Is it possible to enable MFA for the guest users? - azure-active-directory

I have created guest users in my Azure AD tenant by sending invitations via email following this link
The guest users are added to my tenant once they accept the invitation.
Now I have assigned some applications to the guest users that they can access.
To enhance the security, I want to enable two-factor authentication for the guest users when they are accessing the application.
Is it possible to enable MFA for the guest users? If yes, can anyone guide me with the steps

Yes, it is possible to enable MFA for guest users.
To achieve your requirement, please follow the below steps:
Make sure whether you have Azure AD premium P1 or P2 license which is necessary to create conditional access policy.
To create conditional access policy,
Go to Azure portal -> Azure Active directory -> Security -> Conditional access -> Policies -> New policy.
In Grant tab, Select "Grant access" and Check mark "Required Multi factor authentication". Enable policy by selecting it On and Create.
I have tried in my environment, after creating policy I signed in as a guest user from Incognito window and it prompted for two factor authentication like below:


Azure B2C - granting access to multiple “application tenants”

I am building an application which will use Azure B2C as the identity system. It will include some local accounts, and some federated accounts for Enterprise SSO logins.
The application will have “application tenants”, representing customer organization/company.
I’d like a user to be able to grant users access to one or more application tenants (in case some users will manage multiple company accounts within the app).
There will also be multiple roles within the app (e.g. read only, full admin).
What is the recommended way to map a B2C User to “app tenants” and roles?
Create AAD group per tenant and role and check membership?
Custom attribute for tenantid(s)?
Or must I map users to tenants & roles in app DB/ outside of B2C?
Is this scenario described in any docs that might point me in the right direction?

Not able to access any tabs in AAD

I'm not able to access any tabs in AAD. What could be the issue?
Please check if below points can be worked around in your case.
Buttions or options being greyed out maybe because , you may not have had global admin rights/user administrator rights on the azure AD tenant. There are a few roles which can create users within the directory. You may not have any roles within the directory which permit the operations.
Reference: github issue.
Even in Azure AD free edition ,one should be able to create the users if you have proper roles .
On completion of the first 30 days of Microsoft Azure’s free trial,
your ‘Free Trial’ Azure Subscription will be disabled. To fix this,
the subscription needs to be changed to the ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ plan
instead of the ‘Free Trial’ plan which it is currently on.
For example :For applications under Enterprise application, one of the following roles: Global Administrator, Cloud Application
Administrator, Application Administrator, or owner of the service
You can check Azure AD built-in roles, and by checking the
description of role , assign the required one to manage identity .
You can Assign Azure AD roles to users to manage the identities
if you have global or role administrator rights. Approach the
admin to assign the roles .Also see custom roles in Azure AD
if needed.
Please check if this issue in - Microsoft Q&A can relate .
If issue still remains you can raise a support request in troubleshoot+support blade.

Azure AD SSO Guest user can't login

On guest user login on redirect URI I got an error:
AADSTS1000031: Application {App name} cannot be accessed at this time. Contact your administrator.
I'm using multi-tenant approach. The authorization URL looks good and it redirects me with such an error.
But I can't find any description of the error or configuration in the azure related to this error.
Also, "normal" users can log in without any issues.
I have such configuration in my Azure App:
Could you please advise how can I enable guest accounts support here?
This error can occur if you have not granted admin consent.
Go to Azure Active Directory within the Azure portal.
Go to Application registrations.
Select the Application based on the App-Id.
Go to API Permissions.
Click Grant Admin consent.
Has this SSO been setup as an Enterprise application?
Or are you just trying to get a guest user logged in to your tenancy as a guest?
If it is the later just create a new Guest user within your tenancy, make sure you have the rights to to do this first.
Then have the guest user accept the email invitation they receive.
Confirm within Azure they have accepted the invite.
Also make sure they are using the same email address as the invite was sent to and not an alias, which can cause confusion.

modify permissions of global administrator using graph explorer

I used Graph explorer->Logged in with Global administrator -> Modify Permissions-> chose User.ReadWriteAll,Group.ReadWriteAll,Directory.AccessAsUser.All and then select "access to your entire organization" and logged in again with global administrator
I get below error.
Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft' and cannot
access the application 'de8bc8b5-d9f9-48b1-a8ad-b748da725064' in that
tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the
tenant first. Please use a different account.
How can I add permissions to global administrator user?
Since your account is a guest in the tenant, you could not use the account to query the tenant, even if you are a global admin.
For more details, refer to this post.
Credentials are only owned by a single tenant. The tenant is discovered by Graph Explorer based on domain. You cannot use Graph Explorer to query tenants your account is a guest on, it can only query the tenant that owns the account. The only way to use those creds with another tenant would be to force the OAuth uri to use that tenants ID instead of "common". This isn't supported by Explorer. You'd have to download the source an reengineer the auth process

Adding two claim providers with same certificates ADFS (SAML2.0)

I have been trying to add a "virtual" claim provider (SAML 2.0 Identity Provider) in ADFS, I have another claim provider with same certicate. I get this error on ADFS2.0 in windows Server 2012
MSIS7600 Each Signing Certificate value for a claims provider Trust must be unique across all claims provider trusts in ADFS 2.0 configuration
Is there any workaround to avoid this issue?
No, I got the same thing here. Appearantly it must be unique. I tried to add 2 tenants (2 customers) coming from Windows Azure Active Directory where all claims of all tenants are signed with the same certificate.
The first one works perfectly but on the second one the MSIS7600 refuses to let me add the second Claims Party.
We had the same thing here and solved it by using this trick
We created a new Azure AD with the purpose that this is the one we are going to add in ADFS.
For each customer tenant we want users to be able to login, we asked asked for read permissions to this tenant; this way it it added in your own subscription. We then selected the users from the customer tenant and added it to the Azure AD we are going to use in ADFS.
We connected ADFS to this Azure AD
All our customers can now login to the ADFS using their own credentials. The only thing we have to do is adding the existing Azure AD users from their own tenant to our Azure AD.
This way it let's you to add as many customers or external Ad's if you want and also not "showing" all tenants in the list of the ADFS page. Because there is only one tenant in ADFS there is no complain of the error MSIS 7600 and you don't have to update all tenants seperately.
Philippe is right. You can use AzureAD B2B feature that allows you to login in any Azure AD user in any tenant to be able to login. This is done by invite. This feature is in preview. This is the simplest choice. However, from an ADFS perspective, policy is on only a single entity. Home realm discovery can be a little more tedious.
We've also fixed ADFS 2016 to relax this constraint for a few reasons. We now constraint it on "Cert + claims-provider-identifier". In this world you will be able to add any # of Azure AD tenants distinctly. This fix will be out in the next preview (should be out soon).
