Equivalent of static local variables inside Scilab function - static

I have been looking for a way how to define persistent local variables inside
the Scilab function. It could be said that I have been looking for a way how
to define equivalent of the static local variables known from the C programming language in the Scilab function. Can anybody help?

There are at least 2 ways to get a similar feature:
using global variables (to get some static):
This is likely the most "standard" way.
You may define them in a local scope (for instance in a
function), but then there is no way to restrict the access to
them to the place where they have been defined.
using variables in a TCL "interpreter":
A TCL interpreter is a kind of "namespace". It is also a global object.
You may defined as many interpreters as you want.
But not all types of data can be recorded as a TCL variable.
And all data are (recorded and) retrieved as strings (and only in single precision for decimal numbers. May be it's possible to go beyond by using some TCL options).
In the opposite, there is no data type limitations for global variables, that are recorded as is, without any conversion into strings.
But there is no way to define "global namespaces" (may be as fields of a global structure..)


Static variables clarification

There might be another question like this on stack but I am not completely sure. So on to my question. My professor told everyone, "NEVER USE GLOBAL VARIABLES". But she said that static variables are allowed as long as you give a good enough reason. So my question is, under her criteria, is a static variable declared at the global level ok?
Unfortunately static has two meanings in C. When applied to a global variable, it means that the visibility of this symbol is in the file scope. When applied to a local variable, it means that this variable retains its value between calls (i.e., it's not really a local variable). Your professor is referring to the latter, not the former, when she says they are allowed.
There are times when global variables are useful. Consider stderr: it would be a pain to have to define it in every file you needed to use it in; it is sensibly defined as a global variable.
There are times when it is sensible to store a variable at file scope without external linkage (which you do using static as part of the definition of the variable, outside the scope of any function). For example, if you have a suite of functions which need to share some state but the API does not pass a handle back to the calling code (so there isn't an analogue of open and close — or create and destroy), then one or more static variables at file scope make sense.

local variables converted into global variables?

I am passed in a C file. The C file contains functions which contain local variables. Given any C file, i have to be able to find the local variables within a specific method (which the user specifies) and make them global. (specifications for another application which can only handle global variables)...
What is the easiest way to do this? Would it be through shell scripting or should it directly in C. Should i use regex? Am i thinking about doing this the wrong way?
Any help would be appreciated
You are looking for a specific context of variables, in your case the context is local variables declared inside of a function. A regular expression can be used to pull out a function definition, but some kind of token parser would be much better.
Using a simplified grammar for C it can be found that you can get the function strings themselves and from there you can find the local variables themselves.
But, if the C code passed in is in a specific format, IE local variables are at the top of the function definition then a simple regular expression can be used.
C99 will allow variables to be declared throughout the function, within blocks etc., so the task of identifying them is complicated. It might be possible to leverage a lexer/parser like yacc and flex to tokenise a C source file, then pull the variable declarations out of the generated structures. Making this general purpose is likely to be a lot of work.

Best constants c convention

Suppose I would like to declare a set of constants in C (representing error codes of an application). how would you divide them into files ? would you use enum in external file and include it ?
Yes, #defines or enums in a .h file is the way to go. Enums are useful if you're debugging with a debugger like gdb as you'll see a more descriptive value than a number.
If it's a set of related numeric values, then an enum is the correct approach. If the values are C strings or otherwise not representable by an enum (or if they don't sensibly form a set of related values), you can use one of two approaches.
Either use preprocessor #define statements, or use extern const-marked variables. The former is resolved at compile-time, so you can use it to specify array lengths or to actively call code when used. The latter, however, allows you to change the value of the constant (by specifying it in a .c file rather than a .h file) without having to recompile every file that uses it.
Because extern const-marked variables can be changed in that fashion, they are preferable in code that is reused across many projects, or code that is distributed as a library. Changes to the library are then possible without forcing programs to be recompiled.
If it's a set of values an enumeration declared in a header file would suffice (some people use #defines but since the value doesn't matter an enumeration works just fine in this case). If you simply want to compare to error codes this is a good method.

Is it possible to avoid global variables in a strictly procedural program?

