Composition In React with params - reactjs

I am trying to create an architecture that in some way imitates the slots from VUE.
The idea is for the parent component to be able to inject some props into the component and the child can inject the rest of the props.
This is how I tried to approach this problem, unfortunately this approach will not work because the compontent will be "monut" every time the parent re-render takes place.
Filters = (prams) => {
useEffect(()=>{ //RENDER ALL THE TIME },[])
ParentComponent = () => <ChildComponent Filters={(props) => <Filters propA={"A"} />}
ChildComponent = (props) => {
const Filters = props.Filters;
render(<Filters probB="B" />)
I know, I can use useCallback for ((props) => <Filters propA={"A"} />), but only it will help only if what I want to pass to "propA" is steady.
I want to "manage" <Filters /> component in parent, so that the child does not have to handle Filters logic (props).

React gives you proper API to do most things. Using it forces you into certain paradigms that are proven to work well.
You should probably have a look at the Context and Memo APIs from React.
Or if you have to select and update state from multiple components, you might wanna have a look at libraries that provide global state, like Redux and Recoil.
Context example
// The shape
interface ContextProps {
myProp: string
// The context
export const MyContext = React.createContext<Partial<ContextProps>>({
myProp: 'nothing'
// The provider
<MyContext.Provider value={{ myProp: 'override' }}>
// Consumer
const { myProp } = useContext(MyContext)
In some case you can also use useMemo or React.memo and use your own custom compare function if needed to prevent re-renders in very specific situations.


Is it possible to pass data to components without a parent?

I understand that the normal way is to pass props through a parent, but I want to know how else I can pass props to a component.
let C1 = createReactClass({
render: function() {
console.log('render C1');
return (
<button onClick={this.cambiaAAzul}>Azul</button>
<button onClick={this.cambiaAVerde}>Verde</button>
<button onClick={this.cambiaARojo}>Rojo</button>
<p>Estado C2 <strong style={ {color: this.state.color} }>{this.state.color}</strong></p>
<C2 color={this.state.color}/> // It is common
Typically, to solve the props-drilling problem, which is what seems to be the issue you are trying to solve, the useContext hook should help.
So set up a context,
const C1ContextProvider = ({children}) => {
// the Provider gives access to the context to its children
return (
< C1Context.Provider value={someValue}>
</C1Context.Provider >
... and then in your component where you need someValue, you can just do this:
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { C1Context } from "../C1Context";
const values = useContext(AirDCPPSocketContext);
cons foo = values.someValue; // <-- someValue obtained from the context
I don't know how it is possible to not have parents but you can pass informations by local storage and context hooks.
Props are by definition arguments passed into a React component. Since React components are instantiated in the context of their parent, I'm not sure if it would be possible to pass props in any other way.
There are many other ways to get data in React though. You could query data from an API or other source, or you could pull from a state manager (such as redux). It just depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
Props are simply things passed into a component when it's called.
For instance:
function C1((prop1, prop2) {
<h1>{prop1} {prop2}</h1>
<C1 prop1="Hello" prop2="World" />
<C1 prop1="React's" prop2="Great" />
By referencing the C1 component in App.js, you can call it with different props to produce different results.
Now I'm not too familiar with the createReactClass and render: you're using, as this is a style of React I've never learned. However, I'd guess that props provide the same function.
Your question asks about props without a parent. Well. Props without a parent wouldn't be props, they'd just be normal JS data types inside your file.
Hope this helps :)
The component's local state only can drill into child components. for passing props without using React component's local state. you have to use state management libraries like Context API or Redux
These libraries are created to make you able to pass props into nonrelated or sibling components
Example with redux:
Here I Assume that you set up redux in your project. imagine you have two components that you want to pass props without parent-child relation.
const changeMyWeightAction = (weight) => {
return {
payload: weight
const JenniferFunctionComponent = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
return (
<span>hello I'm Jennifer and I can decide my weight</span>
<input onChange={e => dispatch(changeMyWeightAction(})/>
const WeightFunctionComponent = () => {
const weight = useSelector(state => state.Jenny.weight)
return (
<span>Jenny's weight is {weight}</span>

