Passing Array of Items - React - reactjs

I'm attempting to get data from an array from ComponentOne to ComponentTwo. The state lives in App.js. This is sort of working as I can see the data when console.logging from ComponentTwo. However the data does not show on screen with the <p> {props.PhaseThreeItems[0] } </p> code.
Two questions:
#1: Am I going about this the correct way?
#2: Why is the data not showing on screen?
// App.js:
const [phaseThreeArray, setPhaseThreeArray] = useState([])
<ComponentOne PhaseThreeArrayProp={phaseThreeArray}/>
<ComponentTwo PhaseThreeItems={phaseThreeArray}/>
// ComponentOne
const checkInput = () => {
props.PhaseThreeArrayProp.push("my data");
// ComponentTwo
const showData = () => {
<p> {props.PhaseThreeItems[0] } </p>

React ... reacts... to state changes. This means that you have to tell react "this has updated", via your setPhaseThreeArray property. What you have done is manually call push, rather than setting the state. React isn't aware of any data changes, and as such, doesnt update.
To fix this, you need to set the state using the function. The quickest way of doing it would be:
// App.js:
const [phaseThreeArray, setPhaseThreeArray] = useState([])
<ComponentOne setPhaseThreeArray={setPhaseThreeArray} PhaseThreeArrayProp={phaseThreeArray}/>
<ComponentTwo PhaseThreeItems={phaseThreeArray}/>
// ComponentOne
const checkInput = () => {
props.setPhaseThreeArray([...props.PhaseThreeArrayProp, "my data"])
This will set the state with the new array.


React, how to make state work between childs?

I am trying to figure out how to make a searchFilter work. Here is my situation:
In App.js I hold a state for my items that i get from an api.
I also hold a state for the SearchFilter.
The items arrive and I can render them just fine.
Further, in App.js, I render the items and also a search component. So my code looks something like this:
const App = () => {
const [items, setItems] = useState([])
const [searchFilter, setSearchFilter] = useState("")
useEffect(() => {
const fetchItems = async () => {
// This part works as expected
return (
<SearchBar setSearchFilter={setSearchFilter} />
<RenderItems items={items} searchFilter={searchFilter} />
The problem I face is, that the searchFilter remains undefined in the RenderItems component. Why?
It gets updated correctly in App.js, but somehow doesn't make it's way to RenderItems
Inside component SearchBar:
const SearchBar = ({setSearchFilter}) => {
return (
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" onChange={(e) => setSearchFilter( }/ >
Any clues?
Thank you all for the replies #Mandeep Kaur and #KcH
I found the problem was in the data that came from the api when trying this scenario out in a codesandbox.
I keep the link here for future reference:
Closed from my side.
I think this happens because RenderItems component is not re-render after updating the state in SearchBar component.
You can try with adding one useEffect that makes it re-render and it gives the latest data to RenderItems
useEffect(() => {
I am assuming that the updated value you getting in the App.js file.

How to make setting state with useEffect() to run on page refresh?

My code is not long or complicated at all. It's simple. so please read!
(Im using react + next.js)
In the root file, app.js, I have useEffect to fetch photo data. This data array will be used in a page component so I pass it down from app.js via <Component.../>
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
const [photoData, setPhotoData] = useState([]);
const [user, setUser] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getPhotos = async () => {
try {
const photoData = await axios.get(
} catch (error) {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
//code for finding user. no external api used.
}, []);
const passedProps = {
return (
<Component {...passedProps} />
Then I pass the data (photodata) from a Home component to a (app.js 's) grandchild component, an Photo component
export default function Home({ photoData, user }) {
<Photo photoData={photoData} user={user} />
In Photo component, I am receiving photoData and trying to set a state for photoArr with the default state of photoData.
When the entire app is first loaded, the photoData is passed down to the Photo component successfully that it sets the state without any issue.
But the main problem is that when I am in the Photo page (photos are loaded) and refresh the page, then it does not set the state for photoArr with photoData. Even though I can console log photoData received from app.js, it does not set state, photoArr, with the default state, photoData.
export default function Photo({ photoData, user }) {
const [photoArr, setPhotoArr] = useState(photoData);
//I have this as state because I change this array
//later on in this component (doing CRUD on the photo array).
console.log(photoData); // this returns the array received from app.js
console.log(photoArr); // []. returns an empty array
console.log(user); // returns the user object received from app.js.
return (
{photoArr.length > 0 ?
.... code mapping photoArr
: "Data is empty" //It returns this comment when I refresh the page
As you can see above, when I refresh the page, I get "Data is empty" meaning photoArr was not set even with the given default state. If I keep refreshing the page multiple times, it still shows a blank page.
From my research, it's due to setting state being asynchronous? So then how can I fix this problem?
Try this:
(In your Photo page)
const [photoArr, setPhotoArr] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
if(photoData.length) setPhotoArr(photoData) // If not empty, set the Arr
},[photoData]} // We listen to photoData's change
On page load, there aren't any data in your photoData, and as it pass down to Photo component, react remembers that state.
But with useEffect listen to photoData's change, we can setPhotoArr once the getPhotos function got the data back.

