How to add a filter in SleepingOwl Admin - owl

I have two models.
When editing one, I show a sheet of the other.
Here I need to make a filter.
I'm creating a filter, but it's not convenient to filter through the url address and add parameters there, I need to have a dropdown there.
How to do it?


Need to have a custom field in salesforce object that will combine two other fields

We have a requirement where we need to combine two separate fields into one in the salesforce object and then removed those separate fields from the page layout but when the edit option is enabled in the salesforce portal to edit the object the eliminated fields should be there for edit. If further clarification is required, I can also do that
Click here to see the screenshot
I have tried the formula custom field type where I have to write a formula of concatenating the two fields like this given below:Text(Rent_Start_Date_Actual__c) & ","& Text(Rent_Start_Date_Type__c). I have also removed these two separate fields from salesforce page layout but it also gets removed when object window is in edit mode and we do not want that.
Rather than potentially messing with the edit page, have you considered using a simple screen Flow and an action to achieve this? For example, an action to 'Edit Rent Details' added to the page header, and then when clicked it presents the individual fields on a screen flow for editing? Once saved, the page would refresh and update the formula field as required.

Persist unique value in react-select which is not present in options array

I want to make react-select accept values which are not stored in the options array. I'm hoping to use this component to suggest values but also allow users to input their own value and persist it on blur.
In my situation the options represent suggestions which have been defined in the DB, on choosing an option it will auto-populate some other relevant fields.
However I also want to allow the user to define a unique value in the and manually define the other values.
I don't want to feed the unique value in the options array because I do not want the user to see this as a selectable option.
Is this possible with react-select?
If I understand your question correctly, you can totally control what's shown to the user as part of the selectable options, and also you have a dedicated class Select-create-option-placeholder attached to labels of new labels that need to be created (namely aren't part of the array of suggestions).

2sxc Dnn.. Add existing content items to module

I have a view of entities which are being displayed based on an entity type filter. I now need to reorder these and would like to use the built in 2sxc functionality to do this, so I have a created a new view of the data using the "module data source" so that the ordering will work.
But how do I now make all of the existing entities of the same type (definition) appear in this new view? The view now displays one item by default and I can replace that one item. But how do I add multiple existing items? I need the Entity ID's to remain the same for Query String usage and SEO.
Thanks, hope the question makes sense.
I believe that you are asking "how can I add many items to an instance (module) manually, so that I can also sort them manually" - is this correct?
If yes, then you must make sure your template supports lists (checkbox in the template settings). This then gives you a [+] button; but you don't want to use that, as it would be for typing in new data. There's another button called "add an empty demo entry" which you'll see as a round (+) after pressing the more ... button once. Pressing this will give you empty entries, into which you can then replace existing items.

<select> tag brings up dynamically a different set of input fields depending on selection in AngularJS

Im trying to create a form, first element should be a tag with a few options and each of them will dynamically bring up a different set of forms depending on what the user chooses. The idea is within the select tag there will be different categories like cars, properties etc.. first user only sees that and when chose, it will bring up a set of input fields that required for that category.
Anyone got an idea what would be the best way to do it in angular?
Using the ui.router module, you can populate a DOM element (ui-view) with an HTML template file. On selection of the dropdown, you're telling angular to go to a different "state".
Check out the following plunkr I made:

best way to dynamically populate dropdown options in jqgrid advanced searching

What's the best way to dynamically populate dropdown options in jqgrid advanced searching?
1) The first way: use "dataUrl" option of "searchoptions"
Disadvantage: when user add new criteria, and choose the attribute, dataUrl was posted to the server, when user add the same criteria again, dataUrl was posted to the server again, and with twice. very strange.
Advantage: the values user selected previously was there and not cleared.
2) The second way: use "dataInit" option of "searchoptions"
Disadvantage: the values user selected previously was cleared when adding new criteria(can not accepted, because it is not user-friendly, please refer url: the selected value was cleared in dropdown after add new criteria in jqgrid advanced searching)
Advantage: data was loaded into page when the page refreshed and only once.
3) the third way, use "value" option of "searchoptions"
but it's not dynamically, just hard-coded in page.
Could any one share the best practice about the issues. thanks.
I start with the second option. I suppose that you use dataInit in the wrong way. The goal of dataInit to initialize the control, like convert <select> to select2 or set jQuery UI Autocomplete or jQuery UI Datepicker on text input element. One should not fill the control with values. The select control is already created and filled before calling of dataInit.
If one use the first option, one can set HTTP cache header to prevent multiple request to dataUrl.
About the last option: one can set searchoptions.value dynamically inside of beforeProcessing for example. See the answer, this one and this one.
