How to avoid #search.score from Azure Search result? - azure-cognitive-search

How to avoid #search.score from Azure Search result?
When I execute
var searchOptions = new SearchOptions
Select = { "id" },
await _searchClient.SearchAsync<object>("*", searchOptions);
each record returned has a property called #search.score
Is there a way to avoid it? I only need the id.

Based on the information provided here, I would say it is not possible to omit #search.score.
"#search.score": document_score (if a text query was provided)
Just thinking out loud, one possible way would be to have your search result return a typed model instead of a generic object. So you could create a class called MyDocument that has one public property called id.
When you do something like:
await _searchClient.SearchAsync<MyDocument>("*", searchOptions);
You will get a collection of MyDocument objects which will only have id property.


Why does "Microsoft.Graph.User.AdditionalData" property contain manager information?

Within the Microsoft.Graph.User object there is a field called "AdditionalData".
It seems this can hold many values, from telling if a record is a delta record to storing manager information.
In this instance, it holds information on a users manager.
It looks like it can hold multiple records however, so I am asking what is the best way to get data from this property, to ensure I get all values it might have.
I am also unsure why manager information is in the AdditionalData property and not in the Manager property.
Yes you are correct AdditionalData may hold multiple record,You can add additionalData to your user that can hold any information based on your customization.
you can add the multiple value to additionalData using Openxtension
Trick is to add the extensions like this
extension = new OpenTypeExtension
ExtensionName = AzureADExtensions.UserConstants.ExtensionName,
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"OtherEmail", externalUser.Email},
{"OtherRole" , externalUser.Roles.FirstOrDefault()}
await _graphClient.Users[user.Id].Extensions.Request()
And then retrieve them like this.
user = await _graphClient
// Note : you should be able to expand this on original request, but fails for me.
var extensions = await _graphClient.Users[user.Id].Extensions.Request().GetAsync();
user.Extensions = extensions;
Reference : Azure AD GraphServiceClient can't set AdditionalData against User
The "Additional Data" property only holds manager info if we do a delta query, if we do a regular query, we have to use extended properties to get the manager.
We are avoiding delta query for the moment in the interests of time but might come back to it at another point.
Thanks all.

query by object value inside array on firebase firestore [duplicate]

This is my structure of the firestore database:
Expected result: to get all the jobs, where in the experience array, the lang value is "Swift".
So as per this I should get first 2 documents. 3rd document does not have experience "Swift".
Query jobs = db.collection("Jobs").whereArrayContains("experience.lang","Swift");
jobs.get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) {
//Always the queryDocumentSnapshots size is 0
Tried most of the answers but none worked out. Is there any way to query data in this structure? The docs only available for normal array. Not available for array of custom object.
Actually it is possible to perform such a query when having a database structure like yours. I have replicated your schema and here are document1, document2, and document3.
Note that you cannot query using partial (incomplete) data. You are using only the lang property to query, which is not correct. You should use an object that contains both properties, lang and years.
Seeing your screenshot, at first glance, the experience array is a list of HashMap objects. But here comes the nicest part, that list can be simply mapped into a list of custom objects. Let's try to map each object from the array to an object of type Experience. The model contains only two properties:
public class Experience {
public String lang, years;
public Experience() {}
public Experience(String lang, String years) {
this.lang = lang;
this.years = years;
I don't know how you named the class that represents a document, but I named it simply Job. To keep it simple, I have only used two properties:
public class Job {
public String name;
public List<Experience> experience;
//Other prooerties
public Job() {}
Now, to perform a search for all documents that contain in the array an object with the lang set to Swift, please follow the next steps. First, create a new object of the Experience class:
Experience firstExperience = new Experience("Swift", "1");
Now you can query like so:
CollectionReference jobsRef = rootRef.collection("Jobs");
jobsRef.whereArrayContains("experience", firstExperience).get().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
for (QueryDocumentSnapshot document : task.getResult()) {
Job job = document.toObject(Job.class);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, task.getException().getMessage());
The result in the logcat will be the name of document1 and document2:
And this is because only those two documents contain in the array an object where the lang is set to Swift.
You can also achieve the same result when using a Map:
Map<String, Object> firstExperience = new HashMap<>();
firstExperience.put("lang", "Swift");
firstExperience.put("years", "1");
So there is no need to duplicate data in this use-case. I have also written an article on the same topic
How to map an array of objects from Cloud Firestore to a List of objects?
In your approach it provides the result only if expreience is "1" and lang is "Swift" right?
That's correct, it only searches for one element. However, if you need to query for more than that:
Experience firstExperience = new Experience("Swift", "1");
Experience secondExperience = new Experience("Swift", "4");
//Up to ten
We use another approach, which is actually very simple. I'm talking about Query's whereArrayContainsAny() method:
Creates and returns a new Query with the additional filter that documents must contain the specified field, the value must be an array, and that the array must contain at least one value from the provided list.
And in code should look like this:
jobsRef.whereArrayContainsAny("experience", Arrays.asList(firstExperience, secondExperience)).get().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
for (QueryDocumentSnapshot document : task.getResult()) {
Job job = document.toObject(Job.class);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, task.getException().getMessage());
The result in the logcat will be:
And this is because all three documents contain one or the other object.
Why am I talking about duplicating data in a document it's because the documents have limits. So there are some limits when it comes to how much data you can put into a document. According to the official documentation regarding usage and limits:
Maximum size for a document: 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes)
As you can see, you are limited to 1 MiB total of data in a single document. So storing duplicated data will only increase the change to reach the limit.
If i send null data of "exprience" and "swift" as "lang" will it be queried?
No, will not work.
whereArrayContainsAny() method works with max 10 objects. If you have 30, then you should save each query.get() of 10 objects into a Task object and then pass them one by one to the to the Tasks's whenAllSuccess(Task... tasks).
You can also pass them directly as a list to Tasks's whenAllSuccess(Collection> tasks) method.
With your current document structure, it's not possible to perform the query you want. Firestore does not allow queries for individual fields of objects in list fields.
What you would have to do is create an additional field in your document that is queryable. For example, you could create a list field with only the list of string languages that are part of the document. With this, you could use an array-contains query to find the documents where a language is mentioned at least once.
For the document shown in your screenshot, you would have a list field called "languages" with values ["Swift", "Kotlin"].

