Script task in SSIS package is executing but not performing the action - sql-server

I have the two SSIS packages which basically has two action like below
First it truncates the contents of the table and then it executes the script task like basically call an API and inserts the response in to the table
public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
public async void Main()
var sqlConn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections["SurplusMouse_ADONET"];
string serviceUrl = Dts.Variables["$Project::RM_ServiceUrl"].Value.ToString();
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl);
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
string APIUrl = string.Format(serviceUrl + "/gonogo");
var response = await client.GetAsync(APIUrl);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
sqlConn = (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)cm.AcquireConnection(Dts.Transaction);
const string query = #"INSERT INTO [dbo].[RM_Approved_Room_State]
SELECT id, sourceRoomRefId, destinationRoomRefId,entityRefId
id int,
sourceRoomRefId int,
destinationRoomRefId int,
entityRefId int
) j;";
using (var sqlCmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(query, sqlConn))
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("#json", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1).Value = result;
await sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Failure;
if (sqlConn != null)
catch (Exception ex)
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Failure;
#region ScriptResults declaration
enum ScriptResults
Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
} }
Similar to the above package I have another one which does more likely does insert records into different table the response from a different endpoint. When I execute the packages locally/ execute them separately after deploying it in to the server it works fine. But when I add them in to the SQL Server Agent Job like below and run them on a schedule
The Jobs run successfully and dont show any errors but I can see only one table with data from one package but the other one truncates the records but I dont think the script task is getting executed / I dont see any records inserted. I dont think there are any issues with access because when I run them seperate manually the data are getting inserted, Just when it is running on a schedule it is not working as expected. Any idea what could be happening here.. Any help is greatly appreciated


How to return FileStreamResult with SqlDataReader

I have an ASP.NET Core project that downloads large files which are stored in SQL Server. It works fine for small files, but large files often time out as they are read into memory before getting downloaded.
So I am working to improve that.
Based on SQL Client streaming support examples I have updated the code to the following:
public async Task<FileStreamResult> DownloadFileAsync(int id)
ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);
var file = await this._attachmentRepository.GetFileAsync(id);
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
await connection.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT [Content] FROM [Attachments] WHERE [AttachmentId] = #id", connection))
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", file.AttachmentId);
SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess);
if (await reader.ReadAsync())
if (!(await reader.IsDBNullAsync(0)))
Stream stream = reader.GetStream(0);
var result = new FileStreamResult(stream, file.ContentType)
FileDownloadName = file.FileName
return result;
return null;
But when I test, it throws this exception:
Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'SqlSequentialStream'
Is there a way to fix this exception?
Your using statements are all triggering when you do your return, thus disposing your connection and command, but the whole point of this is to leave the stream copy to happen in the background after your function is done.
For this pattern you're going to have to remove the using calls and let garbage collection trigger when the stream copy is done. FileStreamResult should at the very least call Dispose on the stream you give it, which should un-root the command and connection to be later finalized and closed.
This is the working code, which is dramatically faster than without the streaming:
public async Task<FileStreamResult> DownloadFileAsync(int id)
var connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);
var fileInfo = await this._attachmentRepository.GetAttachmentInfoByIdAsync(id);
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
await connection.OpenAsync();
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT [Content] FROM [Attachments] WHERE [AttachmentId]=#id", connection);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", fileInfo.Id);
// The reader needs to be executed with the SequentialAccess behavior to enable network streaming
// Otherwise ReadAsync will buffer the entire BLOB into memory which can cause scalability issues or even OutOfMemoryExceptions
SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess);
if (await reader.ReadAsync())
if (!(await reader.IsDBNullAsync(0)))
Stream stream = reader.GetStream(0);
var result = new FileStreamResult(stream, fileInfo.ContentType)
FileDownloadName = fileInfo.FileName
return result;
return null;

How to use scope_identity in jdbc [duplicate]

