Qr code scanning using USB barcode scanner (1D/2D) - winforms

I'm developing a system which requires to scan qr code.
I have a USB barcode scanner (which can scan barcode and qr code; I tried it and its working in notepad).
Now I want the scanned qr code to be input in textbox in windows form in visual studio.
Any code will help since I don't know what to do.


Will the QR codes I create using the qr4office add-in ever expire?

I have recently discovered many free QR creators expire the generated QR codes after a period of time. If I install the qr4office add-in to Microsoft, will the QR codes I generate eventually expire?
I want the QR code to be static.

Printing (in C) to IDE console on STM32CubeIDE

I'm starting to use CubeIDE to program a NUCLEO-F401RE board (with sensors attached) and in one of my projects I had to get the voltage of the board and print it somewhere on my laptop (connected to the board via usb cable).
I got this to work using HAL_UART_Transmit function to send the string and PuTTY, on my laptop, to receive and print the string.
Now, I noticed that there is a Console integrated in the IDE where the IDE automatically prints control information, compilation errors and such and I'd like to print the voltage (possibly using printf since I'm programming in C) here rather than using PuTTY, but it doesn't seem so straightforward (as in many other IDEs that I've used) from what I've read on the internet, for instance, here.
I get that here we have two different computers talking to each other, so printing using printf is not as easy as in other situations where code is written, compiled and executed all on the same computer.
My question is:
why isn't there a "console tab" in the IDE where the result of the printf, generated on the board, is displayed? And if there is, how to set it up? Is it simply some settings configuration in the project properties or do I have to modify the low level I/O C functions as stated in the discussion linked above?
Thank you.
Create a new Command Shell Console.
Configure the new Console just as you did with PuTTY.

RemoteApp using drivers for scanner

One of my clients wants to use a check scanner. They purchased software and have a scanner however they do not want to store any of the data on the workstation the scanner is attached to. I'm wondering if we can utilize RemoteApp to deploy the software? I've built a test of the application being deployed via RemoteApp and it seems to work however I don't have a check scanner to test with. Will I run into driver issues or should this POC work?
Setup a test environment using RemoteApp software works fine however do not have a check scanner to test with.
It should work ok, but it will often depend on the scanner software. Useally these scanners simply type as if the keyboard was being pressed. So you have to place your cursor in the field on the form, and then scan, and it “types in” what the scanner saw. So, you can launch word, or Access or even note pad for this to work. If you are using remote desktop, then this should also work. If the scanner does not type keys as it scans, then you can’t use remote desktop, but in most cases it should.
And in most cases, the field (text box) you scan into likely will need to parse out the bits and parts of the string into separate text boxes.
So given how most scanners work, then you should be ok. So, you install the scanner software on the client side - and all it really does is press keys as if you were typing. So the trick then becomes to ensure that your cursor is in the right text box before you scan.

Simulate soundcard to test audio program

I am currently developing an audio application using Portaudio.
To test it, I would like to control the input and thus check the output of my application. However, I would love to achieve this only internally.
Do you know of any software able to emulate a soundcard, whose output would be the input of my Portaudio program and whose input would be the output of my Portaudio program?

How to read a EAN-13 bar-code from an image in C?

I would like to read a EAN-13 bar-code from an image in C.
I found the OpenCV library that should help me to compute the image as well as an article about an iPhone App that can read Sudoku.
But in an other hand, I found an opensource library to read DataMatrix bar-code.
I would like to join an existing OpenSource project about reading bar-code instead of starting one, since I am sure that some people already worked on this.
Do you have an idea of were to start and what to use to read EAN-13 barcode in C ?
This project looks quite close to what I am looking for : http://sourceforge.net/projects/zbar/
