update availableOptions for multiselect Picklist through Apex trigger - salesforce

I have created a multiselect picklist which shows the list of users on a custom object. I want to update the available values on this picklist through trigger on User object whenever there is a new user created. I do not want to update the Chosen value. Also this is a field on a lightning page, not a vf or lwc or aura component. Is it a possible requirement? Please let me know if any further information required.
Field on Lightning page
enter image description here

Dynamically updating your org's schema based on data changes is both generally a bad idea and much more difficult than it sounds.
Your trigger would have to use Asynchronous Apex, such as a Queueable class, to call the Metadata API or Tooling API to update the picklist values. To do so, it must be authenticated as an administrator, so you'd also need to set up a Named Credential and authorize it as an administrator. And then you'd have to write the moderately complex code to actually create picklist entries based on Users, decide what to do when existing Users/picklist entries are deactivated, and so on.
It is generally a better pattern to implement a custom UI component (like a Lightning Web Component) where you need to present a dynamic picklist-style interface that's driven by data.


Salesforce noobie - where are the crud pages for custom objects?

I am a very newbie to SF so pardon my ignorance. I am doing the trailheads and logged into developers org. There I quickly created a custom object with some fields. Now how do I get a CRUD page for the custom object. I have been looking through the documentation and trailheads but I finding everything except this simple step. Can someone please suggest how I can get a CRuD page automatically generated from custom object that I can use to add edit and delete records?
You'll need to Create a Tab for your custom object. This tab can be exposed in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning and allows you to create a new record in the object, view list views, and so on.

Written Very Basic APEX Class, How Can my Customers get to access it?

I am very new to Salesforce Apex. I created a simple Apex-Class to get all contacts in the salesforce website.
I used javascript code to invoke that class as follows
function runApex() {
sforce.interaction.runApex('AccountRetrieval', 'getAccount', 'name=Rajeev', callback);
It's working fine in my laptop. But how can my customers get to access that class to get all their contacts ?
If you can't simply give them access to the contacts tab in the UI to achieve what you're after then you can create a visualforce page with a custom controller. In the controller, use SOQL to run a query for all Contacts and save the result to a list or map. You can then use this variable to pass the Contact data to the visualforce page. If you just want to dump the data to the page as HTML then you can use a list variable to hold the query result and an apex:repeat tag to generate the HTML on the visualforce page. If you want more control over how the data is displayed then you could also use the apex variable to pass the data to a javascript variable which you could then build your HTML from client-side in whatever way you like.
More detail would be needed to give you full steps on how to set this all up exactly how you want but basically you should use a visualforce page to give them an interface to run your apex code from. Access to that page can be controlled via profiles or permission sets.
If this page needs to be visible to people who do not have a user account to log into your org then you can use the Salesforce feature called Sites to expose content to them without the need for a login.

in backbone.js can a Model be without any url?

I have an app where the menu system is built dynamically using metadata fetched at startup. Based on this data, and menu selections, I need to craft a "filter box" where user can input search criteria. The "main" View consists of a filter box plus a search results panel where result(s) are rendered in accordance with their classes.
Can I model the Filter Box as a Backbone.js Model? It does not have any data fetches from the backend as its composition depends entirely on the menu selections + the metadata? E.g. when user selects "Sales" menu then the filter box might prompt for "Sales Order Number" whereas when user selects "Material" then the filter box might prompt for something else.
I would then use this widget as component of the "main" View, along with a set of results views made up on the fly. As users make their menu selections, this main View will un-render the existing filter box and recompute and re-render a new one. Other components on the screen could query the Filter Box for its settings.
The examples I have seen so far always have a url and a server fetch, save, etc. The only url-free example on the tutorial page says it is a "contrived" example. I was wondering if a backend provider is necessary and programming will be full of gotchas without conforming to this requirement.
You can have models without url property defined. One of the building blocks of Backbone is the Sync object, that will help you when pulling and pushing data, ideally from/to REST endpoints. For this to work you need to tell where the data are served, and to do so you set a value to url on Models or Collections.
If you don't need server comunication but you just want to use the utilities provided by simple Model or Collection (such as event handling, filtering, etc..) you just don't set url and you are good to go (just keep in mind that methods like fetch or save won't work).
Yes you can use Backbone for your DOM logic too. A model doesn't need to represent data from the server. Do whatever you like with the few basic elements of Backbone, simply use them when you feel like it'd do a great job :)

Salesforce - Hiding visualforce form items based on organization

I have a custom viusalforce page as part of a package that i'm developing. The package will be installed on a number of different Salesforce organizations. I require to hide certain parts of the visualforce page (input boxes) based on the organization using the package. What is the best way to accomplish this? I can hardcode it based on Organization ID but I'm not convinced this is the best way, as when clients refresh sandboxes the ID will change.
You should use rendered attribute on apex:input evaluating the org criterial:
<apex:input ... rendered="{!facility.Facility_Address_2__c!=''||render}" ...>
Where facility.Facility_Address_2__c could be the inline evaluation criteria of some org object.field value or render could be a flag set on controller evaluating a deeper criteria.

Prepopulate fields in Salesforce.com

I have a doubt, i've been working with salesforce for a while and now i have a requirement from a customer.
They need that some custom fields be populated with a value of parent object, making some research on stackoverflow, i found this post, but this isn't working for me because my project is a manage package and when this is installed on a another salesforce instance the id of custom field change.
if someone could help me, I will be grateful.
I can't see any way of doing the same as that post without using the IDs, I was thinking you could route via a VF page and build up the URL in the controller but it doesn't seem as though you can get the IDs of fields, just their type etc..
I think the best you could do in this instance is to override the default new recordpage with a visualforce page. In the constructor of your controller you could then loop through the page parameters and pre-fill the corresponding fields on the new record before it's displayed on screen. Using fieldsets or just an <apex:Detail> component would keep the level of effort down and also maximise the flexibility of the page for the end users.
