I have finished completing the code for my bot from a tutorial on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN29HIaoHLU
Here is the entire code on replt.it: https://replit.com/#TylerLanier/Comusity-Bot#slash/info.js:6:4
And I am getting this error: TypeError: (intermediate value).setname is not a function at "..."
Here is the code at slash/info.js:
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Displays info about the currently playing song"),
run: async ({client, interaction}) => {
const queue = client.player.getQueue(interaction.guildId)
return await interaction.editReply("There are no songs in the queue")
let bar = queue.createProgressBar({
queue: false,
length: 19
const song = queue.current
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [
new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`Currently Playing [${song.title}](${song.url})\n\n` + bar)
The reason behind the error is a capitalisation mistake when you use .setname(). It needs to be .setName() with a capital N. This is why you need to go through your code just to check the spelling of each function and variable you call. You will also have to change this incorrect spelling in every command except the play command as in each file, you are using .setname()
i was trying to create a new slash command, i use a folder called commands and i require every file in that folder to register it
this is the command file:
const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder, Client, CommandInteraction, CommandInteractionOptionResolver } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
name: "ping",
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
async do(client, interaction, options) {
const check = await interaction.reply({content: "Pinging...", fetchReply: true});
const latency = check.createdTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp;
const pingEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(":ping_pong: Pong!")
{name: "Bot Latency", value: `${latency}ms`, inline: true},
{name: "API Latency", value: `${client.ws.ping}ms`, inline: true});
await interaction.editReply({content: "", embeds: [pingEmbed]});
when i try to load it i keep getting an Expected a string primitive error
i was expecting it to register the command successfully, but instead it keeps giving me an error, i tried everything on the guide what it said
The issue is very simple and straightforward and if you would have reviewed the discord.js documentation, you would have known that slash commands need to have a description to register.
Therefore, add a .setDescription() below your .setName method and give it a description before trying again.
Newbie here. I am trying to get a slash command to send an embed with the amount of time it took between the initial message and the message response time. I am getting TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'createdTimestamp') and Error [INTERACTION_ALREADY_REPLIED]: The reply to this interaction has already been sent or deferred. I've jumped around looking at others code trying to find a way to make this work but slash command handling still doesn't make a lot of sense to me. My code block is below. I followed along with https://discordjs.guide so if you have any other suggestions with structure feel free to comment them below. Thank you!
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('#discordjs/builders');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Replies with Pong!'),
async execute(interaction) {
await interaction.reply("Pinging bot...").then (async (msg) =>{
const exampleEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Pong! :ping_pong:')
.addField("Time taken: ", `${msg.createdTimestamp - message.createdTimestamp}`)
interaction.editReply({ embeds: [exampleEmbed] });
first you need to fetch the reply you send, u can use fetchReply to get the interaction reply. instead of replying with "Pinging bot..." you can defer the reply and then use the createdTimestamp. A basic example of a ping command would be
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('#discordjs/builders');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Replies with Pong!'),
async execute(interaction) {
const sent = await interaction.reply({ content: 'Pinging...', fetchReply: true });
await interaction.editReply(`:ping_pong: Pong!\n:stopwatch: Uptime: ${Math.round(interaction.client.uptime / 60000)} minutes\n:sparkling_heart: Websocket heartbeat: ${interaction.client.ws.ping}ms.\n:round_pushpin: Rountrip Latency: ${sent.createdTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp}ms`);
You can customize the response into an embed or however you like. The djs guide has a section on ping command here
I'm a very noob coder so I followed a tutorial to do most of this. I'm having an issue where a command used for my bot returns a number into the console instead of sending the message into the Discord channel. I noticed that "channel" in message.channel.send is a different color from the working blocks that did send messages. Here's a screenshot of that.
Also, client and args are said to be undeclared despite already being declared at the start. It seems like the module.exports isn't using any variables I declared before the if statement, so that might be causing the problem? Thanks folks.
name: "quiz",
description: "Test your knowledge about the Terrans.",
category: "Trivia",
run: async(client, message, args)=>{
let q = questions[Math.floor(Math.random()*(questions.length))];
let i = 0;
const Embed = new MessageEmbed()
return `${i} - ${opt}\n`
embed.setFooter({text: "Reply with the number of the choice. You have 15 seconds."})
let msgs = await message.channel.awaitMessages(u2=>u2.author.id===message.author.id, {time: 15000, max: 1, errors: ["time"]})
return message.channel.send(`Right on target.`)
return message.channel.send(`You\'re off the mark.`)
return message.channel.send(`Too slow!`)
On the lines 75, 77 and 80, you're sending the messages as a string. This would work in discord.js v12 but as you have to send objects now, you should be using message.channel.send({content: 'Your message here'});. Also don't understand why you are using the module.exports inside a command (check the screenshot to understand what I mean) as you only do that if you're using multiple files. You should only keep the code inside the run: function(bot, message, args) and remove everything from module.exports around it so you only have the following left:
let q = questions[Math.floor(Math.random()*(questions.length))];
let i = 0;
const Embed = new MessageEmbed()
return `${i} - ${opt}\n`
embed.setFooter({text: "Reply with the number of the choice. You have 15 seconds."})
let msgs = await message.channel.awaitMessages(u2=>u2.author.id===message.author.id, {time: 15000, max: 1, errors: ["time"]})
return message.channel.send({content: `Right on target.`})
return message.channel.send(`You\'re off the mark.`)
return message.channel.send({content: `Too slow!`})
Also I don't understand why you are using a map function inside the setDescription function as it returns an Array and you need to use a string.
I made a music bot, but I'm looking to turn this into interactions, but I'm having a problem calling the play function.
With "message" it works, but with "interaction" it doesn't. I tried to pass on some information, I searched but I couldn't.
I even found a different way, but it didn't work.
The error returned is this:
DisTubeError [INVALID_TYPE]: Expected 'Discord.Message' for 'message', but got undefined (undefined)
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('#discordjs/builders');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Play a song!')
.addStringOption(option => option.setName('song').setDescription('Enter name of the music.')),
async execute (interaction, client){
// if(!interaction.member.voice.channel) return interaction.reply("Please, join a voice channel!");
const music = interaction.options.getString('song');
if(!music) return interaction.reply("Please, provide a song!");
await client.distube.play(interaction, music);
// await client.distube.playVoiceChannel(
// interaction.member.voice.channel,
// music,
// {
// textChannel: interaction.channel,
// member: interaction.member
// }
// );
DisTube, at the time of this question being posted, doesn't support slash commands, and it looks like the creator doesn't have any plans on supporting it officially. As a workaround, you can use the Distube#playVoiceChannel method instead of the Distube#play method, like so:
await client.distube.playVoiceChannel(interaction.member.voice.channel, music);
But before you do any of that, it looks like interaction is undefined - that's probably a problem with your command handler, so look there.
Edit: Also docs for Distube#playVoiceChannel if you're interested
I'm new to working with discord bot and decided to try it out, to start I just wanted to make the bot send an attachment (image, video, etc) when for example, "sendpicture" is written in chat.
I've changed the code several times yet I get the same error everytime, "Attachment is not a constructor" or "Discord.Attachment is not a constructor".
My current code looks like this:
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.once(`ready`, () => {
const PREFIX = "!"
//replying with a text message
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.content === 'test1') {
//replying with attachment
client.on("message", function(message){
let args = message.content.substring(PREFIX.lenght).split(" ");
switch(args[0]) {
case "test2":
message.channel.send(new Discord.Attachment(`.a/this/bestpic.png`, `bestpic.png`) )
.then(msg => {
Had you tried looking at the official documentation ?
I don't think you should use new Discord.Attachment(), try this instead :
switch(args[0]) {
case "test2":
files: [{
attachment: '.a/this/bestpic.png',
name: 'bestpic.png'
}).then(msg => {
Discord.Attachment() is not a thing, i believe the answer you are looking for is this :)
new Discord.MessageAttachment()
Try this code, short and simple to use.
if (message.content.toLowerCase() === 'word') { //only word, without prefix
message.channel.send({ files: ['./path_to_your_file'] })
You should try using MessageAttachment because Discord.Attachment is not a thing, then add the attachment into the files property
I would consider making the attachment a variable instead of putting it directly into the function, it is optional tho
const { MessageAttachment } = require("discord.js");
const attachment = new MessageAttachment("url", "fileName(optional)", data(optional));
message.channel.send({ files: [attachment] }).then(//code...)
Let me know if it works