I can't get the correct value of 15136704000 for the third print line and I am not sure what the issue is. It works correctly when compiled via gcc on Linux but Windows keeps spitting out nonsense and I just would like to understand why.
Windows displays it as Which is 2251802112 inches away.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
const int five = 5;
const int eight = 8;
const int mi_to_in = 63360;
int miles_to_moon = 238900;
int km_to_moon = (float) eight / five * miles_to_moon;
unsigned long inches_to_moon = (long) miles_to_moon * mi_to_in;
printf("The moon is %d miles away.\n", miles_to_moon);
printf("Which is equivalent to %d kilometers away.\n", km_to_moon);
printf("Which is %lu inches away.\n", inches_to_moon);
As commented by #jamesdlin, the expression (long)miles_to_moon * mi_to_in causes an arithmetic overflow on Windows because the type long only has 32 bits on this system, including on its 64-bit version. Using unsigned long long for this computation would solve the problem, and you should actually use long for mi_to_in and miles_to_moon for portability to some systems.
The C Standard provides fixed length integer types such as int32_t and int64_t defined in <stdin.h> on systems that support them. These types could be used for these variables with the proper range, but for better portability and simplicity, you should use double for such computations:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double mi_to_in = 63360; /* exact figure */
double mi_to_km = 1.60934; /* exact figure */
double miles_to_moon = 238900; /* average distance approximation */
double km_to_moon = miles_to_moon * mi_to_km;
double inches_to_moon = miles_to_moon * mi_to_in;
printf("The moon is %.0f miles away.\n", miles_to_moon);
printf("Which is equivalent to %.0f kilometers away.\n", km_to_moon);
printf("Which is %.0f inches away.\n", inches_to_moon);
return 0;
The moon is 238900 miles away.
Which is equivalent to 384471 kilometers away.
Which is 15136704000 inches away.
Note however that multiplying an approximate figure by an exact one does not increase the precision, which the number of significant digits in the above output might suggest. Rounding these figures seems preferable, yet this would produce 384500 km, which is not the commonly used figure 384400 km.
A more precise average semi-axis is 384399 km, approximately 238855 miles, commonly converted to 238900 mi.
Rounding to a specified number of significant digits is not simple and there is no standard function in the C library to do it. You can use snprintf with %.3e to produce the digits in exponential format, and convert back using strtod, but is cumbersome and inefficient.
float number = 123.8798831;
number=(floorf((number + number * 0.1) * 100.0)) / 100.0;
printf("number = %f",number);
I want to get number = 136.25
But the compiler shows me number = 136.259995
I know that I can write like this printf("number = %.2f",number) ,but I need the number itself for further operation.It is necessary that the number be stored in a variable as number = 136.25
It is necessary that the number be stored in a variable as number = 136.25
But that would be the incorrect result. The precise result of number + number * 0.1 is 136.26787141. When you round that downwards to 2 decimal places, the number that you would get is 136.26, and not 136.25.
However, there is no way to store 136.26 in a float because it simply isn't a representable value (on your system). Best you can get is a value that is very close to it. You have successfully produced a floating point number that is very close to 136.26. If you cannot accept the slight error in the value, then you shouldn't be using finite precision floating point arithmetic.
If you wish to print the value of a floating point number up to limited number of decimals, you must understand that not all values can be represented by floating point numbers, and that you must use %.2f to get desired output.
Round float to 2 decimal places in C language?
Just like you did:
multiply with 100
divide by 100
I agree with the other comments/answers that using floating point numbers for money is usually not a good idea, not all numbers can be stored exactly. Basically, when you use floating point numbers, you sacrifice exactness for being able to storage very large and very small numbers and being able to store decimals. You don't want to sacrifice exactness when dealing with real money, but I think this is a student project, and no actual money is being calculated, so I wrote the small program to show one way of doing this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
double number, percent_interest, interest, result, rounded_result;
number = 123.8798831;
percent_interest = 0.1;
interest = (number * percent_interest)/100; //Calculate interest of interest_rate percent.
result = number + interest;
rounded_result = floor(result * 100) / 100;
printf("number=%f, percent_interest=%f, interest=%f, result=%f, rounded_result=%f\n", number, percent_interest, interest, result, rounded_result);
As you can see, I use double instead float, because double has more precession and floating point constants are of type double not float. The code in your question should give you a warning because in
float number = 123.8798831;
123.8798831 is of type double and has to be converted to float (possibly losing precession in the process).
