I am trying to setup LDAP authentication for my meteorJS app and I could authenticate against AD with the babrahams:accounts-ldap module.
My question is how I can keep authentication in sync? For example, after authenticating a user, how can I detect a change in his password and thus this user's authentication is expired?
I’m workin in a project with React JS that needs authenticate user from a redirect using a url with the “login_hint” param. There is a federation in AD and a Cognito User Pool with SAML configuration referenced to that federation domain. I can authenticate user normally with oAuth configuration and use Amplify Hub for listening data, but a I can’t found a solution to solve the authentication by redirect.
User login on Site A using federated AD account;
User click in a link to access the Site B, under same federation
URL to site B in site A href attribute is “https://www.siteb.net/?login_hint=user#domain.com
Site B reads URL and get “login_hint” value to request the user token or session to AD
Finally, the Amplify sends silent authentication to Cognito
So, it’s possible using Amplify, or combination of the Amplify and MSAL… or that is not possible this way?
can I login a user to AAD without using an App Registration?
My problem is the following:
I am currently writing a python module that wraps the Power BI REST API.
Everything works fine if I register an app in AAD and authenticate via Client ID and Client Secret.
I would like to enable a user login, so that a user logs in with their credentials and can run the script with the privileges assigned to their account.
MSAL seems to support that with a PublicClientApplication and the acquire_token_interactive method. It still expects a Client ID, though.
My issue is that I would like to distribute my python module to other developers, without them having to register an app in AAD first.
After all, I can use the MicrosoftPowerBiMgmt PowerShell module without first registering an app.
How can I do that? Is there an authentication flow that does not need an App Registration?
It is not possible to authenticate user without App registration with OAUTH and OPENID connect, multi-tenant authentication means a template which will be deployed on multiple tenants with same client-id and secret
We have integrated keycloak with Azure Active Directory and integrated it with a few applications.
We have a few applications that are directly integrated with Azure Active Directory. Is there an approach I can follow to make a person logged in to one application to be signed in all the other applications irrespective of the authentication provider used (keycloak or Azure AD)?
Normally I'll be logged into all applications integrated with keycloak if I signin into one application integrated with keycloak and vice-versa with Azure AD.
Your requirement can be fulfilled with the app service feature by leveraging the token store and authorization behavior of the configured authentication providers for the apps configured. But only tokens received from keycloak can be forwarded to Azure AD for authentication purposes and further sign in respectively to all apps registered with Azure AD. The reverse is not possible as keycloak doesn’t has the ability to forward the sign in token request received for the application configured back to Azure AD for authorization.
You will have to enter the REST API code for signing in and out of a session accordingly by incorporating the below likewise code in your environment.
Log in with the Microsoft Identity Platform
Log in with Facebook
Log in with Google
Log in with Twitter
Log in with Apple
Please find the below documentation for an approach on forwarding the authentication tokens from Keycloak to Azure AD for access authorization: -
Thanking you,
I'm trying to integrate Azure AD B2C with my App Service using the Authentication / Authorization menu in the portal (also called EasyAuth).
This is what I did:
Registered the application in Azure B2C
Recorded the App ID
Defined user flows (just Sign In)
Set up identity provider (Azure AD)
Tested the user flow, with Redirect URI pointing to jwt.ms, to see the result - works fine
Enabled Authentication / Authorization in the App Service in the Portal
Configured Azure AD authentication with the App ID from above and the link to the endpoint metadata
But now, when I access the App Service, I'm redirected to a "Logging in..." page which immediately goes to the jwt.ms page, with no JWT data, no login page, and no opportunity to enter my credentials.
Just an empty jwt page.
I couldn't find anything in the docs that can explain this.
What am I missing?
Is it possible to configure the WSO2 APIM to use the current, on-prem, AD login, without requiring the user to enter the log in details again?
Think about the following scenario:
Working in a local, closed network, with AD DC on prem.
My SPA application accesses the API gateway. The user has already logged in using AD when he turned on his PC.
How can I make the APIM use the same login data?