How to delete a link to a bug from a test execution in Kiwi TCMS - kiwi-tcms

Steps to reproduce
Configure external bug tracker. In my case Redmine
Complete a test run
Use ‘Report bug’ to create a new bug in redmine
Expected result
A bug is created and linked to the test case run
There is a way to delete the link to the bug
Actual result
As expected :+1:
There is no way to delete the link, or at least I can't find it
Some parts are blurred:
Test Case Run with linked bug reports

Deleting links to bugs (or anything else) from a Test Execution is currently not possible.
You may open a feature request on GitHub Issues to request this functionality.
However these URLs serve the purpose of traceability b/w your bug reports & test executions. If the link is removed that breaks traceability. You'd better have a very good justification for that because it doesn't sound like something a test team would like to do.


What's a good way to navigate code base and find source for a webpage

I'm new to frontend development and thinking about what's a good way to find source code in our code base for a webpage. What I usually do is going to the element tab in chrome dev tool, finding a special class name, and searching that in code base to locate the file. I feel there should be better way for this task. I tried to use source tab in dev tool, but it shows tons of files and folders in navigation column. I also tried to use Components tab since we're using react, but component names are minified to single letters. So want to get suggestions from you folks. How do you usually do this? Thanks!
You have the right idea, the problem is that you are looking at the minified (presumably production) version of the website. In general, while developing a website, you run a development server, in which all of the code (mostly) appears as it is written in your IDE/editor. That way you can find component names and inspect the source code through the chrome dev tools.
You should talk to whoever is currently responsible for the code to help you get a development server running on your machine. Then, you find the component names and then do a "find in files" search through your IDE/editor to see what they are, and where they are used in the code base. There may be many results that you have to sift through. That's par for the course in large code bases until you become more familiar with what goes where. And even afterwards.
I will say; even things that appear simple can be fiendishly complex, so it would be useful for you if the owner of the code could give you a rough outline of how things are organised and why to make navigating the code base easier. But, it will always be a bit hard, and depending on how clean the code is, it might be nearly impenetrable. Good luck.
There are many ways to to find source code or debug Code
①You can use Chrome dev tool
②You can use debbuger in VS
③you can debug your code by puttin debugger in java script code
④browser has good functionality to find
code(For reference please check Image.)

Selenium automation report

I am using Selenium framework for my test cases execution.
I need an instant report of test cases that are passed while the full suite is in execution currently.
For Eg: There are 100 test cases in suite and five have run of which 3 passed, 2 failed and I need these instant report while the suite is in-progress. Can you please help me with this task?
You can use ExtentReport.
You can use it to log your test steps and once its done it will generate a report to show your results.
For what your looking for, ExtentReport uses a "flush".
If you call this flush after each test step it will amend the step and create the report.
This is something I'm looking into myself at the moment, so I wouldn't consider this an answer but something I've stumbled across myself, hope it helps.
Here is how to set up ExtentReports on your project with examples -
You must use it in conjunction with a test runner eg. TestNG or JUnit.
For what you are trying to achieve is slightly different to the example. You need to call a flush after every test step so it will amend to the report after the step is completed rather than when all the tests are completed. Its not something I have done before but it was explained to me like the following
Just call .flush() after every test instead of once at the end of your test run. BUT you need to make sure the ExtentReports object itself is only initialized once, instead of being reinitialized at the start of every test. For example, I used TestNG. The ExtentReports is called once using #BeforeSuite, but the .flush() is called after every test using #AfterMethod. I hope this makes sense.
The only thing that can’t be solved via code is the HTML refresh as this is outside the control of the ExtentReports library (it doesn’t know where you’ve opened the actual HTML file). But this can be taken care of by using a simple browser plugin as I said. At least for Chrome there are a lot of them, just do a Google search for ‘chrome auto refresh’.
Hope this helps. If you need anymore advice don't hesitate to contact me.

How to remove the "users" module from meanjs stack generation

The yeoman generators "meanjs" automagically installs a core and a user module when you do a fresh generation. My goal is to remove the user module and only use the core.
Any ideas? I considered sharing code but I'm not sure it would help.
More Info:
The reason i'd like to remove this is because the web application I'm creating requires ZERO user management
The easiest option would simply be:
First make sure that you are able to run your code.
Delete the users folder.
Run your code, which will fail probably, and look at the errors.
Go through all the error messages and delete every link to the users module.
Note: this is applicable for MEAN version 0.4.X and above.

appengine cloud storage compile error in demo project

fails when deploying
goapp deploy -oauth
app.go:78: cannot use google.AppEngineContext(c) (type "".Option) as type "".Option in function argument
I'm able to get the demo project to run by altering the import lines 33-34 in from
Most importantly, is this the right way to "fix" this (and should the demo project be / or have been updated by google?)
And if anyone has insight, if you could provide some context as to why there are (as it appears to me) multiple ways to refer to the same package that would be great as well.
Yes, the go subrepositories have been moved to
See the announcement:!msg/golang-nuts/eD8dh3T9yyA/l5Ail-xfMiAJ
The problem with identifying the canonical import path will be addressed in Go 1.4:
It seems there is indeed a problem with the examples. The oauth library refers to the paths with the recent commit.

Cakephp 2.5.2 installation requirements

It may be unusual to ask for requirements as it's common to find this kind of information on the developers pages. But in this case I'm in doubt if there can be 'undefined' requirements.
Let's see what I've got.
I prepared a complete setup including the DebugKit as you can see on the first image.
Then, totally in accordance with the manuals, i prepared 2 tables, and 'baked all'.
The second image shows a screenshot of the output of the users/index.ctp on my local machine and on another server where everything runs normal.
But, after uploading this to the server where I expect to host the site I got lots of errors and undefined index messages. See the output on the third image.
I have to mention that the server works with PHP 5.3.28 and pdo_enabled and that I've copied all files to the /public_html folder so that there are no special rooting requirements.
So my questions: Are there other requirements to have cakephp 2.5.2 running? What can cause the malfunction?
Many thanks for any hint
first image
second image
