How to use StoreApi in zustand - reactjs

From the docs of zustand I found that together with set and get parameters they provide an additional parameter at StateCreator, called api.
Example bellow
import create, { StateCreator } from 'zustand'
import type { Store } from './store.types'
const globalStateCreator: StateCreator<Store> = (set, get, api) => ({
...mySlice(set, get, api),
What does it stands for? What are the best practices for using it?

If you're using React, you're probably using hooks to do something like this:
const color: PaletteColor = usePaintbrush((s) => s.color);
The hooks make zustand seem more self-contained than it really is. You have a lot of control over the state.
Hooks are limited to components, but you can use the api methods bound to the store from anywhere, imperatively.
// .ts
const color: PaletteColor = usePaintbrush.getState().color[shade];
// .tsx
const color = useRef<PaletteColor>(usePaintbrush.getState().color[shade]);
useEffect(() => usePaintbrush.subscribe((s) => (color.current = s.color[shade])), [shade])
Store actions are not required to be in the store either!
// at module level
const setColor(color: PaletteColor) => usePaintbrush.setState({ color })
You're unlikely to touch the api parameter unless you're creating a middleware.
Docs cover specific example usage with the persist middleware
The persist api enables you to do numbers of interactions with the persist middleware from inside or outside a React component.
references (updated #1033):
store without actions
persist middleware api
middleware that changes store type


Redux toolkit: Exporting a custom hook from slice file to access actions instead of exporting all actions and then calling it again with dispatch?

Inside a slice file we export all the the actions from that slice. For example:
export const {signoutUser, updateProfile, authenticateUser, clearUserState} = sliceName.actions;
And then we import useDispatch and particular actions from the slice or action file based on your folder structure. For example
import {clearUserState} from './slice';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
export const Component () {
const dispatch = useDispatch(clearUserState());
//rest component body
Now instead I am exporting a custom hook from the slice file like mentioned below:
export const useUserDispatch = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const userDispatch = {
signoutUser: (data) => dispatch(signoutUser(data)),
updateProfile: (data) => dispatch(updateProfile(data)),
authenticateUser: (data) => dispatch(authenticateUser(data)),
clearUserState: () => dispatch(clearUserState())
return {userDispatch}
And then i can just import that hook and use like
const {userDispatch}=useUserDispatch();
//inside component
<button onClick={userDispatch.clearUserState()}>Dispatch Button</button>
I just wanted to know if it's something that's not recommended in terms of redux way of writing code or am I doing anything wrong, it works perfectly fine though.
There is nothing wrong with your code. and the question can not be answered to pros and cons based on my experience, redux and all other open-source packages consider base common cases which people are using in the everyday app. There might be some suggestions for improvement but not best-case explanations for every app. you can just consider following and decide yourself
You can not use them as you mentioned useUserDispatch().clearUserState()
<button onCleack={useDispatcher().clearUserState}>clear</button>
Hooks can be called conditionally so calling them as this level in the UI part might be conditionally canceled which is a really common case
every time this hook is called a hole new object is created for dispatchers
Also, useDispatch doesn't receive any argument and returns the nearest redux provider store.dispatch. see source code
Note: Redux suggests having one state for all of your apps and doesn't wrap part of your code with multiple providers.
Remember if you need this one of dispatcher (e.g. updateProfile) from some other part of the code, you may need to use this hook which is a waste of resources, or use it directly which shows a is a little bit of uncertainty and be not consistent from the other version (just a little is not a big case).
There are other options to handle these cases.
Remember what redux suggests for one provider, if you accept that you can also write your own dispatcher.
const storeDispatch = store.dispatch
// from slice file export dispatcher instead of action creator
const updateProfile = sliceName.actions.updateProfile;
export const updateProfileDispatcher = (data) => storeDispatch(updateProfile(data))
This can not only be used in your component but also can be used outside of react component inside the logic
Note: using a dispatcher outside the react is not the standard or recommended pattern and you might not want to use it.
You can also pass dispatch as the argument, something like thunk dispatcher
const updateProfile = dispatch => (data) => dispatch(updateProfile(data))
// or alongside of payload data
const updateProfile = (dispatch, data) => dispatch(updateProfile(data))
// also can set the default value of dispatch to store.dis
const updateProfile = (data, dispatch=storeDispatch) => dispatch(updateProfile(data))
// component
const dispatch = useDispatch()
<ProfileComponent onUpdate={updateProfile(dispatch)} />

How to use a react hook in an arrow function?

