Derive locally cached Apollo client state based off query/cached object updates - reactjs

I have a query that retrieves a Model. Inside this model, there are nested models with fields.
The shape is roughly like this:
model: [
id: 1,
fields: [...]
id: 2,
fields: [...]
Additionally, the frontend needs the model normalized into a list, like this:
modelFields: [
I’m attempting to derive modelFields declaratively when a query or cache update changes model. I’m trying to achieve this in type-policies section on Model: { merge: modelMergeMiddleware }, like so:
export function modelMergeMiddleware(
__: ModelFragment,
incoming: ModelFragment,
{cache, readField}: FieldFunctionOptions
) {
if (incoming) {
query: ModelFieldsDocument,
data: {
modelFields: incoming.fieldsets.reduce(
(fields: ModelFieldFragment[], fieldset: FieldsetFragment) => {
return fields.concat(newFields)
return incoming
However, this runs into problems:
nested cache references don’t get passed through leaving empty data
readField and lodash’s _.cloneDeep both result in Readonly data that cause errors
My question is two-fold:
Is there a method to work around the problems mentioned above to derive data in a merge function?
Is there a different approach where I can declaratively derive local-only state and keep it synchronized with cached objects?
Per question 2, my backup approach is to use a reactiveVar/Recoil to store this data. This approach has the tradeoff of needing to call a setter function in all the places the Model object gets queried or mutated in the app. Not the end of the world, but it’s easy to miss a spot or forget about the setter function.


How to model recursively nested data in state

I have a data structure typed like:
export interface IGroup {
id: number;
name: string;
groupTypeId: number;
items: IItem[];
groups: IGroup[];
Which recursively represents many to many relationships between a "Group" and a "Group" and an "Group" and an "Item". Groups are made up of items and child groups. An item derives to just a simple type and other meta data, but can have no children. A single group represents the top of the hierarchy.
I currently have components, hooks, etc to recursively take a single group and create an edit/create form as shown below:
I have this form "working" with test data to produce a standard data output as below on save:
"1-1": {
"name": "ParentGroup",
"groupType": 2
"2-4": {
"name": "ChildGroup1",
"groupType": 1
"2-9": {
"name": "ChildGroup2",
"groupType": 3
"2-1": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Testing",
"selectedClass": 5
"2-2": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "DisplayTest",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-4": {
"itemType": "EnumValue",
"selectedItem": {
"id": 12900503,
"name": "TRUE"
"3-5": {
"itemType": "EnumValue",
"selectedItem": {
"id": 12900502,
"name": "FALSE"
"3-9": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Test",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-10": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "Tester",
"selectedClass": 5
"3-11": {
"itemType": "FreeForm",
"selectedName": "TestTest",
"selectedClass": 5
The "key" to these objects are the grid column and row since there are no other guaranteed unique identifiers (if the user is editing, then it is expected groups have ids in the db, but not if the user is adding new groups in the form. Otherwise, the name is an input form that can be changed.) It makes sense and it is easy to model the keys this way. If another group or item is added to the hierarchy, it can be added with its column and row.
The problem that I have is that I would love to be able to have an add button that would add to a groups items or group arrays so that new rows in the hierarchy could be created. My forms should handle these new entries.
"1-1": {
groups: [..., {}],
items: [..., {}]
But the only data structure that I have is the IGroup that is deeply nested. This is not good for using as state and to add to this deeply nested state.
The other problem I have is that I need to be able to map the items and groups to their position so that I can translate to the respective db many to many tables and insert new groups/items.
Proposed solution:
I was thinking that instead of taking a group into my recursive components, I could instead create normalized objects to use to store state. I would have one object keyed by column-row which would hold all the groups. Another keyed by column-row to hold all the items. Then I think I would need two more objects to hold many to many relationships like Group to Group and Group to Item.
After I get the data from the form, I hopefully can loop through these state objects, find the hierarchy that way and post the necessary data to the db.
I see that this is a lot of data structures to hold this data and I wasn't sure if this was the best way to accomplish this given my modeling structure. I have just started using Redux Toolkit as well, so I am somewhat familiar with reducers, but not enough to see how I could apply them here to help me. I have been really trying to figure this out, any help or guidance to make this easier would be much appreciated.
Go with normalizing. Each entity having a single source of truth makes it much easier to read and write state.
To do this, try normalized-reducer. It's a simple higher-order-reducer with a low learning curve.
Here is a working CodeSandbox example of it implementing a group/item composite tree very similar to your problem.
Basically, you would define the schema of your tree:
const schema = {
group: {
parentGroupId: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'one', reciprocal: 'childGroupIds' },
childGroupIds: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'many', reciprocal: 'parentGroupId' },
itemIds: { type: 'item', cardinality: 'many', reciprocal: 'groupId' }
item: {
groupId: { type: 'group', cardinality: 'one', reciprocal: 'itemIds' }
Then pass it into the library's top-level function:
import normalizedSlice from 'normalized-reducer';
export const {
} = normalizedSlice(schema);
Then wire up the reducer into your app (works with both React useReducer and the Redux store reducers), and use the selectors and actionCreators to read and write state.

