Attaching to a process and call `dup2` on aarch64? - c

I tried attaching to a running process with gdb to redirect its stdout to an external file with these commands:
gdb -p 123456
#Redirecting (within GDB)
(gdb) p dup2(open("/tmp/my_stdout", 1089, 0777), 1)
I used the number 1089 because it represents O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND.
Firts, GDB just complained about some missing return types:
'open64' has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return type
So I modified my command to
#Redirecting (within GDB)
(gdb) p (int)dup2((int)open("/tmp/my_stdout", 1089, 0777), 1)
This was successfully executed, and also works.
I'm trying to figure out how can I write a small utility that does the exact same thing as the above:
attaches to a process by PID
calls this (int)dup2((int)open("/tmp/my_stdout", 1089, 0777), 1)
Part2 seems easy, however part1 doesn't seem to work on aarch64. I could manage to work it on arm though.
There are a quite a few solutions which tries to solve this problem:
reptyr (doesn't work on process started by systemctl)
reredirect (doesn't support aarch64 at all)
injcode (doesn't support 64bit at all)
neercs (for sure no support for aarch64)
retty (for sure no support for aarch64)
If GDB can work, this is surely possible, but GDB is huge to analyze, and I hope I have some better solution which would not take weeks or months, like digging myself into GDB's source.


Catching Mach system calls using dtruss

I ran dtruss on vmmap that is a process that read the virtual memory of another remote process.
I would expect that some of mach_port system calls would appear in the output of my command, but couldn't trace any (i.e. mach_vm_read, task_for_pid, etc ..)
The exact command i ran (notice that dtruss is a wrapper script of dtrace in OS-X) :
sudo dtruss vmmap <pid_of_sample_process>
The input argument for vmmap is just a pid of any running process, and the OS version i use is 10.10 (in 10.11 there's entitlement issue when running dtruss on apple products such as vmmap).
Perhaps someone can tell me how to identify the system call i'm looking for... Should I look for the explicit name in dtruss output, or just a general call number of my desired syscall (sadly, i haven't found any of them) :
./bsd/kern/ MSG_mach_vm_read
It looks to me like it's not using Mach APIs. It's using the libproc interface. I'm seeing many proc_info() syscalls, which is what's behind library calls like proc_pidinfo().
I used:
sudo dtrace -n 'pid$target::proc_*:entry {}' -c 'vmmap <some PID>'
to trace the various libproc functions being called. I see calls to proc_name(), proc_pidpath(), and proc_pidinfo() to get information about the target process and then calls to proc_regionfilename() to get information about the VM regions.
By the way, vmmap doesn't read the memory of the other process, it just reports information about the VM regions, not their contents. So, I wouldn't expect to see mach_vm_read() or the like.

Parallel processing - `forking` fails under Mac OS 10.6.8

It appears that fork fails under Mac OS 10.6.8. The algorithm is coded in R and I have mainly be using the foreach package for parallel processing. The code works perfectly well when run sequentially (foreach and %do%) but not when run in parallel (foreach and %dopar%) even though the processes run in parallel do NOT communicate.
I used foreach on this same machine a month ago and it worked fine. An update of the OS has been performed in the meantime.
Error Messages
I received several kinds of error messages that seems to come almost stochastically. Also the errors differ depending on whether the code is run from the terminal (either by copy-pasting in the R environment or with R CMD BATCH) or from the R console.
When run on the Terminal, I get
Error in { : task 1 failed - "object 'dp' not found"
When run on the R console I get either
The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
<repeated many times when run on the R console>
Error in { : task 1 failed - "object 'dp' not found"
with the exact same code! Note that although this second error message is the same than the one received on the Terminal, the number of things that are printed (through the print() function) on the screen vastly differ!
What I've tried
I updated the package foreach and I also restarting my computer but it did not quite help.
I tried to print pretty much anything I could but it ended up being quite hard to keep track of what this algorithm is doing. For example, it often through the error about the missing object dp without executing the print statement at the line that precedes the call of the object dp.
I tried to use %dopar% but registering only 1 CPU. The output did not change on the Terminal, but it changed on the Console. Now the console gives the exact same error, at the same time than the terminal.
I made sure that several CPUs were in used when I ask for several CPUs.
I tried to use mclapply instead of foreach and registerDoMC() instead of registerDoParallel() to register the number of cores.
My version of R is 3.0.2 GUI 1.62 Snow Leopard build. My machine has 16 cores.

