I am having issues identifying whether the database is a controller or boundary (view) in a sequence diagram.
I have drawn the following sequence diagram for 'call queueing'. Is it correct?
In short
The database would be part of a control. However, the control is meant for high level use-case logic/coordination whereas the database is low-level implementation of the control. It is not necessarily helpful to mix different levels of abstraction on the same diagram.
The Entity Control Boundary decomposition is based on the use case models.
If the database system would be an actor, then the object that relates to the external database would be a boundary. But this would be misleading: database systems are implementation details of your system. Even if the database is shared between several application, it is not an autonomous system that would be of any use without an application that makes use of its content. So: not a boundary.
If the database is not an actor, then it is a component of your "system" (the system is then made of the app and the database). It cannot be a boundary (see above). It cannot be an entity either, since the users don't care about the database. In consequence, it can only be a control.
Controls are more meant for use-case logic (to implement the use case, and coordinate the entities and boundaries). So the database would at best be a part of a control (but control stereotype would be correct).
Moreover, some architectural patterns (e.g. "active recored") would use the database at the entity level. It is then ambiguous if it's really an entity (user's don't care) or if it is still a deported control. In reality you'd need to know the approach you want to take to manage persistent object in your design, before telling for sure.
I'd personally advise not to mix the levels of abstractions, as it makes the diagrams more difficult to understand and less useful.
I created for a project a single class, that contains all access code to the database.
Is this a good practice , under the assumption that this class doesn't contain any logic, or should i use several classes? If yes, how should i partition my code? I use C# .Net.
Actually Under the concept of MVC framework, it is a good practice to create a different class for database access, seperate class for logic and seperate class for your views.
You are doing good if you are writing a seperate class for database access under the assumption that it does not contain any logic.
In Agile Developement there is a term named as Database Encapsulation Layers.
A database encapsulation layer hides the implementation details of your database, including their physical schemas, from your business code. In effect this layer provides your business objects with persistence services – the ability to read data from, write data to, and delete data from – data sources. Ideally your business objects should know nothing about how they are persisted, it just happens. Database encapsulation layers aren’t magic and they aren’t academic theories; database encapsulation layers are commonly used practice by both large and small applications as well as in both simple and complex applications. Database encapsulation layers are an important technique that every agile software developer should be aware of and be prepared to use.
An effective database encapsulation layer will provide several benefits:
-> It reduces the coupling between your object schema and your data schema, increasing your ability to evolve either one.
-> It implements all database-related code in one place.
-> It simplifies the job of application programmers.
-> It allows application programmers to focus on the business problem and Agile DBA(s) can focus on the database.
-> It gives you a common place to implement data-oriented business rules and logic.
-> It takes advantage of specific database features, increasing application performance.
Hope this helps.
If your database is quite small, say, only a couple of tables, you could write all your queries in one class. otherwise I would suggest that per Entity/Table one class. for example, StudentDao.class will only focus on the queries to database table "STUDENT", and TeacherDao.class will only contain queries to table "TEACHER". if you are gonna implement a complex business logic, you may want to have a service class, to weave StudentDao and TeacherDao together.
Unless your data access is very simple, probably not.
you probably shouldn't need to write this code yourself. Take a look at some Object Relational Mapping tools. NHibernate is a popular .Net solution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHibernate
If you really do want to write it yourself look up design patterns in this area, like the Data Transfer Object pattern. http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/dataTransferObject.html
These are some of the suggestions while accessing database.
1.) Always keep your database access parameters in a properties file. Use a handler to get those data. Because when you change your database then you need not change your code just make a change in the properties file it's enough.
-- So here you need a handler class.
2.) Never create a single class (a god class) which performs all the actions. Disperse your behaviour in to different classes depending on the intent. For example Keep all read behavior in one class, Write behavior in another class ... so on.
3.) You can create a class which deals with connection creations and pooling stuff...
Hope this helps.
I maintain an application which has many domain entities that draw data from more than one database. The way this normally works is that the entities are loaded from Database A (in which most of their fields are stored). when a property corresponding to data in Database B is called, the entity fires off SQL to Database B to get all the relevant data.
I'm currently using a 'roll-your-own' ORM, which is ugly, but effective (and easy to understand). I've recently started using NHibernate for entities drawn solely from Database A, but I'm wondering how I might use NHibernate for entities drawn from both Databases A and B.
