Authorization - mapping a Azure AD group to a Snowflake role - azure-active-directory

We implemented SSO on Snowflake and with SCIM, we're able to provision users in Snowflake
Now, I want it to work like SQL Server authentication where I can add users to the same AD group and create a single login on SQL Server for this AD group. To revoke login permissions I just remove the user from the AD group. To give a new person access I just add them to it.
I would like also to map a role to a group, so, for instance, if I could link an Azure AD Group to a Snowflake Role [Read-Only User for Database X], as soon as I'm adding a user Y in Azure AD Group, this user Y will have automatically read-only access to Database X
Is it possible ?

This same concept is possible in Snowflake as well with SAML SSO (for authorization) and SCIM (to sync users and their corresponding roles to SF). The details for this are here:
Both these together will ensure that the user created on Azure AD will be possible to login with the AAD credentials and the SCIM will ensure that the relevant role management is on the AAD side which is reflected exactly as-is on the SF side.


Azure B2C - granting access to multiple “application tenants”

I am building an application which will use Azure B2C as the identity system. It will include some local accounts, and some federated accounts for Enterprise SSO logins.
The application will have “application tenants”, representing customer organization/company.
I’d like a user to be able to grant users access to one or more application tenants (in case some users will manage multiple company accounts within the app).
There will also be multiple roles within the app (e.g. read only, full admin).
What is the recommended way to map a B2C User to “app tenants” and roles?
Create AAD group per tenant and role and check membership?
Custom attribute for tenantid(s)?
Or must I map users to tenants & roles in app DB/ outside of B2C?
Is this scenario described in any docs that might point me in the right direction?

Can we get all Azure AD users list using PoweApps?

I need to know if there is a possibility to get all Azure AD users using PowerApps or not.
You cannot get all Azure Ad users using PowerApps, whereas you can list the details of a single user or users within a group.
Make use of Azure Ad connector that needs administrative permissions for your account like below:
Connect Azure AD in the app,
Go to the Data tab -> Add data-> Search Azure AD -> Select Azure Ad connector -> Connect
To get users within a group, make use of below query:
Users= AzureAD.GetGroupMembers("Your_Group_ID").value
To get details of a User, make use of below query:
OnSelect = ClearCollect( colAzureUserDetails, AzureAD.GetUser(txtAzureID.Text) )
To know more details, please refer below links:
Power Apps Azure AD Group - SPGuides
Power Apps : Get users from Azure AD to Power Apps view to list table and refresh button for table - Stack Overflow

Possible to login to Snowflake using SSO without a user account or default role?

I'm working on improving the user experience for our org when logging into snowflake. We have adfs sso enabled and are provisioning mapping users to roles using azure ad. I had a colleague attempt to sign in with SSO who didn't have a user account created in snowflake and they were greeted with
"The signed in user <> is not assigned to a role for the application (Snowflake)".
My question is, is it possible to have users sign into snowflake without being mapped to a default role, perhaps only have the public role assigned, and without being synced with azure ad.
If it is, i'd appreciate any pointers to documentation i can reference. The goal is to get all users that can SSO, to by default be able to login
AD group syncing occurs every 40 minutes in Microsoft, and I don't believe it's possible to force a sync or change this time frame. In addition, like the OP mentioned Snowflake cannot connect to an on-prem ADFS server so all users must be in Azure AD.
AD group syncing is somewhat configurable via the "Scope" (see Step 15 of this tutorial)
If your Scope is set to "Sync only assigned users and groups", you can either
Change the scope to "Sync all users and groups" (may cause issues if you don't want to import all this data into Snowflake)
Confirm that your desired users' AD group is one of those assigned to be synced to Snowflake (requires manually assigning these users, or that all of these users are part of the same AD group that you choose to sync to Snowflake).
By seeing the error its not allowing user who don't have appropriate role for the application.
In these why can't we create generic stored procedure to assign default role and instance to new user based on the group they belong to.! Each time if we add any new user then we have to run stored procedure to assign default role and object prior to his login to snowflake.

Microsoft Graph Azure AD User Out Of Sync

When I log onto the Microsoft Graph Explorer with my Microsoft account and run the following query I get the correct user returned.
On Azure AD (using the same login) I created an application with a key and when I sign in through c# using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredentials with a token for resource and run the same query I get a completely different user. They are out of sync and I'm baffled.
Any ideas? Should I create a new Azure account as I've had the Azure account from day 1 and I'm only doing this now to test for a client request.
Don't create a new Azure account. When you are using Graph Explorer, are you signed in with a user from your Azure AD tenant? If not, Graph Explorer will default to use a demo tenant for your queries.
Also (if you have more than one tenant) you need to make sure that you select the correct tenant as part of the token acquisition (from{tenantId | tenantDomain}. If you want the results to match between Graph Explorer and your app, the tenant the signed-in user belongs to (for Graph Explorer case) and the tenant used by your app needs to be the same.
UPDATE based on comment below:
I think I know what's going on here. In graph explorer, you are signing in with your personal account - and it's showing you profile data of that personal account, including the unique ID for this account in the Microsoft Account system. In this case you aren't signing into an Azure AD tenant at all. Microsoft Graph supports access from both personal and commercial accounts.
Now, additionally, I'm guessing when you signed up for an Azure subscription, you used this personal account. When you do that, it creates an Azure AD tenant, and creates a guest user in that tenant that is (linked to) your personal account - this account is also configured as an admin account. This mechanism allows you to sign in with your personal account (authenticated by the Microsoft Account system) into an Azure AD tenant, because the personal account maps to this guest user in your tenant. In your application, you are getting an app token to your Azure AD tenant. When you query the tenant for users, you don't see any user with the same id or email address as you did with graph explorer. However if you actually look at the userPrincipalName, you'll see it should be a mangled form of the original email address of your personal account. This indicates that this Azure AD user account in your tenant is a guest/external user (similar to a foreign principal).
Hope this helps,

Permission set for AD Groups Added does not work - SQL Server

I am having a very tough time figuring out the permissions in my database. My users gain access to the database through reports on SharePoint (via Impersonated authentication configured through Kerberos). Users, who are impersonated, are all added to AD Groups. And in my database, I am granting permissions to the AD GROUPS (as logins) and NOT to the individual users. I have 1000 users but 10 AD Groups. Each user is part of an AD Group.
The users currently cannot have access to the database – they are only able to see the database if I was to add them individually as logins (obviously not an option). If I add their AD Group, it doesn’t seem like it works. Again, they are authenticated through Kerberos as impersonated accounts. Here is a map of what I’m saying:
IF the AD GROUP has permission, why doesn't the user within has permission??
I reviewed this question, but I'm not sure where is the equivalent for SharePoint Integrated mode.