Tell apollo-client what gets returned from X query with Y argiments?

I have a list of Items of whatever type. I can query all of them with query items or one with query item(id).
I realize apollo can't know what will be returned. It knows the type, but it doesn't know the exact data. Maybe there is a way not to make additional request? Map one query onto another?
// somewhere in Menu.tsx (renders first)
let items = useQuery(GET_ITEMS);
return => <MenuItemRepresenation item={item} />);
// meanwhile in apollo cache (de-normalized for readability):
items: [ // query name per schema
{ id: 1, data: {...}, __typename: "Item" },
{ id: 2, data: {...}, __typename: "Item" },
{ id: 3, data: {...}, __typename: "Item" },
// somewhere in MainView.tsx (renders afterwards)
let neededId = getNeededId(); // 2
let item = useQuery(GET_ITEM, { variables: { id: neededId } } );
return <MainViewRepresentation item={item} />;
Code like this will do two fetches. Even though the data is already in the cache. But it seems apollo thinks on query level. I would like a way to explain to it: "If I make item query, you need to look over here at items query you did before. If it has no item with that id go ahead and make the request."
Something akin to this can be done by querying items in MainView.tsx and combing through the results. It might work for pseudo-code, but in a real app it's not that simple: cache might be empty in some cases. Or not sufficient to satisfy required fields. Which means we have to load all items when we need just one.
Upon further research Apollo Link looks promising. It might be possible to intercept outgoing queries. Will investigate tomorrow.
Never mind apollo link. What I was looking for is called cacheRedirects.
It's an option for ApolloClient or Cache constructor.
cacheRedirects: {
Query: {
node: (_, args, { getCacheKey }) => {
const cacheKey = getCacheKey({
__typename: "Item",
return cacheKey;
I'd link to documentation but it's never stable. I've seen too many dead links from questions such as this.

Redux updating nested immutable data

I have an issue with updating the immutable redux and quite nested data. Here's an example of my data structure and what I want to change. If anyone could show me the pattern of accessing this update using ES6 and spread operator I would be thankful.
My whole state is an object with projects (key/value pairs - here as an example only one project) that are objects with its own key (and the keys are ids as well), arrays of procedures and inside the tasks:
{ 1503658959473:
{ projectName: "Golden Gate",
projectLocation": "San Francisco",
{ title: "Procedure No. 1",
{name: "task1", isDone: false},
{name: "task2", isDone: false},
{name: "task3", isDone: false}
What I'm willing to do is to update one single task 'isDone' property to 'true'. It's some kind of toggling the tasks. How can I return this state with that information updated?
The action creator pass this information to reducer:
export function toggleTask(activeProject, task, taskIndex) {
return {
payload: {
You've run into a common issue with Redux. The docs recommend that you flatten your data structure to make it easier to work with, but if that's not what you want to do, I'd refer to this part of their docs.
Because both Object.assign() and the ...spread operator create shallow copies, you must go through each level of nest in your object and re-copy it.
Your code might look something like this...
function updateVeryNestedField(state, action) {
return {
procedures : {
tasks : {
return, index) => {
if (index !== action.taskIndex) {
return task
return {
task.isDone: !task.isDone
I myself would create a new class called ProjectModel, which has a public method toggleTask that is able to update its task's status. The reducer state would be an object whose keys are project IDs and values are ProjectModel instances.

