How to call api from each of the element rendered - reactjs

I wonder if calling api for every element rendering is possible. The code below didn't work for me.
export default function App() {
const items = [
{ title: 1, description: "description1" },
{ title: 2, description: "description2" }
const finalTitleByApi = async (title) => {
const response = await fetch(
).then((response) => response.json());
return response;
return (
{ => {
return (
What is wrong with the code above. Any help is will be appreciated. Thank you.
This is the example codesandbox link

Try to use react-async library , hope will be helpful react-async

To trigger the async function use useEffect to invoke it during initial rendering of the component as follows. Additionally, you can use a state to manage it as well.
const [responseState, setResponseState] = useState(null);
const finalTitleByApi = async () => {
const response = await fetch(
).then((response) => response.json());
console.log("Response: ", response);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Response State: ", responseState);
}, [responseState]);

One solution that I think is
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import {useApplicationContext} from './Context';
export default function App() {
const {titles, setTitles} = useApplicationContext();
const items = [
{ title: "1", description: "description1" },
{ title: "5", description: "description2" },
{ title: "8", description: "description2" },
{ title: "9", description: "description2" },
{ title: "10", description: "description2" },
{ title: "24", description: "description2" }
const makeDivs = () => {
let a = {}; (item) => {
const res = await fetch(
).then(response => response.json());
a[item.title] = res.title;
setTitles((prevState) => {
return {...a}
React.useEffect(()=> {
}, [])
// console.log(a )
return (
{, index) => {
return (
color: "black",
backgroundColor: "yellow",
height: 400,
width: 400
<span>index: {item.title} {titles && titles[item.title]}</span>
used Context provider for not re-render component state
link of sandbox is Sandbox


React mock asynchronous axios with jest doesn't work

I'm trying to test the component below using mock axios, however, it looks like the components are not rendered as expected, could someone help me on that? I have been stuck for quite a while. The component is fetching an api every 1 second.
const RealtimePrice = () => {
var [cryptoFeed, setCryptoFeed] = useState<cryptoFeed>([]);
var [currency, setCurrency] = useState(currencyList[0]);
var [cryptoSearch, setCryptoSearch] = useState("");
const url = `${ids}&vs_currency=${currency}`;
const intervalRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timer>();
const onCurrencyChangeHandler = useCallback((newValue: string) => {
}, []);
const onCryptoSearchChangeHandler = useCallback((newValue: string) => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const getCryptoFeed = () => {
axios.get(url).then((response: any) => {
if ( {
console.debug("The state is set");
} else {
console.debug("The state is not set");
intervalRef.current = setInterval(getCryptoFeed, 1000);
return () => {
}, [url]);
const priceBlocks = cryptoFeed
.filter((crypto) =>
.map((crypto: any) => {
return (
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<div className={styles["header-section"]}>
<h1>Cryptocurrency Realtime Price</h1>
<div className="input-group">
placeHolder="Enter crypto name"
<div className={styles.priceblocks}>{priceBlocks}</div>
The test is the defined as the following, findByText gives error, it couldn't find the element.
import { render, screen } from "#testing-library/react";
import RealtimePrice from "../RealtimePrice";
describe("Realtime Price", () => {
it("should render the Bitcoin price block", async () => {
render(<RealtimePrice />);
const pb = await screen.findByText("Bitcoin");
And in package.json I have set
"jest": {
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"resetMocks": false
In src/mocks/axios.js
const mockGetResponse = [
id: "bitcoin",
name: "Bitcoin",
price: 20000,
volume: 12004041094,
change: -12241,
id: "solana",
name: "Solana",
price: 87,
volume: 200876648,
change: 122,
const mockResponse = {
get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockGetResponse),
export default mockResponse;
With our comments seems clear the issue is that mock is not returning a proper (that's why u are setting an empty array as the state)
Try doing:
const mockResponse = {
get: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({data: mockGetResponse}),

