Can PgBouncer v1.17 be used with PostgreSQL v12 installations? - pgbouncer

I have a PostgreSQL/repmgr cluster running on Linux RHEL 7 that I recently upgraded to PostgreSQL v12.10 & repmgr v5.3.1. It uses PgBouncer for directing the connections to the Primary database. I currently have PgBouncer v1.14 installed.
However, I see that v1.17 is available. When I do the yum check-update on my PgBouncer server, it doesn't show me any new PgBouncer versions.
Is PgBouncer v1.17 available for PostgreSQL v12 or is it only available for higher versions of PostgreSQL?
My Linux Admin checked the repo & it only shows pgbouncer-1.14.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm.


Launch Mongodb in AWS envirement after installation

During 3 days I have been trying to install mongo BD in AWS ec2 instance, today finally managed to install it in Ubuntu, now I can't launch it in AWS environment, after numerous attempts to check the status in aws environment terminal I get errors:
What I have already tried do:
installed mongodb on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
launch mongo as a service (Ubuntu)
sudo service mongod start
sudo service mongod status
Go to AWS environment and do attempts to check if I'm connected to DB, and get errors:
sudo: mongod: command not found
mongod: unrecognized service
sudo: apt-get: command not found
bash: mongo: command not found
Please help to set my environment
I am pretty sure that Шоира is dealing not with Ubuntu OS but Amazon Linux or so.
So, if she is dealing with Community Edition version of it, the actual docs for every *nix based OS can be found here (MongoDB Docs)
And if I remember this fact correctly, AWS instances comes with Amazon Linux by default, so the documentation guide should been read for Amazon Linux (here), not Ubuntu.
To ensure that she is using Amazon Linus, she must type command grep ^NAME /etc/*release in terminal. If so, the reply should be: Amazon Linux or Amazon Linux AMI
Also, I don't know does it matter or not, but MongoDB Atlas provides also free-tier (as EC2 instance) servers in (almost) every data centers from GCP / Azure / AWS, so sometimes it's better to dealing with Cloud Service (which includes Compass and Realms by default, out of the box) instead of using the Community edition of the -raw DB, and write code and https API for it, later.
I tried to recreate the issue on an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 16.04:
VERSION="16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS"
I followed the instructions from your link:
Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu
I had no issues and was able to install mangoDB as described in the link. The mongoDB is working fine on my instance:
● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-07-19 08:21:41 UTC; 8s ago
Main PID: 3214 (mongod)
Tasks: 24
Memory: 69.6M
CPU: 746ms
CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service
└─3214 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
Thus, please double check and ensure that you follow the instructions from the link. The instructions are correct.
Also please make sure to use Ubuntu 16.04:
This means that, you are trying to connect to the mongod process running on the local host which is binded on the default port of 27017

Connecting Presto and Apache SuperSet

I have presto and apache superset hosted at GCP Cloud.
Presto server hosted at
But when i try to connect Presto to Superset it's giving me this error
Could not load database driver: presto
Already installed the presto driver using pip install pyhive.
Not sure what's wrong here ? My SQLAlchemyURL presto://
This error usually appears when the driver isn't available (so the connection string format isn't recognized).
I would confirm that the pip install happened correctly. If you're running everything within docker, make sure you rebuilt properly. You can enter the docker cli, fire up a Python shell, and try to import the presto driver (you can also try pip freeze in the docker cli).

Installing Oracle12c and Oracle Forms on the same linux machine?

