Why my R seems take forever to run a Mixed effects logistic regression - logistic-regression

I indeed got a relatively big dataset and my mixed effects logistic regression is like below. Is that normal to take that long to run? or I made some mistakes?
glmer_EBRD_undersample_1 <- glmer(leave_happened ~
performance_rating_2016 + performance_rating_2017 + performance_rating_2018 + performance_rating_2019 + performance_rating_2020
+ gender
+ target_group
+ target_pmf_band
+ target_hq_or_ro
+ target_office_location_country_distilled
+ target_org_unit_cost_centre_code_distilled
+ target_ebrd_region_distilled
+ target_contract_group_distilled
+ target_position_tenure_group
+ target_length_of_service_group_distilled
+ leaves_to_date
+ moves_to_date
+ joins_to_date
+ applied_count_to_date
+ line_reviewed_to_date
+ interviewed_to_date
+ offered_to_date
+ hired_to_date
+ (1 | person_id)
data = train_undersample_1,
family = binomial,
control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"),
nAGQ = 10
Also gave a warning like this: Warning in commonArgs(par, fn, control, environment()) :
maxfun < 10 * length(par)^2 is not recommended.


typescript date formatting not working

I am trying to get a date for mat like "2018-05-17T08:09:02", but when I tried below code I get "2018-05-17T8:9:2"
can some one help to get "2018-05-17T08:09:02" , this format
let d = new Date();
console.log("date>> "+d.getFullYear() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? '0' : '') +
(d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d.getDate() + "T" +( d.getHours() )+ ":"+ d.getMinutes() + ":"+ d.getSeconds());
According to How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?
Your desirable answer is
let d = new Date();
console.log("date>> "+d.getFullYear() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? '0' : '') +
(d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d.getDate() + "T" +("0" + d.getHours()).slice(-2)+ ":"+ ("0" + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":"+ ("0" + d.getSeconds()).slice(-2));
But as #Aleksey Solovey already mentioned in the above, I also recommand to use d.toISOString().slice(0,-5).

Partial differentiation/gradient of anonymous function with array input

I have following anonymous function (with x as an array):
f = #(x) 312*x(2) - 240*x(1) + 30*x(3) - 24*x(4) + 282*x(1)*x(2) + 30*x(1)*x(3) + 18*x(1)*x(4) + 54*x(2)*x(3) + 6*x(2)*x(4) + 6*x(3)*x(4) + 638*x(1)^2 + 207*x(2)^2 + 6*x(3)^2 + 3*x(4)^2 + 4063
I want to make gradient of this function and save it for future use. Also with array input.
X = [ 0;...
F = f(X)
G = g(X)
Is it possible to archive this with this type of function? Or maybe it is possible to somehow make it via diff command? Something like this:
g = [diff(f, x(1));...
diff(f, x(2));...
diff(f, x(3));...
diff(f, x(4))]
I guess the following is what you want. I'm afraid, you need the Symbolic Math Toolbox for a simple solution, otherwise I'd rather calculate the derivatives by hand.
x = [1 2 3 4];
%// define function
syms a b c d
f = 312*b - 240*a + 30*c - 24*d + 282*a*b + 30*a*c + 18*a*d + 54*b*c + ...
6*b*d + 6*c*d + 638*a^2 + 207*b^2 + 6*c^2 + 3*d^2 + 4063
%// symbolic gradient
g = gradient(f,[a,b,c,d])
%// eval symbolic function
F = subs(f,[a,b,c,d],x)
G = subs(g,[a,b,c,d],x)
%// convert symbolic value to double
Fd = double(F)
Gd = double(G)
or alternatively:
%// convert symbolic function to anonymous function
fd = matlabFunction(f)
gd = matlabFunction(g)
%// eval anonymous function
x = num2cell(x)
Fd = fd(x{:})
Gd = gd(x{:})
f =
638*a^2 + 282*a*b + 30*a*c + 18*a*d - 240*a + 207*b^2 + 54*b*c +
6*b*d + 312*b + 6*c^2 + 6*c*d + 30*c + 3*d^2 - 24*d + 4063
g =
1276*a + 282*b + 30*c + 18*d - 240
282*a + 414*b + 54*c + 6*d + 312
30*a + 54*b + 12*c + 6*d + 30
18*a + 6*b + 6*c + 6*d - 24
F =
G =
fd =
gd =
x =
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Fd =
Gd =

