count jsonb array with condition in postgres - arrays

I have a postgres database where some column data are stored as follow:
[{"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1, "children_ages": [10, 5, 2, 0.1]}]
[{"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1, "children_ages": [2.5, 1, 4]}]
i want to go over the children_ages array and to return the count of children that are above the age of 3. I am having a hard time to use the array data because it is returns as jsonb and not int array.
the first row should return 2 because there are 2 children above the age of 3. The second row should return 1 because there is 1 child above the age of 3.
I have tried the following but it didn't work:
WITH reservation AS (SELECT jsonb_array_elements(reservations.guest_composition)->'children_ages' as children_ages, charging_age FROM reservations
SELECT (CASE WHEN (reservations.charging_age IS NOT NULL AND reservation.children_ages IS NOT NULL) THEN SUM( CASE WHEN (reservation.children_ages)::int[] >=(reservations.charging_age)::int THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END) as children_to_charge

You can extract an array of all child ages using a SQL JSON path function:
select jsonb_path_query_array(r.guest_composition, '$[*].children_ages[*] ? (# > 3)')
from reservations r;
The length of that array is then the count you are looking for:
select jsonb_array_length(jsonb_path_query_array(r.guest_composition, '$[*].children_ages[*] ? (# > 3)'))
from reservations r;
It's unclear to me if charging_age is a column and could change in every row. If that is the case, you can pass a parameter to the JSON path function:
select jsonb_path_query_array(
r.guest_composition, '$[*].children_ages[*] ? (# > $age)',
jsonb_build_object('age', charging_age)
from reservations r;


modify only last value in jsonb field

I have table with jsonb field
id jsonb_t
1 [ {"x" : 1 , "y": 2} , {"x" : 2 , "y": 3} , {"x": 3, "y" : 4} ]
2 [ {"x" : 1 , "y": 3} , {"x" : 3 , "y": 3} , {"x": 8, "y" : 2} ]
3 [ {"x" : 1 , "y": 4} , {"x" : 4 , "y": 3} , {"x": 5, "y" : 9} ]
I want to modify table where id = 3 but only the last row in jsonb array of objects , it means replace e.g. "y":9 into "y":8 , and increment "x":5 by 1 to "x":6 .
I can't figure out how to do it in one step (replace and increment should be done "in place" due to thousends rows in jsonb[] array field) , thanks in advance for help .
You can use some jsonb functions such alike
SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('x', x, 'y', y))
WHEN row_number() over() = jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t) THEN
x + 1
WHEN row_number() over() = jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t) THEN
y - 1
FROM t, jsonb_to_recordset(jsonb_t) AS(x INT, y INT)
WHERE id = 3) AS j
where jsonb_to_recordset expands outermost array of objects as individual integer elements, then (in/de)crement them after determining match through use of row_number and jsonb_array_length functions, then go back to build up the jsonb value again within the main query.
Your sample data looks like the column is in fact defined as jsonb not jsonb[] and the array is a proper JSON array (not an array of jsonb values)
If that is correct, then you can use jsonb_set() to extract and modify the value of the last array element:
update the_table
set jsonb_t = jsonb_set(jsonb_t,
jsonb_t -> jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t)-1 ||
'{"y":8}' ||
jsonb_build_object('x', (jsonb_t -> jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t)-1 ->> 'x')::int + 1)
where id = 3
As documented in the manual jsonb_set() takes three parameters: the input value, the path to the value that should be changed and the new value.
The second parameter array[jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t)-1]::text[] calculates the target position in the JSON array by taking its length and subtracting one to get the last element. This integer is then converted to a text array (which is the required type for the second parameter).
The expression jsonb_t -> jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t)-1 then picks that array element and appends the '{"y":8}' which will replace the existing key/value pair with y. The expression
jsonb_build_object('x', (jsonb_t -> jsonb_array_length(jsonb_t)-1 ->> 'x')::int + 1
extracts the current value of the x key, converting it to an integer, increments it by one and builds a new JSON object with the key x that is also appended to the old value, thus replacing the existing key.
Online example

Postgresql array sum

Given an array column in a table of a PostgreSQL database containing the following:
How could I calculate the sum of all second elements of each subarray,
i.e. 4+3+5+3+5
You can try using UNNEST which expands an array to a set of rows, and filtering by the row number:
FROM UNNEST(array_column) WITH ORDINALITY a(v, n)
WHERE n % 2 = 0
) FROM your_table;
I was able to resolve my objective presented here by using jsonb array.
The jsonbArray [{"an": 4, "qid": 765}, {"an": 3, "qid": 767}, {"an": 5, "qid": 569}, {"an": 3, "qid": 567}, {"an": 5, "qid": 725}]
The query that accomplishes the objective:
WITH answers as (
(jsonbArray -> 'an')::int as an,
(jsonbArray -> 'qid')::int as qid
SELECT jsonb_array_elements(jsonbArray) AS jsonbArray
FROM user where id = 1
) AS s
group by qid, an
select sum(an) as score from answers where qid in (765,725)