Get data from API by map function

I'm running into a problem that I've been working on for days and unfortunately I can't figure it out by myself. I'm trying to create a View which shows some information from an API. But every time I map this item, I want to do another API call which checks the live price of that product.
So I have for example some JSON data what I get from an API.
"id": 1,
"name": "test product",
"productid": "73827duf"
"id": 2,
"name": "test product2",
"productid": "734437dde"
So I show this data with the following code inside my application:
{ => {
return (
fontSize: FONTS.body3,
paddingLeft: 10,
So I want to run every time a function which fetches data from another API. I'm sending the productID because that's the only information I need to call this API. You can see this function down below:
function getProductPriceJumbo(id) {
fetch("https://---/test.php?id=" + id + "/", {
method: "GET",
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
return data[0].price;
So this fetch returns a big list with information about the product from a third party API. I only want to return the price, that's the reason why I only return the price value and I want to print this out on the view above. I can't really figure out how to do this. I get undefined from the function every time I run it. Hope someone can help me with this.
Create a new Price Component to display the price
function Price({ id }) {
const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
function getProductPriceJumbo(id) {
fetch("https://---/test.php?id=" + id + "/", {
method: "GET"
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
return <Text>{price}</Text>;
And your .map will become
{ => {
return (
<View key={}>
fontSize: FONTS.body3,
paddingLeft: 10
<Price id={products.productid} />
The reason you are getting undefined is because the window is rendering before the function finishes running. You will have define an asynchronous function before you return your view.
const [data, setData] = useState([])
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () =>{
try {
const {data: response} = await axios.get('API URL');
} catch (error) {
}, []);
Then you can use data[0].price;
You'll probably want to make your individual product into its own component that handles the fetching, and setting the price to a state value that's local to that product view. Here's a full example of how you could do that:
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
const Product = ({ product }) => {
const [price, setPrice] = useState("Price loading...");
useEffect(() => {
fetch("https://---/test.php?id=" + product.productid + "/", {
method: "GET"
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => {
}, [product]);
return (
fontSize: FONTS.body3,
paddingLeft: 10
const App = () => {
const item = {
products: [
id: 1,
name: "test product",
productid: "73827duf"
id: 2,
name: "test product2",
productid: "734437dde"
return (
{ => (
<Product key={} product={product} />
Alternatively, you could use Promise.all to get all of the price values before mapping your products:
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
const App = () => {
const [item] = useState({
products: [
id: 1,
name: "test product",
productid: "73827duf"
id: 2,
name: "test product2",
productid: "734437dde"
const [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
Promise.all( (product) => {
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();
return {
price: data[0].price
).then((products) => setProducts(products));
}, [item]);
return (
{ => {
return (
<View key={}>
fontSize: FONTS.body3,
paddingLeft: 10

NextJS SSR and Client side state

I have the following nextJS app:
export default function Home({ productsData }) {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
const [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (productsData) setProducts(productsData);
}, [productsData]);
useEffect(() => {
const userLocal = window.localStorage.getItem("user");
if (userLocal) {
}, []);
return (
<div className="container">
<ul className="row">
{ => {
return (
{} -{" "}
? user.premium
? product.prices.premium
: product.prices.price
: product.prices.price}
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const data = [
prices: {
premium: 25,
price: 59.95,
translation: {
name: "Product 1",
prices: {
premium: 25,
price: 29.95,
translation: {
name: "Product 2",
return {
props: {
productsData: data,
This works but if I do a "curl" request to localhost I dont see that the server is rendering anything, that is because useEffect setting "products" happen on the Client side.
But if I do this:
const [products, setProducts] = useState(productsData);
Then I have this error:
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server. - Buscar con Google
So, do I have to choose between SSR and having the state in the client side?
I tried const [products, setProducts] = useState(productsData);
you dont need useEffect this time !
you can use Loading for this
export default function Home({ productsData }) {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const userLocal = window.localStorage.getItem("user");
if (userLocal) {
}, []);
return (
<div className="container">
<ul className="row">
{productsData?.map((product) => {
return (
{} -{" "}
? user.premium
? product.prices.premium
: product.prices.price
: product.prices.price}
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const data = [
prices: {
premium: 25,
price: 59.95,
translation: {
name: "Product 1",
prices: {
premium: 25,
price: 29.95,
translation: {
name: "Product 2",
return {
props: {
productsData: data,
I strongly recommend TanStack Query (formerly ReactQuery) for this kind of scenario.
You can take advantage of SSR, client fetching, etc. TanStack Query is just a cache layer between NextJS and your data.
They have a SSR guide with NextJS in their docs.