how to create pymol rename loop

I would like to create a loop for changing interactions name in PyMol. But after one selection loop it crashes and doesn't work.
def get_dists(interactions): # interactions=([1,2], [3,4])
for i in interactions:
a = "////" + str(i[0]) + "/C2'"
b = "////" + str(i[1]) + "/C2'"
cmd.distance("(" + a + ")", "(" + b + ")")
for j in range(1, 599):
x = "dist" + "0" + str(j)
y = str(i[0]) + " " + str(i[1])
cmd.set_name(str(x), str(y))
In Pymol the default name of interactions is dist01, 02 , 03.
I want to change these to 1_3, 5_59, 4_8, (interaction between residue).
Your code is totally fine except for one thing: If PyMol doesn't succeed with set_name the whole script is aborted. When you change it to, it should work:
cmd.set_name(str(x), str(y))
print('failed to rename')
Some additional comments:
y = str(i[0]) + " " + str(i[1]) should be y = str(i[0]) + "_" + str(i[1])
this line is probably for padding zeros x = "dist" + "0" + str(j). This is only needed when j is a single digit, otherwise the name of the distance objects is dist20 or dist123
cmd.set_name(str(x), str(y)) can be simplified to cmd.set_name(x, y) since x and y are already strings.

Titan graph database too slow with 100000+ vertices with indices how to optimize it?