How do I get info from lookup in salesforce query

I have a custom salesforce object Installation__c and it has a custom field Product__c which is a lookup to a custom object Product__c I am trying to get the fields from the child object using these query:
public with sharing class InstallationController {
public static List<Installation__c> getItems() {
// Perform isAccessible() checking first, then
return [SELECT Id, Name, Installation_Display_Name__c, Product__c, Status__c, (SELECT Product__c.Name FROM Product__c) FROM Installation__c];
I get the error:
Didn't understand relationship 'Product__c' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
I have tried changing the Query to
FROM Product__rand FROM Product__c__r but neither seems to work, how do I fix my query?
If you're traversing up or down a relationship hierarchy, the __c suffix becomes __r (r for 'relationship') until you finally get to the field that you're looking for (which still ends in __c if it's a custom field). So in your case, it will be
public with sharing class InstallationController {
public static List<Installation__c> getItems() {
// Perform isAccessible() checking first, then
return [SELECT Id, Name, Installation_Display_Name__c, Product__r.Name, Status__c FROM Installation__c];
So, the change here is, for the relationship you have to use Product__r.Name
Click into the relationship on the object that has the look up. Copy the relationship name adding __r to it
This example would be Test_Drives__r

Getting Collection of particular Type with Hybris ModelService

I want all objects(rows in Test Type) with ModelService
So I could iterate through collection and update a Single row (object)'s attribute with new value
I see getModelService.create(TestModel.class) and
but will they not create a new object/row rather than update a existing object?right
I don't want to create a new one rather selecting one of the existing matching my criteria and update one attribute of that
can somebody help with List<TestModel> testModels = getModelService.get(TestModel.class) will that return me all rows (collection) of Test Type/Table?
unfortunately I can't test it so need help
Actually I am in validateInterceptor ... and on the basis of this intercepted model changed attribute value I have to update another model attribute value...
ModelService.create(new TestModel.class) will create a single instance of the specified type and attach it to the modelservice's context.
But it will only be saved to the persistence store when you call
ModelService.get() returns a model object but expects a Jalo object as input, (Jalo being the legacy persistence layer of hybris) so that won't work for you.
To retrieve objects you can either write your own queries using the FlexibleSearchService or you can have a look at the DefaultGenericDao which has a bunch of simple find() type of methods.
Typically you would inject the dao like e.g.:
private GenericDao<TestModel> dao;
public void myMethod()
List<TestModel> allTestModels = dao.find();
There are a lot more methods with which you can create WHERE type of statements to restrict your result.
Regarding ValidateInterceptor:
Have a look at the wiki page for the lifecycle of interceptors:
It's not a good idea to modify 'all' objects of a type while being an interceptor of that type.
So if you're in an interceptor declared for the Test item type, then don't try to modify the items there.
If you happen to be in a different interceptor and want to modify items of a different type:
E.g. you have Type1 which has a list of Type2 objects in it and in the interceptor for Type1 you want to modify all Type2 objects.
For those scenarios you would have to add the instances of Type2 that you modify to the interceptor context so that those changes will be persisted.
That would be something like:
void onValidate(Test1 model, InterceptorContext ctx) throws InterceptorException
List<Type2> type2s = dao.find();
for (Type2 type2 : type2s)
// do something with it
// then make sure to persist that change
ctx.registerElementFor(type2, PersistenceOperation.SAVE);
First of all - i think it's not a good idea, to create/update models in any interceptor, especially in 'validation' one.