You should also notice that my program calculates interest at .1% (like you say you want to do) unlike the code in your question which calculates interest at 10%. Your code multiplies by 0.1 which is 10/100 or 10%.
Here is an example of a function you can use for rounding to x number of decimals.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
double dround(double number, int dp)
int charsNeeded = 1 + snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.*f", dp, number);
char *buffer = malloc(charsNeeded);
snprintf(buffer, charsNeeded, "%.*f", dp, number);
double result = atof(buffer);
return result;
int main()
float number = 37.777779;
number = dround(number,2);
printf("Number is %f\n",number);
return 0;
I am a real beginner here and I'm really not sure about this. It is a homework assignment.
We have to find 10 (x,y) coordinates of an arc using the radius, a starting angle and an end angle. The program works, but the results it gives differ very slightly from the 'correct' results as required by the automatic checking system. Here's the code and both mine and the systems results based on r=100, angle1=1, anglef=30!
Thanks in advance!
FILE *pf1;
int n=0;
double angulo1, angulof, angulo, radio, x, y;
printf ("\nIntroduce radio : ");
scanf ("%lf", &radio);
printf ("\nIntroduce angulo inicial : ");
scanf ("%lf", &angulo1);
printf ("\nIntroduce angulo final : ");
scanf ("%lf", &angulof);
angulo = ((angulof-angulo1)/9);
pf1 = fopen("salida.txt", "w");
for (n=0; n<=9; n++)
fprintf (pf1, "%lf,%lf\n", x,y);
return 0;
■■■ MY FILE:
The post is very confusing:
Calculating angles from 1 to 30 radians in 10 steps doesn't make much sense. Sensible values for radians are from -2π to +2π, outside that range trigonomic functions quickly lose precision. Also, making steps that are much larger than a few degrees is very unusual. To get from 1 to 30 radians in 10 steps, steps of almost 180° are taken.
Some testing of the output reveals that the steps are smaller: from 1 to 10 radians in 10 steps. This is still 57° per step, and goes almost 2 times around the circle.
Reverse engineering the output with atan2(y,x) reveals that the desired output is less precise than the calculation with doubles. So, probably the calculations used 32 bit floats. To test this, one has to be very careful. Internally, floats can get passed as doubles, and the processor works with 80 bits of precision for arithmetic calculations. (Note that on most machines long double has the same precision as double.)
Now, if you call sin on a float, the compiler often calls the double version of sin. To force the float version, one can try to explicitly call them, they have an f appended to the function name: sinf and cosf.
Testing the following with MicroSoft Visual C, 2017 community edition:
#include <math.h>
void test_sinf()
float radio = 100;
float angulo1 = 1;
float angulof = 10;
float angulo = (angulof - angulo1) / 9;
float x, y;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < 10; ++n) {
x = radio * cosf(angulo1 + (angulo*n));
y = radio * sinf(angulo1 + (angulo*n));
printf("%.6lf,%.6lf\n", x, y);
54.030228, 84.147095
-41.614685, 90.929741
-98.999252, 14.112000
-65.364365, -75.680252
28.366220, -95.892426
96.017029, -27.941549
75.390228, 65.698662
-14.550003, 98.935822
-91.113022, 41.211849
-83.907150, -54.402115
This leaves the last digit of only 4 of the numbers with a difference. Which suggests a slightly different library/compiler has been used. As the angles and the radius are all integer numbers which can be represented exact with floats, they are an unprobable cause of the differences.
edit: Testing out the suggestion of #gnasher729 is seems he's right. Running the code with the double precision sin and cos, and convering the result to float before printing, gives exactly the "desired" numbers. This probably gives the same results on most compilers for this test case. (32 bit floats are an IEEE standard, and 64 bit trigonomic functions have enough precision to make implementation details disappear after rounding.)
