Layout responsiveness for mobile only in react native - reactjs

I am learning about react native layouts and according to my understanding, dp unit is not responsive on all devices. My layout is overflowing on smaller devices such as on 5 inch screens. How can I make sure my app is fully responsive on mobile only?

For that you can use the the Dimensions API to find the display size and then you can render different styles and ui placements for different display sizes. Define width and height with a percentage will work like charm than using dp units.


How can make this web app mobile responsive

enter image description here
I make this web app using react.js and I tried very much to do Responsive for mobile devices but I couldn't, any one solve this problem please.
I used useMediaQuery from material ui which helps very much in creating responsive site.
Here is the documentation for it.
After then for displaying responsive components
You can create new components that are fit to that window size
You can use states for toggling for the different window sizes
And then you can import them as you want.

How to handle mobile keyboard in reactjs when using vh for units?

I'm working on a site where I use vh for the height of my components. When they click on an input and the mobile keyboard pops up it shrinks the viewport height therefore shrinking all my components on top of each other. I have seen plenty of vanilla js and app specific code. I'm not sure what to do in pure react javascript.

How can I use Material UI media queries inside fixed-width container?

How can I use Material UI media queries inside fixed-width container?
I have a screen and inside the screen I have another small container, with a size of mobile phone. I need the Material UI media queries to act inside the small container like it's the all screen, to show inside the elements like in mobile view and not like in desktop view even when the global container is in a size of a desktop version.

What is the Right Way to Implement a Responsive Splash Screen in React Native?

I need to setup a splash screen that will scale responsively on all native devices like ios, android phones, tablet etc. The splash screen contains the following:
Text Logo name
Activity Indicator
I can see that this guide is among the top search result react-native-splash-screen, but not sure if it scales well on all native devices phone & tablets.
Should I just make a custom screen component and apply react-native-responsive-screen?
Is there a convention/best practice on setting up the splash screen on react native?
To support responsive splash screen or bootsplash, you need add images in differents resolutions, example in Android: mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi,... I currently use react-native-boot-splash it its other option to react-native-splash-screen, this package have a cli tool npx generate-bootsplash to generate bootsplash in differents resolutions in both platforms.
Other hand to add ActivityIndicator only check the example and put ActivityIndicator component below bootsplash wrapped with Animated.Image

Mobile First Responsive Design - How to work on Sidebar or When and Where to hide Sidebar

I started working on Mobile First Responsive Design. In mobile, there wont be any sidebar but sidebar is required on desktop so I worked on basic things and then in media query for mobile, hidden that sidebar. Then I needed to make sidebar appear on desktop version of media query.
My question is - How I would have worked on it ?
For the starter, i would like to prefer some basic ideas to build a responsive website:-
Use Layout Flexible
Donot Use tables
Use Media Queries
Use Mobile Viewport Meta Tag
A basic example for a responsive website is that suppose you have a website with content and sidebar which is floated with 70% and 30% width, in mobile or shrink screens, the content panel and sidebar will be width 100% and float none...
That's a simple example for a responsive website...
Rest you can use framework for responsive websites like Twitter Bootstrap or Kendo UI and etc...