I want to INSERT a record in a database (which is Microsoft SQL Server in my case) using JDBC in Java. At the same time, I want to obtain the insert ID. How can I achieve this using JDBC API?
If it is an auto generated key, then you can use Statement#getGeneratedKeys() for this. You need to call it on the same Statement as the one being used for the INSERT. You first need to create the statement using Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS to notify the JDBC driver to return the keys.
Here's a basic example:
public void create(User user) throws SQLException {
try (
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT,
) {
statement.setString(1, user.getName());
statement.setString(2, user.getPassword());
statement.setString(3, user.getEmail());
// ...
int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();
if (affectedRows == 0) {
throw new SQLException("Creating user failed, no rows affected.");
try (ResultSet generatedKeys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) {
if ( {
else {
throw new SQLException("Creating user failed, no ID obtained.");
Note that you're dependent on the JDBC driver as to whether it works. Currently, most of the last versions will work, but if I am correct, Oracle JDBC driver is still somewhat troublesome with this. MySQL and DB2 already supported it for ages. PostgreSQL started to support it not long ago. I can't comment about MSSQL as I've never used it.
For Oracle, you can invoke a CallableStatement with a RETURNING clause or a SELECT CURRVAL(sequencename) (or whatever DB-specific syntax to do so) directly after the INSERT in the same transaction to obtain the last generated key. See also this answer.
Create Generated Column
String generatedColumns[] = { "ID" };
Pass this geneated Column to your statement
PreparedStatement stmtInsert = conn.prepareStatement(insertSQL, generatedColumns);
Use ResultSet object to fetch the GeneratedKeys on Statement
ResultSet rs = stmtInsert.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
long id = rs.getLong(1);
System.out.println("Inserted ID -" + id); // display inserted record
When encountering an 'Unsupported feature' error while using Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS, try this:
String[] returnId = { "BATCHID" };
String sql = "INSERT INTO BATCH (BATCHNAME) VALUES ('aaaaaaa')";
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql, returnId);
int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();
if (affectedRows == 0) {
throw new SQLException("Creating user failed, no rows affected.");
try (ResultSet rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) {
if ( {
Where BATCHID is the auto generated id.
I'm hitting Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 from a single-threaded JDBC-based application and pulling back the last ID without using the RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS property or any PreparedStatement. Looks something like this:
private int insertQueryReturnInt(String SQLQy) {
ResultSet generatedKeys = null;
int generatedKey = -1;
try {
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
} catch (Exception e) {
errorDescription = "Failed to insert SQL query: " + SQLQy + "( " + e.toString() + ")";
return -1;
try {
generatedKey = Integer.parseInt(readOneValue("SELECT ##IDENTITY"));
} catch (Exception e) {
errorDescription = "Failed to get ID of just-inserted SQL query: " + SQLQy + "( " + e.toString() + ")";
return -1;
return generatedKey;
This blog post nicely isolates three main SQL Server "last ID" options: - haven't needed the other two yet.
Instead of a comment, I just want to answer post.
Interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
columnIndexes « You can use prepareStatement function that accepts columnIndexes and SQL statement.
Where columnIndexes allowed constant flags are Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS1 or Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS[2], SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders.
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
PreparedStatement pstmt =
conn.prepareStatement( insertSQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS );
columnNames « List out the columnNames like 'id', 'uniqueID', .... in the target table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be returned. The driver will ignore them if the SQL statement is not an INSERT statement.
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)
String columnNames[] = new String[] { "id" };
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( insertSQL, columnNames );
Full Example:
public static void insertAutoIncrement_SQL(String UserName, String Language, String Message) {
String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", DB_User = "root", DB_Password = "";
String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO `unicodeinfo`( `UserName`, `Language`, `Message`) VALUES (?,?,?)";
//"INSERT INTO `unicodeinfo`(`id`, `UserName`, `Language`, `Message`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
int primkey = 0 ;
try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, DB_User, DB_Password);
String columnNames[] = new String[] { "id" };
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( insertSQL, columnNames );
pstmt.setString(1, UserName );
pstmt.setString(2, Language );
pstmt.setString(3, Message );
if (pstmt.executeUpdate() > 0) {
// Retrieves any auto-generated keys created as a result of executing this Statement object
java.sql.ResultSet generatedKeys = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( ) {
primkey = generatedKeys.getInt(1);
System.out.println("Record updated with id = "+primkey);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException | SQLException e) {
I'm using SQLServer 2008, but I have a development limitation: I cannot use a new driver for it, I have to use "" (I cannot use "").