#include <math.h>
void test_sin_converted_to_float()
float radio = 100;
float angulo1 = 1;
float angulof = 10;
float angulo = (angulof - angulo1) / 9;
float x, y;
for (int n = 0; n <= 9; ++n) {
x = radio * cos(angulo1 + (angulo*n));
y = radio * sin(angulo1 + (angulo*n));
printf("%.6lf, %.6lf\n", x, y);
Checking your data with a spreadsheet, it contains exactly what it ought to contain. The data in the second file however look like sine and cosine where calculated with single precision (float).
Which would mean that whoever created this "automatic checking" should be very, very, ashamed of themselves.
I have come across some behaviour with the float type in C that I do not understand, and was hoping might be explained. Using the macros defined in float.h I can determine the maximum/minimum values that the datatype can store on the given hardware. However when performing a calculation that should not exceed these limits, I find that a typed float variable fails where a double succeeds.
The following is a minimal example, which compiles on my machine.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int gridsize;
long gridsize3;
float *datagrid;
float sumval_f;
double sumval_d;
long i;
gridsize = 512;
gridsize3 = (long)gridsize*gridsize*gridsize;
datagrid = calloc(gridsize3, sizeof(float));
if(datagrid == NULL)
printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
for(i=0; i<gridsize3; i++)
datagrid[i] += 1.0;
sumval_f = 0.0;
sumval_d = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<gridsize3; i++)
sumval_f += datagrid[i];
sumval_d += (double)datagrid[i];
printf("\ngridsize3 = %e\n", (float)gridsize3);
printf("FLT_MIN = %e\n", FLT_MIN);
printf("FLT_MAX = %e\n", FLT_MAX);
printf("DBL_MIN = %e\n", DBL_MIN);
printf("DBL_MAX = %e\n", DBL_MAX);
printf("\nfloat sum = %f\n", sumval_f);
printf("double sum = %lf\n", sumval_d);
printf("sumval_d/sumval_f = %f\n\n", sumval_d/(double)sumval_f);
Compiling with gcc I find the output:
gridsize3 = 1.342177e+08
FLT_MIN = 1.175494e-38
FLT_MAX = 3.402823e+38
DBL_MIN = 2.225074e-308
DBL_MAX = 1.797693e+308
float sum = 16777216.000000
double sum = 134217728.000000
sumval_d/sumval_f = 8.000000
Whilst compiling with icc the sumval_f = 67108864.0 and hence the final ratio is instead 2.0*. Note that the float sum is incorrect, whilst the double sum is correct.
As far as I can tell the output of FLT_MAX suggests that the sum should fit into a float, and yet it seems to plateau out at either an eighth or a half of the full value.
Is there a compiler specific override to the values found using float.h?
Why is a double required to correctly find the sum of this array?
*Interestingly the inclusion of an if statement inside the for loop that prints values of the array causes the value to match the gcc output, i.e. an eighth of the correct sum, rather than a half.
The problem here isn't the range of values but the precision.
Assuming a 32-bit IEEE754 float, this datatype has a maximum of 24 bits of precision. This means that not all integers larger than 16777216 can be represented exactly.
So when your sum reaches 16777216, adding 1 to it is outside the precision of what the datatype can store, so the number doesn't get any bigger.
A (presumably) 64-bit double has 53 bits of precision. This is enough bits to hold all integer values up to your sum of 134217728, so it gives you an accurate result.
