How to handle sessions securely in SvelteKit - sveltekit

I'm fairly new to SvelteKit and I'm wondering how to properly handle sessions. From what I understand a unique session ID is typically stored in the browser as a cookie and this is linked to the currently signed in user backend. I'm used to PHP where all this is taken care of for you but that doesn't seem to be the case with SvelteKit.
This is what I've got so far:
import cookie from 'cookie';
import { v4 as uuid } from '#lukeed/uuid';
import type { Handle } from '#sveltejs/kit';
import { getOrCreateSession } from '$lib/Authentication';
export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
const cookies = cookie.parse(event.request.headers.get('cookie') || '');
event.locals.userid = cookies.userid || uuid();
const response = await resolve(event);
if (!cookies.userid) {
// if this is the first time the user has visited this app,
// set a cookie so that we recognise them when they return
cookie.serialize('userid', event.locals.userid, {
path: '/',
httpOnly: true
return response;
export async function getSession(event) : Promise<App.Session> {
return getOrCreateSession(event.locals.userid);
/// <reference types="#sveltejs/kit" />
// See
// for information about these interfaces
declare namespace App {
interface Locals {
userid: string;
// interface Platform {}
interface Session {
id: string;
userId?: number;
// interface Stuff {}
export let sessions: App.Session[] = [];
export async function getOrCreateSession(id: string) {
let session = sessions.find(x => === id);
if(!session) {
session = {
id: id,
return session;
<script lang="ts" context="module">
export async function load({ session }) {
session.userId = 1;
return {}
<script lang="ts" context="module">
export async function load({ fetch, session }) {
return {
props: {
session: session,
<script lang="ts">
export let session: App.Session;
Visiting /setSession will set userId and it'll be retrieved when visiting /getSession.
Is this the proper way to do this?
Other than sessions not persisting on server restart, is there any other drawback storing the sessions in a variable instead of a database?
Over time sessions will become quite large. To have an expiry date that's extended on each request would probably be a good idea but where would be a good place to put the code that remove all expired sessions?

I am also new to sveltekit and I believe that sveltekit server side is typically stateless so that it can be deployed on edge functions.
One way to manage sessions, would be to store all session data in an HTTP only cookie (not only the session ID). This is the idea of svelte-kit-cookie-session
Of course, you can also use a database to store session data.
To manage expiration:
If you store session data in a cookie, then set the expires parameter on the creation
If you store session data in a database, depending on the database, you might use a Time To Live policy...


Protected Route by checking JWT saved in user's cookie

I just finished implementing Google social authentication in my NextJS + DjangoRest project following this blog post. I am trying to figure out how to make protected routes that will redirect users if they’re not logged in.
This is how I did it so far:
when user logs in, it saves the jwt_token in the cookie as httponly
uses axios with “withCredentials: true” to access the API endpoint which returns current user data(i.e. email)
saves the user data as a useContext(). When protected page loads, check if UserContext is empty or not and redirects to login page if it is empty.
The obvious problem is the UserContext is reset whenever user refreshes the page, even when the JWT token is still present in the cookies. And I have a feeling this isn’t the right way to implement this.
So how would I implement a similar feature in a non-hacky way? I cannot read jwt-token from cookies in the frontend as it is httponly. Is there a safe way to read user’s JWT token from cookies to test for authentication?
So if I am reading your question right then you can use getServerSide props on your page to detect if the user is authenticated with your api.
function Page({ isAuth }) {
return (
<div>My secure page</div>
//if you return data from your token check api then you could do something like this
<div>Welcome back {}</div>
export default Page
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const isAuth = await tokenChecker(context.cookies.jwt) // In your token checker function you can just return data or false.
if (!isAuth) { //if tokenChecker returns false then redirect the user to where you want them to go
return {
redirect: {
destination: `/login`,
//else return the page
return {
props: {
If this is not what you mean let me know and i can edit my answer.
I modified #Matt's answer slightly and typescript-friendly to solve my problem. It simply checks the user's cookies if they have a jwt_token value inside.
import cookies from 'cookies'
export const getServerSideProps = async ({
}: {
req: { headers: { cookie: any } };
}) => {
function parseCookies(req: { headers: { cookie: any } }) {
var parsedCookie = cookie.parse(
req ? req.headers.cookie || '' : document.cookie
return parsedCookie.jwt_token;
const isAuth = parseCookies(req);
if (typeof isAuth === undefined) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: `/auth/sign_in`,
return {
props: {

