Saving PDF file in SQL Server using Golang - sql-server

I'm having issue in saving a PDF file in SQL Server database using stored procedure in Golang. Below is the code.
tsql := fmt.Sprintf("DECLARE #tmp varbinary(max);"+
"SET #tmp = CAST('%s' as varbinary(max));"+
"EXEC BP_AddCorrespondenceIn #PatientID=1, #ContactName='Test', #Subject='First Test',"+
"#Category='Report', #DocType='PDF', #Content = #tmp", content)
// Execute query
rows, err := db().Query(tsql)
Here the content is the [ ]byte. When I run the program the query executes and I got the error below:
mssql: '3�Ze�
#��!~T��ϔljQ*���f1-~L���^ը;s;���.�)�[P�hjDN��J�.1��W�Zt���xq�\r���ן�)N���=df' is an invalid name because it contains a NULL character or an invalid unicode character.
Thank you!

I fixed the problem by changing the stored procedure exec method to _, err := db().Exec(tsql, content) and varbinary(max) conversion to tmp = CAST(? as varbinary(max));


Storing Files in SQL Server Table (varbinary(max) column) using ADOQuery Component

I'm using SQL Server 2019 and Delphi 10.3.
I need to store any kind of files ( like pdf, txt, docx, etc) in a 'Personal_Files' table.
This table is composed by a column with the file extension ( as varchar) and a varbinary(max) column to store the file itself.
I did some research on how to store these files on a table, but without success. Below some example:
Input,Output: TStream;
FName: TFileName;
//Create Streams and encode Base64:
Input := TFileStream.Create(FName,fmOpenRead);
Output := TFileStream.Create(FName+'Temp',fmCreate);
... // Some validations
// In the ADOQuery component, I did this:
with ADOQuery, sql do
add('INSERT INTO MyDatabase.dbo.MyFilesTable (EXTENSION,FILEBIN)');
add('VALUES (:wextension, :wfilebin)');
Parameters.ParamByName('wextension').Value := TPath.GetExtension(FName);
Parameters.ParamByName('wfilebin').Value := Output.toString;
In this example, I tried to parse the stream as String, after the encode, but when I look in the SQL Table, it's the same stream for all the archives I tried. The parameter doesn't accept TStream type. Thank you in advance.
After some research, and some advices, I found a way to send the file to my SQL Server table with ADOQuery. Altough, I learned that this isn't recommended, so it's just to answer my question directly:
Just a change on the final part of the code answers my question ( but again, it's not the recommended way to store files, as commented on the question.):
with ADOQuery, sql do
add('INSERT INTO MyDatabase.dbo.MyFilesTable (EXTENSION,FILEBIN)');
add('VALUES (:wextension, :wfilebin)');
Parameters.ParamByName('wextension').Value := TPath.GetExtension(FName);
Just changing the way I was setting the parameter solved the problem. In this example, using the 'LoadFromStream' on the Paremeters.Items[n], where n is the parameter index, it worked very well. The ftVarBytes is the field type parameter.

Multipart queries in SQL Server with RODBC

I am trying to use GO to get R to pull a multipart query from a SQL Server database but R keeps erroring out on me when I try this. Does anyone know a workaround to get RODBC to run multipart queries?
Example query:
query2 = "IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ATTTempTable') IS NOT NULL
* INTO #ATTTempTable
FROM ETL.ATT.fact_responses fr
WHERE fr.ResponseDateTime > '2015-07-06'
channel <- odbcConnect("<host name>", uid="<uid>", pwd="<pwd>")
raw = sqlQuery(channel, query2)
and result
> raw
[1] "42000 102 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'GO'."
[2] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ATTTempTable') IS NOT NULL\n DROP TABLE #ATTTempTable\n\nGO\n\nSELECT\n\t* INTO #ATTTempTable\nFROM ETL.ATT.fact_responses fr\nWHERE fr.ResponseDateTime > '2015-07-06'\n'"
Because your query contains multiple line with conditional logic it resembles a stored procedure.
Simply save that stored procedure in SQL Server:
CREATE PROCEDURE sqlServerSp #ResponseDateTime nvarchar(10)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ATTTempTable') IS NOT NULL
-- suppresses affected rows message so RODBC returns a dataset
-- runs make-table action query
FROM ETL.ATT.fact_responses fr
WHERE fr.ResponseDateTime > #ResponseDateTime;
And then run the stored procedure in R. You can even pass parameters like the date:
channel <- odbcConnect("<host name>", uid="<uid>", pwd="<pwd>")
raw = sqlQuery(channel, "EXEC sqlServerSp #ResponseDateTime='2015-07-06'")
You can't. See
you have to divide your query into two statements and run them separately.

