Mapping Google App Engine service to Cloudflare - google-app-engine

I'm having an Google App Engine service residing at
However I want it to be reachable via
I have set up the DNS for on Cloudflare and added the custom domain mapping in app engine and set up a dispatch.yaml file
- url: "*"
service: service
Is there a way to somehow map -> ?
currently only resolves to defaultservice

The following dispatch.yaml file resolved the issue
- url: "*"
service: service
Also the file must be separatly deployed via:
gcloud app deploy dispatch.yaml


Deploy SPA application on Google Cloud Storage using Load Balancer and CDN

I'm investigating a way of deploying an Angular or React web application on Google Cloud using GCS, Load Balancer, and CDN.
I've set up the LB and the GCS using the urlRewrite, but since the LB does not allow full URL rewrite only pathPrefixRewrite, I cannot redirect all the requests to /index.html
I want to achieve the same functionality as firebase hosting where you can specify the rewrite rules
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
Another option will be to set the 404 page as index.html, but that will result in a 404 status code return by the server, which I don't like.
Is this possible with Load Balancer, because they are not supporting a full rewrite?
Google added rewrite engine in 2020 (see and it is only capable pathPrefixRewrite (stripping fixed prefix).
For SPA you need variable suffix rewrite to index.html so you use Nginx or Firebase.
Or mentioned error handler in bucket's HTTP server (with a downside of HTTP code 404 for your virtual URLs):
gsutil web set -m index.html -e index.html gs://web-stage/
Full instructions to set SPA app is here: Google cloud load balancer create backend service for Firebase Hosting to serve microservices & frontend SPA from the same domain via load balancer?
Discussion of LB rewrite engine limitations:
How can I implement a .htaccess configuration in Firebase Hosting?
Google Cloud Load balancer URL Rewrite not working

Deploying a service to a subdomain Google App Engine

I have two services in my Google App Engine project: default and betaversion
they are currently, successfully deployed to different domains (e.g., example and otherwebsite), because I can't get the one deployed on the subdomain. what I'd like is for default to be at:
and for the beta to be at:
so I only have to maintain 1 domain. I've made and deployed a dispatch.yaml file and added the beta CNAME DNS registration in the app engine settings and with my DNS registrar.
- url: "*"
service: default
- url: "*"
service: betaversion
- url: "*"
service: betaversion works, but it's routing to the default service. I feel like I must be missing something small, but it's driving me crazy. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
In case this helps anyone, the issue was that my updated dispatch.yaml file was inside of an undeployed version of the app.yaml file in the betaversion service.
If editing the dispatch.yaml file - make sure you also re-deploy the location containing that dispatch file. In my case, deploying it using
gcloud app deploy service-folder/dispatch.yaml
did not work unless I also deployed the service as well
gcloud app deploy service-folder/app.yampl service-folder/dispatch.yaml
It could be that you have not specified the service name in the yaml for the non-default service. If you don't specify a service name, I think it will go to the default service.
In addition, we have a blog post (complete with an example) about this scenario. Maybe something there will help you.

How to proxy an endpoint, using Google App Engine

I used to have an Nginx proxy that would do below :
location /api {
Then if I made a request to my website at, it would take me to
With the app engine, and I'm using Nodejs as my backend, how I can achieve the same?
Can't find anything in the docs
UPDATE : If I'm understanding correctly, I can't have my Nginx anymore, so I need to find a way to have the same proxying functionality with App Engine.
You can use dispatch.yaml configuration file if both of your web and api modules are on app engine. dispatch.yaml sends incoming requests to a specific service depending on the path or hostname in the URL.
# Default service serves simple hostname request.
- url: ""
service: default
# Send all api traffic to the api backend.
- url: "*/api/*"
service: api-backend
You can read more about how to use dispatch file.
If your api module is not on app engine you can redirect requests on application level
# Send all api traffic to the api backend.
- url: "*/api/*"
You can write your routing code in something like
class RouteHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.redirect(";", True)

App Engine - subdomain pointing to particular service

I have two subdomains registered in my App Engine application:
I have added all the records (CNAME, A) on the server.
I have three services in my GAE:
And I want each subdomain to point to the correct service. However, each time I access them, only the default service is used.
Side note: the GAE is running a flexible environment for laravel 5.4 and my dispatch.yaml (located in default service is as follows:
-url: "*"
service: service-a
-url: "*"
service: service-b
This worked for me. Hope this helps someone.
GAE Standard:
I have an angular project which will load for any subdomain except one subdomain "api".
The backend is written in Go and all services are under a service named "api"
STEP1: Setting local env
Angular project has the following app.yaml
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
instance_class: F1
- url: /
static_files: default/index.html
upload: default/index.html
- url: /
static_dir: default
My service.yaml file resides in a separate directory and has the following
runtime: go
api_version: go1
instance_class: F1
service: api
- url: /.*
script: _go_app
secure: always
My dispatch.yaml has the following
- url: "*"
service: api
//Add more subdomain : services mapping here
I deployed all these files using gcloud app deploy command
Step 2 - Configure Custom domains in GAE.
In GAE Console, goto Project Settings > Custom Domains
Add your domain
Verify your domainusing one of the methods provided by Google.
Update CNAME, A and AAA records in your domain service provider's DNS Settings
Step 3 - Configure Sub Domain
Add a subdomain
Add the CNAME in your domain service provider's settings.
// add more subdomains if required
Add a Wildcard subdomain *
Add the CNAME in your domain service provider's settings to redirect * to google.
Wait for few minutes for the settings to be applied.
Now your application will redirect, , * to the Angular code
and to your api service
Please note that dispatch.yaml is an app-level configuration, not a service-level one and occasionally updating the service containing it doesn't automatically update the app-level configs.
You should use the specific deployment commands for dispatch.yaml, executed from the directory containing the file:
gcloud app deploy dispatch.yaml if you're using the Cloud SDK update_dispatch . if you're still using the GAE SDK
See also dispatch.yaml not getting updated.
The same is true for other app-level .yaml config files as well, which is probably one reason for each having its own update/deploy command (and also to allow deploying them independently of any particular app service. Somehow related: Why do I need to deploy a "default" app before I can deploy multiple services in GCP?
Actually the answer was really easy: You just need to map a wildcard subdomain and GAE would the use the service corresponding to the prefix.

App engine endpoints API - 404 with custom domain

I'm trying to use custom domain with app engine. Everything works fine with localhost and appspot url. But with custom domain endpoints api doesn't work; the API discovery request ( returns Not Found with error code 404.
Here is my app.yaml (full code):
- url: /_ah/spi/.*
script: conference.api
secure: optional
And endpoints api (full code):
#endpoints.api( name='conference',
scopes=[EMAIL_SCOPE], hostname = '')
class ConferenceApi(remote.Service):
"""Conference API v0.1"""
Thanks in advance.
As per the docs:
Note: Google Cloud Endpoints does not support custom domains.
There is an open feature request for this so you may want to star it.