The best way I can think of do this is as follows. I continue to use a NHibernate-based class library for entities in Database A. Those entities which also need data from Database B expose all their data from Database B in a single class accessed via a property. When this property is called, it invokes the appropriate repository, and the object is returned. The class library for accessing Database B would therefore need to be referenced from the class library for accessing Database A.
Does this make any sense, and is there a more established pattern for this situation (which must be fairly common).
I don't know how well it maps to your situation, or how mature the NHibernate porting for it is at this point, but you might want to look into Shards.
If it doesn't work for you as-is, it might at least supply some interesting patterns to consider.
EDIT (based on comments):
This indeed doesn't seem to map to your situation, as Shards is about horizontal splitting of data.
If you need to split vertically, you'll probably need to define multiple persistence units. Queries and transactions involving both databases will probably get interesting. I'm afraid I can't really help much with this. This question is definitely related though.
It occurs to me that state control in languages like C# is not well supported.
By this, I mean, it is left upto the programmer to manage the state of in-memory objects. A common use-case is that instance variables in the domain-model are copies of information residing in persistent storage (i.e. the database). Clearly this violates the single point of authority principle, and "synchronisation" has to be managed by the developer.
I envisage a system where instead of instance variables, we have simple public access/mutator methods marked with attributes that link them to the database, and where reads and writes are mediated by a framework that decides whether to hit the database. Does such a system exist?
Am I completely missing the point, or is there some truth to this idea?
If i understand correctly what you want: Any OR-Mapper with Lazy Loading is working this way. For example i use Genome and there every entity is a pure proxy and you have quite much influence to tell the OR-Mapper how to cache the fields.
Actually there's the concept of data prevalence (as implemented by prevayler in Java) where the in-memory objects are the single point of authority (SPA) for the data.
Also, some object databases (as db4o) blur lines a bit between the object representation and the "store" representation.
On the other hand, by bringing the SPA for the data inside the application, you need to handle transactions and/or data persistence by yourself. There is some work done on transactional memory systems such as JVSTM (currently in use by the information system of my old college) but it's not in widespread use.
On the other hand, if the data lives in a database, you can just commit the data when everything is good (or use the support for transactions built in the database) and be sure that data isn't corrupted or lost. You trade in the SPA principle for better data reliability and transactions (and other advantages of using a separate data store)
I'm a newbie and when messing around with creating database applications I always just created my forms and put all the code and bindings in there. Instead of having arrays and lists that held information I made changes to the database directly.
Now that I have evolved a little bit let's say that I sold widgets to customers and kept the sales information in a database. If I were writing a program to access the database wouldn't I want to create a class of type 'Customer' and 'Widget' to work with those entities?
If I'm mistaken then what is the appropriate approach to programming database applications?
You want to look into n-tier programming.
Basically, you allow you front end (presentation layer) access only to your class library (business layer). Your class library then accesses you database.
This gives you a less tightly coupled solution, and allows for more maintainable code. Also by introducing tiers you allow for changes to your DB without the need to rewrite code in your frontend, as long as the interface with the Business Layer doesn't need to be changed.
As far as binding is concerned, if you are using Visual Studio Windows Forms (2005 onwards) you should be able to us an bindingSource that you can then use to bind your controls. If you are using ASP.NET then your control should bind to a list of objects without any problems.
For ASP.Net the ObjectDataSource might be worth looking into. I haven't used it myself, but there's lots of samples on the web. Try here or here.
You want to look closely at Object-Relational Mapping.
Your real-world business entities are modeled by objects which map to relational tables.
You do not want your presentation layer to directly depend on your database structure; the problem with that is if your database structure changes at all, your presentation layer must change, and in the long term, that tends to cause problems. Moreover, there are security issues involved with having your presentation layer directly interact with your database.
The rough analogy here is to markets; when you go to the store to buy a loaf of bread, you don't need to know how to grow wheat; all you need to know is that you have money, and they have bread, and that they will exchange a certain amount of bread for a certain amount of money. You don't need to know what time of year to plant the wheat, or how to remove the chaff, or any of that, because the backing layer takes care of that for you. Similarly, the farmer doesn't need to know how to sell bread to a whole bunch of people, or even how to make bread; all he has to do is know how to grow wheat.
