I created a transfer list. Agents will make the transfers. There is a separate transfer list for each club.
When I want to suppress the list for club A (Agent1 thread function); It switches to the second agent value without suppressing the first agent value.
Do you have a problem with the point?
struct Club
int budget;
struct Player
int id;
int Pbudget;
int AgentID;
char position[15];
char club[1];
struct Agent
int forward ;
int midfielder;
int defender;
int goalkeeper;
void *club(void *data){
if(data == "A"){
int listA[2];
listA[0] = 0; //CLub A -> 0;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
listA[1] = players[alist[i]].id; // PLayer Id
if(players[alist[i]].AgentID == 0){
printf("Agent00 %d\n",players[alist[i]].id );
printf("Agent0 %d\n",listA[1] );
pthread_create(&agentA[0], NULL, Agent1 ,&listA);
// Agent1 thread
void *Agent1(void *num){
int clubName = *((int *)num + 0); // Club A -> 0, Club B -> 1, Club C -> 2 ...
int pID = *((int *)num ); // Player Id
if(clubName == 0){
printf("Club A negotiates with Agent- %d for a %s player\n", players[pID].AgentID, players[pID].position);
printf("Agent0- %d \n", pID);
I had a problem initializing the PMU in gem5 for an arm full system with the starter_fs.py in --cpu hpi.
i followed the instructions of this post Using perf_event with the ARM PMU inside gem5 and i managed to solve my problem. I added the patch and configure the system. I am not using perf. I try to access directly the registers and read them. As i see GEM5 has only some register events implemented. Can we add the others as well as :
for example EXC_TAKEN is not implemented. Is the following the way to add them?
self.addEvent(ProbeEvent(self,0x09, cpu, "EXC_TAKEN"))
#0x09: EXC_TAKEN ???
Also, reading the pmu event registers i manage to read them and extract the events but the pmccntr cycle register always returns zero? How gem5 increments this register? What are the steps to read the cycle reggister?
a code that i use to read using perf is the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
#define NUM_NODES 100
#define NONE 9999
struct _NODE
int iDist;
int iPrev;
typedef struct _NODE NODE;
struct _QITEM
int iNode;
int iDist;
int iPrev;
struct _QITEM *qNext;
typedef struct _QITEM QITEM;
QITEM *qHead = NULL;
int AdjMatrix[NUM_NODES][NUM_NODES];
int g_qCount = 0;
int ch;
int iPrev, iNode;
int i, iCost, iDist;
void print_path (NODE *rgnNodes, int chNode)
if (rgnNodes[chNode].iPrev != NONE)
//print_path(rgnNodes, rgnNodes[chNode].iPrev);
//printf (" %d", chNode);
void enqueue (int iNode, int iDist, int iPrev)
QITEM *qNew = (QITEM *) malloc(sizeof(QITEM));
QITEM *qLast = qHead;
if (!qNew)
//fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n");
qNew->iNode = iNode;
qNew->iDist = iDist;
qNew->iPrev = iPrev;
qNew->qNext = NULL;
if (!qLast)
qHead = qNew;
while (qLast->qNext) qLast = qLast->qNext;
qLast->qNext = qNew;
// ASSERT(g_qCount);
void dequeue (int *piNode, int *piDist, int *piPrev)
QITEM *qKill = qHead;
if (qHead)
// ASSERT(g_qCount);
*piNode = qHead->iNode;
*piDist = qHead->iDist;
*piPrev = qHead->iPrev;
qHead = qHead->qNext;
int qcount (void)
int dijkstra(int chStart, int chEnd)
for (ch = 0; ch < NUM_NODES; ch++)
rgnNodes[ch].iDist = NONE;
rgnNodes[ch].iPrev = NONE;
if (chStart == chEnd)
//printf("Shortest path is 0 in cost. Just stay where you are.\n");
rgnNodes[chStart].iDist = 0;
rgnNodes[chStart].iPrev = NONE;
enqueue (chStart, 0, NONE);
while (qcount() > 0)
dequeue (&iNode, &iDist, &iPrev);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; i++)
if ((iCost = AdjMatrix[iNode][i]) != NONE)
if ((NONE == rgnNodes[i].iDist) ||
(rgnNodes[i].iDist > (iCost + iDist)))
rgnNodes[i].iDist = iDist + iCost;
