BrowserComponent Javascript Engine - codenameone

I'm rewriting my interface to the javascript engine available in the BrowserComponent but I'm a bit confused. I used to make java methods and objects available to the javascript scripts as below but I admit I can't find a way to do the same now.
Hope you can help.
Object sample:
JSObject obj = (JSObject) ctx.get("{}");
if (data != null) {
for (String key : data.keySet()) {
obj.set(key, data.get(key));
ctx.set("", obj);
Method sample:
JSObject devnull = (JSObject) ctx.get("{}");
devnull.set("devnull", new JSFunction() {
public void apply(JSObject self, Object[] args) {
//How about the args?
ctx.set("window.devnull", devnull);

The whole JSObject package has been deprecated for a while. You should use this instead. See this post which discusses the API. You can also find information about that API in the developer guide.


meaning of parameters in parse method OWLAPI (building an AST)

I was looking for a good parser for OWL ontologies - initially in Python since I have very limited experience with Java. It seems that OWLAPI is the best choice as far as I can tell, and well, it is Java.
So, I am trying to parse an .owl file and build the AST from it. I downloaded owlapi and I´m having problems with it since it doesn´t seem to have much in terms of documentation.
My very basic question is what do the two first parameters of - say - OWLXMLParser(), stand for:
- document source: Is this the .owl file read as a stream (in getDocument below)?
- root ontology: what goes here? initially I thought that this is where the .owl file goes, seems not to be the case.
Does the parse method construct the AST or am I barking up the wrong tree?
I´m pasting some of my intents below - there are more of them but for I´m trying to be less verbose :)
[The error I´m getting is this - if anyone cares - although the question is more fundamental:
java.lang.NullPointerException: stream cannot be null
at org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLAPIPreconditions.checkNotNull(
at testontology.testparsers.OntologyParser.getDocument(
at testontology.testparsers.OntologyParser.test(
at testontology.testparsers.App.main(]
Thanks a lot for your help.
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
OntologyParser o = new OntologyParser();
try {
OWLDocumentFormat p = o.test();
} catch (Exception e) {
class OntologyParser {
private OWLOntology rootOntology;
private OWLOntologyManager manager;
private OWLOntologyDocumentSource getDocument() {
System.out.println("access resource stream");
return new StreamDocumentSource(getClass().getResourceAsStream(
public OWLDocumentFormat test() throws Exception {
OWLOntologyDocumentSource documentSource = getDocument();
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
OWLOntology rootOntology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument (new FileDocumentSource(new File("/home/mmarines/Desktop/WORK/mooly/smart-cities/data/test.owl")));
OWLDocumentFormat doc = parseOnto(documentSource, rootOntology);
return doc;
private OWLDocumentFormat parseOnto(
#Nonnull OWLOntologyDocumentSource initialDocumentSource,
#Nonnull OWLOntology initialOntology) throws IOException {
OWLParser initialParser = new OWLXMLParser();
OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config = new OntologyConfigurator().buildLoaderConfiguration();
//// option 1:
//final OWLOntologyManager managerr = new OWLOntologyManagerImpl(new OWLDataFactoryImpl(), new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true));
//final IRI iri = IRI.create("testasdf");
//final IRI version = IRI.create("0.0.1");
//OWLOntologyDocumentSource source = new FileDocumentSource(new File("/home/mmarines/Desktop/WORK/mooly/smart-cities/data/test.owl"));
//final OWLOntology onto = new OWLOntologyImpl(managerr, new OWLOntologyID(iri,version));
//return initialParser.parse(initialDocumentSource, onto, config);
//option 2:
return initialParser.parse(initialDocumentSource, initialOntology, config);
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The owlapi parsers are designed for use by the OWLOntologyManager implementations, which are managed (unless you're writing a new owlapi implementation) by the OWLManager singleton. There's plenty of examples on how to use that class in the wiki pages.
All parsers included in the owlapi distribution are meant to create OWLAxiom instances in an OWLOntology, not create an AST of an owl file - the syntactic shape of the files depends on the specific format, on the preferences of the writer, and so on, while the purpose of the api is to provide ontology manipulation functionality to the caller. The details of the output format can be tweaked but exposing them to the caller is not part of the main design.