Modern design philosophy recommends that you use an intermediate layer to interact between your presentation layer and your database layer; this is where you put your business logic. So, for example, let's say that you're selling widgets on your site. Instead of having your presentation code query the database for widgets and display that, you have a Business Object which handles your widgets. This way, your business object needs to know what your database structure is, but your presentation layer only needs to know how to ask your business object for a list of widgets to display. More importantly, in your business object you can place the rules that are to be invoked when certain things happen. So instead of your presentation layer directly making changes to the database for inventory and orders when an order is made, your business object knows how to make the changes and what tables to modify when your presentation layer requests that a sale occurs.
In this way, you separate the display of your information from the persistence and the logic underlying the website. What is involved is good planning; specifically, you have to figure out what your web site will be doing at any given point, and what that means in terms of what interfaces your business objects will provide. Then you implement your business objects based off of those requirements; those business objects are where you put the knowledge of the database structure and your specific business logic ("when A happens, do B and then C", etc.).
This seems like a lot of extra work at the beginning, but it really is worth it.
This is vaguely related to:
Should I design the application or model (database) first?
Design from the database first through to UI or t’other way round?
But my question is more about modeling and artifacts and less about the right way to do design. I'm trying to figure out what sort of design artifact would best enunciate the link between features (use cases), screens and database elements (tables and columns, most particularly). UML is very code-centric. Database models are very database centric. And of screen designs are UI centric!
Here's the deal... my team is working on the first release of the product. We used use cases, then did screen designs and database design was somewhat isolated from the two. A critical area for bugs was the lack of traceability between the use cases and their accompanying screens and the database. In our product, there's a very high degree of overlap between use cases and database elements. Many use cases touch over 75% of the database infrastructure. So we have high contention over database design areas, and it's easy for a small database change to disrupt the lower levels of business logic.
For our next release, I want the developers and our DBA to have a really clear insight into what parts of the database each feature touches. The use case/screen design approach worked well, so we're keeping it... the trick is linking each use case and screens to the database model so the relationships are really obvious and hard to forget about.
On smaller projects (we're only 10 people, but often I've worked on teams of 3 or less), I've created my own custom diagrams to show this part of the design. Sort of a fusion of screen, UML and database table, done in Visio with no link to actual code or SQL. I'm not sure it will work for a larger team, as its highly manual to keep up to date, and it doesn't auto generate code the way our database modeling tool does.
Any recommendations? Is there a commonly accepted mechanism for this?
FYI - we're pretty waterfall, that isn't going to change any time soon. And we do love artifacts... Saying "switch to agile" is not a viable solution for our group.
I can't tell from your question how detailed your use cases are. I get the impression that they may be high-level use cases, not broken down into detailed uses cases (perhaps through include or extend relationships.
In any case, I prefer to start with Requirements, and trace them to use cases. While I'm writing the use cases and the use case diagrams, I'm also creating a domain model (a high-level class diagram). This is mostly to give me something to discuss with stakeholders ("did I get that right?").
When the use cases and domain model are finished, it's possible to begin to work on screen design, and possibly also for an activity model, if there are complex interactions between screens. I would treat the screens as though they were classes with UI - a screen might have a FirstName attribute, which I'd note as being related to the FirstName attribute of the Person entity in my domain model. Yet the FirstName attribute might be represented on that screen as a text box.
At the same time, physical database design can occur. This would produce a class or ER diagram, with traceability back to the domain model. Eventually, you might find that some of your screen attributes or activity modeling refer to things that are part of the physical database model that are not present in the domain model. It's ok to relate a screen "PersonalName" attribute to the computed PersonalName column in the Person table in the People schema.
The tool I use for this sort of thing is Sparx Enterprise Architect. It's a great tool, and can do all of this and more, even in the Professional edition.
I also have to say for the sake of Truth that I mostly model on my own - I haven't yet worked on a project where the model, code and database were being developed by separate people. If someone told me that the above wouldn't work in "real life", I might be forced to believe them.
I am not sure I understand your question clearly, but I'll try to respond based on some reasonable assumptions...
Essentially, my recommendation is the same as what John Saunders already suggested: to consider using UML along with a good UML tool. But I would like to add a few points that might be important in your specific situation.