rgnNodes[i].iPrev = iNode;
enqueue (i, iDist + iCost, iNode);
//printf("Shortest path is %d in cost. ", rgnNodes[chEnd].iDist);
//printf("Path is: ");
//print_path(rgnNodes, chEnd);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int diff = 0;
uint64_t num_cycles_nominal=0;
uint64_t num_cycles_attack=0;
uint64_t counter_cpu_cycles = 0;
int i,j,k;
FILE *fp;
static int perf_fd_cpu_cycles;
static struct perf_event_attr attr_cpu_cycles;
attr_cpu_cycles.size = sizeof(attr_cpu_cycles);
attr_cpu_cycles.exclude_kernel = 1;
attr_cpu_cycles.exclude_hv = 1;
attr_cpu_cycles.exclude_callchain_kernel = 1;
attr_cpu_cycles.type = PERF_TYPE_RAW;
attr_cpu_cycles.config = 0x11;
/* Open the file descriptor corresponding to this counter. The counter
should start at this moment. */
if ((perf_fd_cpu_cycles = syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, &attr_cpu_cycles, 0, -1, -1, 0)) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "perf_event_open fail %d %d: %s\n", perf_fd_cpu_cycles, errno, strerror(errno));
if (argc<2) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dijkstra <filename>\n");
//fprintf(stderr, "Only supports matrix size is #define'd.\n");
/* open the adjacency matrix file */
fp = fopen (argv[1],"r");
/* make a fully connected matrix */
for (i=0;i<NUM_NODES;i++) {
for (j=0;j<NUM_NODES;j++) {
/* make it more sparce */
AdjMatrix[i][j]= k;
/* Get and close the performance counters. */
read(perf_fd_cpu_cycles, &counter_cpu_cycles, sizeof(counter_cpu_cycles));
printf("Number of cpu_cycles before: %d\n", counter_cpu_cycles);
num_cycles_nominal = counter_cpu_cycles;
/* Get and close the performance counters. */
read(perf_fd_cpu_cycles, &counter_cpu_cycles, sizeof(counter_cpu_cycles));
printf("Number of cpu_cycles after attack: %d\n", counter_cpu_cycles);
num_cycles_attack = counter_cpu_cycles - num_cycles_nominal;
/* finds 10 shortest paths between nodes */
for (i=0,j=NUM_NODES/2;i<100;i++,j++) {
read(perf_fd_cpu_cycles, &counter_cpu_cycles, sizeof(counter_cpu_cycles));
printf("Number of cpu_cycles end: %d\n", counter_cpu_cycles);
num_cycles_nominal = counter_cpu_cycles - num_cycles_attack;
printf("Number of cpu_cycles nominal: %d\n", num_cycles_nominal);
printf("Number of cpu_cycles attack: %d\n", num_cycles_attack);
the problem is that i can read the branch misses with perf having 0x10 instead 0f 0x11 (cycle counters RAW EVENT in GEM5) but using 0x11 for reading the cycles i get zero. When i try to reverse engineer the increment of cycle counter i do the following comments:
when simple/atomic or simple/timing i see that updateCycleCounter is called from the base.hh, also for the 03 cpu model. When HPI and considering that hpi is a MinorCPU model i see that updateCycleCounter is called only in POWER_STATE_ON, but i didnt find in the code a POWER_STATE_ON reference updateCycleCounter(CPU_STATE_ON) which will update the cycle counter. Please help me verify this assumption.
*****The problem was that in the MinorCPU the updateCycleCounter wasnt called for the CPU_STATE_ON which updates the ActiveCycles. It was fixed by the following patch https://gem5-review.googlesource.com/c/public/gem5/+/38095 .
I only just started writing multithreading in C and don't have a full understanding of how to implement it. I'm writing a code that reads an input file and puts into a buffer struct array. When the buffer has no more available space, request_t is blocked waiting for available space. It is controlled by thread Lift_R. The other threads lift 1-3 operate lift() and it writes whats in buffer to the output file depending number of int sec. sec and size and given values through command line. This will free up space for request to continue reading the input.
Can someone please help me with how to implement these functions properly. I know there are other questions relating to this, but I want my code to meet specific conditions.
(NOTE: lift operates in FIFO and threads use mutual exclusion)
This is what I wrote so far, I haven't implemented any waiting conditions or FIFO yet, I'm currently focusing on the writing to file and debugging and am soon getting to wait and signal.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "list.h"
pthread_cond_t cond1 = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; //declare thread conditions
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; //declare mutex
int sec; //time required by each lift to serve a request
int size; //buffer size
buffer_t A[];
write_t write;
void *lift(void *vargp)
FILE* out;
out = fopen("sim_output.txt", "w");
//gather information to print
if (write.p == NULL) //only for when system begins
write.p = A[1].from;
write.rf = A[1].from;
write.rt = A[1].to;
write.m = (write.p - A[1].from) + (A[1].to - A[1].from);
if (write.total_r == NULL) //for when the system first begins
write.total_r = 0;
if (write.total_m == NULL)
write.total_m = write.m;
write.total_m = write.total_m + write.m;
write.c = A[1].to;
//Now write the information
fprintf(out, "Previous position: Floor %d\n", write.p);
fprintf(out, "Request: Floor %d to Floor %d\n", write.rf, write.rt);
fprintf(out, "Detail operations:\n");
fprintf(out, " Go from Floor %d to Floor %d\n", write.p, write.rf);
fprintf(out, " Go from Floor %d to Floor %d\n", write.rf, write.rt);
fprintf(out, " #movement for this request: %d\n", write.m);
fprintf(out, " #request: %d\n", write.total_r);
fprintf(out, " Total #movement: %d\n", write.total_m);
fprintf(out, "Current Position: Floor %d\n", write.c);
write.p = write.c; //for next statement
return NULL;
void *request_t(void *vargp)
pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); //Now only request can operate
FILE* f;
FILE* f2;
f = fopen("sim_input.txt", "r");
if (f == NULL)
printf("input file empty\n");
f2 = fopen("sim_output.txt", "w");
int i = 0;
for (i; i < size; i++)
//read the input line by line and into the buffer
fscanf(f, "%d %d", &A[i].from, &A[i].to);\
//Print buffer information to sim_output
fprintf(f2, "----------------------------\n");
fprintf(f2, "New Lift Request from Floor %d to Floor %d \n", A[i].from, A[i].to);
fprintf(f2, "Request No %d \n", i);
fprintf(f2, "----------------------------\n");
printf("Buffer is full");
return NULL;
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) // to avoid segmentation fault
size = atoi(argv[0]);
if (!(size >= 1))
printf("buffer size too small\n");
A[size].from = NULL;
A[size].to = NULL;
sec = atoi(argv[1]);
pthread_t Lift_R, lift_1, lift_2, lift_3;
pthread_create(&Lift_R, NULL, request_t, NULL);
pthread_join(Lift_R, NULL);
pthread_create(&lift_1, NULL, lift, NULL);
pthread_join(lift_1, NULL);
pthread_create(&lift_2, NULL, lift, NULL);
pthread_join(lift_2, NULL);
pthread_create(&lift_3, NULL, lift, NULL);
pthread_join(lift_3, NULL);
And here is the struct files:
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct Buffer
int from;
int to;
}buffer_t; //buffer arrary to store from and to values from sim_input
typedef struct Output
int l; //lift number
int p; //previous floor
int rf; //request from
int rt; //request to
int total_m; //total movement
int c; // current position
int m; //movement
int total_r; //total requests made
Between reading your code and question I see a large conceptual gap. There are some technical problems in the code (eg. you never fclose out); and a hard to follow sequence.
So, this pattern:
pthread_create(&x, ?, func, arg);
pthread_join(x, ...);
Can be replaced with:
so, your really aren't multithreaded at all; it is exactly as if:
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) // to avoid segmentation fault
size = atoi(argv[0]);
if (!(size >= 1))
printf("buffer size too small\n");
A[size].from = NULL;
A[size].to = NULL;
sec = atoi(argv[1]);
and, knowing that, I hope you can see the futility in:
So, start with a bit of a rethink of what you are doing. It sounds like you have a lift device which needs to take inbound requests, perhaps sort them, then process them. Likely 'forever'.
This probably means a sorted queue; however one not sorted by an ordinary criteria. The lift traverses the building in both directions, but means to minimize changes in direction. This involves traversing the queue with both an order ( >, < ) and a current-direction.
You would likely want request to simply evaluate the lift graph, and determine where to insert the new request.
The lift graph would be a unidirectional list of where the lift goes next. And, perhaps a rule that the list only consults its list as it stops at a given floor.
So, the Request can take a lock of the graph, alter it to reflect the new requestion, then unlock it.
The Lift can simply:
while (!Lift_is_decommissioned) {
Destination = RemoveHead(&graph);
And the Request can be:
NewDestination = NewEvent.floorpressed;
NewDirection = NewEvent.floorpressed > NewEvent.curfloor ? Up : Down;
i = FindInsertion(&graph, NewDestination, NewDirection);
InsertAt(&graph, i, NewDestination);
Which may be a bit surprising that there is no difference between pressing a "goto floor" button from within the lift, and a "I want lift here now" from outside the lift.
But, with this sort of separation, you can have the lift simply follow the recipe above, and the handlers for the buttons invoke the other pseudo code above.
The FindInsertion() may be a bit hairy though....
I am running multiple threads and need to create a copy of the same window across each thread. Each one is display values relevant to what that thread is doing (calculating prime numbers in this case).
#include "stress.h"
void windowUpdate(int *ptr) {
GtkLabel *lbl_thread;
GtkLabel *lbl_total;
GtkLabel *lbl_latest;
lbl_thread = GTK_LABEL(gtk_builder_get_object(stressBuilder, "lbl_thread"));
char buffer[512];
sprintf(buffer, "%i", ptr);
gtk_label_set_text(lbl_thread, buffer);
void windowCreate() {
//This is where the window instance code will eventually live
void prime(int *ptr) {
int i = 3, count, c;
const int n = INT_MAX;
if ( n >= 1 ) {
printf("First %d prime numbers are :\n",n);
for ( count = 2 ; count <= n ; ) {
for ( c = 2 ; c <= i - 1 ; c++ ) {
if ( i%c == 0 )
if ( c == i ) {
printf("Thread %i: %d\n", ptr, i);
void debugMesg(int *ptr) {
printf("A thread with ID: %i was created\n", ptr);
void genThreads(GtkBuilder *builder, int threads) {
stressBuilder = builder; //points to the builder used in main()
GtkWidget *winStress;
winStress = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(stressBuilder, "win_thread"));
int proc[threads];
pthread_t prime[threads];
char* id;
for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
id = (char) i;
proc[i] = pthread_create(&prime[i], NULL, debugMesg, (int *) id);
genThreads() is the function where the threads are created. It's also temporarily responsible for displaying the win_thread window. the windowUpdate() function needs to be able to alter the values for the instance of the window corresponding to the thread its running on.
I'm fairly new to using threads btw, in case I've made any rookie errors.
The whole program is a bit to long to post here, so here is a link to the repo in case you want to look at main() or stress.h or something.
Thanks everyone :D
Hi I am trying to count in note data from keyboard and write the data to a text file which will subsequently be read out of and played back as notes.
I seem to only be able to write one line of numbers to the text file and help would be most appreciated. Sorry i still have some of my function code included in the global.