Being a developer born and raised on OO, I was curious to hear how it's possible to avoid global state in a procedural program.
You can also write object-oriented code in C. You don't get all the C++ goodies and it's ugly, and you have to manually pass the this pointer (I've seen self used for this, in order to make it compatible with C++), but it works. So technically, you don't need global state in pure procedural languages for the very same reasons you don't need it in object-oriented languages. You just have to pass the state around explicitly, rather than implicitly like in OO languages.
As an example, look at how the file I/O functions in the C standard library work with pointer to FILE objects that are (largely) opaque. Or look at how OS APIs deal with handles and such to encapsulate information. A program creates objects, uses APIs that act on those objects and closes/deletes the objects - all using straight C.
A global variable is nothing but an implicit procedure argument. Make it explicit and the global variable goes away.
Note: the fact that you no longer use a global variable does not mean that you no longer use global state! What we did above was just a purely syntactical transformation, the semantics of the program haven't changed at all. It's just as non-composable, non-modular, non-threadsafe, non-parallelizable as it was before.
All OO is a mindset and a whole bunch of compiler support.
You can achieve much the same by discipline, coding conventions, and passing around structures in most languages.
For example I used to have functions/procedures prefixed with their module identity, taking the first parameter as being the related module struct.
// System.h
typedef struct _System
struct _System *owner;
LinkedList *elements;
} System;
// System.c
int System_FindName ( System * system, char *name)
I'd really seriously not like to have to go back to coding like this though. I'm very happy that I haven't had to write and debug a linked list for at least 18 years. It was hard back then without the internet and sitting there isolated in the corner of a cold brightly lit room with green phosphors burning into your retina...
Of course. Just declare a struct somewhere, allocate some memory for it, pass the pointer to the allocated memory to an initialization function, and off you go. Just pass the pointer to all the functions that require using the struct.
Though the question arises as to where you store the pointer to the data you don't want to be global, and then you may end up with a global pointer ;-)
You can have variables on stack or in heap that will exist during all the program life.
Passing object style structure pointers to every function is a good way to have OO C coding style.
(I would suggest to have a look in linux sources)
You could try, as an example, create with dia (the diagramming tool), a simple class (for example, a square).
Then, you can transform that class in C code using dia2code:
Specifically, say you created the class square inside the square.dia diagram. Then, you type:
$ dia2code -t c square.dia
... and you will see that it is possible to convert any object-oriented programming in a C program without global variables. Explore the created files square.c and square.h
NOTE: in Windows, you'll need a workaround in order to make dia2code work. Before using dia2code, change square.dia to square.zip, unzip it, and rename the result as square.dia
Simple. Whenever a procedure accesses a global variable, then give this variable as an argument to the procedure instead, either by value or by reference or by pointer, or by whatever your programming language provides. After that there is no more need for the variable to be global.

Why are nested functions not supported by the C standard?