FreeTDS / SQL Server UPDATE Query Hangs Indefinitely

I'm trying to run the following UPDATE query from a python script (note I've removed the database info):
print 'Connecting to db for update query...'
db = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={FreeTDS};SERVER=<removed>;DATABASE=<removed>;UID=<removed>;PWD=<removed>')
cursor = db.cursor()
print ' Executing SQL queries...'
for i in range(len(data)):
sql = '''
UPDATE product.sanction
SET action_summary = '{action_summary}'
WHERE sanction_id = {sanction_id};
'''.format(sanction_id=data[i][0], action_summary=data[i][1])
However, it hangs indefinitely, no error.
I'm new to pyodbc, but it should be setup correctly considering I'm having no problems performing SELECT queries. I did have to call CAST for SELECT queries (I've cast sanction_id AS INT [int identity on the database] and action_summary AS TEXT [nvarchar on the database]) to properly populate data, so perhaps the problem lies somewhere there, but I don't know where to start debugging. Converting the text to NVARCHAR didn't do anything either.
Here's an example of one of the rows in data:
(2861357, 'Exclusion Program: NonProcurement; Excluding Agency: HHS; CT Code: Z; Exclusion Type: Prohibition/Restriction; SAM Number: S4MR3Q9FL;')
I was unable to find my issue, but I ended up using QuerySets rather than running an UPDATE query.

How to make ADO parameter to update SQL Server datetime column?

edit I should have mentioned that I'm trying to do this with Delphi 2006.
OK, I think I have hit on a question with no previous answers.
I have a SQL Server database with columns of type datetime. When I try to insert a row with a parametrized command, I get
Exception class EOleException with message
'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Optional feature not implemented'.
My insert procedure looks like this:
procedure TForm1.btnZoomClick(Sender: TObject);
InsCmd = 'insert into (added, edited, editor, narrative) ' +
'values (:dateAdded, :dateEdited, :theEditor, :theNarrative);';
dmDbToy2.DataModule2.ADOCommand1.CommandText := InsCmd;
with DataModule2.ADOCommand1.Parameters do
// the following line was an attempt to trick VarAsType into making a
// adDbTimeStamp: VarAsType is having none of it.
// FindParam('dateAdded').Value := VarAsType(VarFromDateTime(Now), 135);
FindParam('dateAdded').Value := VarFromDateTime(Now);
FindParam('dateEdited').Value := Null;
FindParam('theEditor').Value := 'wades';
FindParam('theNarrative').Value := Null;
I found some postings via google which seem to indicate that SQL Server wants a adDbTimeStamp type to update these columns, but VarAsType does not want to make one for me.
Is there a way to create a value for the dateAdded and dateEdited parameters in the code sample?
In the comments thread on the original question, user RRUZ made a suggestion that turned out to resolve the issue: The problem was with the provider. Namely, I was using the OLEDB Provider for ODBC rather than the OLEDB Provider for SQL Server. Changing the provider as suggested made the 'Optional feature not implemented' error message go away and enabled the insert to work with a simple assignment of TDateTime to TParameter.Value, thusly:
FindParam('dateAdded').Value := Now;
Set the datatype for the parameter, it might do a difference in how the parameters is treated. I would also recommend that you use ParamByName instead of FindParam. With ParamByName you get a Param xx not found exception if the parameters does not exist in the Parameters collection. FindParam returns nil if it is not found. I have never needed to use any variant conversion stuff when assigning parameters for a TADOCommand so think you should remove that as well.
Try this.
with ParamByName('dateAdded') do
DataType := ftDateTime;
Value := Now;
with ParamByName('dateEdited') do
DataType := ftDateTime;
Value := Null;
with ParamByName('theEditor') do
DataType := ftString; // or ftWideString if you use nchar/nvarchar
Value := 'wades';
with ParamByName('theNarrative') do
//DataType := ftString // Don't know datatype here
Value := Null;
Just set the parameter as a datetime. I do it all the time in ADO and other conection layers
DataModule2.ADOCommand1.Parameters.ParamByName('dateAdded').Value := Now();
//other code
DataModule2.ADOCommand1.Parameters.ParamByName('dateEdited').Value := Null;
//other code