First and foremost, I don't think that UML is "too code-centric". To the contrary, it can be used to model pretty much any aspect of a software system, almost at any level of abstraction. With a good tool at hand (like Sparx EA), the beauty of UML is that you actually do get a well-defined model under the hood (as opposed to just a set of unconnected drawings/charts). As a result, even if the tool itself does not give you a feature that you are looking for (like traceability from DB to use cases)... well, at least you have an option to automate (or at least semi-automate) the task yourself: for example, you can export your UML model into an XMI (standard!) and then derive whatever traceability-related info you need from there (e.g. using XSL or any XML-aware library for your favorite programming/scripting language). I am not saying that it would be easy to do (especially if you want traceability on the level of individual DB columns 8-), but it's possible and it is very likely to beat any manual method if it has to scale along the size of the project.
BTW, speaking of Sparx EA... I don't know all of its capabilities yet, but it has so many that I would not be surprized if it allowed you to select a class (or even an attribute of a class) and show you other model elements that depend on it in some way. You might want to check this out.
Having said all that, I do understand that you may have at least the following two important concerns about UML:
It may appear to require too many modeling details to be in place to get what you want.
As any "universal tool", it may be grossly inferior to specialized modeling tools that you already use.
Regarding issue #1: Again, with a good UML tool at hand, you might be able to do as many shortcuts as you want. For example, instead of building a very detailed and accurate activity model for a use case, you could focus just on classes involved in the use case (just enough to enable tracking classes back to use cases). The same applies to UI, of course.
Regarding issue #2: I don't know what exact tools do you use now to model use cases, UI, and DB schema. So, theoretically it is possible that they are all so superior to UML that you wouldn't want to give any of them up in exchange of easier traceability. However, something tells me that your DB modeling tool (with its code-generating capabilities) might be the only one that is truly indispensable. If that's the case, then I would still recommend to consider using UML: you just do not model down to DB schema level and "stop" at the level of domain model (even if you do not have it in your application!). At that point, the UML tool would give you traceability from domain model elements (entities, their attributes, and their relationships) back to use cases and UI elements, and mappings between your domain model and DB schema could be left "in the air" because, in the vast majority of cases, they should be simple enough to track without drawing anything. This might not give you 100% of what you want, but it could give you 80% that would be sufficient to mitigate most of you problems.
The bottom line: if you are using three different tools/technologies to model three different aspects of your system... well, it's obvious that any traceability between those three aspects remains at mercy of those three tools: you could automate only as much as those tools allow (which probably means that you are going to be stuck with a lot of laborous manual tasks to do). As of today, UML appears the only well-defined and widely supported "lingua franca" that could help you to connect your models and could enable automation of substantial part of your analytical activities. Just make sure you distinguish UML "just-drawing tools" (like most of Visio add-ons and stencils) from true UML modeling tools (like Sparx EA and a bunch of others).
Your use cases is a good place to start from.
Convert your use cases into
executable test code. This test code
needs to verify that the resultant
return values are according to the
requirements of your use cases.
The smaller the parts of the work you
can identify and test, the more
robust you will be able to build
your application.
This means that the interaction of
your use cases with a large part
of your database and the GUI, will
be simpler to understand.
It's hard to lock-down the architecture or business logic interplay in complex projects with complete upfront design of the different layers. One truly learns about what will be able to facilitate your requirements only as you get to the point of implementing them.
As a developer, find the techniques, tools and processes that help you do your job in the best way possible. Don't judge these on their origin. Judge them on their value in making you the best developer possible.
Some items from the agile world has certainly made a big difference to the quality and productivity of my work. This doesn't require throwing out the apple cart and putting an experienced waterfall team into disarray.
The database should model your Problem Domain. It should model it completely enough so that you can extract solutions -- truths -- from it. Bad design is essentially "lying" to the database (allowing the possibility of invalid data or relationships), and when you "lie" to your database, it'll "lie" to you when you ask it questions.
Simple examples are modeling many-to-many relation where a relation can only be one-to-many, or assuming values can't be null, or treating a foreign key as an attribute. Many of these can be avoided by proper normalization, which requires you to explicitly find out what is a key and what isn't.
By "making illegal states unrepresentable" in the model, you avoid having to write "defensive" code to check for the impossible or to validate that a relation is possible, as impossible things are made unrepresentable because of table structures or declarative check constraints.
This lowers the cost of writing your code, as you can concentrate for the most part, on what it needs to do, rather than guarding against the impossible.