Fresh Call To API EndPoint on Button Click in React JS

I haven API endpoint, that gives me a random text, on each call. As of now, when the React Component loads for the first time, a call goes through to the API and I get the random text.
The code looks like this. I am using redux for state management.
const RandomQuoteList = ({ todo, isLoading, startLoadingTodos }) => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(`HelloThere`);
function changeRandomText(e) {
// const item =;
var something = Math.random();
console.log(`changeRandomText clicked + ${something}`);
setInputValue(`changeRandomText clicked + ${something}`);
const loadingMessage = <div>Loading todos...</div>;
const content = (
<RandomQuoteItem todo = {todo} inputValue = {inputValue}/>
<Button onClick={changeRandomText}>Get A New Quote</Button>
return isLoading ? loadingMessage : content;
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
isLoading: getTodosLoading(state),
todo: getTodos(state),
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
startLoadingTodos: () => dispatch(loadTodos()),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(RandomQuoteList);
Now, I want to be able to use a simple button click to 'refresh' the API call. That way, the API endpoint will be triggered and a fresh new text will get updated.
I have looked at the following stack over flow questions.
React: re render componet after button click
How to refresh React page/component on Button click after POST
ReactJs : How to reload a component onClick
But, I am not getting far. I am able to randomly change the state of a text component, and that is changing the text component. So, I have the random value change part taken care of.
The target component looks something like this. When I click the button on the above component, the below component updates the random text no problem.
const RandomQuoteItem = ({ todo,inputValue }) => {
//set the style for the display.
// const Container = todo.isCompleted ? TodoItemContainer : TodoItemContainerWithWarning;
const Container = TodoItemContainer;
return (
{/* this is where you show your API response single items. */}
Now, how do I link this random state change to my RandomQuoteItem state, so, it makes fresh data call?
Based on the comment from rahuuz above, I ended up with this. and it worked.
function changeRandomText(e) {
// const item =;
var something = Math.random();
console.log(`changeRandomText clicked + ${something}`);
setInputValue(`changeRandomText clicked + ${something}`);
startLoadingTodos(); //this specific line solved the problem.
I think, it worked in my favour that I already had redux and reducers and all of that hooked up. If that was no the case, this specific solution may not have worked, I think.
Button click calls the startLoadingTodos function, which in turn calls the API and that returns data, updating the redux state, and component also updates.

