ExtJs : Container must not receive child item's click events and Process only events on container - extjs

I want to process mouse up/down events in the empty area(marked in color) which belongs to container.
As shown in the picture, container has menu bar to the left and window standard buttons to the right. Expected behavior is : click on menu items/buttons must trigger their event handlers and click on empty area(marked in color) must be processed by container to support window drag.
I tried this in container:
listeners: {
mousedown: {
fn: function() {
_mousepressed = true;
element: 'el'
mouseup: {
fn: function() {
_mousepressed = false;
element: 'el'
When clicked on menu item button, the event is first coming to container's mouseup handler and then button handler is called. Instead , I expect not to receive event in container when child items are clicked. I need clicks on empty areas in container.
Is there any extjs way to identify events on parent container and not on its chid items?


How to create ExtJS5 draggable window?

I need to create a window that will be always visible unless it is made hidden by clicking on an icon. Clicking on that icon a second time will make the window re-appear. The icon needs to be stuck at the top left corner of the window and outside of the window. I am planning to create a window without title and with two items 1: Button to hide/show and 2: the actual panel. The fiddle can be found at: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/bi7 I need to make the portion behind the button transparent. Is there a way to do that?
You would do this manually, ideally with CSS classes. The following is crude, using inline styling, but works. Add the following listeners attribute to your button
xtype: 'button',
listeners: {
click: function(){
var panel = Ext.getCmp("togglePanel");
if (panel.el.dom.style.display == "none") {
panel.el.dom.style.display = "block";
} else {
panel.el.dom.style.display = "none";
and include the id 'togglePanel to your green panel containing the slider
id: "togglePanel",
Clicking the button will show/hide your panel

Extjs controller: panel control selector overrides child's selectors

I have a panel and a grid on this panel. Both of them have a button with itemId=remove
Also have two controllers with controls like:
'panel_alias #remove' : {
click : someAction ...
'inner_grid_alias #remove' : {
click : anotherAction ...
But, when i click on grid "remove" button, "someAction" are called.
Set a different itemId for buttons is not a solution, because controls builds dynamically.

ExtJS 4 - how to hide context menu when left clicking the Ext.panel.Panel?

I have context menu on a panel (geoext 2 map panel)
This is how I init it :
var ctxMenu;
Ext.get("mapPanel-body").on("contextmenu", function (event, element) {
if (!ctxMenu) {
ctxMenu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
margin: '0 0 10 0',
items: [{ text: 'test', action: 'test'}]
return false;
What happens is that right click on the map opens the context menu ... but it stays open till I choose an item from the menu (left click outside it doesnt close it)
I'm using ExtJS 4.2.1
Why it behaves like this ?
May be the reason is , panel doesnot contain a default contextMenu event.
But you are defining a contextMenu by using the on on the panel.
For this issue you can define a click event for the panel by using the same on config and check whether the object contextMenu is present or not.
If it is present , then hide the contextMenu by using contextMenuObject.hide().

ExtJs bubble menu event

I have my ExtJs menu defined as follows. I have two custom methods added to my menu item 'hookMethod' and 'handlerMethod'. 'hookMethod' is added based upon some condition. I bubble the click event for individual menu items to the root menu.
Then checks if hook is defined then call 'hookMethod' else call the 'handlerMethod' directly. The problem that I am facing is that the click listener is called twice, once for menuitem and once for menu. Also, what is e argument. I was thinking it will be called only once for menu and I will have some way to retrieve the actual menu item being clicked in it.
xtype: "menu",
listeners: {
click: function(item, e, eopts)
if(item.hookMethod) {
else {
items: [{
xtype: "menuitem",
text: "Process Record",
bubbleEvents: ['click'],
hookMethod: function(actualMethod)
//do some pre-processing here and then call the actual handler
handlerMethod: function(args)
//Do actual processing
Ext.menu.Menu click( menu, item, e, eOpts ) event have four parameters.
First parameter is menu object itself.
Second item parameter is object of the menu item that was clicked. This parameter you can use for determine which item in menu was clicked.

Context menu within a menu item in ExtJS

I have a Menu that contains a TreePanel. The users need to be able to interact with a the TreePanel's nodes using a context menu. I'm showing the context menu from a function attached to the TreePanel's contextmenu event.
This works except:
Without allowOtherMenus: true, showing the context menu causes the main menu, and therefore the TreePanel, to disappear ;
With allowOtherMenus: true on either menu, the context menu doesn't disappear when the users clicks a blank area of the TreePanel.
I'm looking for a way to have the context menu to work as if the TreePanel were not an item within a menu.
Mockup :
I found this that seems to work on FF3/IE8/Chrome, although it could have side effects that have not shown up yet.
var hide_context_menu = function () { context_menu.hide() };
var context_menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
allowOtherMenus: true,
items: [...],
listeners: {
show: function () {
Ext.getDoc().on('mouseup', hide_context_menu);
hide: function () {
Ext.getDoc().un('mouseup', hide_context_menu);
allowOtherMenus: true prevents the hiding of the main menu by the MenuMgr when the context menu pops up. Hiding the handler to the mouseup event allows for click events to be processed.
