Can't use PNG files larger than 10kb in pdf generation - reactjs

I am trying to generate pdf files using renderToStaticMarkup from react-dom/server library and every time I am using png files larger than 10KB it doesn't display them. I read the documentation for any workarounds, but found nothing. It does not allow for other file types like .svg either. Is there any way for me to add good quality images to pdfs or I have to go by without them? Thanks for all the answers in advance!
PS. When I load images from external links they display properly.


How should I go about streaming large local video files in React?

I've recently taken up leaning some more JS and started working on a video player using React.But I am stumped on this issue I am having; I can not import files larger than 2gb and I cannot find any information on streaming the files from local directories, every doc I find either uses smaller than 2gb files, or uses remote files, like a link.
How should I go about streaming said files. Should I be using HLS, DASH, or something else?
As an example:
import video from './content/filename.mp4';
This will throw the error saying:
RangeError [ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE]: File size (filesize) is greater
than 2 GB
Making it impossible for me to playback in the default video player or something like video-react or videojs. The one solution I can think up is splitting the files into chunks, but I can't seem to find any reliable ways to do that.
In normal html and js, the same files load normally (I dynamically load the src based on the query parameters) and play in the default video player, so I assume this is a Webpack limit to avoid crashing the browser.
Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to export mulitple layer combinations as JPEG or PNG files in Inkscape?

I have a SVG with multiple layers, I wonder it there is an automatic way to show/hide certain layers and export these combinations as PNG or JPG files. I came across this extension
which apparently does what I want, but I saved it in the user extensions inkscape folder and it doesn't show up in the Extensions--> Export menu after I restart Inkscape. Maybe because of the version I'm using (1.0.2).
Is there another way to do this?
Maybe this one will help?
It allows you to keep one or more layers constant, and to export to various formats.
Just noticed that you shouldn't check 'export visible layers only', it errors out (until I've fixed it, that is).

Paraview - Dataset locations of builtin demos / Sources

Paraview gets packaged with some examples. One can see them in Sources menu. Examples such as box, 2d glyph, sphere, Outline.
I'm trying to figure out how to represent these data sets, which should be .vtk files (or .html files). Does anyone know where the .vtk files for each of them are? If that's not available, is there an option, where i can extract these points, or convert my visualization into a .vtk (or .html) file? I've been trying to find out, with no success so far. Thanks in advance.
I found the answer. I just have to choose File -> Save Data -> Save as vtk file. How did i not see this before.

Displaying text files in website

I am developing a website for my dept. My website lists out all project papers in our college. All project papers are .txt files or pdf files or word files.
What is the best way of displaying?
Is using CMS, the efficient way to display the text content?
Uploading the text in DB is a big process. Need to take care of each line.
Is any other way of displaying it?
I dont want to change the format of txt files. It should be displayed as it is in files. Please suggest me.
If it was just text files you could use a CMS as they can keep the text layout, but with Word and PDF files you could just treat it as files.
To start simply, upload the files and have an index page which links to the all the files. To display text and PDF files it should show ok in the browser, but the Word documents would probably be downloaded and viewed on the clients PC (though there are probably plugins if you search)

How to retrieve contents from a uploaded file

I am using cakephp framework. I would like to retrieve the contents of the uploaded file and store it in the database. I want to be able to search the content of the uploaded file.
I was made aware that file_get_contents would work for plain .txt files. But all my documents are .docx and .pdfs. Is there any solution I could use.
I appreciate any help.
A quick google search got me this:
It appears you can search those files but it requires some additional packages.