I have Oracle 12c r1 installed on my Fedora 27 64bit pc and now I want to install Oracle Forms
But the problem is that Oracle Fusion infrastructure needs to be installed on different Oracle_Home and after installing it and when I start Installing Oracle Forms and Oracle reports the installation never finish And get stuck at 98% and when I check the log it looks like that the install program looking for files in the other Oracle_home (the old home)
Where my database is!
Someone told me the the full installation of Oracle Forms includes Oracle Database of the same version so I do not need my old 12c data base installation, is this true?
I've never installed Fusion nor Forms before and I do not know how install them correctly on the same machine as my database, so can anyone help me please ?
I'm not the expert in Oracle Forms installation, but I may have some useful information for you.
First of all - what version of Fusion Middleware are you trying to install? It's important because Oracle Forms&Reports is very demanding in matter of OS and much more tricky than Oracle Database. You should install it only on supported ones. It's connected with packages and libraries. If you have too new, you may expect strange problems.
For the supported OS's are:
Oracle Linux 6,
Oracle Linux 7,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7,
SLES 11,
SLES 12.
Fedora 19 is clone of RHEL 7, maybe Fedora 27 is too new? I couldn't find any info about it... DBA in our company told me once: "Never try to install Oracle software on configuration which is not directly supported by Oracle - it's asking for troubles. You should always do as Installation Guide states."
Maybe you should tried installing Fusion Middleware on separate Virtual Machine using one of mentioned OS's? In my opinion it's much more safe to have Oracle Fusion Middleware installed on VM than on bare-metal PC. It's easy to backup, easy to migrate to other server etc. The supported one is Oracle VM, but you should not have problems with VMware (I know that FMW 11 works on VMware, never tried 12).
Someone told me the the full installation of Oracle Forms includes
Oracle Database of the same version so I do not need my old 12c data
base installation, is this true?
According to this Guide - no, it does not. But I know other products that comes with Oracle DB in package (like Oracle Business Intelligence, which consist of Oracle DB, Weblogic and OBI as middleware) - so maybe it's not all true.
New information (2018-04-26):
Ok, I've asked a more experienced DBA and he told me that it is common to use another linux user account to install other oracle software on the same PC. Then you can easily set completely different environments, so you can avoid glitches. For example you can set for them different ORACLE_HOME.
It is not necessary to have multiple user accounts if you isolate the environments. For multiple Oracle product installs on the same server I use shell scripts to set the ENV for each one.
Ensure that your current ENV does not have any Oracle Database references - check .bashrc .bash_profile and run: printenv to verify.
Example: database env script
# Defining environment variables for Oracle Database.
export TNS_ADMIN
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Source the env script and start listener and database from shell - database needs to be running for the middleware install
Install Java 8 JDK from - I download the tar gzip file and extract to /u01/app/oracle/product/jdk8 {better to use a generic name for the folder jdk8 vs the release number as it is easier to upgrade the jdk}
Set ENV for install:
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Source ENV for install in shell
Start middleware infrastructure installation from same shell (this part does not require the config to be run)
Create Repository: cd to middleware infrastructure home/oracle_common/bin
Run ./rcu -> Common Infrastructure Services/Oracle Platform Security Services and prefix
Install FMW (same shell as infrastructure)
Post Install: may require symlink to be created if an error - cd /usr/lib64 - ln -s
Create shell script to set FMW env
# 12c Fusion Middleware Environment
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Source the FMW ENV script then cd $ORACLE_HOME and start the processes
I have found that using the shell and environment isolation works well.
The FMW/Infrastructure requires Java 8 - I have run into issues in the past trying to use OpenJDK for FMW - using the Oracle Java 8 JDK seems to work better.
These were my notes for an install on Redhat 7 - should work on Fedora but may require some troubleshooting - sometimes libraries are newer than the version FMW requires or are missing. Not sure if you installed the Repository in your attempts - if not that might have been why the install hangs - it is trying to connect to the database and update the repository tables.
Refer to the Installation guides for more information
hope that helps you.

Laravel SQL Server - PDOException could not find driver on migrate

I have a laravel 5.2 instance configured to run against MS SQL Server. I have downloaded from microsoft the drivers and the connection runs perfect DB::table('usuarios')->select('*')->get(); returns:
But when I try to php artisan migrate i get the:
could not find driver
Why this is happening?
Stack trace:
c:\wamp\www\presence\webapp>php artisan migrate --verbose
could not find driver
Exception trace:
() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Datab
PDO->__construct() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\laravel\framework\src\
Illuminate\Database\Connectors\Connector->createConnection() at C:\wamp\www\pre
Illuminate\Database\Connectors\SqlServerConnector->connect() at C:\wamp\www\pre
s\{closure}() at n/a:n/a
call_user_func() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Il
Illuminate\Database\Connection->getPdo() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\
Illuminate\Database\Connection->reconnectIfMissingConnection() at C:\wamp\www\p
Illuminate\Database\Connection->run() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\lar
Illuminate\Database\Connection->select() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\
Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder->hasTable() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\v
at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\
Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator->repositoryExists() at C:\wamp\www\pres
Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateCommand->prepareDatabase() at C:\
Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateCommand->fire() at n/a:n/a
call_user_func_array() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\laravel\framework\
Illuminate\Container\Container->call() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\la
Illuminate\Console\Command->execute() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\sym
Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp
Illuminate\Console\Command->run() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\vendor\symfony
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at C:\wamp\www\presence\w
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\v
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\ven
Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel->handle() at C:\wamp\www\presence\webapp\a
I found a solution. I post it for everyone. I use WAMP stack (PHP, Apache and MySQL). The fact is that wamp uses the 5.5.12 version for terminal CLI, so I have to install SQL Server PDO Extensions on the version I am using and (besides this) on the 5.5.12 version (I have several PHP versions installed). Can provide more information if needed.

Migrate Database GitLab 6.3 to 6.9

We have an old GitLab Server that we cant update, so i setup a new one with GitLab 6.9 on it.
I have make an Backup on the old one with
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:create RAILS_ENV=production
How to migrate the old one to the new GitLab Server with 6.9 installed on it?
I think you would be better off installing GitLab 6.3 on the new server (with gitlab-shell 1.7.9), perhaps following the 6.2 to 6.3 upgrade guide. Then you can migrate the same version, 6.3 on the old server to 6.3 on the new server, and later upgrade the new server to 7.9.x. If you try to migrate from a backup of 6.3 to a new install of 6.9, you're going to run into problems, because there are database migrations at multiple point releases. Finally, when you're up to date on the latest version, you could migrate to the Omnibus installer.
Related, may I ask why you can't take a backup/snapshot and upgrade the existing server in-place?