I'm designing an application in react native for medical use case. The idea is to record some audio and to send it to a local server. Therefore, the ip adress is defined at runtime.
Previously, I used a global const as adress (code below).
const url = '';
const checkIsServerOnline = async (): Promise<string> =>
axios.get(url, {
timeout: 5000,
Now I would like to retrieve the url from a redux (persistant) store before using the function. I tried something like that, but it didn't worked:
function CheckIsServerOnline(): AxiosPromise {
const { ipAdress } = useSelector(
(state: RootState) => state.config
return axios.get(ipAdress, {
timeout: 5000,
The error message it returned:
Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a
function component. This could happen for one of the following
You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
Do you have any idea how I would be able to retrieve the value from the redux state ?
(Apologies for the begineer question)
React hooks can be used ONLY inside of React components.
Since you are using Redux I think you should set up your URL call in the store initialization. Here's a link to redux docs about initializing state:
Once you have it in the redux state you will be able to retrieve it wherever you want thanks to mapStateToProps from redux.

React toolkit and redux-first-router

I am digging into React with Redux for a rewrite of our product.
A lot of fog around Redux was cleared by using Redux-Toolkit
Then I found that React-Router made state management messy and found a solution in redux-first-router
Now I want to combine these excellent libraries. But I think I'm doing something wrong in the configuration.
Here is the code. Starting with a sandbox example at, I changed the configureStore.js file into (for simplicity I have omitted code for the user reducer)
import { connectRoutes } from 'redux-first-router';
import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import { routePaths } from '../routes';
const { reducer: location } = connectRoutes(routePaths);
const {
middleware: routerMiddleware,
enhancer: routerEnhancer,
} = connectRoutes(routePaths, { initialDispatch: false });
export default function configureRouteStore() {
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
location: location
middleware: [...getDefaultMiddleware(), routerMiddleware],
enhancers: (defaultEnhancers) => [routerEnhancer, ...defaultEnhancers]
return store;
But now each time a change in route = Redux store is updated, I get an exception in the browser:
index.js:1 A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: `location.routesMap.PROFILE.thunk`. Value: dispatch => {
avatar: null
const avatar = `${Math.random()}`;
setTimeout(() => {
// fake async call
Take a look at the reducer(s) handling this action type: HOME.
I can see that this stems from the routes definitions if the route has a 'thunk' property defined as this: PROFILE: { path: "/profile/:username", thunk: fetchUserData },
If I change the thunk property to a serializable value (or remove it) the error is gone.
Somehow now the thunk is added to the payload of the action to update paths. What...?
What to do? OK, I can get it work with the traditional Redux setup but as I am a big fan the redux toolkit it would be sweet for me and maybe a few more people out there to make it work with the toolbox.
I'm a Redux maintainer and creator of Redux Toolkit.
Based on that error message and reading the Redux-First-Router source code, it looks like the library is indeed attempting to store thunk functions in the Redux store. This is a problem, because we specifically instruct users to never put non-serializable values like functions in state or actions.
By default, Redux Toolkit adds a "serializable state invariant middleware" that warns you if non-serializable values are detected in state or actions, to help you avoid accidentally making this mistake.
It is possible to pass some options to getDefaultMiddleware() to customize the behavior of these middlewares. There is currently an ignoredActions option, but I don't think we have an option to ignore specific sections of the state tree. The included redux-immutable-state-invariant middleware does have an ignore option for portions of the state, so perhaps we could add that approach.
I've added to see if we can add an option like that.
In the meantime, you could potentially turn off the middleware by calling getDefaultMiddleware({serializableCheck: false}).
I've just published Redux Toolkit v1.2.3, which adds an ignoredPaths option to the serializability check middleware to allow ignoring specific keypaths within the state.
Again, please note that this is purely an escape hatch to work around misbehaving libraries, and should not be used as a regular approach.

Is it possible to create a React Hook factory function?

