Navigate me to get set up a third party google login for my webpage using django rest framework and React JS - reactjs

I was stuck on setting the google login authentication using django rest framework in the backend and react JS in the frontend. We have a email and passowrd custom login for the website and we need to implement the third party google login. I have tried many ways and it didn't worked for me, on one way it is getting username, password, clientID, clientsecret, and the grant type it is taking as password for a post call.
Maybe what i need is when a user clicks google sign in the front end generates a access token and id token, and user email from the google and it comes to connect on backend where i need to give him the data of that user by approving the request. How can i able to do that?
Please help me with any code or share me with a complete reference of setting up the google login.


Using postman to login into a website configured to using Azure AD (SAML)

We currently have a website that is setup to use SSO through Azure AD. it is configured to with SAML.
Yet, we have third application that needs to connect to this website using specific email and password.
This application can do any default connection that POSTMAN can do.
What I do notice is that web all cookies are removed from the browser. the website allows me to enter
the email address and password.
I am trying to configure POSTMAN to test login to this website. And using the POSTMAN configuration i will be able to configure the application.
Any Guidance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I have try configuring post using HTTPS POST BASIC Authentication. Not sure if this correct manner as I am not postman expert nor have attempted such authentication method before.
Our expectation is the POSTMAN could login into the website and create a cookie that has an active session.
Postman is not a browser so it doesn't "log in". The authentication in Postman is related to webservice calls. So imagine you have an online shop and you expose your API to a third party (let's say a sponsor or partner). For example you let another site (the partner/sponsor) add items for your common client from his site (instead of him having to logout of that site then login to your site, it's easier and your partnership makes both sites profitable, let's say for our example - so their site would be more like a sort of forwarder - when the user adds an item on the partner's site, they actually add it in the cart on your site).
In our example, they would call your API (for example, adding an item in the cart). The question is, how do they do that? How do you stop abuse from a malicious user? Simple: you add authentication. So what your (theoretical) shop's partner does is use some auth method (as you said, Basic Auth) to call the endpoint that results into adding an item into the cart for purchase.
But this auth is not what the client uses to log in to your partner or your site. It's an internal auth, like a sort of a "technical" user. And what you would do in Postman is simulate that call and the Postman login would be to allow it to call endpoints.
If, on the other hand, you have a separate login call that this is all it does, logging in, then yes, you can use Postman to login, BUT, keep in mind that the login auth info would not AND SHOULD NOT be the same as the API call login info. So you would still use an auth to allow the API call and a (hopefully different) auth for the actual login url as params.
In other words, Postman auth in any POST or GET call is just a way to tell the remote server they can trust you because you identify yourself. A login window like the Microsoft one is one for user accounts which is something totally different.

Google Connect JS API, using response_type = code and offline access options

Initiating the Google Connect, with response_type=code, I am getting in the response the authorization code, but I do not have access for the user who actually approved the app (username, email, etc.)
is there a way to get access to the current user info?
Btw, I am actually using this library-
and you can find the implementation here-
I have had the same issue with C# app. So I end up automating the google user consent step.
You can try to use a headless browser like PhantonJs to automate the google user consent response and get the access code.
I can try to help more if you can give some more details.

authenticate angularJs app using wordpress site users

i've a desktop site based on wordpress.
Mobile version is on a subdomain and is developed using angularJs (ionic).
I'm trying to figure out what the best solution to authenticate mobile version users using wordpress wp_users credentials.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
1 - Basic Auth: The easiest, This one is not recommended for production since your users will be sending their credentials with each request, only use it over https.
2 - OAuth: This one is secured but might not be interesting because users will be redirected to WP to login then redirected back after login success, here is a decent tutorial for it.
3 - JWT Auth: This one is interesting because it only sends user credentials once, when login succeed you will get a jwt token which will be used instead of user's password in each request.
For your app purpose I recommend implementing your own authentication method, make a plugin for that, it should generate a secret token and save it in user session, it should also block any request that doesn't include that secret token.

Woocommerce REST User Login Authentication

I am building a mobile app using Ionic Framework. I have a woocommerce website already set up and running, since a few months. Now I need to allow my users to login to the app using the user credentials they have registered with in the website. I am using the WP-API to return the JSON data from the website, but it follows a complex procedure for authentication as described here.
However, the documentation doesn't give any idea about how to retrieve the user details asscoiated with the account, like the address, phone number etc. Any leads on this front would be appreciated.

Get logged in user information in SAML Single Sign On google app engine

I am trying to get the user who is logged in via. SAML Single Sign On.
I have already implemented SAML Single Sign On and it works.
The code I use for programmatic login is :
apps = gdata.apps.service.AppsService(email=username, domain=domain, password=password)
apps.ProgrammaticLogin()"current user %s", users.get_current_user())
//Redirect to a Google mail page.
But users.get_current_user() returns None always even though correct username and password is provided. I have crosschecked it by redirecting the page to Google Mail page and it successfully redirects.
I have googled this issue for hours now nothing goes the right way.
Can anyone please guide me what I am doing wrong ?
There are three different things going on here, I just want to make sure are clear for my suggested answer to make sense:
Google App Engine users service: You, as the developer, delegate authentication and authorization responsibility to Google Accounts (or the selected OpenID provider). Google will act as the Identity Provider and you'll act as the Service Provider.
SAML single sign on: Google delegates to you the authentication and authorization responsibility, you'll act as the Identity Provider and Google will act as the Service Provider. You'll be using SAML SSO every time you try to login any Google service using you Google Apps account, that includes Google App Engine applications using the users service.
ClientLogin: It is one of the methods for authenticating to use a Google API by giving username and password. It's deprecated, it's hard to maintain and insecure since you are hard coding the credentials and the app could have access to everything. I'd recommend switching to OAuth instead. In the first two lines of code You are initializing the Google Apps provisioning API with gdata.apps.service.AppsService, if you are not going to retrieve or create users/groups/alias is useless to do that. If you are I'd also recommend switching to the Directory API part of the new AdminSDK
For your particular case I'd suggest checking if there is a current user logged in, if not redirect to the login URL using the GAE users service.
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:"current user %s",
return redirect(users.create_login_url(request.url))
In case you always require that the user is logged in you better set the handler as login: required
The user will be redirected to the SAML SSO page to log in to his Google Account in order to access the GAE app.
