, but the user guide says how to launch our clear source with it :/ ).
So, I'm here to get help about that. I have some PHP-cli scripts, which must run in command line, which don't need a webserver to work, and I only need (as it's a commercial product) to protect my sources from reading and illegal ditribution (it will be easy to bypass the licence system). This file is simply a PHP class.
-- Edit --
Precisly, I want to make it paid by month, 6 months, year. If it's clear, then everybody will be able to comment the licence check, and have it for free. I love the opensource, for proof, I've written 3 classes for this project, a debug/warning/error manager with output handling (stdout/stderr/logfile) and a Socket class, which you just have to include and extends from, and you have a complete server (and you just have to implement needed functions, the server will call the "received commmand"(), and I don't want to obfuscate these 2 classes.
As to ionCube, there is an online encoder available that does a one-time encode of your script for just a few bucks, depending on the size of your codebase. If you write your own licensing mechanism, you could be able to use that. Besides, your statement about the ionclube loader is incorrect, no apache necessary, it's just a module that can be loaded in php.ini. IonCube is - in my opinion - a good choice.
Do take your time to really ask how much protection you need. A computer will always understand how to interpret your code, so eventually a human being will be able to peek inside, if he really wants to.
If the ionCube loader isn't an option on your clients, there are several 'obfuscators' for PHP out there that will probably stop the "quick peekers" from understanding the code in less than one hour. These obfuscaters won't encrypt your code, but they will make it less readable by changing all your variables, functions and class names into some arbitrary hashes, and remove all your comments and whitespace. They don't need anything on the server to be run, but in the end your PHP code will still be just the same.

For some reason when I link against Oracle GSS starts behaving differently (Solaris)

My test program works fine. I can create a client and a server and run them against each other. I can set my KRB5_CONFIG environment variable and use a local configuration for testing.
For some reason when I place the code in our production software it fails. Even if I strip our main() function to just calling gss_import_name() with a hard coded name I end up with the message "Cannot open configuration file".
If I run truss then I see a lot of Oracle going on. It tries to open lots of different Oracle trace files. It also tries to open
instead of the file I specify.
It's as if Oracle is giving us the wrong gss, or maybe some other option in our huge and complex build system. I note -L/usr/lib/sparcv9 though this is after my -lgss now if that matters (too long since I worked in C on a regular basis!). The in that directory is larger than the one in /usr/lib - though putting that option into my test program's link command does not break it.
Any help?
- Richard
This fixed what appeared to be a similar problem for us:
export KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/krb5.conf
It does appear likely that Oracle sets this env var incorrectly if it's not already set.
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
$ grep -r '/krb5/krb.conf' $ORACLE_HOME
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
Binary file /usr/lib/oracle/ matches
I found that the Oracle libraries contained an implementation of GSS. To make my code work I ensured I linked "-lgss" before linking any of the Oracle libraries.
I've not tested to see if this upsets Oracle in single sign-on, because we use Oracle with user name and password. That works fine.
I ran in to the very same issue with Oracle on HP-UX 11.31 and wasted almost an entire day for that. Indeed, the crappy Oracle lib peforms a putenv with /opt/krb5/krb.conf and the tip from Richard Corfield makes the app even crash. The only workaround is to create a symbolic link. I have created a service request with Oracle for that issue.
Update (2014-06-02): I have received an update from Oracle. They confirmed the bug. It seems like there is a private GSS-API which is redefining symbols.
This issue has been open since 2010-10. Terrible.