A float can precisely represent any integer between -16777215 and +16777215, inclusive. It can also represent all even integers between -2*16777215 and +2*16777215 (including +/- 2*8388608, i.e. 16777216), all multiples of 4 between -4*16777215 and +4*16777215, and likewise for all power-of-two scaling factors up to 2^104 (roughly 2.028E+31). Additionally, it can represent multiples of 1/2 from -16777215/2 to +16777215/2, multiples of 1/4 from -16777215/4 to +16777215/4, etc. down to multiples of 1/2^149 from -167777215/(2^149) to +16777215/(2^149).
Floating point numbers represent all of the infinite possible values between any two numbers; but, computers cannot hold an infinite number of values. So a compromise is made. The floating point numbers hold an approximation of the value.
This means that if you pick a value that is "more" than the stored floating point number, but not enough to arrive at the "next" storable approximation, then storing that logically bigger number won't actually change the floating point value.
The "error" in a floating point approximation is variable. For small numbers, the error is more precise; for bigger numbers, the error proportionally the same, but a bigger actual value.
When I run the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 0;
volatile long double sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 50; ++i) /* first snippet */
sum += (long double)1 / i;
printf("%.20Lf\n", sum);
sum = 0;
for (i = 49; i > 0; --i) /* second snippet */
sum += (long double)1 / i;
printf("%.20Lf", sum);
return 0;
The output is:
Shouldn't the two numbers be same?
And more interestingly, the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 0;
volatile long double sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 100; ++i) /* first snippet */
sum += (long double)1 / i;
printf("%.20Lf\n", sum);
sum = 0;
for (i = 99; i > 0; --i) /* second snippet */
sum += (long double)1 / i;
printf("%.20Lf", sum);
return 0;
So why are they different then and same now?
First, please correct your code. By C standard, %lf isn't principal for *printf ('l' is void, the data type remains double). To print long double, one should use %Lf. With your variant %lf, it's possible to get into a bug with improper format, cut-down value, etc. (You seem running 32-bit environment: in 64 bits, both Unix and Windows pass double in XMM registers, but long double otherwhere - stack for Unix, memory by pointer for Windows. On Windows/x86_64, you code will segfault because callee expects pointer. But, with Visual Studio, long double is AFAIK aliased to double, so you can remain ignorant of this change.)
Second, you can't be sure this code is not optimized by your C compiler to compile-time calculations (which can be done with more precision than default run-time one). To avoid such optimization, mark sum as volatile.
With these changes, your code shows:
At Linux/amd64, gcc4.8:
for 50:
for 100:
At FreeBSD/i386, gcc4.8, without precision setting or with explicit fpsetprec(FP_PD):
(the same as in your example);
but, the same test on FreeBSD with fpsetprec(FP_PE), which switches FPU to real long double operations:
identical to Linux case; so, in real long double, there is some real difference with 100 summands, and it is, in accordance with common sense, larger than for 50. But your platform defaults to rounding to double.
And, finally, in general, this is well-known effect of a finite precision and consequent rounding. For example, in this classical book, this misrounding of decreasing number series sum is explained in the very first chapters.
I am not really ready now to investigate source of results with 50 summands and rounding to double, why it shows such huge difference and why this difference is compensated with 100 summands. That needs much deeper investigation than I can afford now, but, I hope, this answer clearly shows you a next place to dig.
UPDATE: if it's Windows, you can manipulate FPU mode with _controlfp() and _controlfp_s(). In Linux, _FPU_SETCW does the same. This description elaborates some details and gives example code.
UPDATE2: using Kahan summation gives stable results in all cases. The following shows 4 values: ascending i, no KS; ascending i, KS; descending i, no KS; descending i, KS:
50 and FPU to double:
4.47920533832942346919 4.47920533832942524555
4.47920533832942524555 4.47920533832942524555
100 and FPU to double:
5.17737751763962084084 5.17737751763961995266
5.17737751763962084084 5.17737751763961995266
50 and FPU to long double:
4.47920533832942505776 4.47920533832942524555
4.47920533832942505820 4.47920533832942524555
100 and FPU to long double:
5.17737751763962026144 5.17737751763961995266
5.17737751763962025971 5.17737751763961995266
you can see difference disappeared, results are stable. I would assume this is nearly final point that can be added here :)
Im essentially brand new to C, so bear with me. So basically i have to create a program to calculate the amount of dough per sqft. After rechecking my math and debugging for a very long time; ive found that sradius/INCHES_PER_FEET is coming out to 0.