Here is the indices code:
g = TitanFactory.build().set("storage.backend", "cassandra")
.set("storage.hostname", "").open();
TitanManagement mgmt = g.getManagementSystem();
PropertyKey db_local_name = mgmt.makePropertyKey("db_local_name")
mgmt.buildIndex("byDb_local_name", Vertex.class).addKey(db_local_name)
PropertyKey db_schema = mgmt.makePropertyKey("db_schema")
mgmt.buildIndex("byDb_schema", Vertex.class).addKey(db_schema)
PropertyKey db_column = mgmt.makePropertyKey("db_column")
mgmt.buildIndex("byDb_column", Vertex.class).addKey(db_column)
PropertyKey type = mgmt.makePropertyKey("type").dataType(String.class)
mgmt.buildIndex("byType", Vertex.class).addKey(type)
PropertyKey value = mgmt.makePropertyKey("value")
mgmt.buildIndex("byValue", Vertex.class).addKey(value)
PropertyKey index = mgmt.makePropertyKey("index")
mgmt.buildIndex("byIndex", Vertex.class).addKey(index)
Here is the search for vertices and then add vertex with 3 edges on 3GHz 2GB RAM pc. It does 830 vertices in 3 hours and I have 100,000 data its too slow. The code is below:
for (Object[] rowObj : list) {
Iterator<Vertex> iter = g.query()
.has("db_local_name", "Report Name 1")
.has("db_schema", "MPS").has("db_column", "txn_id")
.has("value", rowObj[0]).vertices().iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
vertex1 = iter.next();
logger.debug("vertex1=" + vertex1.getId() + ","
+ vertex1.getProperty("db_local_name") + ","
+ vertex1.getProperty("db_schema") + ","
+ vertex1.getProperty("db_column") + ","
+ vertex1.getProperty("type") + ","
+ vertex1.getProperty("index") + ","
+ vertex1.getProperty("value"));
iter = g.query().has("db_local_name", "Report Name 1")
.has("db_schema", "MPS").has("db_column", "txn_type")
.has("value", rowObj[1]).vertices().iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
vertex2 = iter.next();
logger.debug("vertex2=" + vertex2.getId() + ","
+ vertex2.getProperty("db_local_name") + ","
+ vertex2.getProperty("db_schema") + ","
+ vertex2.getProperty("db_column") + ","
+ vertex2.getProperty("type") + ","
+ vertex2.getProperty("index") + ","
+ vertex2.getProperty("value"));
iter = g.query().has("db_local_name", "Report Name 1")
.has("db_schema", "MPS").has("db_column", "wallet_id")
.has("value", rowObj[2]).vertices().iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
vertex3 = iter.next();
logger.debug("vertex3=" + vertex3.getId() + ","
+ vertex3.getProperty("db_local_name") + ","
+ vertex3.getProperty("db_schema") + ","
+ vertex3.getProperty("db_column") + ","
+ vertex3.getProperty("type") + ","
+ vertex3.getProperty("index") + ","
+ vertex3.getProperty("value"));
vertex4 = g.addVertex(null);
vertex4.setProperty("db_local_name", "Report Name 1");
vertex4.setProperty("db_schema", "MPS");
vertex4.setProperty("db_column", "amount");
vertex4.setProperty("type", "indivisual_0");
vertex4.setProperty("value", rowObj[3].toString());
vertex4.setProperty("index", i);
vertex1.addEdge("data", vertex4);
logger.debug("vertex1 added");
vertex2.addEdge("data", vertex4);
logger.debug("vertex2 added");
vertex3.addEdge("data", vertex4);
logger.debug("vertex3 added");
Is there anyway to optimize this code?
For completeness, this question was answered in the Aurelius Graphs mailing list:
build/use a real composite index:
mgmt.buildIndex("by_local_name_schema_value", Vertex.class).addKey(db_local_name).addKey(db_schema).addKey(value).buildComposite();
don't call g.commit() after each loop cycle, instead do something
like this: if (++1%10000 == 0) g.commit()
turn on storage.batch-loading if not already doing so
if all you can throw at cassandra is 2G of RAM consider using BerkleyDB. Cassandra prefers 4G of RAM minimum and would probably like "more"
I don't know the nature of your data, but can you pre-sort it and use BatchGraph as described in the Powers of Ten - Part I blog post and in the wiki - Using BatchGraph would prevent you from having to maintain the transaction described in number 2 above.

XMPP implementation in silverlight authentication returns failure

I am trying to implement Xmpp protocol in silverlight and trying to connect to Facebook, here I am getting everything correct until <challenge .. > obtained from server.
I am using X Facebook platform authentication.
I have done this with following code:
byte[] ch = Convert.FromBase64String(message.challenge);
string challenge = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ch, 0, ch.Length);
string response = "";
long callId = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
MD5 md = new MD5();
String signature1 = "api_key=203366556348506"
+ "call_id=" + callId
+ "method=auth.xmpp_login"
+ param[2]
+ "session_key=" + messageClient.SessionKey
+ "v=1.0"
+ messageClient.AppSecret;
md.Value = signature1;
response = "method=auth.xmpp_login&api_key=203366556348506&session_key=bc6d6e00462cc2bb73a824bd.4-100001565408667&call_id=" + callId + "&sig=c47d741cb8f18c4e78b990f48e2f63aa&v=1.0&" + param[2];
message.Request = "<response xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl\">" + Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)) + "</response>";
But I am getting following message from server:
<failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
Please let me know where I am going wrong.
Try following code:
String signature1 = "api_key=" + messageClient.ApiKey
+ "call_id=" + callId
+ "method=auth.xmpp_login"
+ param[2]
+ "session_key=" + messageClient.SessionKey
+ "v=1.0"
+ messageClient.AppSecret;
md.Value = signature1;
response = "method=auth.xmpp_login&api_key=" + messageClient.ApiKey + "&session_key=" + messageClient.SessionKey + "&call_id=" + callId + "&sig=" + md.FingerPrint.ToLower() + "&v=1.0&" + param[2];
I have changed response string to the one above.
This has returned success for me. Hope this will help you.