Excessive rerendering when interacting with global state in React Context

I'm building a Chat app, I'm using ContextAPI to hold the state that I'll be needing to access from different unrelated components.
A lot of rerendering is happening because of the context, everytime I type a letter in the input all the components rerender, same when I toggle the RightBar which its state also resides in the context because I need to toggle it from a button in Navbar.
I tried to use memo on every components, still all the components rerender everytime I interact with state in context from any component.
I added my whole code simplified to this sandbox link :
And this is a deployed Netlify link :
I tried to separate my code into some custom hooks like useChatSerice, useUsersService to simplify the code and make the actual components clean, I'll also appreciate any insight about how to better structure those hooks and where to put CRUD functions while avoiding the excessive rerendering.
I found some "solutions" indicating that using multiple contexts should help, but I can't figure out how to do this in my specific case, been stuck with this problem for a week.
The main problem here is a full rerender with every letter typed in the input.
The second, is the RightBar toggle button which also causes a full rerender.
Splitting the navbar and chat state into two separate React contexts is actually the recommended method from React. By nesting all the state into a new object reference anytime any single state updated it necessarily triggers a rerender of all consumers.
value={{ // <-- new object reference each render
rightBarValue: [rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen],
chatState: {
I suggest carving rightBarValue and state setter into its own context.
NavBar context
const NavBarContext = createContext([false, () => {}]);
const NavBarProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen] = useState(true);
return (
<NavBarContext.Provider value={[rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen]}>
const useNavBar = () => useContext(NavBarContext);
Chat context
const ChatContext = createContext({
editValue: "",
setEditValue: () => {},
editingId: null,
setEditingId: () => {},
inputValue: "",
setInputValue: () => {}
const ChatProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
const [editValue, setEditValue] = useState("");
const [editingId, setEditingId] = useState(null);
const chatState = useMemo(
() => ({
[editValue, inputValue, editingId]
return (
<ChatContext.Provider value={chatState}>{children}</ChatContext.Provider>
const useChat = () => {
return useContext(ChatContext);
const MainContainer = () => {
return (
<NavBar />
<ChatSection />
NavBar - use the useNavBar hook
const NavBar = () => {
const [rightBarIsOpen, setRightBarIsOpen] = useNavBar();
useEffect(() => {
console.log("NavBar rendered"); // <-- log when rendered
return (
<span>MY NAVBAR</span>
<button onClick={() => setRightBarIsOpen(!rightBarIsOpen)}>
const Chat = ({ chatLines }) => {
const { addMessage, updateMessage, deleteMessage } = useChatService();
const {
} = useChat();
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Chat rendered"); // <-- log when rendered
return (
When running the app notice now that "NavBar rendered" only logs when toggling the navbar, and "Chat rendered" only logs when typing in the chat text area.
I recommend use jotai or other state management libraries.
Context is not suitable for high-frequency changes.
And, the RightBar's state looks can separate to other hook/context.
There is tricky one solution solve some render problems:
Your code needs to be refactored, and useChatService in ChatSection also depends on your useChat, so ChatSection will re-render when the text changes.
It looks like you are changing a global context on input field data change. If your global context is defined on a level of parent components (in relation to your input component), then the parent and all children will have to re-render.
You have several options to avoid this behavior:
Use context on a lower level, e.g. by extracting your input field to an external component and using useContext hook there
Save the input to local state of a component and only sync it to the global context on blur or submit

react doesn't render latest value

For the initial render, I have object date, which is an empty array. I then try to get data from an influxDB, but the get result isn't reflected by React with a re-render. The get function is calling in useEffect (you can see this in screenshots). I use typescript, and to avoid getting an error on the initial load (that data is an empty array of objects and it doesn't have a value property) I use the typescript syntax, but it still doesn't display the correct value. It doesn't display anything at all.
What could be the problem? In the last photo, we can see another way to display data without a question mark from typescript, but it doesn't work correctly either, even if the length of the array is greater than 0, it still doesn't display data[0].value.
Initial data:
Data after DB get:
Get the first element in array:
Browser result (before ':' we should see data[0].value):
Alternate way (when data isn't empty we should see the value of the first object in array):
I also show we code
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { FluxTableMetaData } from '#influxdata/influxdb-client';
const { InfluxDB } = require('#influxdata/influxdb-client');
export const App = () => {
const authData = {
token: 'Emyw1rqUDthYRLpmmBc6O1_yt9rGTT57O50zoKiXUoScAjL6G-MgUN6G_U9THilr86BfIPHMYt6_KSDNHhc9Jg==',
org: 'testOrg',
bucket: 'test-bucket',
const client = new InfluxDB({
url: 'http://localhost:8086',
token: authData.token,
const queryApi = client.getQueryApi(;
const query = `from(bucket: "${authData.bucket}") |> range(start: -1d)`;
const data: any[] = [];
React.useEffect(() => {
queryApi.queryRows(query, {
next(row: string[], tableMeta: FluxTableMetaData) {
const o = tableMeta.toObject(row);
const item = {
time: o._time,
measurement: o._measurement,
field: o._field,
value: o._value,
return data.push(item);
error(error: Error) {
return error;
complete() {
return data;
return (
<div>{data.length !== data[0].value}:</div>
another way:
The main issue in your code is, You have defined data as a const variable, and not as a state. Thus, in useEffect, even if your data gets changed, it will not reflect on data[0].value as it is a const variable and react doesn't render updated values of variables. It updates/renders only if it's a state.
In short, Convert your const data to be a stateand use setState like below for your code to work!
const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
setData([ , item]);
I suggest you use the React States for that in the following way
var [nameOfVariableWhichWillChange, changeFunction] = React.useState("");
now whenever whichever function wants to change the value of that function just use changeFunction(newValueOfVariable)
the plus point of using React state is wherever you might have used that variable on change of That variable each instance will change on its own...
Do let me know does that solve your problem, or you need something else
React doesn't re-render the webpage even if the data has changed. You need to store your data inside a React.useState and call setState to trigger a re-render.
const [data, setData] = useState([])
React.useEffect(() => {
next(row: string[], tableMeta: FluxTableMetaData) {
setData([, item])
Read about useState here for more information:
