How to call useSWR after getting dynamic query params in nextjs? - reactjs

I'm new to NextJS. I'm having trouble understanding how useSWR hook works.
I have a dynamic URL like this - /compare/:id
Example: /compare/ferrari-vs-bmw
I need to check whether the router has returned id and then split the car brands and make multiple API requests for each brand info.
Here is what I tried:
if(!router.isReady) return;
let queryParam =
let brandsList = queryParam.toString().split("-vs-")
console.log('brandsList', brandsList);
}, [router.isReady]);
const getData = (brandsList) => {
console.log("Geet Data>>>", brandsList);
for (const iterator of brandsList) {
const { data, error } = useSWR(`${iterator}`, fetcher)
console.log("Data>>>", data);
console.log("error>>>", error);
I got the below error
Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.
What's the right way to make API requests after the query param is returned in NextJS?

You're not allowed to call useSWR inside of a function that's not a function component. instead, just fetch the data programmatically and then use setState (setCar1 and setCar2) to store the data.
const [car1, setCar1] = useState({})
const [car2, setCar2] = useState({})
if(!router.isReady) return;
let queryParam =
let brandsList = queryParam.toString().split("-vs-")
console.log('brandsList', brandsList);
}, [router.isReady]);
const getData = (brandsList) => {
console.log("Geet Data>>>", brandsList);
brandsList.forEach((brand, i) => {
fetcher(`${iterator}`).then((data) => {
// If you've already called data.json() in your fetcher:
if (i === 0) {
} else {
console.log("Data>>>", data);
}).catch((error) => console.log("Error>>>", error))
Or something like that.


React Native I can not store an array with AsyncStorage

I am newbie in React Native and I am trying to store and get an array with AsyncStorage in ReactNative.
I have two problems.
First, I do not know why but when I storage data, it only works the second time but I am calling first the set of useState.
const handleAddTask = () => {
setTaskItems([...taskItems, task]);
Second, how can I call the getData function to get all the data and show it? Are there something like .onInit, .onInitialize... in ReactNative? Here is my full code
const [task, setTask] = useState();
const [taskItems, setTaskItems] = useState([]);
const handleAddTask = () => {
setTaskItems([...taskItems, task]);
const completeTask = (index) => {
var itemsCopy = [...taskItems];
itemsCopy.splice(index, 1);
const storeData = async (value) => {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#tasks', JSON.stringify(value))
console.log('store', JSON.stringify(taskItems));
} catch (e) {
const getData = async () => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#tasks')
if(value !== null) {
console.log('get', JSON.parse(value));
} catch(e) {
console.log('error get');
Updating state in React is not super intuitive. It's not asynchronous, and can't be awaited. However, it's not done immediately, either - it gets put into a queue which React optimizes according to its own spec.
That's why BYIRINGIRO Emmanuel's answer is correct, and is the easiest way to work with state inside functions. If you have a state update you need to pass to more than one place, set it to a variable inside your function, and use that.
If you need to react to state updates inside your component, use the useEffect hook, and add the state variable to its dependency array. The function in your useEffect will then run whenever the state variable changes.
Even if you're update state setTaskItems([...taskItems, task]) before save new data in local storage, storeData(taskItems) executed before state updated and save old state data.
Refactor handleAddTask as below.
const handleAddTask = () => {
const newTaskItems = [...taskItems, task]

How to return a request function from useQuery in react-query

I have a React hook that returns a request functions that call an API
It has the following code:
export const useGetFakeData = () => {
const returnFakeData = () =>
fetch('').then(data => console.log('Data arrived: ', data))
return returnFakeData
And then I use this hook in component something like this
const getFakeData = useGetFakeData()
useEffect(() => getFakeData(), [getFakeData])
How to achieve this effect in react-query when we need to return a request function from custom hook?
Thanks for any advice!
Digging in docs, I find out that React-Query in useQuery hook provide a refetch() function.
In my case, I just set property enabled to false (just so that the function when mount is not called automatically), and just return a request-function like this
export const useGetFakeData = () => {
const { refetch } = useQuery<void, Error, any>({
queryFn: () =>
fetch('').then(data => console.log('Data arrived: ', data)),
queryKey: 'fake-data',
enabled: false,
return refetch
You can use useMutation hook if you want to request the data using the imperative way. The data returned from the hook is the latest resolved value of the mutation call:
const [mutate, { data, error }] = useMutation(handlefunction);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I think you are just looking for the standard react-query behaviour, which is to fire off a request when the component mounts (unless you disable the query). In your example, that would just be:
export const useGetFakeData = () =>
useQuery('fakeData', () => fetch(''))
const { data } = useGetFakeData()
Please be advised that this is just a bare minimal example:
if you have dependencies to your fetch, they should go into the query key
for proper error handling with fetch, you'll have to transform the result to a failed Promise

In React, fetch data conditional on results of an initial fetch

We have written a custom data fetching hook useInternalApi which is similar to the useDataApi hook at the very bottom of this fairly decent tutorial on data fetching with react hooks. Our app fetches a lot of sports data, and in particular, we are trying to figure out the right data-fetching pattern for our use case, which is fairly simple:
Fetch general info for a specific entity (an NCAA conference, for example)
Use info returned with that entity (an array of team IDs for teams in the specific conference), and fetch info on each team in the array.
For this, our code would then look something like this:
import `useInternalApi` from '../path-to-hooks/useInternalApi';
// import React... and other stuff
function ComponentThatWantsTeamInfo({ conferenceId }) {
// use data fetching hook
const [conferenceInfo, isLoading1, isError1] = useInternalApi('conferenceInfo', { conferenceId: conferenceId })
// once conferenceInfo loads, then load info from all teams in the conference
if (conferenceInfo && conferenceInfo.teamsArray) {
const [teamInfos, isLoading2, isError2] = useInternalApi('teamInfo', { teamIds: conferenceInfo.teamIds })
In the example above, conferenceId is an integer, teamIds is an array of integers, and the combination of the 2 parameters to the useInternalApi function create a unique endpoint url to fetch data from. The two main problems with this currently are:
Our useInternalApi hook is called in an if statement, which is not allowed per #1 rule of hooks.
useInternalApi is currently built to only make a single fetch, to a specific endpoint. Currently, it cannot handle an array of teamIds like above.
What is the correct data-fetching pattern for this? Ideally, teamInfos would be an object where each key is the teamId for one of the teams in the conference. In particular, is it better to:
Create a new internal hook that can handle an array of teamIds, will make the 10 - 20 fetches (or as many as needed based on the length of the teamsArray), and will use Promise.all() to return the results all-together.
Keep the useInternalApi hook as is, and simply call it 10 - 20 times, once for each team.
I'm not sure if the underlying code to useInternalApi is needed to answer this question. I try to avoid creating very long posts, but in this instance perhaps that code is important:
const useInternalApi = (endpoint, config) => {
// Set Data-Fetching State
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
// Use in lieu of useEffect
useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
// Token/Source should be created before "fetchData"
let source = axios.CancelToken.source();
let isMounted = true;
// Create Function that makes Axios requests
const fetchData = async () => {
// Set States + Try To Fetch
try {
const url = createUrl(endpoint, config);
const result = await axios.get(url, { cancelToken: source.token });
if (isMounted) {
} catch (error) {
if (isMounted) {
} finally {
if (isMounted) {
// Call Function
// Cancel Request / Prevent State Updates (Memory Leaks) in cleanup function
return () => {
isMounted = false; // set to false to prevent state updates / memory leaks
source.cancel(); // and cancel the http request as well because why not
}, [endpoint, config]);
// Return as length-3 array
return [data, isLoading, isError];
In my opinion, if you need to use a hook conditionally, you should use that hook inside of a separate component and then conditionally render that component.
My understanding, correct me if I'm wrong, is that the initial API call returns an array of ids and you need to fetch the data for each team based on that id?
Here is how I'd do something of that sorts.
import `useInternalApi` from '../path-to-hooks/useInternalApi';
// import React... and other stuff
function ComponentThatDisplaysASpecificTeam(props){
const teamId = props.teamId;
const [teamInfo] = useInternalApi('teamInfo', { teamId });
if(! teamInfo){
return <p>Loading...</p>
return <p>do something with teamInfo...</p>
function ComponentThatWantsTeamInfo({ conferenceId }) {
// use data fetching hook
const [conferenceInfo, isLoading1, isError1] = useInternalApi('conferenceInfo', { conferenceId: conferenceId })
if (! conferenceInfo || ! conferenceInfo.teamsArray) {
return <p>this is either a loading or an error, you probably know better than me.</p>
// Let the data for each team be handled by its own component. This also lets you not have to use Promise.all
return (
{ => (
<ComponentThatDisplaysASpecificTeam teamId={teamId} />

react promise in functional component with UseEffect and UseState doesn't work

I'm having issue fetching data and setting them to state in a functional component using useEffect and useState.
My problem is that I would like to keep the data fetching done with axios async/await in a separate file for improving application scalability but then I don't understand how to update the state in case the promise is resolved (not rejected).
In particular I'm trying to retrieve from the promise an array of table rows called data in state, but I can't figure out how to set the result of the responce in the state
Here's the code in the component file:
const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const { id } = props.match.params;
props.getTableRows(id).then((res) => {
//or is it better:
//props.getTableRows(id).then(setData); ?
}, []);
and my action.js:
export const getTableRows = (id, history) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const res = await axios.get(`/api/test/${id}`);
type: GET_TEST,
} catch (error) {
In the above picture it can be seen that the rows array inside the promise response called in action.js is present.
This code unfortunately doesn't work, error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
I've found out another solution which is the define the promise in the useEffect method like this:
useEffect(() => {
const { id } = props.match.params;
const fetchData = async () => {
const result = await axios.get(`/api/test/${id}`);
}, []);
this code is working in my app but as I said I don't like having the promises in the components files I would like instead to have them all the promise in action.js for app scalability (in case url change I don't have to change all files) but in that case I don't know where to put the setData(; which seems the right choise in this last example
Any suggestions?
You still need to use async/await. The .then() is executed when the value is returned, however your function will continue rendering and won't wait for it. (causing it to error our by trying to access forEach on a null state). After it errors the promise via .then() will update the values and that is why you can see them in the console.
useEffect(() => {
async function getData() {
const { id } = props.match.params;
await props.getTableRows(id).then((res) => {
}, []);
Additionally, before you access a state you can check for null values (good practice in general).
if (this.state.somestate != null) {
//Run code using this.state.somestate
I don't see you return anything from getTableRows. You just dispatch the result, but hadn't return the res for the function call.
And it will be helpful if you provided error trace.

React Component gets unmounted and i don't know why

I'm a completely new to the whole react world but I'm trying to develop a SPA with a integrated calendar. I'm using react-router for routing, react-big-calendar for the calendar, axios for my API calls and webpack.
Whenever I'm loading my Calender Component it gets mounted and unmounted several times and I think that causes my API call to never actually get any data. I just can't figure out what is causing this.
The Code:
useEffect(() => {
console.log("mounting Calendar")
let source = Axios.CancelToken.source()
if(!initialized) {
console.log("getting Data")
return () => {
console.log("unmounting Calendar")
const getCalendarEvents = async source => {
try {
const response = await getCalendar({cancelToken: source.token})
const evts = => {
return {
} catch (error) {
console.log("caught cancel")
console.log(Object.keys(error), error.message)
This is the result when i render the component:
Console log
If you need any more code to assess the problem, I will post it.
I appreciate any kind of input to solve my problem.
Thank you
Its because of the useEffect. If you want it to run just once on mount you need to pass an empty array as a dependency like so :
useEffect(() => {
console.log("mounting Calendar")
let source = Axios.CancelToken.source()
if(!initialized) {
console.log("getting Data")
return () => {
console.log("unmounting Calendar")
This means it will only run once. If there is some state or prop you would like to keep a watch on you could pass that in the array. What this means is that useEffect will watch for changes for whatever is passed in its dependency array and rerun if it detects a change. If its empty it will just run on mount.