Setting up Netbeans/Eclipse for Linux Kernel Development

I'm doing some Linux kernel development, and I'm trying to use Netbeans. Despite declared support for Make-based C projects, I cannot create a fully functional Netbeans project. This is despite compiling having Netbeans analyze a kernel binary that was compiled with full debugging information. Problems include:
files are wrongly excluded: Some files are incorrectly greyed out in the project, which means Netbeans does not believe they should be included in the project, when in fact they are compiled into the kernel. The main problem is that Netbeans will miss any definitions that exist in these files, such as data structures and functions, but also miss macro definitions.
cannot find definitions: Pretty self-explanatory - often times, Netbeans cannot find the definition of something. This is partly a result of the above problem.
can't find header files: self-explanatory
I'm wondering if anyone has had success with setting up Netbeans for Linux kernel development, and if so, what settings they used. Ultimately, I'm looking for Netbeans to be able to either parse the Makefile (preferred) or extract the debug information from the binary (less desirable, since this can significantly slow down compilation), and automatically determine which files are actually compiled and which macros are actually defined. Then, based on this, I would like to be able to find the definitions of any data structure, variable, function, etc. and have complete auto-completion.
Let me preface this question with some points:
I'm not interested in solutions involving Vim/Emacs. I know some people like them, but I'm not one of them.
As the title suggest, I would be also happy to know how to set-up Eclipse to do what I need
While I would prefer perfect coverage, something that only misses one in a million definitions is obviously fine
SO's useful "Related Questions" feature has informed me that the following question is related: Upon reading it, the question is more of a comparison between IDE's, whereas I'm looking for how to set-up a particular IDE. Even so, the user Wade Mealing seems to have some expertise in working with Eclipse on this kind of development, so I would certainly appreciate his (and of course all of your) answers.
Eclipse seems to be pretty popular for Linux kernel development:
I previously wrote up an answer. Now I come up with all the details of the solution and would like to share it. Unfortunately stackoverflow does not allow me to edit the previous answer. So I write it up in this new answer.
It involves a few steps.
[1] The first step is to modify linux scripts to leave dep files in. By default after using them in the build, those dep files are removed. Those dep files contains exact dependency information about which other files a C file depends. We need them to create a list of all the files involved in a build. Thus, modify files under linux-x.y.z/scripts to make them not to remove the dep files like this:
Kbuild.include: echo do_not_rm1 rm -f $(depfile); echo do_not_rm2 rm -f $(depfile);
The other steps are detailed in my github code project file Roughly you do:
[2] Configure with your method of configuration, but be sure use "O=" option to build the obj files into a separate directory.
[3] Then use the same "O=" option and "V=1" option to build linux, and save make output into a file.
[4] Run my nbkparse script from the above github project. It does:
[4.1] Read in the make log file, and the dep files. Generate a mirroring command.
[4.2] Run the mirroring command to hard-link the relevant source files into a separate tree, and generate a make-log file for NetBeans to use.
Now create a NetBeans C project using the mirrored source tree and the generated log file. NetBeans should be able to resolve all the kernel symbols. And you will only see the files involved in the build.
The Eclipse wiki has a page about this: HowTo use the CDT to navigate Linux kernel source
I have been doing some embedded linux development. Including kernel module development and have imported the entire linux kernel source code into Eclipse, as a separate project. I have been building the kernel itself outside of Eclipse(so far), but I don't any reason why I shouldn't be able to set up the build environment within Eclipse to build the kernel. For my projects, as long as I setup the PATH properties to point to the appropriate linux source include directories, it seems to be pretty good about name completion for struct fields, etc.
I can't really comment, on if it is picking up the correct defines and not greying out the correspond sections, as I haven't really paid to much attention to the files within the kernel itself.(so far)
I was also wondering about using Netbeans as a linux 'C' IDE, as I do prefer Netbean's for Java GUI development.
I think this would work (done each step for various projects):
[1] Modify kernel build scripts to leave .d files. By default they are removed.
[2] Log the build process to a file.
[3] Write a script to parse the build log.
[3.1] From the build log, you know every .c files.
[3.2] From the .c file, you know which is the corresponding .d file.
[3.3] Look into .d files to find out all the included .h files.
[3.4] Form a complete .c and .h file list.
[4] Now create a new dir, and use "ln -s" or "ln" to pick files of interest.
Now, create a Netbeans project for existing source code in the [4].
Configure code assistance to use make-log file. You should see
exactly the effective source code as when you build it at [2].
Some explanations to the above steps:
At [2], do a real build so the log file contains the exact files and flags of interest.
Later netbeans will be able to use the exact flags to parse.
At [4], pick only the files you want to see. Incorporating the whole kernel tree into netbeans will be unpractical.
There is a trick to parsing .d files: Many of the depended items are not real paths to a .h file, they are a modified entry for part of the linux config sections in the auto config file. You may need to reverse the modification to figure out which is the real header file.
Actually there is a topic on netbeans site. This is the discussion url: . And there is a wiki page linked from the discussion: . Basically it asks you to prefix make with CFLAGS="-g3 -gdwarf-2" .
I found this link very helpful in setting up proper indexing in Eclipse. It requires running a script to alter Eclipse environment to match your kernel options, in my case
$ ./include/generated/autoconf.h .
An illustrated guide to indexing the linux kernel in eclipse
