Certain styles in my project are not applying correctly. The easiest example to illustrate is mt-5 which according to the docs should be 1.25rem, but instead, my project shows as 3rem.
I've tried going to my tailwind.config.js and adding important: true to it and it does work! But I'm wondering if there's another way to fix this.
I'm using react-native-render-html to render html and the HTML Tag is like a defines subscript text.
Au IV<sup>e</sup>
In my app :
I'm trying to have style to avoid that but I think there is better way to solve the issue.
What to you thing
The default style for <sup> element looks like this:
textAlignVertical: 'top',
fontSize: 'smaller'
Unfortunately, there is a bug on React Native whereby textAlignVertical: 'top' doesn't work for nested Text elements on Android.
I've also submitted a feature request for 'sub' and 'sup' support in their Canny.
I suggest you:
Upvote the Canny feature request;
Upvote the bug report;
That would help giving more visibility to those issues. And if you or your team has any Android SDK experience, you could also submit a fix upstream. Check the bug report thread as a contributor seems engaged in resolving the issue.
I integrated the nivo library. I managed to get this pie chart to work:
For this, I used this slightly modified code from the example:
Now, I wanted the colors to be a grayscale, so I changed the colors prop to "greys", as shown in their docs:
colors={{ scheme: 'greys' }}
This results in:
I also tried:
Using "greens" also results in the same.
If you want to try it out:
What do I need to do?
I see that this is an old question, but I recently encountered the same issue when integrating with nivo. However I did find a solution so I decided to share it anyway.
After playing around with it I found that the code provided in the interactive view is not valid in React, if you would like to use a theme you should use the following syntax:
colors={"nivo"} // or the name of the theme you picked
instead of:
colors={{ scheme: 'nivo' }}
PS: If you want to use some of the other themes you might need to supply them additionally since just a couple of them come with nivo by default.
I just installed angular-perfect-scrollbar.
I used the jQuery perfect-scrollbar Plugin but since angular it was thrown out.
is there a way to update the angular-perfect-scrollbar like $('#container').perfectScrollbar('update'); in jQuery ?
how can I scroll to bottom of container (on content change) with that angular plugin?
If thats not possible with this angular plugin are there alternatives that includes the features above ?
as I tested, you need to add <include-padding='true'> to html tag then it could scroll to bottom(in fact this will change the scroller length, therefore)
it looks like
<perfect-scrollbar include-padding='true'>
<..your stuff..>
I want to make a responsive layout with twitter's bootstrap v2, with a column and a map.
The idea is to build a UI like that from maps.google.com, but using a responsive design with bootstrap2.
I want to have a style for desktop with
navbar on top
1 left column (as sidebar)
height: 100% minus navbarHeight, with a scrollbar
width: .span3
content that fills the rest of the screen
Then for the responsive mobile design I want the parts that have the full height to have a height depending on the content.
I made a sketch to explain better
EDIT: Looking to do something like this but responsive, and only with north (navbar), west (sidebar), and center (content)
EDIT2: I finally made it with jquery, but I want a CSS solution. If someone asks, I will put the solution as an answer.
EDIT3: Ok, here is the solution I found using JQuery (I think it's easy to do with plain js)
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
if ( $(window).width() > 980 ) {
else {
$("#sidebar").css("overflow", "auto")
The $(selector).css() functions and the conditional if could be replaced with plain css and the media queries from CSS3 http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html#responsive
But the problem is that $(window).height() is calculated runtime. That should be replaced maybe by something like a height:100% in CSS, and that could do the trick, but I couldn't find the right place to put that 100% height.
EDIT4: Here I found what it could be a CSS-only solution! If I make progress, I'll post the answer!
From my investigations this week (I'm trying to accomplish the same thing), it seems like bootstrap and a 100%-height design are incompatible from a pure CSS perspective (unless you want to make changes to bootstrap). I'd be interested in seeing your jquery solution.
I'm not sure that I totally understand what you are looking for, but take a look at http://reactivewebdesign.net/Chicago/Traffic which has a top menu (adding the bootstrap navbar should be easy).
The left column spans 3 columns and the map occupies 9 columns. There is also a link in the left menu named "Where Am I" that also uses a Google map. The css for the map is at the top of the page. If you are looking to squeeze the map into three columns, merely reverse the 3 & 9 to 9 & 3 - it should still work.
Hope this helps.
here is the solution I found using JQuery (I think it's easy to do with plain js)
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
if ( $(window).width() > 980 ) {
else {
$("#sidebar").css("overflow", "auto")
The $(selector).css() functions and the conditional if could be replaced with plain css and the media queries from CSS3 http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html#responsive
But the problem is that $(window).height() is calculated runtime. That should be replaced maybe by something like a height:100% in CSS, and that could do the trick, but I couldn't find the right place to put that 100% height.