Need a database for key-array storage with array specific operations like "update union" and sub-array selection

I need a database to store pairs of key - array rows like below:
===== TABLE: shoppingCart =====
user_id - product_ids
1 - [1, 2, 3, 4]
2 - [100, 200, 300, 400]
and I want to be able to update a row with new array merging to the old one while skipping duplicate values. i.e, I want operations like:
UPDATE shoppingCart SET product_ids = UNION(product_ids, [4, 5, 6]) WHERE user_id = 1
to result the first row's product_ids column to become:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
I also need operations like selecting a sub-array, e.g. :
SELECT product_ids[0:2] from shoppingCart
which should result:
any suggestions for best database for such purposes?
the arrays I need to work with are usually long (containing about 1,000 - 10,000 values of long integers ( or string version of long integers) )

Efficiently saving summable array values in RDBMs

I have a dataset where we track engagement per-percent (so 8 people are active at 38%, 7 people are active at 39%, etc.). This gives an array with 100 values, filled with integers.
I need to store this in a postgres table. The only/major requirement is that I need to be able to sum the values for each index to form a new array. Example:
Row 1: [5, 3, 5, ... 7]
Row 2: [2, 5, 3, ... 1]
Sum: [7, 8, 8, ... 8]
The naive way to save these would be 100 individual (BIG)INT columns, which would allow you to sum the values per-column over multiple rows. However, this makes the table very wide (and does not seem like the most efficient way to do it). I have looked into (BIG)INT[100] columns, but I cannot seem to find a good, native way to sum the values. Same thing with json(b) columns (with a native JSON array).
Have I overlooked something? Is there a good, efficient way to do this without completely bloating a table?
The solution using unnest() with ordinality:
with the_table(intarr) as (
(array[1, 2, 3, 4]),
(array[1, 2, 3, 4]),
(array[1, 2, 3, 4])
select array_agg(sum order by ordinality)
from (
select ordinality, sum(unnest)
from the_table,
lateral unnest(intarr) with ordinality
group by 1
) s;
(1 row)
Here is one method that seems to work:
select array_agg(sum_aval order by ind)
from (select ind, sum(aval) sum_aval
from (select id, unnest(a) as aval, generate_series(1, 3) as ind
from (values (1, array[1, 2, 3]), (2, array[3, 4, 5])) v(id, a)
) x
group by ind
) x;
That is, unnest the arrays and generate indexes for them using generate_series(). Then you can aggregate at the index level and then re-combine into an array (using two separate aggregations).

python 3 read array (list?) into new values

I have the following array, with (I think) sub lists within it:
items = [('this', 5, 'cm'), ('that', 3, 'mm'), ('other', 15, 'mm')]
I need to read it into new values for future calculations.
For example:
item1 = this
size1 = 5
unit1 = cm
item2 = that
size2 = 3
unit2 = mm
There may be more than 3 items in future arrays, so ideally some form of loop is needed?
Arrays in Python can be of 2 types - Lists & Tuples.
list is mutable (i.e. you can change the elements as & when you wish)
tuple is immutable (read only array)
list is represented by [1, 2, 3, 4]
tuple is represented by (1, 2, 3, 4)
Thus, the given array is a list of tuples!
You can nest tuples in lists but not lists in tuples.
This is more pythonic -
items = [('this', 5, 'cm'), ('that', 3, 'mm'), ('other', 15, 'mm')]
found_items = [list(item) for item in items]
for i in range(len(found_items)):
print (found_items[i])
new_value = int(input ("Enter new value: "))
for i in range(len(found_items)):
recalculated_item = new_value * found_items[i][1]
print (recalculated_item)
Output from above code (taking input as 3)
['this', 5, 'cm']
['that', 3, 'mm']
['other', 15, 'mm']
Update : Following up on this comment & this answer I've updated the above code.
Following on Ashish Nitin Patil's answer...
If there are are going to be more than three items in the future you can use the asterisk to unpack the items in the tuples.
items = [('this', 5, 'cm'), ('that', 3, 'mm'), ('other', 15, 'mm')]
for x in items:
#this 5 cm
#that 3 mm
#other 15 mm
Note: Python 2.7 doesn't seem to like the asterisk in the print method.
It looks like you need to use a second list of tuples that defines the property names of each value tuple:
props = [('item1', 'size2', 'unit1'), ('item2', 'size2', 'unit2'), ('item3', 'size3', 'unit3')]
values = [('this', 5, 'cm'), ('that', 3, 'mm'), ('other', 15, 'mm')]
for i in range(len(values)):
value = values[i]
prop = props[i]
for j in range(len(item)):
print(prop[j], '=', value[j])
# output
item1 = this
size2 = 5
unit1 = cm
item2 = that
size2 = 3
unit2 = mm
item3 = other
size3 = 15
unit3 = mm
The caveat here is that you need to make sure that the elements in the props list are matched sequentially with the elements in the values list.