It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement in assembly.
gcc also has a flag (-fnested-functions) to enable their use.
It turns out they're not actually all that easy to implement properly.
Should an internal function have access to the containing scope's variables?
If not, there's no point in nesting it; just make it static (to limit visibility to the translation unit it's in) and add a comment saying "This is a helper function used only by myfunc()".
If you want access to the containing scope's variables, though, you're basically forcing it to generate closures (the alternative is restricting what you can do with nested functions enough to make them useless).
I think GCC actually handles this by generating (at runtime) a unique thunk for every invocation of the containing function, that sets up a context pointer and then calls the nested function. This ends up being a rather Icky hack, and something that some perfectly reasonable implementations can't do (for example, on a system that forbids execution of writable memory - which a lot of modern OSs do for security reasons).
The only reasonable way to make it work in general is to force all function pointers to carry around a hidden context argument, and all functions to accept it (because in the general case you don't know when you call it whether it's a closure or an unclosed function). This is inappropriate to require in C for both technical and cultural reasons, so we're stuck with the option of either using explicit context pointers to fake a closure instead of nesting functions, or using a higher-level language that has the infrastructure needed to do it properly.
I'd like to quote something from the BDFL (Guido van Rossum):
This is because nested function definitions don't have access to the
local variables of the surrounding block -- only to the globals of the
containing module. This is done so that lookup of globals doesn't
have to walk a chain of dictionaries -- as in C, there are just two
nested scopes: locals and globals (and beyond this, built-ins).
Therefore, nested functions have only a limited use. This was a
deliberate decision, based upon experience with languages allowing
arbitraries nesting such as Pascal and both Algols -- code with too
many nested scopes is about as readable as code with too many GOTOs.
Emphasis is mine.
I believe he was referring to nested scope in Python (and as David points out in the comments, this was from 1993, and Python does support fully nested functions now) -- but I think the statement still applies.
The other part of it could have been closures.
If you have a function like this C-like code:
(*int()) foo() {
int x = 5;
int bar() {
x = x + 1;
return x;
return &bar;
If you use bar in a callback of some sort, what happens with x? This is well-defined in many newer, higher-level languages, but AFAIK there's no well-defined way to track that x in C -- does bar return 6 every time, or do successive calls to bar return incrementing values? That could have potentially added a whole new layer of complication to C's relatively simple definition.
See C FAQ 20.24 and the GCC manual for potential problems:
If you try to call the nested function
through its address after the
containing function has exited, all
hell will break loose. If you try to
call it after a containing scope level
has exited, and if it refers to some
of the variables that are no longer in
scope, you may be lucky, but it's not
wise to take the risk. If, however,
the nested function does not refer to
anything that has gone out of scope,
you should be safe.
This is not really more severe than some other problematic parts of the C standard, so I'd say the reasons are mostly historical (C99 isn't really that different from K&R C feature-wise).
There are some cases where nested functions with lexical scope might be useful (consider a recursive inner function which doesn't need extra stack space for the variables in the outer scope without the need for a static variable), but hopefully you can trust the compiler to correctly inline such functions, ie a solution with a seperate function will just be more verbose.
Nested functions are a very delicate thing. Will you make them closures? If not, then they have no advantage to regular functions, since they can't access any local variables. If they do, then what do you do to stack-allocated variables? You have to put them somewhere else so that if you call the nested function later, the variable is still there. This means they'll take memory, so you have to allocate room for them on the heap. With no GC, this means that the programmer is now in charge of cleaning up the functions. Etc... C# does this, but they have a GC, and it's a considerably newer language than C.
It also wouldn't be too hard to add members functions to structs but they are not in the standard either.
Features are not added to C standard based on soley whether or not they are easy to implement. It's a combination of many other factors including the point in time in which the standard was written and what was common / practical then.
One more reason: it is not at all clear that nested functions are valuable. Twenty-odd years ago I used to do large scale programming and maintenance in (VAX) Pascal. We had lots of old code that made heavy use of nested functions. At first, I thought this was way cool (compared to K&R C, which I had been working in before) and started doing it myself. After awhile, I decided it was a disaster, and stopped.
The problem was that a function could have a great many variables in scope, counting the variables of all the functions in which it was nested. (Some old code had ten levels of nesting; five was quite common, and until I changed my mind I coded a few of the latter myself.) Variables in the nesting stack could have the same names, so that "inner" function local variables could mask variables of the same name in more "outer" functions. A local variable of a function, that in C-like languages is totally private to it, could be modified by a call to a nested function. The set of possible combinations of this jazz was near infinite, and a nightmare to comprehend when reading code.
So, I started calling this programming construct "semi-global variables" instead of "nested functions", and telling other people working on the code that the only thing worse than a global variable was a semi-global variable, and please do not create any more. I would have banned it from the language, if I could. Sadly, there was no such option for the compiler...
ANSI C has been established for 20 years. Perhaps between 1983 and 1989 the committee may have discussed it in the light of the state of compiler technology at the time but if they did their reasoning is lost in dim and distant past.
I disagree with Dave Vandervies.
Defining a nested function is much better coding style than defining it in global scope, making it static and adding a comment saying "This is a helper function used only by myfunc()".
What if you needed a helper function for this helper function? Would you add a comment "This is a helper function for the first helper function used only by myfunc"? Where do you take the names from needed for all those functions without polluting the namespace completely?
How confusing can code be written?
But of course, there is the problem with how to deal with closuring, i.e. returning a pointer to a function that has access to variables defined in the function from which it is returned.
Either you don't allow references to local variables of the containing function in the contained one, and the nesting is just a scoping feature without much use, or you do. If you do, it is not a so simple feature: you have to be able to call a nested function from another one while accessing the correct data, and you also have to take into account recursive calls. That's not impossible -- techniques are well known for that and where well mastered when C was designed (Algol 60 had already the feature). But it complicates the run-time organization and the compiler and prevent a simple mapping to assembly language (a function pointer must carry on information about that; well there are alternatives such as the one gcc use). It was out of scope for the system implementation language C was designed to be.