How to pass props from parent to grandchild component in react

I have tried pass value from parent to grandchild component, and it works. While I am thinking if there is another simpler or other way of passing props in shorter path.
What I did is quite cumbersome in codesandbox
There may be a common problem in react world called prop drilling by passing data to children only using props.
I would recommend only 2-level passing, if you need pass data deeper then you probably doing something wrong.
Use one of popular state management library (if your project is big) or React context (which is awesome)
Create a folder called /contexts and put contexts there. The structure of files can be like shown below:
First you need to create a context itself
type ClientContextState = {
data: User;
set: (data: User) => void;
logout: () => void;
// empty object as a default value
export const UserContext = createContext<UserContextState>({} as UserContextState);
Then create a Provider wrapper component
export const UserProvider = ({ children }: Props) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<User>({});
const sharedState = {
set: setData
logout: () => setData(null)
return <UserContext.Provider value={sharedState}>{children}</UserContext.Provider>
You may also want to have an alias of useContext hook:
export const useUser = () => {
return useContext(UserContext);
After all this whenever you wrap your components or app to <UserProvider>...</UserProvider> you can use our hook to access data and methods form sharedState from any place you want:
export LogoutButton = () => {
const {data, logout} = useUser();
return <Button onClick={() => logout()}>Logout from {}</Button>
Whenever you want to pass props or data from Grandparent to child component, always use react-redux. This is useful to maintain the state and access the data from anywhere/any component.
Another way is to use useContext hooks which you can use to pass the props
Following are the steps to use useContext hooks
Creating the context
The built-in factory function createContext(default) creates a context instance:
import { createContext } from 'react';
const Context = createContext('Default Value');
The factory function accepts one optional argument: the default value.
Providing the context
Context.Provider component available on the context instance is used to provide the context to its child components, no matter how deep they are.
To set the value of context use the value prop available on the
<Context.Provider value={value} />:
function Main() {
const value = 'My Context Value';
return (
<Context.Provider value={value}>
<MyComponent />
Again, what’s important here is that all the components that’d like later to consume the context have to be wrapped inside the provider component.
If you want to change the context value, simply update the value prop.
Consuming the context: Consuming the context can be performed in 2 ways.
The first way, the one I recommend, is to use the useContext(Context) React hook:
import { useContext } from 'react';
function MyComponent() {
const value = useContext(Context);
return <span>{value}</span>;
Generally it's helpful to consider whether moving state down the hierarchy would be the simplest route. That means lifting the component instantiation to a place closer to the state being used. In your example, that could mean Component_data is used inside Component and passed to its children there, removing one step in the nested data flow. Even better, would be that Child.a accesses Component_data.A directly.
In a real app with cases where accessing the data directly is less feasible, a solution I lean towards is using Context to set data in the parent that retrieves it, and then I can access it however deeply nested the component might be that needs it.
i.e. in App I would create the Context provider, and in ChildA I access it via useContext hook.
Further reading (this post is about an alternative to using useMemo but has an illustrative example of why moving state down is a good thing)

Passing one Prop vs Many Props vs Nested Components in React?

This is a part of Think in React.
Thinking in React is the hard part for me because I see many developers do React with different mindsets.
When I was writing code for the Notification component that will be used by developers, suddenly I've noticed that there are different experiences to use the component:
Passing many Props like Bootstrap
title="New Feature"
Passing one Prop as an Object
const data = {
<Notification data={data}/>
Passing nested Children
I followed the passing nested Children because ( I guess) It seems if I scale the component, I don't need to provide a Bootstrap-like experience for the developers.
import React from "react"
import { Wrapper, Text } from "./Styled"
const Body = ({ message }) => (
export default Body
The problem is I'm thinking about it is when I want to scale the Component and let's say adding 3 additional features that require 3 additional props
I'm confused about the reasons why each approach might be chosen, and what's the "best" developer experience.
To answer this question let's review all possibilities given React Element and a Function Component:
const c1 = <div>React Element</div>;
const C2 = () => <div>Function Component</div>;
Notice that from performance perspective, every component can be memoized and not cause useless renders.
Pass React element through props
const ObjectProps = ({ component }) => {
console.log("render object props");
return component;
<ObjectProps component={c1} />
Lets you define the exact usage of passed component (contract).
For example you might decide "messages" have to be on top of "actions"
No lazy rendering
Passing heavy component may cause performance issues.
Hard to inject props (need to use React.cloneElement).
As a library writer you would like to inject your styles and refs.
Passing Function Component
const FunctionComponentProps = ({ FunctionComponent }) => {
console.log("render function component");
return <FunctionComponent />;
<FunctionComponentProps FunctionComponent={C2} />
Lazy rendering.
Easy to pass props and inject props for inner implementation.
Lets you define the exact usage of passed component (contract).
Children Render
const ChildrenRender = ({ children }) => {
console.log("render function component");
return children;
<C2 />
No restriction for the developer (no contract)
Hard to inject children (need to use React.Children API + React.cloneElement combo)
No contract
The developer might pass "buttons" and then "messages" and break the view.
Implementing ChildrenRender usually comes with component instances which results a minimal "contract" mentioned above.
const ChildrenRender = ({ children }) => {...};
ChildrenRender.InnerComp1 = <SomeComponent .../>
ChildrenRender.InnerComp2 = <SomeComponent2 .../>
In Conclusion
It heavily depends on the component's usage, usually the hybrid approach suits well - passing components through props and add an option for passing children too.
Another technique is Render Props.

