I recently got an error when compiling React projects. I launch the app normally, it launches my APP. But sometimes it happens to show the attached error and the application stops. So I need to run the start command again.
I tried removing node_modules folder and installing again, but it didn't work. I couldn't find the reason.
Any suggestion?
I am new to react-native and expo stuff. I was working on an application that worked fine until I installed react-native-wifi-reborn.
I was following this article since I wanted to connect to wifi from the app (This was the requirement).
After adding react-native-wifi-reborn, my project started without issues until I got an error in WifiManager.connectToProtectedSsid usage.
It was a logical error and I made small code changes (I was passing the incorrect wifi password), restarted the project, and started getting the below error. I tried removing react-native-wifi-reborn and now I tried googling it but no luck. This error just won't go.
I am getting the below error whenever I try to run the project, it was working fine till now
My app.json
Project Structure
Ps: I don't want to install typescript, not comfortable using it. Please help how to fix.
I'm working on a react-three project and everything seemed to be working fine. The problem is after a while, when I restart my dev server (yarn start) the react seems to not be loading.
When I console.log inside of the index.html file it does show up the console, so javascript seems to work. I have no error inside of my terminal, but I do get this error in the console:
I already tried reinstalling my modules, but it didn't fix anything. This this is the second time it has happend to me, and after a while I get tired of searching for the error and I just pull my project from git and copy paste my code, and everything works again...
Does anyone know what could be causing this issue?
I have created an UI using ReactJS and embedded the electron into that. I can run my React UI as a Desktop App using electron.
Now, I am facing an issue creating builder using electron-packager.
Below is the error: rcedit.exe failed with exit code 1. Fatal error: Unable to commit changes
However, I can see the created package in the "Temp" folder under "electron-package" folder still it throws the above error. Also, I have tried running executable from the Temp folder, it opens desktop app (still there are few errors but they are related to code - I am not worry about this errors).
ElectronJS - https://www.electronjs.org/
It would be great if someone help me on this.
Thanks in advance.
By degrading Electron version from latest to v10.1.6, it got resolved.
I've created a simple react app using create-react-kotlin-app. After successful npm start, I tried to get a build of the project using IntelliJ IDEA's Build -> Build Project, but it fails stating
Error:(16, 44) Kotlin: Can't access property 'reactLogo' marked with #JsModule annotation from non-modular project
What am I missing here ?
NOTE: I haven't done any modification in the template comes with create-react-kotlin-app. The project runs successfully, problem only exist when I try to get a build.
I got managed to fix this issue via terminal.
From the project root, run
react-scripts-kotlin build
This will automatically creates a build folder with production ready files.
I'm using Next.js with styledcomponent, It gets no error in Dev mode. but while running in Build production mode. I get an error. without line number or file name.
I have also opened an issue Github
NODE_ENV=production node server.js
Ready on http://localhost:3000
Error: An error occurred. See https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/blob/master/src/utils/errors.md#1 for more information. Additional arguments: undefined
at new StyledComponentsError (/Users/rahulkishan/Documents/React_Mobile_and_web/ReactWebV1/purchaseweb/node_modules/styled-components/dist/styled-components.cjs.js:161:58)
at constructWithOptions (/Users/rahulkishan/Documents/React_Mobile_and_web/ReactWebV1/purchaseweb/node_modules/styled-components/dist/styled-components.cjs.js:2182:13)
at styled (/Users/rahulkishan/Documents/React_Mobile_and_web/ReactWebV1/purchaseweb/node_modules/styled-components/dist/styled-components.cjs.js:2126:12)
at Object. (/Users/rahulkishan/Documents/React_Mobile_and_web/ReactWebV1/purchaseweb/.next/server/static/i2aIDkRZkhvVhtPxvk4BE/pages/index.js:4504:77)
Why it shows this error in Build mode only. Not in dev mode.
We have built a large app.
It is really difficult to find the problem.
Error has its path
And line number as well
After giving npm run build
Nexts js creates a build folder as
Inside that folder you will be able to see the complete production code.