I have a React app that relies heavily on redux, react-redux, and redux-saga. I'm starting to experiment with React Hooks, and the useSelector and useDispatch hooks in react-redux, and I've run into an issue with how to essentially write a factory function to generate hooks for each of my redux nodes.
In general, I have a redux node for each API endpoint my app consumes. There are about 100 unique endpoints in this app, and so there are about 100 redux nodes. Each of those nodes then corresponds to one state-[node].js file, like state-users.js, etc. Those state files each encapsulate the endpoint they should call, trigger sagas to handle the HTTP lifecycle (start, fail, success, etc), and so on.
Over time, I've written code that abstracts much of the boilerplate away into utility functions, including functions that auto generate action creators, selectors, reducers, and the connect function. It's a bunch of code, and somewhat convoluted, but the gist looks something like this. First, I set up an array of objects describing actions that are possible for this redux node. A simplified version looks like this:
const messages = [
{ action: 'GET', creator: 'get', connect: true },
{ action: 'POST', creator: 'post', connect: true },
{ action: 'CLEAR', creator: 'clear', connect: true },
This describes that there will be three actions, get , post, and clear, and that they should be exposed in the connector. I have a set of common reducers (e.g. most get reducers are identical across nodes), so those are assumed here based on name.
Then I set up a list of selectors, like this:
const selectorKeys = ['data','pending','errors'];
...and then I have a factory function that I feed these arrays into, which looks something like this:
const { connector } = stateGenerators({
keyword: 'users', //redux node keyword
messages: messages,
selectorKeys: selectorKeys
This is a simplified version of how everything really works, but it's the crux of it. Again, all of the above code is abstracted into a state file, like state-users.js.
Then, in my class component, I just need to import the connector from state-users.js, like this:
import { connector } from 'state-users';
class Users extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render () {
const { data } = this.props;
return (
export connector()(Users)
This model does get clunky at times, but the nice part is that nearly all of the redux boilerplate is abstracted into common files, so my individual state files are, for the most part, really simple.
Now, to the question: is it possible to do something like this "factory function" approach with Hooks? So far in my experimenting I have not figured out how to do this. There are two fundamental issues:
First, you can't put hooks in loops, so I can't do this:
const selectors = {}
const reduxNodeKeyword = 'users';
['data','pending','errors'].map((selectorKey) => {
selectors[selectorKey] = useSelector((state) => state[keyword].selectorKey);
That code results in this error:
React hook "useSelector" cannot be called inside of a callback.
In practice, that means I can't just pass in an array of selector keys I'd like and then have it spit back my selectors.
Second, you can't put hooks inside conditionals. So since the first idea failed, I tried a different approach in my factory function, which looks something like this:
if (_.includes(stateSelectors, 'data')) {
result['data'] = useSelector((state) => state[keyword].data);
That results in this error:
React hook "useSelector" is called conditionally. React Hooks must be called in the exact same order in every component render
So that's also a bummer. But I think what I'm left with is that for each of my 100 Redux nodes, I would have to write a custom, and verbose, hook to more or less replicate connect.
I know, I know, hooks should encourage me to think differently, but I still need to fetch data from the server and provide it to components, and I need to follow that same basic pattern 100 times. Even if hooks makes my components more elegant (as I expect it would), the thought of writing 100 or so hooks out by hand, each with a fair amount of repeated data, rather than somehow auto-creating them using some sort of factory approach, gives me hives.
Not sure if this will be useful for others, but I found an approach that works for me. I can't put hooks in iterators, nor in if statements, but I do have common patterns all over the place. So the answer was to abstract those common patterns into generic hooks. For example, I have a hook called useCommonReduxListSelectors, which looks like this:
export const useReduxListCommonSelectors = (keyword: string) => {
return {
data: useSelector((state: any) => state[keyword].data),
errorMessage: useSelector((state: any) => state[keyword].errorMessage),
filters: useSelector((state: any) => state[keyword].filters),
pending: useSelector((state: any) => state[keyword].pending),
totalCount: useSelector((state: any) => state[keyword].totalCount)
I have lots of Redux state nodes that are responsible for handling lists returned from an API, and the data shape of most of those list endpoints is what you see above. So then the hook that a component would invoke uses useReduxListCommonSelectors, like this:
export const useReduxState = ({ id, defaultValues }) => {
const selectors = useReduxListCommonSelectors({
return {
And then obviously useReduxState can have any other data in there (actionCreators, custom selectors, etc) that is required by that node. So it allows me to abstract the most common patterns into reusable hooks, and also have the flexibility to add custom code to each useReduxState instance as needed.