Custom data unwrapping in ampersand.js model

I have a model - Configuration:
var Configuration = Model.extend({
props: {
name: 'string'
In the database, configuration model / table has 3 columns -> id, name and fields. The latter stores site config as a serialized array. When retrieving the entry from the database, I unserialize it and then pass it to the front end, so the front end receives this:
"id": 1,
"name": 'global',
"fields": {
"enabled": true,
"site_name": "Test"
What I want to do is to set whatever is inside fields object as properties on my model, or maybe session so that things get triggered throughout the site when they are updated. To visualize it, I want to achieve something like this:
var Configuration = Model.extend({
props: {
enabled: 'boolean',
site_name: 'string'
So basically, is there are a way to 'unwrap' stuff in fields object somehow?
The parse method is what you're looking for in this case. See It allows you to transform incoming props.

ExtJS 4 - Model containing other model without Id relation

Given is a nested model structure like this:
Model Website
+ id
+ name
+ images[] // List of Image instances
Model Image
+ imageName
+ imageUrl
A serialised version of the response looks like:
"id": 4711,
"name": "Some name",
"images" [
{"imageName": "Beach", "imageUrl": ""},
This nested model set is persisted in a document store and is returned on request by
There is no by-id-relation to the nested list of images, as they are persisted as a list directly in the parent model. As far as I know, the classic relations in refer to the related models via a by-id-relation.
The question is: Is there any way that I can tell the parent model to use the Image model for each of the children in it's images list?
As a first step, you can make your images data to be loaded into the model by using a field type of auto:
Ext.define('My.Model', {
extend: ''
,fields: [
{name: 'images', type: 'auto'}
// ... other fields
Should return:
{"imageName": "Beach", "imageUrl": ""},
From there, you should theoretically be able to implement a fully automatized solution to creates the models from this data, and -- the hardest part -- try to keep these created records and the children data in the parent model synchronized. But this is a very involved hack, and a lot of entry points in Ext code base have to be covered. As an illustration, I once tried to do that for "has one" relations, and that represent a lot of code. As a result, I never took the time to consolidate this code, and finally never used it.
I would rather advocate for a simple and local (to the model) solution. You can add a simple method to your model to get the images as records. For example:
Ext.define('My.Model', {
// ...
,getImages: function() {
var store = this.imageStore;
if (!store) {
store = new{
model: 'My.ImageModel'
,data: this.get('images') || []
this.imageStore = store;
return store;
Creating a store for the associated model will save you from having to play with the proxy and the reader. It also gives you an interface that is close to Ext's default one for associations.
If you need support for loading images more than once for the same parent record, you can hook on the field's convert method.
Finally, you may also need to handle client-side modifications of associated data, in order to be able to save them to the server. If your associated model allows it, you could simply use the children store's sync method (and don't forget to update the parent model's data in the sync callback!). But if your associated model isn't connected to an endpoint on the server-side, you should be able to hook on the serialize method to save the data in the associated store (as opposed to the one stored in the parent record, that won't get updated if you work with the associated store).
Here's a last example showing both:
Ext.define('My.Model', {
extend: ''
,fields: [
name: 'images'
,type: 'auto'
// enables associated data update
,convert: function(data) {
var store = this.imageStore;
if (store) {
store.loadData(data || []);
return data;
// enables saving data from the associated store
,serialize: function(value, record) {
var store = record.imageStore,
if (store) {
// care, the proxy we want is the associated model's one
var writer = store.proxy && store.proxy.writer;
if (writer) {
return, function(record) {
return writer.getRecordData(record);
} else {
// gross implementation, simply use the records data object
return Ext.pluck(store.getRange(), 'data');
} else {
return record.get('images');
// ... other fields
,getImages: function() {
var store = this.imageStore;
if (!store) {
store = new{
model: 'My.ImageModel'
,data: this.get('images') || []
this.imageStore = store;
return store;
Please notice that I haven't tested this code, so it might still contains some mistakes... But I hope it will be enough to give you the general idea!