That's why the solution conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS) threw a java.lang.AbstractMethodError for me.
In this situation, a possible solution I found is the old one suggested by Microsoft:
How To Retrieve ##IDENTITY Value Using JDBC
import java.sql.*;
public class IdentitySample
public static void main(String args[])
String URL = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://yourServer:1433;databasename=pubs";
String userName = "yourUser";
String password = "yourPassword";
System.out.println( "Trying to connect to: " + URL);
//Register JDBC Driver
//Connect to SQL Server
Connection con = null;
con = DriverManager.getConnection(URL,userName,password);
System.out.println("Successfully connected to server");
//Create statement and Execute using either a stored procecure or batch statement
CallableStatement callstmt = null;
callstmt = con.prepareCall("INSERT INTO myIdentTable (col2) VALUES (?);SELECT ##IDENTITY");
callstmt.setString(1, "testInputBatch");
System.out.println("Batch statement successfully executed");
int iUpdCount = callstmt.getUpdateCount();
boolean bMoreResults = true;
ResultSet rs = null;
int myIdentVal = -1; //to store the ##IDENTITY
//While there are still more results or update counts
//available, continue processing resultsets
while (bMoreResults || iUpdCount!=-1)
//NOTE: in order for output parameters to be available,
//all resultsets must be processed
rs = callstmt.getResultSet();
//if rs is not null, we know we can get the results from the SELECT ##IDENTITY
if (rs != null)
myIdentVal = rs.getInt(1);
//Do something with the results here (not shown)
//get the next resultset, if there is one
//this call also implicitly closes the previously obtained ResultSet
bMoreResults = callstmt.getMoreResults();
iUpdCount = callstmt.getUpdateCount();
System.out.println( "##IDENTITY is: " + myIdentVal);
//Close statement and connection
catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("Press any key to quit...");;
catch (Exception e)
This solution worked for me!
I hope this helps!
You can use following java code to get new inserted id.
ps = con.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
ps.setInt(1, quizid);
ps.setInt(2, userid);
ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
lastInsertId = rs.getInt(1);
It is possible to use it with normal Statement's as well (not just PreparedStatement)
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
int updateCount = statement.executeUpdate("insert into x...)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
try (ResultSet generatedKeys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) {
if ( {
return generatedKeys.getLong(1);
else {
throw new SQLException("Creating failed, no ID obtained.");
Most others have suggested to use JDBC API for this, but personally, I find it quite painful to do with most drivers. When in fact, you can just use a native T-SQL feature, the OUTPUT clause:
try (
Statement s = c.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(
INSERT INTO t (a, b)
VALUES (1, 2)
) {
while (
System.out.println("ID = " + rs.getLong(1));
This is the simplest solution for SQL Server as well as a few other SQL dialects (e.g. Firebird, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, where you'd use RETURNING instead of OUTPUT).
I've blogged about this topic more in detail here.
With Hibernate's NativeQuery, you need to return a ResultList instead of a SingleResult, because Hibernate modifies a native query
if you try to get a single result, which causes most databases (at least PostgreSQL) to throw a syntax error. Afterwards, you may fetch the resulting id from the list (which usually contains exactly one item).
In my case ->
ConnectionClass objConnectionClass=new ConnectionClass();
pstmtGetAdd.setString(1, objRegisterVO.getAddress());
pstmtGetAdd.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(objRegisterVO.getCityId()));
int addId=pstmtGetAdd.executeUpdate();
ResultSet rsVal=pstmtGetAdd.getGeneratedKeys();;
If you are using Spring JDBC, you can use Spring's GeneratedKeyHolder class to get the inserted ID.
See this answer...
How to get inserted id using Spring Jdbctemplate.update(String sql, obj...args)
If you are using JDBC (tested with MySQL) and you just want the last inserted ID, there is an easy way to get it. The method I'm using is the following:
public static Integer insert(ConnectionImpl connection, String insertQuery){
Integer lastInsertId = -1;
final PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
final com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement psFinal = (com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement) ps;
lastInsertId = (int) psFinal.getLastInsertID();
} catch(SQLException ex){
System.err.println("Error: "+ex);
return lastInsertId;
Also, (and just in case) the method to get the ConnectionImpl is the following:
public static ConnectionImpl getConnectionImpl(){
ConnectionImpl conexion = null;
final String dbName = "database_name";
final String dbPort = "3306";
final String dbIPAddress = "";
final String connectionPath = "jdbc:mysql://"+dbIPAddress+":"+dbPort+"/"+dbName+"?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false";
final String dbUser = "database_user";
final String dbPassword = "database_password";
conexion = (ConnectionImpl) DriverManager.getConnection(connectionPath, dbUser, dbPassword);
}catch(SQLException e){
return conexion;
Remember to add the connector/J to the project referenced libraries.
In my case, the connector/J version is the 5.1.42. Maybe you will have to apply some changes to the connectionPath if you want to use a more modern version of the connector/J such as with the version 8.0.28.
In the file, remember to import the following resources:
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl;
Hope this will be helpful.
Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection("Host","user","pass");
Statement st = cn.createStatement("Ur Requet Sql");
int ret = st.execute();