Logout from next-auth with keycloak provider not works

I have a nextjs application with next-auth to manage the authentication.
Here my configuration
export default NextAuth({
// Configure one or more authentication providers
providers: [
id: 'my-keycloack-2',
name: 'my-keycloack-2',
clientId: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET,
issuer: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER,
profile: (profile) => ({
id: profile.sub
Authentication works as expected, but when i try to logout using the next-auth signOut function it doesn't works. Next-auth session is destroyed but keycloak mantain his session.
After some research i found a reddit conversation that describe the same problem.
Here my solution.
I write a custom function to logout
const logout = async (): Promise<void> => {
const {
data: { path }
} = await axios.get('/api/auth/logout');
await signOut({ redirect: false });
window.location.href = path;
And i define an api path to obtain the path to destroy the session on keycloak /api/auth/logout
export default (req, res) => {
const path = `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?
res.status(200).json({ path });
In the latest versions of keycloak (at time of this post update is 19.*.* -> the redirect uri becomes a bit more complex
export default (req, res) => {
const session = await getSession({ req });
let path = `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?
if(session?.id_token) {
path = path + `&id_token_hint=${session.id_token}`
} else {
path = path + `&client_id=${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID}`
res.status(200).json({ path });
Note that you need to include either the client_id or id_token_hint parameter in case that post_logout_redirect_uri is included.
So, I had a slightly different approach building upon this thread here.
I didn't really like all the redirects happening in my application, nor did I like adding a new endpoint to my application just for dealing with the "post-logout handshake"
Instead, I added the id_token directly into the initial JWT token generated, then attached a method called doFinalSignoutHandshake to the events.signOut which automatically performs a GET request to the keycloak service endpoint and terminates the session on behalf of the user.
This technique allows me to maintain all of the current flows in the application and still use the standard signOut method exposed by next-auth without any special customizations on the front-end.
This is written in typescript, so I extended the JWT definition to include the new values (shouldn't be necessary in vanilla JS
// exists under /types/next-auth.d.ts in your project
// Typescript will merge the definitions in most
// editors
declare module "next-auth/jwt" {
interface JWT {
provider: string;
id_token: string;
Following is my implementation of /pages/api/[...nextauth.ts]
import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios";
import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import { JWT } from "next-auth/jwt";
import KeycloakProvider from "next-auth/providers/keycloak";
// I defined this outside of the initial setup so
// that I wouldn't need to keep copying the
// process.env.KEYCLOAK_* values everywhere
const keycloak = KeycloakProvider({
clientId: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET,
issuer: process.env.KEYCLOAK_ISSUER,
// this performs the final handshake for the keycloak
// provider, the way it's written could also potentially
// perform the action for other providers as well
async function doFinalSignoutHandshake(jwt: JWT) {
const { provider, id_token } = jwt;
if (provider == {
try {
// Add the id_token_hint to the query string
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append('id_token_hint', id_token);
const { status, statusText } = await axios.get(`${keycloak.options.issuer}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?${params.toString()}`);
// The response body should contain a confirmation that the user has been logged out
console.log("Completed post-logout handshake", status, statusText);
catch (e: any) {
console.error("Unable to perform post-logout handshake", (e as AxiosError)?.code || e)
export default NextAuth({
secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET,
providers: [
callbacks: {
jwt: async ({ token, user, account, profile, isNewUser }) => {
if (account) {
// copy the expiry from the original keycloak token
// overrides the settings in NextAuth.session
token.exp = account.expires_at;
token.id_token = account.id_token;
return token;
events: {
signOut: ({ session, token }) => doFinalSignoutHandshake(token)
signOut only clears session cookies without destroying user's session on the provider.
Year 2023 Solution:
hit GET /logout endpoint of the provider to destroy user's session
do signOut() to clear session cookies, only if step 1 was successful
Assumption: you are storing user's idToken in the session object returned by useSession/getSession/getServerSession
create an idempotent endpoint (PUT) on server side to make this GET call to the provider
create file: pages/api/auth/signoutprovider.js
import { authOptions } from "./[...nextauth]";
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
export default async function signOutProvider(req, res) {
if (req.method === "PUT") {
const session = await getServerSession(req, res, authOptions);
if (session?.idToken) {
try {
// destroy user's session on the provider
await axios.get("<your-issuer>/protocol/openid-connect/logout", { params: id_token_hint: session.idToken });
catch (error) {
} else {
// if user is not signed in, give 200
wrap signOut by a function, use this function to sign a user out throughout your app
import { signOut } from "next-auth/react";
export async function theRealSignOut(args) {
try {
await axios.put("/api/auth/signoutprovider", null);
// signOut only if PUT was successful
return await signOut(args);
} catch (error) {
// <show some notification to user asking to retry signout>
throw error;
Note: theRealSignOut can be used on client side only as it is using signOut internally.
Keycloak docs logout