Zustand state does not re-render component or passes data correctly to then display filtered items

I'm using Zustand to store state, everything is working fine apart from this. When i click on the Song Buttons i want that to filter from the list.
Currently on fresh load it displays 3 songs. When clicking the button it should filter (and it does for first instance) but as soon as i click another button to filter again then nothing happens.
So if i chose / click Song 1 and Song 2 it should only show these songs.
I think the logic i wrote for that is correct but i must be doing something wrong with re-rendering.
Sorry i know people like to upload example here but i always find it hard with React files, so for this case I'm using
Full code:
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import create from 'zustand'
import { albums } from './albums'
export default function Home() {
const {
} = stateFetchData()
useEffect(() => {
if (getFetchedData) setAttrData(getFetchedData.feed.entry)
}, [getFetchedData, setAttrData])
useEffect(() => {
}, [getButtonFilter, setAlbumData])
// useEffect(() => {
// console.log('testState', testState)
// console.log('getAlbumData', getAlbumData)
// }, [getAlbumData, testState])
useEffect(() => {
}, [setFetchedData])
return (
<div>Filter to Show: {JSON.stringify(getButtonFilter)}</div>
{, idx) => {
return (
{getAlbumData?.feed?.entry?.map((props, idx) => {
return (
<div key={idx}>
const FilterButton = ({ attr, getDataProp, setDataProp }) => {
const [filter, setFilter] = useState(false)
const filterAlbums = async (e) => {
const currentTarget = e.currentTarget.innerHTML
if (!filter) setDataProp([...getDataProp, currentTarget])
else setDataProp(getDataProp.filter((str) => str !== currentTarget))
return <button onClick={filterAlbums}>{attr.album}</button>
const stateFetchData = create((set) => ({
getFetchedData: albums,
setFetchedData: async () => {
set((state) => ({ ...state, getAlbumData: state.getFetchedData }))
getAttrData: [],
setAttrData: (data) => {
const tempArr = []
for (const iterator of data) {
tempArr.push({ album: iterator.category.attributes.label, status: false })
set((state) => ({ ...state, getAttrData: tempArr }))
getButtonFilter: [],
setButtonFilter: (data) => set((state) => ({ ...state, getButtonFilter: data })),
testState: {
feed: { entry: [] },
getAlbumData: [],
setAlbumData: (data) => {
set((state) => {
console.log('🚀 ~ file: index.js ~ line 107 ~ state', state)
const filter = state.getAlbumData.feed?.entry.filter((item) =>
return {
getAlbumData: {
feed: {
entry: filter,
Sample data:
export const albums = {
feed: {
entry: [
{ title: { label: 'Song 1' }, category: { attributes: { label: 'Song 1' } } },
{ title: { label: 'Song 2' }, category: { attributes: { label: 'Song 2' } } },
{ title: { label: 'Song 3' }, category: { attributes: { label: 'Song 3' } } },