Nunit database rollback

I'm fairly new to using Nunit as a test framework and have come across something I don't really understand.
I am writing an integration test which inserts a row into a database table. As I want to repeatedly run this test I wanted to delete the row out once the test has completed. The test runs fine, however when I look in the database table the row in question is still there even though the delete command ran. I can even see it run when profiling the database whilst running the test.
Does Nunit somehow rollback database transaction? If anyone has any ideas why I am seeing this happen please let me know. I have been unable to find any information about Nunit rolling back transactions which makes me think I'm doing something wrong, but the test runs the row appears in the database it is just not being deleted afterwards even though profiler shows the command being run!
Here is the test code I am running
[Category("Consultant split integration test")]
public void Should_Save_Splits()
var splitList = new List<Split>();
splitList.Add(new Split()
UnitGroupId = 69,
ConsultantUserId = 1,
CreatedByUserId = 1,
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
UpdatedByUserId = 1,
UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now,
Name = "Consultant1",
Unit = "Unit1",
Percentage = 100,
PlacementId = 47
var connection = Helpers.GetCpeDevDatabaseConnection();
var repository = new Placements.ConsultantSplit.DAL.PronetRepository();
var notebookManager = Helpers.GetNotebookManager(connection);
var userManager = Helpers.GetUserManager(connection);
var placementManager = Helpers.GetPlacementManager(connection);
var sut = new Placements.ConsultantSplit.ConsultantSplitManager(repository, connection, notebookManager, userManager, placementManager);
IEnumerable<string> errors;
sut.SaveSplits(splitList, out errors);
using (connection.Connection)
using (
var cmd = new SqlCommand("Delete from ConsultantSplit where placementid=47",
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
connection.UseTransaction = false;
cmd.Transaction = connection.Transaction;
catch (Exception exp)
throw new Exception(exp.Message);

Would singleton database connection affect performance in a weblogic clustered environment?

I have a Java EE struts web application using a singleton database connection. In the past, there is only one weblogic server, but now, there are two weblogic servers in a cluster.
Session replication have been tested to be working in this cluster. The web application consist of a few links that will open up different forms for the user to fill in. Each form has a dynamic dropdownlist that will populate some values depending on which form is clicked. These dropdownlist values are retrieved from the oracle database.
One unique issue is that the first form that is clicked, might took around 2-5 seconds, and the second form clicked could take forever to load or more than 5 mins. I have checked the codes and happened to know that the issue lies when an attempt to call the one instance of the db connection. Could this be a deadlock?
public static synchronized DataSingleton getDataSingleton()
throws ApplicationException {
if (myDataSingleton == null) {
myDataSingleton = new DataSingleton();
return myDataSingleton;
Any help in explaining such a scenario would be appreciated.
Thank you
A sample read operation calling Singleton
String sql = "...";
DataSingleton myDataSingleton = DataSingleton.getDataSingleton();
conn = myDataSingleton.getConnection();
try {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
try {
pstmt.setString(1, userId);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
try {
while ( {
String group = rs.getString("mygroup");
} catch (SQLException rsEx) {
throw rsEx;
} finally {
} catch (SQLException psEx) {
throw psEx;
} finally {
} catch (SQLException connEx) {
throw connEx;
} finally {
The Singleton class
* Private Constructor looking up for Server's Datasource through JNDI
private DataSingleton() throws ApplicationException {
try {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
SystemConstant mySystemConstant = SystemConstant
String fullJndiPath = mySystemConstant.getFullJndiPath();
ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup(fullJndiPath);
} catch (NamingException ne) {
throw new ApplicationException(ne);
* Singleton: To obtain only 1 instance throughout the system
* #return DataSingleton
public static synchronized DataSingleton getDataSingleton()
throws ApplicationException {
if (myDataSingleton == null) {
myDataSingleton = new DataSingleton();
return myDataSingleton;
* Fetching SQL Connection through Datasource
public Connection getConnection() throws ApplicationException {
Connection conn = null;
try {
if (ds == null) {
conn = ds.getConnection();
} catch (SQLException sqlE) {
throw new ApplicationException(sqlE);
return conn;
It sounds like you may not be committing the transaction at the end of your use of the connection.
What's in DataSingleton - is it a database connection? Allowing multiple threads to access the same database connection is not going to work, for example once you have more than one user. Why don't you use a database connection pool, for example a DataSource?

Is it possible to use `SqlDbType.Structured` to pass Table-Valued Parameters in NHibernate?