INCHES_PER_FEET = 12. Now the issue is if i input any value equal to or greater than 12 for the radius, the function will work properly; but if i input 8, and 8/12 is less than 1 a decimal, the program will automatically equate it to 0 and im not sure how i can fix that. Insight would be really appreciated.
int main(){
//define radius variables
int sradius;
printf("What is the radius of your small pizza, in inches?\n");
scanf("%d", &sradius);
int mradius;
printf("What is the radius of your medium pizza, in inches?\n");
scanf("%d", &mradius);
int lradius;
printf("What is the radius of your large pizza, in inches?\n");
scanf("%d", &lradius);
//define pizzas sold variables
int spizzas;
printf("How many small pizzas do you expect to sell this week?\n");
scanf("%d", &spizzas);
int mpizzas;
printf("How many medium pizzas do you expect to sell this week?\n");
scanf("%d", &mpizzas);
int lpizzas;
printf("How many large pizzas do you expect to sell this week?\n");
scanf("%d", &lpizzas);
//dough calculation per size
double sdough,mdough,ldough;
sdough = (PI*((sradius/INCHES_PER_FEET)*(sradius/INCHES_PER_FEET))*DOUGH_PER_SQFT);
mdough = (PI*((mradius/INCHES_PER_FEET)*(mradius/INCHES_PER_FEET))*DOUGH_PER_SQFT);
ldough = (PI*((lradius/INCHES_PER_FEET)*(lradius/INCHES_PER_FEET))*DOUGH_PER_SQFT);
//final amount of dough
double fdough;
fdough = ((sdough*spizzas)+(mdough*mpizzas)+(ldough*lpizzas));
//print statement
printf("you need to order %.3f " ,fdough);
return 0;
Cast all the radius into a double before calculating and you will get a double as the result like this:
double sdough,mdough,ldough;
sdough = (PI*(((double)sradius/INCHES_PER_FEET)*((double)sradius/INCHES_PER_FEET))*DOUGH_PER_SQFT);
mdough = (PI*(((double)mradius/INCHES_PER_FEET)*((double)mradius/INCHES_PER_FEET))*DOUGH_PER_SQFT);
ldough = (PI*(((double)lradius/INCHES_PER_FEET)*((double)lradius/INCHES_PER_FEET))*DOUGH_PER_SQFT);
C typically allows you to do operations on a single "data-type". However, if you try to do such operations, C has some preset defaults. For example, in the following code, C will assign the value of a as 0.0000 and not 0.6666, even though you have declared a as float:
int main(void)
float a;
int b=2, c=3;
return 0;
This happens because b and c are declared integers. You use type-casting in such cases, i.e., force-changing the declared data-type. The above code will give you desired output if you do the following:
int main(void)
float a;
int b=2, c= 3;
return 0;
The answer answered by #cool-guy depicts the same, in your specific case.
The excessive use (IMNSHO) of parentheses is forcing the division to be integer. If you had written
x = PI * sradius / INCHES_PER_FEET * sradius / INCHES_PER_FEET * DOUGH_PER_SQFT;
instead of
the divisions would have been done in floating point and you would get a more accurate value. Assigning that float value to an int causes truncation instead of rounding, so the accuracy could be improved by adding a half:
x = PI * sradius / INCHES_PER_FEET * sradius / INCHES_PER_FEET * DOUGH_PER_SQFT + 0.5;
Most compilers will complain about the implicit conversion to int if warning diagnostics are sufficiently enabled.
The other answers are correct in that forcing type conversion with a typecast will also get an accurate result. Or you could simply define the denominator as a float constant:
const float INCHES_PER_FEET = 12.0;
This requires each division to be done in floating point even though the numerator is an int.