How to get current provider of session in Next-auth

In Next-auth, We can get session related info like user: {name, email .. etc}
something as follows:
import { useSession } from "next-auth/client"
export default function Component() {
const [session, loading] = useSession()
if (session) {
return <p>Signed in as {}</p>
return Sign in
I want to get also the current provider name in my component to be used. For you your information, next-auth supports login by many providers as Facebook, Twitter .. etc
For example, if the user logged in via Twitter Api, I want to get this piece of info and print it in his profile page.
Callbacks can be used for passing additional data to session object.
Provider details are provided the first time user signs in.
You can use jwt callback to store data in jwt cookie.
In [...nextauth].js :
const callbacks = {}
callbacks.jwt = async function jwt(token, user , account) {
if (user) {
token = { id: , provider:account.provider , ...moreData}
return token
const options = {
Note: You also need to use session callback for passing the token data to useSession hook.
callbacks.session = async function session(session, token) {
session.user = {
provider : token.provider,
profile: dbUser.profile,
return session
export default (req, res) => NextAuth(req, res, options)
This way provider will be stored in the token for subsequent requests.
Learn more about callbacks here : Callbacks

Login to chrome extension via website with AWS amplify

I'm building a chrome extension and am trying to implement user login and sign-up. I originally had the sign-up and login functionality in the popup portion of my chrome extension but, after examining some of the more popular chrome extensions like Grammarly and Honey, I realized that they use their websites to login and sign up users. I decided to do the same for various reasons.
I'm using React js for both my website and the popup. I am using AWS-Amplify to handle login, sign-up, and user sessions. When I open the popup I have it check for a user session using await Auth.currentSession(); after having logged in on my site with await Auth.signIn(email, password);. However, that doesn't work. I've read the Amplify docs but couldn't find an answer. I have functionality in my popup that requires access to AWS services.
How can I use AWS-Amplify to login to my chrome extension via my website?
I did end up figuring this out. I'm not sure if this is the "right way" to do this but it works. After logging in using amplify on my react web app I can grab the session and send it to the chrome extension. However, only JSONifible objects can be sent through the extension messaging api. So all the functions that come with the session are lost. However, you can rebuild the session from the information that can be sent through the messaging api. You rebuild the session, create a new CognitoUser object, and then attach the session to the user. Once that is done the session will be stored and amplify will be able to use it.
On the web side.
//Get the current session from aws amplify
const session = await Auth.currentSession();
const extensionId = 'your_extension_id';
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extensionID, session,
function(response) {
// console.log(response);
On the extension side in background.js
// This is all needed to reconstruct the session
import {
} from "amazon-cognito-identity-js";
import {Auth} from "aws-amplify";
//Listen for incoming external messages.
async function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.session) {
} else {
//Re-build the session and authenticate the user
export const authenticateUser = async (session) => {
let idToken = new CognitoIdToken({
IdToken: session.idToken.jwtToken
let accessToken = new CognitoAccessToken({
AccessToken: session.accessToken.jwtToken
let refreshToken = new CognitoRefreshToken({
RefreshToken: session.refreshToken.token
let clockDrift = session.clockDrift;
const sessionData = {
IdToken: idToken,
AccessToken: accessToken,
RefreshToken: refreshToken,
ClockDrift: clockDrift
// Create the session
let userSession = new CognitoUserSession(sessionData);
const userData = {
Username: userSession.getIdToken().payload['cognito:username'],
Pool: new CognitoUserPool({UserPoolId: YOUR_USER_POOL_ID, ClientId: YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID})
// Make a new cognito user
const cognitoUser = new CognitoUser(userData);
// Attach the session to the user