I want to pass a collection of ids to a stored procedure that will be mapped using NHibernate. This technique was introduced in Sql Server 2008 ( more info here => Table-Valued Parameters ). I just don't want to pass multiple ids within an nvarchar parameter and then chop its value on the SQL Server side.
My first, ad hoc, idea was to implement my own IType.
public class Sql2008Structured : IType {
private static readonly SqlType[] x = new[] { new SqlType(DbType.Object) };
public SqlType[] SqlTypes(NHibernate.Engine.IMapping mapping) {
return x;
public bool IsCollectionType {
get { return true; }
public int GetColumnSpan(NHibernate.Engine.IMapping mapping) {
return 1;
public void NullSafeSet(DbCommand st, object value, int index, NHibernate.Engine.ISessionImplementor session) {
var s = st as SqlCommand;
if (s != null) {
s.Parameters[index].SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
s.Parameters[index].TypeName = "IntTable";
s.Parameters[index].Value = value;
else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
#region IType Members...
#region ICacheAssembler Members...
No more methods are implemented; a throw new NotImplementedException(); is in all the rest. Next, I created a simple extension for IQuery.
public static class StructuredExtensions {
private static readonly Sql2008Structured structured = new Sql2008Structured();
public static IQuery SetStructured(this IQuery query, string name, DataTable dt) {
return query.SetParameter(name, dt, structured);
Typical usage for me is
DataTable dt = ...;
ISession s = ...;
var l = s.CreateSQLQuery("EXEC some_sp #id = :id, #par1 = :par1")
.SetStructured("id", dt)
.SetParameter("par1", ...)
Ok, but what is an "IntTable"? It's the name of SQL type created to pass table value arguments.
And some_sp could be like
#id IntTable READONLY,
#par1 ...
It only works with Sql Server 2008 of course and in this particular implementation with a single-column DataTable.
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
It's POC only, not a complete solution, but it works and might be useful when customized. If someone knows a better/shorter solution let us know.
A simpler solution than the accepted answer would be to use ADO.NET. NHibernate allows users to enlist IDbCommands into NHibernate transactions.
DataTable myIntsDataTable = new DataTable();
myIntsDataTable.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
// ... Add rows to DataTable
ISession session = sessionFactory.GetSession();
using(ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
IDbCommand command = new SqlCommand("StoredProcedureName");
command.Connection = session.Connection;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
var parameter = new SqlParameter();
parameter.ParameterName = "IntTable";
parameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
parameter.Value = myIntsDataTable;
For my case, my stored procedure needs to be called in the middle of an open transaction.
If there is an open transaction, this code works because it is automatically reusing the existing transaction of the NHibernate session:
.SetInt64("spData", 500)
However, for my new Stored Procedure, the parameter is not as simple as an Int64. It's a table-valued-parameter (User Defined Table Type)
My problem is that I cannot find the proper Set function.
I tried SetParameter("spData", tvpObj), but it's returning this error:
Could not determine a type for class: …
Anyways, after some trial and error, this approach below seems to work.
The Enlist() function is the key in this approach. It basically tells the SQLCommand to use the existing transaction. Without it, there will be an error saying
ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction when the
connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction…
using (SqlCommand cmd = NHibernateSession.Connection.CreateCommand() as SqlCommand)
cmd.CommandText = "MyStoredProc";
NHibernateSession.Transaction.Enlist(cmd); // Because there is a pending transaction
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#wiData", SqlDbType.Structured) { Value = wiSnSqlList });
int affected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Since I am using the SqlParameter class with this approach, SqlDbType.Structured is available.
This is the function where wiSnList gets assigned:
private IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> TransformWiSnListToSql(IList<SHWorkInstructionSnapshot> wiSnList)
if (wiSnList == null)
yield break;
var schema = new[]
new SqlMetaData("OriginalId", SqlDbType.BigInt), //0
new SqlMetaData("ReportId", SqlDbType.BigInt), //1
new SqlMetaData("Description", SqlDbType.DateTime), //2
SqlDataRecord row = new SqlDataRecord(schema);
foreach (var wi in wiSnList)
row.SetSqlInt64(0, wi.OriginalId);
row.SetSqlInt64(1, wi.ShiftHandoverReportId);
if (wi.Description == null)
row.SetSqlString(2, wi.Description);
yield return row;
You can pass collections of values without the hassle.
var ids = new[] {1, 2, 3};
var query = session.CreateQuery("from Foo where id in (:ids)");
query.SetParameterList("ids", ids);
NHibernate will create a parameter for each element.