Hystrix Javanica : Call always returning result from fallback method.(java web app without spring)

I am trying to integrate Hystrix javanica into my existing java EJB web application and facing 2 issues with running it.
When I try to invoke following service it always returns response from fallback method and I see that the Throwable object in fallback method has "" exception.
Each time this service is triggered, HystrixCommad and fallback methods are called multiple times around 50 times.
Can anyone suggest me with any inputs? Am I missing any configuration?
I am including following libraries in my project.
project libraries
I have setup my aspect file as follows:
<weaver options="-verbose -showWeaveInfo"></weaver>
<aspect name=""/>
Here is my file in META-INF/
Here is my rest service file
public class HystrixService {
#Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response getClusterName(#QueryParam("id") int id) {
ClusterCmdBean clusterCmdBean = new ClusterCmdBean();
String result = clusterCmdBean.getClusterNameForId(id);
return Response.ok(result).build();
Here is my bean class
public class ClusterCmdBean {
#HystrixCommand(groupKey = "ClusterCmdBeanGroup", commandKey = "getClusterNameForId", fallbackMethod = "defaultClusterName")
public String getClusterNameForId(int id) {
if (id > 0) {
return "cluster"+id;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("command failed");
public String defaultClusterName(int id, Throwable e) {
return "No cluster - returned from fallback:" + e.getMessage();
Thanks for the help.
If you want to ensure you are setting the property, you can do that explicitly in the circuit annotation itself:
#HystrixCommand(commandProperties = {
#HystrixProperty(name = "execution.timeout.enabled", value = "false")
I would only recommend this for debugging purposes though.
Something that jumps out to me is that Javanica uses AspectJ AOP, which I have never seen work with new MyBean() before. I've always have to use #Autowired with Spring or similar to allow proxying. This could well just be something that is new to me though.
If you set a breakpoint inside the getClusterNameForId can you see in the stack trace that its being called via reflection (which it should be AFAIK)?
Note you can remove commandKey as this will default to the method name. Personally I would also remove groupKey and let it default to the class name.

(Android Studio) Connecting an app to Google Endpoints Module

I'm having trouble following the second step here.
I really don't understand how this sample does anything other than return a simple toast message. How does it utilize the API to display that message?
class EndpointsAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Pair<Context, String>, Void, String> {
private static MyApi myApiService = null;
private Context context;
protected String doInBackground(Pair<Context, String>... params) {
if(myApiService == null) { // Only do this once
MyApi.Builder builder = new MyApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)
// options for running against local devappserver
// - is localhost's IP address in Android emulator
// - turn off compression when running against local devappserver
.setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new GoogleClientRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(AbstractGoogleClientRequest<?> abstractGoogleClientRequest) throws IOException {
// end options for devappserver
myApiService =;
context = params[0].first;
String name = params[0].second;
try {
return myApiService.sayHi(name).execute().getData();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e.getMessage();
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Toast.makeText(context, result, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
I'm afraid my this sample is too complex for my limited knowledge. How exactly do I "talk" to the Google Endpoints Module when running an app? Specifically, What is EndpointsAsyncTask();?
Are there any resources listing all the methods available to me? Is there a simpler example of an app communicating with a Google Cloud Endpoint?
The service methods available to you are defined by the backend source in section 1.
In the example you posted, this line: myApiService.sayHi(name).execute()
is an actual invocation call to the backend that you defined by annotating #ApiMethod("sayHi") on the method in the class of your backend module.
The reason your Android app defines an EndpointsAsyncTask is because slow operations such as calls that hit the network need to happen off of the UI thread to avoid locking the UI. The demo simply puts the returned value into a Toast but you could modify onPostExecute() to do whatever you'd like with the result.
For more info on Google Endpoints check out:
And for info about using an Android AsyncTask look here:

Bootstrapping NancyFX with RavenDB

I am trying to add bootstrap NancyFX with RavenDB and I am running into the following error trying to run the application...
"Unable to resolve type: Nancy.IResponseFormatter"
VS2010 DevelopmentServer
In lieu of pasting all of the code, here is a link to the site that I used as an example. By example, I mean I copied it verbatim to see if I could get it to work.
I have actually seen this code run in a demo before, but I for some reason can not get it to run at all. It fails at start up. It is almost as if Nancy is not using my BootStrapper.
More of the Stack Trace:
[TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyHttpRequestHandler' threw an exception.]
Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyHttpRequestHandler..ctor() +0
[TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.]
Any help would be really appreciated.
That code is based on an older version of Nancy. You should be looking at using the IResponseFormatterFactory instead. The custom module builder, that is defined in the blog post, is based on an old copy of the DefaultNancyModuleBuilder and if you have a look at the current version you should be able to make the necessary adjustments
Here is the code for the RavenAwareModuleBuilder class under discussion:
Edit 1
The code below has been updated for Nancy Release 0.12. Note the new NegotiationContext lines in BuildModule method.
public class RavenAwareModuleBuilder : INancyModuleBuilder
private readonly IViewFactory viewFactory;
private readonly IResponseFormatterFactory responseFormatterFactory;
private readonly IModelBinderLocator modelBinderLocator;
private readonly IModelValidatorLocator validatorLocator;
private readonly IRavenSessionProvider ravenSessionProvider;
public RavenAwareModuleBuilder(IViewFactory viewFactory, IResponseFormatterFactory responseFormatterFactory, IModelBinderLocator modelBinderLocator, IModelValidatorLocator validatorLocator, IRavenSessionProvider ravenSessionProvider)
this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
this.responseFormatterFactory = responseFormatterFactory;
this.modelBinderLocator = modelBinderLocator;
this.validatorLocator = validatorLocator;
this.ravenSessionProvider = ravenSessionProvider;
public NancyModule BuildModule(NancyModule module, NancyContext context)
context.NegotiationContext = new NegotiationContext
ModuleName = module.GetModuleName(),
ModulePath = module.ModulePath,
module.Context = context;
module.Response = this.responseFormatterFactory.Create(context);
module.ViewFactory = this.viewFactory;
module.ModelBinderLocator = this.modelBinderLocator;
module.ValidatorLocator = this.validatorLocator;
module.After.AddItemToStartOfPipeline(ctx =>
var session = ctx.Items["IDocumentSession"] as IDocumentSession;
if (session != null) session.Dispose();
return module;

Serializer library for Silverlight

I'm developing a modular app using prism in SL3, one of the modules is responsible for persisting the application settings in the isolated storage (so that when you open the app next time, you continue where you were). It works perfectly, except that I don't like the way dependencies are wired now.
I want to have a type-agnostic settings manager that has a generic store and then I add custom data from each module, some thing like this:
AppSettings["OpenForEditEmployees"] = new List<EmployeeDTO>();
AppSettings["ActiveView"] = ViewsEnum.Report;
I have implemented this part, but serialising that dictionary to xml proved to be harder than I suspected. I was wondering if there is an easy way to serialise a Dictionary<string, object> into XML.
Since you are using a Dictionary, the regular XmlSerializer won't work, you can serialize using DataContractSerializer.
These 2 static classes will handle all of your serialization/deserialization needs for string representation of xml in silverlight (and any .NET)
You will need a reference to System.Runtime.Serialization for the DataContractSerializer
public static void SerializeXml<T>(T obj, Stream strm)
DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
ser.WriteObject(strm, obj);
public static T DeserializeXml<T>(Stream xml)
DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
return (T)ser.ReadObject(xml);
and if you would rather use JSON, you can add a reference to the System.ServiceModel.Web assembly and use this version instead.
public static void SerializeJson<T>(T obj, Stream strm)
DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
ser.WriteObject(strm, obj);
public static T DeserializeJson<T>(Stream json)
DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
return (T)ser.ReadObject(json);
Have you looked at
It's not XML but it does a great job with serialization.
And, works great in Silverlight.