Problem with Re-rendering when passing a React function with React Context API

I have a simple example where I pass a clickFunction as a value to React Context and then access that value in a child component. That child component re-renders event though I'm using React.memo and React.useCallback. I have an example in stackblitz that does not have the re-render problem without using context here: (no problem with this)
But, when I add context and pass the the function as part of the value of the context, all children component re-render. Example showing problem here:
Here is the problem code:
import React, { useCallback, useState, createContext } from "react";
import Speaker from "./Speaker";
export const GlobalContext = createContext({});
export default () => {
const speakersArray = [
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = useState(speakersArray);
const clickFunction = useCallback((speakerIdClicked) => {
setSpeakers((currentState) => => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
return { ...rec, favorite: !rec.favorite };
return rec;
}, []);
return (
clickFunction: memoizedValue,
{ => {
return <Speaker speaker={rec} key={}></Speaker>;
import React, {useContext} from "react";
import { GlobalContext } from "./Hello";
export default React.memo(({ speaker }) => {
console.log(`speaker ${} ${} ${speaker.favorite}`);
const { clickFunction } = useContext(GlobalContext);
return (
onClick={() => {
{} {} {speaker.favorite === true ? "true" : "false"}
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { GlobalContext } from "./Hello";
export default React.memo(({ speaker }) => {
console.log(`speaker ${} ${} ${speaker.favorite}`);
const { clickFunction } = useContext(GlobalContext);
return (
onClick={() => {
{} {} {speaker.favorite === true ? "true" : "false"}
import React, { useState, createContext, useMemo } from "react";
import Speaker from "./Speaker";
export const GlobalContext = createContext({});
export default () => {
const speakersArray = [
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = useState(speakersArray);
const clickFunction = (speakerIdClicked) => {
setSpeakers((currentState) => => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
return { ...rec, favorite: !rec.favorite };
return rec;
const provider = useMemo(() => {
return ({clickFunction: clickFunction});
}, []);
return (
<GlobalContext.Provider value={provider}>
{ => {
return <Speaker speaker={rec} key={}></Speaker>;
when passing value={{clickFunction}} as prop to Provider like this when the component re render and will recreate this object so which will make child update, so to prevent this
you need to memoized the value with useMemo.
here the code:
import React, { useCallback, useState, createContext,useMemo } from "react";
import Speaker from "./Speaker";
export const GlobalContext = createContext({});
export default () => {
const speakersArray = [
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = useState(speakersArray);
const clickFunction = useCallback((speakerIdClicked) => {
setSpeakers((currentState) => => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
return { ...rec, favorite: !rec.favorite };
return rec;
}, []);
const provider =useMemo(()=>({clickFunction}),[])
return (
{ => {
return (
<GlobalContext.Provider value={provider}>
note you dont need to use useCallback anymore clickFunction
This is because your value you pass to your provider changes every time. So, this causes a re-render because your Speaker component thinks the value is changed.
Maybe you can use something like this:
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => ({ clickFunction }), []);
and remove useCallback from the function definition since useMemo will handle this part for you.
const clickFunction = speakerIdClicked =>
setSpeakers(currentState => => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
return { ...rec, favorite: !rec.favorite };
return rec;
and pass this to your provider such as:
<GlobalContext.Provider value={memoizedValue}>
<Speaker speaker={rec} key={} />
After providing the answer, I've realized that you are using Context somehow wrong. You are mapping an array and creating multiple providers for each data. You should probably change your logic.
Most of the time you want to keep the state in your context. So, you can get it from the value as well. Providing a working example below. Be careful about the function this time, we are using useCallback for it to get a stable reference.
const GlobalContext = React.createContext({});
const speakersArray = [
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
function App() {
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = React.useState(speakersArray);
const clickFunction = React.useCallback((speakerIdClicked) => {
setSpeakers((currentState) => => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
return { ...rec, favorite: !rec.favorite };
return rec;
}, []);
const memoizedValue = React.useMemo(() => ({ speakers, clickFunction }), [
return (
<GlobalContext.Provider value={memoizedValue}>
<Speakers />
function Speakers() {
const { speakers, clickFunction } = React.useContext(GlobalContext);
return => (
<Speaker key={} speaker={speaker} clickFunction={clickFunction} />
const Speaker = React.memo(({ speaker, clickFunction }) => {
console.log(`speaker ${} ${} ${speaker.favorite}`);
return (
onClick={() => {
{} {} {speaker.favorite === true ? "true" : "false"}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root" />