Format a date according to ADO provider

I have a Delphi 2010 application using ADO to support a database that can be either SQL Server or MS Access. When sending SQL to the database using parameterized queries differences in date representation are handled correctly. But I occasionally have the need to form dynamic SQL and send that to the database as well.
Is there any way to either have the TADOConnection format my date into a text string appropriate for the current database, or to interrogate the connection to learn how I should format the date? Otherwise I'm stuck building a table of provider names and date formatting functions.
You should be able to use parameters with dynamic sql as well. I have done this in several versions of my own OPF framework.
Just write a SQL statement using parameters, assign that as a string to the SQL text of a TAdoQuery (or TAdoCommand). The component should then parse your text and set up the parameters collections for you. After that you should be able to assign the values to your parameters and call Open or Execute...
To give you an idea:
DS := DatasetClass.Create( self.Connection );
DS.QueryText := SQL.Text;
FillSelectParams( DS );
In which the FillSelectParams calls the following FillParams procedure:
procedure TSQLDataManager.FillParams(ADS: TCustomDataset);
i: integer;
ParamName: string;
Attr: TCustomDomainAttribute;
Ref: TCustomDomainObject;
Value: Variant;
for i := 0 to ADS.ParamCount - 1 do begin
Value := Null;
ParamName := ADS.ParamName[i];
if ParamName = 'Id' then begin
ParamName := 'Identity';
Attr := CDO.AttrByName[ParamName];
if Attr <> nil then begin
Value := ADS.AdjustParamValue( Attr );
end else begin
Ref := CDO.ReferenceByName[ParamName];
if ( Ref <> nil ) and ( Ref.Identity <> C_UnassignedIdentity ) then begin
Value := Ref.Identity;
if Value <> Null then begin
ADS.ParamValue[i] := Value;
In this case the param values are taken from a custom domain object (CDO), but you can substitute your own flavour here.
The AdjustParamValue function takes care of a couple of conversions. It has been implemented in the ADO version of the TCustomDataSet class descendant used, to take care of component variations with different TDataSet descendants, but nowhere does the SQL database type come into play:
function TADODCDataset.AdjustParamValue(Attr: TCustomDomainAttribute): Variant;
if Attr is TIdentityAttribute then begin
if Attr.AsInteger = 0 then begin
Result := Null;
end else begin
Result := Attr.Value;
end else if Attr is TBooleanAttribute then begin
if Attr.AsBoolean then begin
Result := Integer( -1 );
end else begin
Result := Integer( 0 );
end else if Attr is TDateTimeAttribute then begin
if Attr.AsDateTime = 0 then begin
Result := Null;
end else begin
Result := Attr.Value;
end else if Attr is TEnumAttribute then begin
Result := Attr.AsString
end else begin
Result := Attr.Value;
Larry, i will give you an answer for the SQL Server Part.
you can use the sys.syslanguages system view to get information about the languages installed in the sql server, one of the columns returned by this view is called dateformat which indicate the Date order, for example, DMY.
also using the ##langid (which returns the local language identifier (ID) of the language that is currently being used.) function you can write something like this to obtain the current date format used by the Sql Server.
select dateformat from sys.syslanguages where langid=##langid
so now you will have a string which you can parse in delphi to format your date.
Another option is pick one of the predefined formats of SQL Server and use the CONVERT function in your SQL sentence for convert the string to the date.
check this sample which uses the ISO format to convert
//The ISO format is yyyymmdd so i can use the FormatDateTime function to convert any TdateTime to a Iso format sdatetiem string
//Now construct the sql server sentence
SqlSentence:=Format('UPDATE MyTable SET DateField=CONVERT(DATETIME,%s,112)',QuotedStr(DateStr));
Try to use the ODBC date escape sequence, which may be supported by SQL Server and Access OLEDB providers. For example:
{d '2011-01-14'}
As Marjan suggests, you shoud always use parameters. (try searching for SQL-injection)
Another reason to use parameters is that query plans can be reused on the sql server.
If the first statement generated is SELECT * from customer where created>'2010-12-21' and the next statetement generated is SELECT * from customer where created>'2010-12-22', the query optimizer/plan gets generated/compiled both times (different statement). But if the statement both times are SELECT * from customer where created>?, the plan is reused -> (slightly) lower presure on SQL server.
I you just wan't a quick and dirty solution all the SQL (implementations) i have tried (I havn't tries Access) can accept and understand the ISO date format (eg. '2010-12-21')
