Why guided mode is not available? - qgroundcontrol

I would like to know why guided mode is not available when I use Pixhawk1 conect QGroundControl ? but when I run Sim_Vehicle.py it is available.


How can I install different DFS's on IBM Bluemix?

As part of my Research Project. I am supposed to test different DFS'S (Distributed File Systems) like HDFS, Ceph etc. For this purpose I have planned to use IBM Bluemix.
I tried doing google to get help in this regard but there is not much available in this regard. Is there any help available in this regard or any suggestion(s) please? Not getting how to start?
My understanding is you should start using Virtual Machines, get into them and install and test each File System type you want to explore: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/virtualmachines/vm_index.html#vm_index

Controlling movement without GPS

I was trying to use the DroneKit-Python API to control the movement of a drone. I've been reading what it's in that link, but I can't find what I need. I want to be able to run the code with the dron indoors (and of course outdoors), so I can't rely in the GPS. I've tried to eliminate that part and use only the send_ned_velocity() method (without the propeller). But I couldn't hear a significant change in the movement of the engines.
The only way I can think of is using the channel_override, but it doesn't seem to be the better choice. Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.
send_ned_velocity() will only work if you are in guided mode. With Arducopter 3.3, you can only be in guided mode if you have a gps lock. So you aren't going to be able to use this command indoors.
You'll have to wait for 3.4 to be released, then guided mode will be supported without gps. But instead of gps, you will need an optical flow module and a rangefinder installed and configured.

debugging minifilters

I have been writing and debugging a minifilter on Windows 7 using the IFS Kit for some time now. it finally works, but as I require to add further functionality, I will spend some more days playing with it
what I'm worried about is debugging. until now I have simply built the driver, installed it on a virtual box and tested it by verifying dbg_print statements. I have been using this simple and error prone approach, as I could not find anything about how to debug minifilters more structured and programmatically.
are there any best practice methods to debug minifilters or filters? can visualDDK be used to add (remote) debugging functionality to visual studio for minifilters?
The Windows DDK includes a copy of windbg which you can use to connect to the VM over a named pipe with the appropriate configuration.
You can do one better by using VirtualKD to get an accelerated channel to talk to the kernel debugger embedded in Windows.
If you want to do debugging using the Visual Studio user interface, you should look at VisualDDK.
Both are powerful tools, but they require a little work to get set up the first time.
I tend to just use WinDBG because it is the easiest thing to set up on random QA machines etc.
But I have used those tools to iterate rapidly during initial development of a project.
Good luck.
Visual Studio does not support debugging in kernel mode. You can use kd or WinDbg, which are both part of the Debugger package included in Windows DDK. This will get you started with debugging:
Configure kernel debugger on VM and attach WinDbg. Instructions are here: http://ndis.com/ndis-debugging/virtual/vmwaresetup.htm.
Build your binaries in debug mode (or in release with full symbols).
Once WinDbg connected, fix up symbols, and source path. Make sure you added location of symbols of your new driver to the symbol path.
Now you can debug similar how you use VS for user mode apps.

enable auto-completion for C in Mono Develop

I need to enable Auto completion for C programs in Mono - I think using CTAG?
How can I do that?
Quick google found me this ( I had the same question )
Open Edit->Preferences, go to Other->C/C++, then check "Parse system tags" and "Parse local variables".
As mhutch says, you also need to install ctags.

If possible how can one embed PostgreSQL?

If it's possible, I'm interested in being able to embed a PostgreSQL database, similar to sqllite. I've read that it's not possible. I'm no database expert though, so I want to hear from you.
Essentially I want PostgreSQL without all the configuration and installation. If it's possible, tell me how.
Run postgresql in a background process.
Start a separate thread in your application that would start a postgresql server in local mode either by binding it to localhost with some random free port or by using sockets (does windows support sockets?). That should be fairly easy, something like:
system("C:\Program Files\MyApplication\pgsql\postgres.exe -D C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\MyApplication\database -h -p 12345");
and then just connect to
When your application quits, you can always send a SIGTERM to your thread and then wait a few seconds for postgresql to quit (ie join the thread).
PS: You can also use pg_ctl to control your "embedded" database, even without threads, just do a "pg_ctl start" (with appropriate options) when starting the application and "pg_ctl stop" when quitting it.
You cannot embed it, nor should you try.
For embedding you should use sqlite as you mentioned or firebird rdbms.
Unless you do a major rewrite of code, it is not possible to run Postgres "embedded". Either run it as a separate process or use something else. SQLite is an excellent choice. But there are others. MySQL has an embedded version. See it at http://mysql.com/oem/. Also several java choices, and Mac has Core Data you can write too. Hell, you can even use FoxPro. What OS you on and what services you need from the database?
You can't embed it as a in process type thing like sqlite etc, but you can easily embed it into your application setup using Inno setup at http://www.innosetup.org. Search their mailing list archive and you will find someone did most of the work for you and all you have to to is grab the zipped distro and you can easily have postgresql installed when the user installs your app. You can then use the pg_hba.conf file to restrict the server to local host only. Not a true embedded DB, but it would work.
PostgreSQL is intended to run as a stand-alone server; it's probably possible to embed it if you hack at it hard and long enough, but it would be much easier to just run it as intended in a separate process.
HSQLDB (http://hsqldb.org/) is another db which is easily embedded. Requires Java, but is an excellent and often-used choice for Java applications.
Anyone tried on Mac OS X:
(Of course sqlite would be my embedded db of choice as well)
Well, I know this is a very very very old post, but if anyone has nowadays this question, I would refer to:
You can use containers running Postgres. Here's a post that could be helpful, doing something along this line using R:
Take a look at duckdb https://duckdb.org/docs/installation/ It is relatively new and still needs to mature. But it works pretty much like an embedded database ("In-process, serverless"), with bindings for several languages (Python, R, Java, ...)