How do I pass things between components on the same level?

I've got a React app of the form:
I want to be able to update some state values of <FormComponent> by clicking on elements in <AnotherComponent>.
I don't want to place them inside each other, but keep them side-by-side. I don't want to lift up <FormComponent> state as it's nicely encapsulated.
What's the best way to achieve this? Can I do it with just react or do I need RxJS/something else?
The data in React Flows Down.
If you don't want to lift the state up, what's left is Context API or any state management library like Redux and MobX (both implement Context API with different strategy).
But still, the state is "above" FormComponent (you still lifting state up).
const Context = React.createContext();
const ParentComponent = () => {
const contextState = useState(DEFAULT_STATE);
return (
<Context.Provider value={contextState}>
<FormComponent />
<AnotherComponent />
const FormComponent = () => {
const [, setState] = useContext(Context);
// use setState
const AnotherComponent = () => {
const [state] = useContext(Context);
// valid state updated from FormComponent
As far as I can tell the "right thing" to do in these instances is move the state up one level, into your Parent component.
If you have a look at the Intro to React:
To collect data from multiple children, or to have two child components communicate with each other, you need to declare the shared state in their parent component instead.
"Lifting state up" is a common thing in React applications and doesn't require introducing a state management solution like Redux or RxJS.
Apart from the ways mentioned above you can pass down a function as prop from the Parent component to AnotherComponent. And when clicking any element in Another component, pass the intended value in that function, which will in turn be transferred to ParentComponent. And you can then pass the value as props to the FormComponent from the ParentComponent.
You can check this example for better understanding

GraphQL HOC messes with ref to children | React

I am using React and Apollo for my project.
I got this in my component MenuModal:
onClick = () => {
this.child.onSubmit(); // do stuff
render() {
return (
<Modal.Content scrolling>
ref={ref => (this.child = ref)} // Using ref to access it's properties
My component MenuEdit has a function defined in class:
onSubmit = values => {
console.log('calling inner form submit', values);
if (this.child) {
I should be able to call onSubmit from MenuModal right?
But I am currently getting this:
And when I console.log this.child in my onClick function I can see this:
So there's no onSubmit function there. When seeing GraphQL I wondered if it had something to do with me exporting the component with the graphQL HOC.
export default compose(
graphql(UPDATE_MENU, { name: 'updateMenu' }),
And when I changed it just to:
export default MenuEdit;
I can see my function
So I wonder how I write my export so I still can access my function in my child. Thanks.
The HOC wrapps your component into another component. You can see this in the React devtools. You will see that the component renders a component around your wrapped component. Something like this
<ChildComponent />
Your ref then points to the Apollo(ChildComponen) element instance.
What you are doing here looks like an antipattern to me. In React we usually don't call functions on rendered elements (except sometimes DOM elements). The idea is rather that children call functions of their parents by receiving them as properties. The best thing in your case is to get rid of the reference and move your state and actions up the component chain. Alternatively you can use the new render prop style in react-apollo.
There was a contribution to the Apollo repository to address this issue...
Wrapping your component export like this withApollo(Component, { withRef: true }) will expose your child methods. Accessible using ref.current.wrappedInstance.