Regarding your question:
ModelService in most of the cases works with single model, and
designed for create/update/delete operations.
To retreive all models of certain type, you have to use FlexibleSearchService
Then to update each retrieved TestType model, you can use ModelService's save method.
A query to retreive all TestType models will look like:
You could simply use the Flexible Search Service search by example method, and the model service to save them all. Here is an example using Groovy script, with all products :
import java.util.List
import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.model.ModelService
FlexibleSearchService fsq = spring.getBean("flexibleSearchService")
ModelService ms = spring.getBean("modelService")
ProductModel prd = ms.create(ProductModel.class)
List<ProductModel> products = fsq.getModelsByExample(prd)
//Do Whatever you want with the objects in the List

Dapper can't ignore nested objects for parameter?

I am beginning to use Dapper and love it so far. However as i venture further into complexity, i have ran into a big issue with it. The fact that you can pass an entire custom object as a parameter is great. However, when i add another custom object a a property, it no longer works as it tries to map the object as a SQL parameter. Is there any way to have it ignore custom objects that are properties of the main object being passed thru? Example below
public class CarMaker
public string Name { get; set; }
public Car Mycar { get; set; }
propery Name maps fine but property MyCar fails because it is a custom object. I will have to restructure my entire project if Dapper can't handle this which...well blows haha
Dapper extensions has a way to create custom maps, which allows you to ignore properties:
public class MyModelMapper : ClassMapper<MyModel>
public MyModelMapper()
//use a custom schema
//have a custom primary key
Map(x => x.ThePrimaryKey).Key(KeyType.Assigned);
//Use a different name property from database column
Map(x=> x.Foo).Column("Bar");
//Ignore this property entirely
Map(x=> x.SecretDataMan).Ignore();
//optional, map all other columns
Here is a link
There is a much simpler solution to this problem.
If the property MyCar is not in the database, and it is probably not, then simple remove the {get;set;} and the "property" becomes a field and is automatically ignored by DapperExtensions. If you are actually storing this information in a database and it is a multi-valued property that is not serialized into a JSON or similar format, I think you are probably asking for complexity that you don't want. There is no sql equivalent of the object "Car", and the properties in your model must map to something that sql recognizes.
If "Car" is part of a table in your database, then you can read it into the CarMaker object using Dapper's QueryMultiple.
I use it in this fashion:
dynamic reader = dbConnection.QueryMultiple("Request_s", param: new { id = id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
if (reader != null)
result = reader.Read<Models.Request>()[0] as Models.Request; = reader.Read<Models.Review>() as IEnumerable<Models.Review>;
The Request Class has a field as such:
public IEnumerable<Models.Review> reviews;
The stored procedure looks like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Request_s]
#id int = null
FROM [biospecimen].requests as bn
order by desc;
if #id is not null
FROM [biospecimen].reviews as bn
where bn.request_id = #id;
In the first read, Dapper ignores the field reviews, and in the second read, Dapper loads the information into the field. If a null set is returned, Dapper will load the field with a null set just like it will load the parent class with null contents.
The second select statement then reads the collection needed to complete the object, and Dapper stores the output as shown.
I have been implementing this in my Repository classes in situations where a target parent class has several child classes that are being displayed at the same time.
This prevents multiple trips to the database.
You can also use this approach when the target class is a child class and you need information about the parent class it is related to.