C - Program fails to get file descriptor only when running with GDB

I'm not an expert C programmer. I'm having trouble debugging a program using GDB. (The bug I am trying to fix is unrelated to the problem I am asking about here.) My problem is that the program runs fine when I run the binary directly from a shell, but the program crashes when I run it using GDB.
Here is some information about the program which may be useful: it is a 20+ year old piece of database software, originally written for Solaris (I think) but since ported to Linux, which is setuid (but not to root, thank god).
The program crashes in GDB when trying to open a file for writing. Using GDB, I was able to determine that crash occurs because the following system call fails:
fd = open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644);
For clarification: path is the path to a lockfile which should not exist. If the lock file exists, then the program shuts down cleanly before it even reaches this system call.
I do not understand why this system call would fail, since 1) The user this program runs as has rwx permissions on the directory containing path (I have verified this by examining the value of the variable stored in path), and 2) the program successfully opens the file for writing when I am not using GDB to debug it.
Are there any reasons why I cannot
The key turns out to be this bit:
... is setuid (but not to root, thank god).
When you run a program under (any) debugger (using any of the stop-and-inspect/modify program facilities), the kernel disables setuid-ness, even for non-root setuid.
If you think about this a bit it makes sense. Consider a game that keeps a "high scores" file, and uses "setuid games" to do this, with:
fd = open(GAME_SCORE_FILE, open_mode, file_mode);
score_data = read_scores(fd);
/* set breakpoint here or so */
if (check_for_new_high_score(current_score, score_data)) {
printf("congratulations, you've entered the High Scores records!\n");
save_scores(fd, score_data);
Access to the "high scores" file is protected by file permissions: only the "games" user can write to it.
If you run the game under a debugger, though, you can set a breakpoint at the marked line, and set the current_score data to some super-high value and then resume the program.
To avoid allowing debuggers to corrupt the internal data of setuid programs, the kernel simply disables setuid-ness when running code with debug facilities enabled. If you can su (or sudo or whatever) to the user, indicating that you have permission regardless of any debugging, you can then run gdb itself as that user, so that the program runs as the user it "would have" setuid-ed to.

linker issue or other? dynamically loaded lib

My program loads a dynamic library, but after it tries to load it (it doesn't seem to, or at least something's amiss with the loading. A free() throws an error, and I commented out that line.)
I get the following in gdb.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
__strlen_ia32 () at ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/../../i586/strlen.S:99
99 ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/../../i586/strlen.S: No such file or directory.
in ../sysdeps/i386/i686/multiarch/../../i586/strlen.S
How would I go about addressing this?
The above issue was due to me not having an xml file where it should have been.
Here's the first error that I covered up to get to the initial error I showed.
(gdb) s
__dlopen (file=0xbfffd03c "/usr/lib/libvisual-0.5/actor/", mode=1)
at dlopen.c:76
76 dlopen.c: No such file or directory.
in dlopen.c
(gdb) bt
#0 __dlopen (file=0xbfffd03c "/usr/lib/libvisual-0.5/actor/",
mode=1) at dlopen.c:76
#1 0xb7f8680d in visual_plugin_get_references (
pluginpath=0xbfffd03c "/usr/lib/libvisual-0.5/actor/",
count=0xbfffd020) at lv_plugin.c:834
#2 0xb7f86168 in plugin_add_dir_to_list (list=0x804e428,
dir=0x804e288 "/usr/lib/libvisual-0.5/actor") at lv_plugin.c:609
#3 0xb7f86b2b in visual_plugin_get_list (paths=0x804e3d8,
ignore_non_existing=1) at lv_plugin.c:943
#4 0xb7f9c5db in visual_init (argc=0xbffff170, argv=0xbffff174)
at lv_libvisual.c:370
#5 0x080494b7 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbffff204) at client.c:32
(gdb) quit
A debugging session is active.
Inferior 1 [process 3704] will be killed.
Quit anyway? (y or n) y
starlon#lyrical:client$ ls /usr/lib/libvisual-0.5/actor/
The file exists. Not sure what's up. Not sure what code to provide either.
Edit2: More info on the file. Permissions are ok.
816K -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 814K 2011-11-08 15:06 /usr/lib/libvisual-0.5/actor/
You didn't tell what dynamic library it is.
If it is a free dynamic library -or a library whose source is accessible to you- you can compile it and use it with debugging enabled.
Several Linux distributions -notably Debian & Ubuntu- provide debugging variant of many libraries (e.g. GLibc, GTK, Qt, etc...), so you don't need to rebuild them. For example, Debian has libgtk-3-0 package (the binary libraries mostly), libgtk-3-dev the development files for it (headers, etc...) and libgtk-3-0-dbg (the debugging variant of the library). You need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately to use it (since it is in /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/
Sometimes, using the debugging variants of system libraries help you to find bugs in your own code. (Of course, you also need to compile with -g -Wall your own code)
Turned out this was due to a faulty hard drive. Looks like I need a new one.

Line Number Info in ltrace and strace tools

Is it possible that I can view the line number and file name (for my program running with ltrace/strace) along with the library call/system call information.
code section :: ptr = malloc(sizeof(int)*5); (file:code.c, line:21)
ltrace or any other tool: malloc(20) :: code.c::21
I have tried all the options of ltrace/strace but cannot figure out a way to get this info.
If not possible through ltrace/strace, do we have any parallel tool option for GNU/Linux?
You may be able to use the -i option (to output the instruction pointer at the time of the call) in strace and ltrace, combined with addr2line to resolve the calls to lines of code.
No It's not possible. Why don't you use gdb for this purpose?
When you are compiling application with gcc use -ggdb flags to get debugger info into your program and then run your program with gdb or equivalent frontend (ddd or similar)
Here is quick gdb manual to help you out a bit.
You can use strace-plus that can collects stack traces associated with each system call.
Pretty old question, but I found a way to accomplish what OP wanted:
First use strace with -k option, which will generate a stack trace like this:
openat(AT_FDCWD, NULL, O_RDONLY) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
> /usr/lib/ [0xefeab]
> /usr/lib/ [0x816f6]
> /usr/lib/ [0x818ca]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7527d]
> /mnt/r/build/tests/main(main+0x90) [0x1330]
> /usr/lib/ [0x27b25]
> /mnt/r/build/tests/main(_start+0x2e) [0x114e]
The address of each function call are displayed at the end of each line, and you can paste it to addr2line to retrieve the file and line. For example, we want to locate the call in main() (fifth line of the stack trace).
addr2line -e tests/main 0x1330
It will show something like this:
