I am trying to get a temperature readout from a LM77 using I2C communication with and FTDI FT232H. I don't think it is a hardware problem since I have checked the connections along with multiple colleagues. The communication with the PC to the FT232H is okay, it is initializing and everything is good on that end. The FT232H sends a read setup byte and gets an ACK from the LM77. After that there is no more data. I expect the LM77 to send 10 bits of data for a temperature readout, but it is not. This is what the readout looks like on a logic probe.
I would expect to then see an additional two bytes come in after the ACK but am getting nothing. The code is pretty straightforward and I am using the libMPSSE I2C API. The address I am using 0x48 comes from the address given in the datasheet bit shifted right by 1. I do not understand why I am getting an ACK but no temperature readout after. The ftStatus for the read gives an error code FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND. I am not sure why it's giving this error code if there is an ACK.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libMPSSE_i2c.h"
#define DEVICE_ADDR 0x48
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
int i2cInit(void)
int numChannels = 0;
ChannelConfig chConfig = {.ClockRate = 100000,
.LatencyTimer = 255,
.Options = 0x0000};
ftStatus = I2C_GetNumChannels(&numChannels);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
return -1;
printf("Number of channels: %d\n", numChannels);
ftStatus = I2C_GetChannelInfo(0, &chanInfo);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
return -1;
printf("Channel info obtained\n");
ftStatus = I2C_OpenChannel(0, &ftHandle);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
return -1;
printf("Channel opened\n");
ftStatus = I2C_InitChannel(ftHandle, &chConfig);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
return -1;
printf("Channel initialized\n");
int lm77ReadTemp()
unsigned char writeBuffer[20] = {0};
unsigned char readBuffer[20] = {0};
unsigned char bytesTransferred = 0;
unsigned int bytesRead = 0;
ftStatus = I2C_DeviceRead(ftHandle, DEVICE_ADDR, 2, readBuffer, &bytesRead, I2C_TRANSFER_OPTIONS_START_BIT | I2C_TRANSFER_OPTIONS_STOP_BIT);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
printf("Read failed status code %d\n", ftStatus);
int main(void)
return 0;
The problem was on the hardware side. The MPSSE engine does not have bidirectional pins. On the FTDI chip side, you need a separate pin for SDA_out and SDA_in. There is a diagram in the FTDI documentation that shows it. If you don't have the pins connected like this you won't receive any data from the I2C slave.
I need to transfer data to BeagleBone Black via Modbus RTU using Rs485. To work with Modbus RTU,but I don't know how to toggle rts in rs-485.HELP
Modbus RTU data transmission code
how to add RS485 code to this,to use the Modbus library libmodbus
#include "modbus-rtu.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main(){
int connected;
modbus_t *ctx;
uint16_t tab_reg[64];
int rc;
int i;
ctx = modbus_new_rtu("/dev/ttyS4", 9600, 'N', 8, 1);
if(ctx == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create the libmodbus context\n");
else {
modbus_set_slave(ctx, 1);
modbus_set_debug(ctx, TRUE);
connected = modbus_connect(ctx);
printf("modbus_set_slave return: %d\n", rc);
if (rc != 0)
printf("modbus_set_slave: %s \n"modbus_strerror(errno));
rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, 0, 3, tab_reg);
for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
printf("reg[%d]=%d (0x%X)\n", i, tab_reg[i], tab_reg[i]);
if(rc == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", modbus_strerror(errno));
return 0;
First I would check if your hardware support automatic (hardware) half-duplex direction control.
If not, then you can take a look at this answer. In there you have all the details you need to compile and install libmodbus with support for toggling the line with software.
I'm using this solution in my RPi and CHIP computers but you should be able to use it right away on your BBB. You might find a small caveat if the GPIO file name has a 3 or 4-digit number (take a look in /sys/class/gpio). If that's the case, take a look here, I had to modify the code to correct that problem.