// Check to make sure it works
cognitoUser.getSession(function(err, session) {
//Do whatever you want here
} else {
console.error("Error", err);
// The session is now stored and the amplify library can access it to do
// whatever it needs to.
There is a configuration option in AWS Amplify where you can override the default token storage (which is localStorage in the browser)
class MyStorage {
// the promise returned from sync function
static syncPromise = null;
// set item with the key
static setItem(key: string, value: string): string;
// get item with the key
static getItem(key: string): string;
// remove item with the key
static removeItem(key: string): void;
// clear out the storage
static clear(): void;
// If the storage operations are async(i.e AsyncStorage)
// Then you need to sync those items into the memory in this method
static sync(): Promise<void> {
if (!MyStorage.syncPromise) {
MyStorage.syncPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => {});
return MyStorage.syncPromise;
// tell Auth to use your storage object
// REQUIRED - Amazon Cognito Region
region: process.env.REACT_APP_AWS_REGION,
// OPTIONAL - Amazon Cognito User Pool ID
userPoolId: process.env.REACT_APP_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID,
// OPTIONAL - Amazon Cognito Web Client ID (26-char alphanumeric string)
userPoolWebClientId: process.env.REACT_APP_COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID,
// OPTIONAL - customized storage object
storage: MyStorage
More information here
What you could do is something like this, using API
export class TokensStorage {
static setItem(key, value) {{[key]: JSON.stringify(value)}, () => {
console.log('token stored');
// get item with the key
static getItem(key) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {[key], (result) => {
// remove item with the key
static removeItem(key) {, () => {
console.log("item removed");
// clear out the storage
static clear() { => {
console.log("storage cleared");
Here is the solution I came up with while solving exactly the same problem. I hope this will also work for you:
How to use it
npm install --save #vocably/pontis
// website-app/index.js
import { Auth } from '#aws-amplify/auth';
import { AppAuthStorage } from '#vocably/pontis';
const extensionId = 'baocigmmhhdemijfjnjdidbkfgpgogmb';
// The following line sets up the custom storage
// which exchages auth tokens with the extension
storage: new AppAuthStorage(extensionId),
// and the rest of Auth params:
region: 'eu-central-1',
userPoolId: 'eu-central-1_uSErPooL',
// extension/service-worker.js
import { registerExtensionStorage } from '#vocably/pontis';
import { Auth } from '#aws-amplify/auth';
// The only function param is responsible for
// the storage type. It could be 'sync' or 'local'
const storage = registerExtensionStorage('sync');
// The following line sets up the custom extension
// storage which exchanges Auth tokens with the app
storage: storage,
// and the rest of Auth params:
region: 'eu-central-1',
userPoolId: 'eu-central-1_uSErPooL',
That's it.

Get current domain name from request in Nuxt

How can I get the current domain name from a request on server side?
My Nuxt based website is reachable from different domains. I would like to get the domain name from where the user has accessed the website. How can I do this?
I tried to write a middleware for that purpose but it always displays localhost:3000
export default function({ store, req }) {
if (process.server) store.commit('hostname',
Any idea how to fix this issue?
If you are using Vuex, you can use the nuxtServerInit action to access the request headers.
In my example, I am storing the domain in Vuex so it can be accessed anywhere in the application because this middleware fires before all other ones.
export const state = () => ({
domain: '',
export const mutations = {
setDomain(state, domain) {
state.domain = domain;
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit(store, context) {
export const getters = {
domain: (state) => state.domain,
export default function ({ route, store, redirect }) {
console.log('hey look at that', store.getters['domain']);
export default {
router: {
middleware: 'domain'
I'm able to get the domain name declaring the function on the server by this way:
export default function (req, res, next) {
If you need to commit the data to the store, saving data in the environment and recover it on the client side could be a solution.