Using Redux with models

I've started using Redux with React and I absolutely love it. However, the problem I'm having currently is that besides state, I also have more information I need to store/use throughout my application.
In this specific case I have a model with state that's fetched from an API. This model also has some info about itself, e.g. how you display a property on the screen "name" => "Name of the blabla". I understand how to work with state using Redux, but I'm have trouble seeing what do with this other info that I still need propagated throughout the application but is not actually state.
According to Redux, the State is the only "source of truth". And it should not have duplication (which would lead to inconsistencies).
So your state should store the name, but not the computed label property.
Indeed, "Name of the blabla" is a function (in the mathematical sense) of your Name value, and if they differ (for example, if at some point name === 'foo' but the label is 'Name of the bar' instead of 'Name of the foo'), then you have a problem...
So what I would do, is just store the minimum in your state (name in that case), and compute the label directly in the Component, where you need it.
If you need that to be re-used, then create a Component that only does take your name as a prop, and render a string with "Name of the blablaba" (if name = blabla I suppose).
If you need more complex computation (say you have multiple labels, date calculations etc.), you can always create a function that takes your State in input, and spit out your "Model" in output with everything calculated.
Redux is very functional in nature, so you might as well embrace it :)
I know I'm kind of late to the party but I thought someone might use the answer. What has work for me this far after working with React for some years now is to have a structure that is sort of like this:
State: which sets the structure (or 'schemas') of my data.
Actions: make changes to this state. These actions can handle sync or async operations.
Sagas: they handle async actions.
Selectors: they handle the structure of the data that I need for the view/for the API.
Constants: other data that won't change through time and that makes no sense to add to my state.
So having said that the flow of my apps is something like this:
An ACTION is dispatched => If that action is async a SAGA is listening and it performs the fetch operation => This saga saves updates to the STATE => [React components layer from now on] => If my view needs the data from my state in a different format for whatever reason I send it through a SELECTOR which will change that format => Then I attach this new parsed data to my container component.
An other flow could be one in which you need static data that is not in your state. In that cause I would save it in an object in a separate file and would import it to my container component directly (I never import anything in my children/presentational components directly. Only other components. The data is handled in a separate layer than the components).
A third kind of flow I can think of right now is when you need to make a POST to your API and for whatever reason the data in your state needs some parsing before doing so. In that case I would do the same that in the first example but the other way around: dispatch an ACTION => that is handled by a SAGA => before doing the fetch I would bring my data already structured for my POST (sagas has a method called select to help you use selectors here) => then I would perform the async operation => update the state accordingly.
Just in case you don't know what I mean by selectors or sagas some links here:
I think models are as necessary for a Redux based app as for any other system.
Models are the vocabulary of a system. Models bring sanity to the codebase. Without them a codebase looks like a series of insane distorted thoughts.
You can use state functions to fill in the need of models in ReactJS+Redux apps.
Just like models hold data and methods, these objects hold only the functions that can be applied to state.
Read here :
Here is the famous Redux TODO app example with state functions :
todo_reducer.js :
import TODO from './todo_state';
const todoListReducer = (state=TODO.initialState(), action)=>{
case 'ADD_TODO' :
return TODO.addTask(state, action.taskName);
return TODO.setFinished(state, action.taskID );
return TODO.setPending(state, action.taskID );
default :
return state;
export default todoListReducer;
todo-state.js :
export default {
initialState: () => [],
addTask: (todoList, name)=> todoList.concat({id: todoList.length, name: name}),
setFinished: (todoList, taskId) => (> === taskId ? {...task, complete: true} : task)
setPending: (todoList, taskId) => (> === taskId ? {...task, complete: false} : task)
pending: todoList=> todoList.filter(task=> !task.complete)
I also use these state functions in component, if component need some manipulation of state.
todo_list.js :
import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import TODO from './todo_state';
const TodoList = ({tasks, showCompletedTasks, toggleTodo})=> {
const toListElement = (task) => (
<li key={}>
<input type="checkbox" checked={task.complete} onChange={(e)=> toggleTodo(task)}/>
<label>{} {task.complete ? "Complete" : "Pending"}</label>
const visibleTaskList =
(showCompletedTasks ? tasks
: TODO.pending(tasks)).map(toListElement);
return (
<ul className="todo-list">
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TodoList);
Use Reselect
Reselect is a simple library that sits in your app. It's primary function is to aggregate data from your redux store.
Create a reselect function
Taken from
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
// selector
const getBar = (state) =>
// reselect function
export const getBarState = createSelector(
[ getBar ],
(bar) => bar
The idea is that you connect your component with redux-connect or map state to props but instead of using the store directly you pass the store to a selector. This selector will have a function that lets you aggregate data or transform it any way you like.
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { getBarState } from '../selectors'
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
bar: getBarState(state)
The advantage of this approach is that you can reuse a selector on any component quite easily. You manipulate your data before it ever reaches a component (Separation of concerns principal). This gives you 2 big advantages.
Firstly, your redux store can remain unpolluted with duplicate or calculated data.
Secondly, your components can be built to expect data structures that immediately make sense to them.
Reselect helps your React apps become more structured.