I pulse a USB camera with a 5v pulse and it takes a picture. Pulsing the camera then sends a USB signal back to a raspberry pi. I'm writing a program to collect the images sent over USB. Below is my code for the function to begin taking input from the camera after it is triggered.
void opendevice()
libusb_device_handle* dev;
struct libusb_device_descriptor* desc;
int r;
int err;
int transfered;
dev = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid( NULL, 0x2a0b, 0x00f8);
if (dev == NULL)
printf("device not found\n");
if(libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev, 0) == 1)
printf("Driver active\n");
if(libusb_detach_kernel_driver(dev, 0) == 0)
printf("Kernel Driver Detached\n");
err = libusb_claim_interface(dev, 0);
if(err != 0)
printf("cannot claim interface\n");
unsigned char usb_data[4];
int size = sizeof(unsigned int) *1280 *960;
unsigned *data;
data = (unsigned int *)malloc(size);
r = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev, LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN | 0x83, usb_data, sizeof(data), &transfered, 0);
if(r == 0)
printf("data has been transfered\n");
printf("error code %d\n", r);
printf("bytes transfered %d\n", transfered);
I locate the device detach check to see if the kernel is using it then if it is I detach it. After detaching it I claim the interface then wait for a transfer to happen inside of bulk transfer. However I never receive data from the transfer. Even when unplugging the camera from the usb port r returns value -1 and my transfer is of size 0. Can anyone tell me what I am missing here?
Let me know if you need any more information.
Your code has a buffer overflow:
unsigned char usb_data[4]; // <---
int size = sizeof(unsigned int) *1280 *960;
unsigned *data; // <-- not used!
data = (unsigned int *)malloc(size);
r = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev, LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN | 0x83, usb_data //<
,sizeof(data), &transfered, 0)
You probably wanted to use "data" as receiving buffer in the libusb_bulk_transfer() call, but you actually used usb_data which is only 4 bytes long.
I'm building a cnc machine for a school project, it consists of an Intel galileo with a shield that controls stepper motors, this is controlled by a program on a windows machine(windows 7), what the program basically does is read a text file containing gcode and then sends it line by line to the Galileo, the Galileo then takes that line breaks it down into coordinates and instructions, moves the spindle to where it needs to go and when the instruction is finished it sends a message back to the computer through serial telling it that its finished, the computer then sends the next line of code and the process is repeated.
so far I can read the gcode file and send it line by line (using a keypress to send each line) to the galileo and everything works fine. my problem is reading from the galileo I have tried a few methods with no joy. this is what I think is closest to what I should be doing. I wont post the whole source because I think it will be just to much to read through, ive posted the main() which has all the setup functions and the function that is supposed to read the serial.
application for controling galileo or arduino cnc machine
by brendan scullion
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "functions.h"
int main()
system("COLOR 1F");
// Declare variables and structures
unsigned char text_to_send[MAX_PATH];
unsigned char digits[MAX_PATH];
int baudrate = 19200;
int dev_num = 50;
char dev_name[MAX_PATH];
HANDLE hSerial;
HANDLE screen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = {0};
printf("Searching serial ports...\n");
while(dev_num >= 0)
printf("\r ");
printf("\rTrying COM%d...", dev_num);
sprintf(dev_name, "\\\\.\\COM%d", dev_num);
hSerial = CreateFile(
if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) dev_num--;
else break;
if (dev_num < 0)
printf("No serial port available\n");
return 1;
// Set device parameters (38400 baud, 1 start bit,
// 1 stop bit, no parity)
dcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams);
if (GetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams) == 0)
printf("Error getting device state\n");
return 1;
//dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_38400;
dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = baudrate;
dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;
if(SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams) == 0)
printf("Error setting device parameters\n");
return 1;
// Set COM port timeout settings