#define SEQ_NOTENUM 8
#define SEQ_NUM 2
// structures //
typedef struct
int notenumber;
int velocity;
typedef struct
float frequency;
float amplitude;
} OscData;
// functions //
float mtof(int note);
// originally in main //
OscData noteToOsc(NoteData note);
int setcount, count;
int currentset;
OscData osc;
int main()
int key, vel;
NoteData sequence[SEQ_NUM][SEQ_NOTENUM];
OscData noteToOsc(NoteData note);
FILE* Sequence1;
// START PROGRAM RECORD -- WRITE an IF/ELSE to run program -
dummy line atm//
Sequence1 = fopen ("sequence1.txt", "w");
if (Sequence1 == NULL)
printf("file Error\n");
for(setcount = 0; setcount < SEQ_NUM; setcount++)
printf("--- Please enter sequence %d (%d notes)...\n",
setcount, SEQ_NUM);
count = 0;
while(count < SEQ_NOTENUM)
key = aserveGetNote();
vel = aserveGetVelocity();
if(vel > 0)
sequence[setcount][count].notenumber = key;
sequence[setcount][count].velocity = vel;
fprintf(Sequence1, "note %d - %d/%d\n", count, key,
return 0;
The code's indentation is messed up, obscuring the fact that fclose(Sequence1) is closing the file after only one pass through the inner loop. You probably want to move that to somewhere further down.
I am trying to grant access to a shared resource to two types of threads. It can be accessed by more than one threads, if, and only if, that thread is of the same type. Let us consider blacks & whites. When the resource is used by whites, it cannot be used by blacks and vice-versa.
I attempted to implement this using semaphores. Once a black tries to access the resource, it will increment the number of blacks and if that number is 1, it will block the whites from accessing it.
Issue: there is a noticeable starvation when there are more than 1 thread of each type (in my case threads with id 0 never used it). I attempted to fix this by adding an extra semaphore to serve as a queue.
Observation: this resembles very well to the readers-writers problem, except there is a many to many access criteria. (it can be used by multiple threads of the same type) I have been bashing my head quite a lot around this problem lately and I cannot seem to understand how should I approach this.
Now, for some code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wait.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define MAX_RAND 100
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define WHITES 3
#define BLACKS 2
#define MAX_WORLOAD 10
sem_t semaphore;
sem_t resource_semaphore;
sem_t service_queue;
volatile int resource = 0;
volatile int currentWhites = 0;
volatile int currentBlacks = 0;
typedef struct
char *type;
int *id;
} data;
void *white(void *args)
data *thread_data = (data *)args;
int id = *(thread_data->id);
char *type = thread_data->type;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WORLOAD; i++)
if (currentWhites == 1)
resource = rand() % MAX_RAND;
printf("Thread %d of type %s has updated resource to %d\n\n", id, type, resource);
if (currentWhites == 0)
void *black(void *args)
data *thread_data = (data *)args;
int id = *(thread_data->id);
char *type = thread_data->type;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WORLOAD; i++)
if (currentBlacks == 1)
resource = rand() % MAX_RAND;
printf("Thread %d of type %s has updated resource to %d\n\n", id, type, resource);
if (currentBlacks == 0)
data *initialize(pthread_t threads[], int size, char *type)
data *args = malloc(sizeof(data) * size);
int *id = malloc(sizeof(int));
void *function;
if (type == "WHITE")
function = white;
function = black;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*id = i;
args[i].type = type;
args[i].id = id;
printf("Initializing %d of type %s\n", *args[i].id, args[i].type);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, function, (void **)&args[i]);
return args;
void join(pthread_t threads[], int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
void initialize_locks()
sem_init(&semaphore, 0, 1);
sem_init(&resource_semaphore, 0, 1);
sem_init(&service_queue, 0, 1);
int main()
pthread_t whites[WHITES];
pthread_t blacks[BLACKS];
char *white = "white";
char *black = "black";
data *whites_arg = initialize(whites, WHITES, white);
data *blacks_arg = initialize(blacks, BLACKS, black);
join(whites, WHITES);
join(blacks, BLACKS);
return 0;
If you want to force alternation between two types of threads accessing a single thing you can use two semaphores. Make it so the blacks and whites each have their own semaphores, start one semaphore with 0 keys and the other with 10 or something, then make it so that the whites release a key to the black semaphore, and the blacks release a key to the white semaphore, this way if you have 10 white threads in, when one of them unlocks you won't be able to put a 10th white thread in, but you will be able to put a black thread in, so that when all of the white threads release their keys you will have no white threads currently accessing the thing.
TL;DR: two semaphores that post to each other instead of themselves will allow alternation between groups, however independent of this operation you need to also make sure that whites don't go while blacks are still in.