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
if(SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts) == 0)
printf("Error setting timeouts\n");
return 1;
char *cmd = NULL;
char *para1 = NULL;
char *para2 = NULL;
char *para3 = NULL;
char comPort[10];
float baudRate;
int keepGoing = 1;
unsigned char message[MAX_STRING_LENGHT];
char cmdLine[200];
while(keepGoing == 1)
cmd = strtok(cmdLine, " ");
if(cmd != NULL)
para1 = strtok(NULL, " ");
else if(para1 != NULL)
para2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
else if(para2 != NULL)
para3 = strtok(NULL, " ");
if(strcmp(cmd, "help")== 0)
else if(strcmp(cmd, "comset")== 0)
setupComs(comPort, baudRate);
else if(strcmp(cmd, "getg")== 0)
else if(strcmp(cmd, "readserial")== 0)
read_serial(hSerial, message, dev_name);
else if(strcmp(cmd, "offset")==0)
getOffset(hSerial, text_to_send, dev_name);
else if(strcmp(cmd, "setup") == 0)
setup(hSerial, text_to_send, dev_name);
else if(strcmp(cmd, "exit") == 0)
keepGoing = 0;
printf("Unknown command!\n");
// Close serial port
printf("Closing serial port...");
if (CloseHandle(hSerial) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
and the function for reading
void read_serial(HANDLE hComm, HANDLE screen, char *message, char *devName )
char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGHT];
unsigned char ch;
DWORD bytes_recieved = MAX_STRING_LENGHT, written = 0;
strcpy(buffer,""); //empty buffer
while(buffer!=NULL){ // wait untill serail message revieved
ReadFile(hComm, &buffer,sizeof(buffer), // read serial
&bytes_recieved, NULL );
if(bytes_recieved){ // if something to read
WriteFile(screen, buffer, bytes_recieved, &written, NULL);
strcpy(message, buffer);
printf("%s", message);
ch = getch();
if(ch== 'q')
i can post the entire source code if anybody wants to have a look at it
In read_serial, you can try replacing &buffer with buffer in the call to ReadFile. Name of a character array should be a pointer to the first element of the array.
What i would do is i would frame every message that goes from and to the Galileo board in a simple and useful protocol. For example i would use STX and ETX to frame and send messages from the Windows 7 via serial to the board, use ACK NAK to acknowledge the received packet and use SYN for signalling end of execution of a line on Galileo.
With the above framing you can construct receive and send functions where you can wait for specific characters (ETX,STX,SYN,ACK,etc) and exit once you have a full frame or an control character.
I connect a Linux embedded board(based on imx233) and a MSP430 MCU. They are connected via 4 pin SPI, but I use a GPIO for the chip select purpose on the Linux board. What I do is to use poll to detect falling edge of the GPIO(nr 52) then perform SPI reading either ioctl or read()
int main(void)
/********************************LINUX SCHEDULING**********************************/
sp.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); //scheduling
sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &sp); //scheduling
/********************************LINUX SCHEDULING_END******************************/
struct pollfd fdset[2]; //declare the poll to be used in interrupt catching
int nfds = 2;
int gpio_fd, timeout, rc;
char *buf[MAX_BUF]; //max=64byte
int len;
initialize(); //gpio's are set to SPI_SLAVE
// spi_init();
gpio_fd = gpio_fd_open(CHIP_SELECT_PIN); //the CS(SS) pin is opened
timeout = POLL_TIMEOUT; //timeout 3 sec is set
// uint8_t voidFirstDetection = 1;
while (1) {
memset((void*)fdset, 0, sizeof(fdset));
fdset[0].fd = NULL;
fdset[0].events = POLLIN;
fdset[1].fd = gpio_fd;
fdset[1].events = POLLPRI;
/*** POLL starts to detect chipselects****/
rc = poll(fdset, nfds, timeout);
if (rc < 0) {
printf("\npoll() failed!\n");
return -1;
if (rc == 0) {
if (fdset[1].revents & POLLPRI ) { //HERE I need to run SPI_read
len = read(fdset[1].fd, buf, MAX_BUF);
/* if(voidFirstDetection){
voidFirstDetection = 0;
printf("\npoll() GPIO %d interrupt occurred\n", CHIP_SELECT_PIN);
int fd = open(device, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0){
// snprintf(systemlogmsg, sizeof(systemlogmsg), "[1181]: errno:%s Cannot open /dev/spidev ", strerror(errno));
// error_logging(systemlogmsg, LOGLEVEL_ERROR);
printf("error spi recive\n");
// }
return 0;
Above code works fine that it generates an interrupt only at the falling edge of the signal. I use the either of the below code when the interrupt is detected to read the /dev/spidev1-0
static void do_read(int fd)
unsigned char buf[1], *bp;
int status;
int len = 1;
/* read at least 2 bytes, no more than 32 */
memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf);
status = read(fd, buf, len);
if (status < 0) {
if (status != len) {
fprintf(stderr, "short read\n");
printf("read(%2d, %2d): %02x %02x,", len, status,
buf[0], buf[1]);
status -= 2;
bp = buf + 2;
while (status-- > 0)
printf(" %02x", *bp++);
static void spi_transfer(int fd)
int ret;
uint8_t tx[2];
uint8_t rx[3] = {0 };
struct spi_ioc_transfer tr = {
.tx_buf = 0,
.rx_buf = (unsigned long)rx,
.len = ARRAY_SIZE(tx),
.delay_usecs = delay,
.speed_hz = speed,
.bits_per_word = bits,
ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr);
if (ret < 1){
printf("can't send spi message");
for (ret = 0; ret < ARRAY_SIZE(tx); ret++) {
if (!(ret % 6))
printf("%.2X ", rx[ret]);
Whenever the either ret = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr); line on spi_transfer() or status = read(fd, buf, len); on do_read() is executed, I see an infinite loop that detects an interrupt on the GPIO52 (chipselect). I try the observe the GPIO via oscilloscope but I could not see any signal change (it might be a spike that my oscilloscope cannot detect), however, when I connect the chipselect to the Vcc, it does not get the infinite loop. As I am on the early stage, I set one of GPIO of the MCU as an output and a constant logic high. I use GPIO52 (Chip select) as an input because my aim is to transfer data from MCU to the linux board.
I guess, the read() and ioctl somehow effects the GPIO to sink more current than the GPIO can provide. If it is the problem, what can I do that ioctl or read() would not disturb GPIO. Or do you think something else could be a problem?
I was lucky that I found the problem quick. I tied the grounds of both boards and now it works fine. I will keep the post as someone else might have the same problem. But I am still curious how ioctl or read disturbs the GPIO signal level
I am working on a project having GSM module and it is also communicating serially with computer.
I have written a code in C on Visual Studio 2010 to transmit and receive data serially.
Code is given below:-
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
int nread,nwrite;
int main()
COMMCONFIG dcbSerialParams;
char *words, *buffRead, *buffWrite;
DWORD dwBytesWritten,dwBytesRead;
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
printf(" serial port does not exist \n");
printf(" some other error occured. Inform user.\n");
//DCB dcbSerialParams ;
//GetCommState( hSerial, &dcbSerialParams.dcb);
if (!GetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams.dcb))
printf("error getting state \n");
dcbSerialParams.dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams.dcb);
dcbSerialParams.dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fBinary = TRUE;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fDsrSensitivity= FALSE;
dcbSerialParams.dcb.fAbortOnError = TRUE;
if (!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams.dcb))
printf(" error setting serial port state \n");
//COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = {0};
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1000;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1000;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier= 1000;
if(!SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts))
printf("error setting port state \n");
//****************Write Operation*********************//
char data_tx[]="at\r";
nwrite = strlen(words);
buffWrite = words;
dwBytesWritten = 0;
if (!WriteFile(hSerial, buffWrite, nwrite, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
printf("error writing to output buffer \n");
printf("Data written to write buffer is\n %s \n",buffWrite);
//***************Read Operation******************//
dwBytesRead = 0;
nread = strlen(words);
buffRead = new char[nread +1];
memset(buffRead, 0, nread+1); // ensure that string will be null-terminated
if (!ReadFile(hSerial, buffRead, nread, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
printf("error reading from input buffer \n");
printf("Data read from read buffer is \n %s \n ",buffRead);
When command "at\r" is transmitted from computer to GSM module it receive it should respond to it by sending OK.
Now I am getting only O. If I send "at\r" again I am getting K.
I have verified it on hyper terminal GSM module is working properly.If I send "at" and enter it responds with OK.
Also I have verified my C code on other program it is working properly.
I want to know why it is not working properly with GSM module.
You need to call sleep before reading the result. 250 ms is more than enough