Get member emails when using delta on group - azure-active-directory

I'm trying to use the graph API to get a list of users which have been added to a specific group using the delta feature so I reduce the amount of data that passes through.
However, when I $expand on the members property, I'm only getting the id, and not the specific properties I need (mail and some other details) - despite the fact I'm $selecting it.
The url I'm using for the query is$expand=members($select=id,mail)&$select=members&$filter=id eq '<myGroupId>'
And the data I'm getting returned is:
"value": [
"id": "xxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx",
"members#delta": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I want my members#delta to include the details of the member so I don't have to query for them seperately.

According this members#delta property contains only the ids of member objects in the group.


How Do I Select A Sub-Field For A User?

I am trying to get information about users from Microsoft Graph Explorer. The default query gives me way too much info per user
Therefore, I am getting a subset of data using $select$select=id,displayName,identities which looks like this:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users(id,displayName,identities)",
"value": [
"id": "06609x07-2b89-5l92-8egg-5666a36uu26w",
"displayName": "Joe",
"identities": [
"signInType": "emailAddress",
"issuer": "",
"issuerAssignedId": ""
"signInType": "userPrincipalName",
"issuer": "",
"issuerAssignedId": ""
Is it possible to modify the select so that it doesn't return the whole identities block but just returns the issuerAssignedId field instead (ideally just the first one)?
It seems impossible to return only issuerAssignedId field with $select.
That describes the operation of $select. There is no mention of $select in the properties.
Use the $select query parameter to return a set of properties that are
different than the default set for an individual resource or a
collection of resources. With $select, you can specify a subset or a
superset of the default properties.
On the other hand, the issuerAssignedId just supports $filter, see here.

Solr: using the labelled relationship for nested documents throws unknown field error

Using the example document that Solr has:
"ID": "1",
"title": "Solr adds block join support",
"content_type": "parentDocument",
"comments": [{
"ID": "2",
"content": "SolrCloud supports it too!"
"ID": "3",
"content": "New filter syntax"
When I try to index this json, it would give this error: "ERROR: [doc=1] unknown field 'comments.ID'" even though the field ID is defined in the schema (of course, comments.ID is not)
I am trying to use the labelled relationship and not the anonymous relationship using _childDocuments_ because that is what the docs recommends. What am I missing?
If you're trying to send this to the /update/json/docs convenience path, it will likely fail with a nested document.
Try instead to send your document to the /update path, and use the JSON command structure shown here
Basically, send to /update and wrap your document in an
"add": {
"doc": {<your document here>}
Be sure to also set the content type to application/json

How to ensure all items in a collection match a filter in Azure Cognitive Search

I have Azure Cognitive Search running, and my index is working as expected.
We are trying to add a security filter into the search, based on the current users permissions.
The users permissions are coming to me in as IEnumerable, but I am currently selecting just a string[] and passing that into my filter, then do a string.join, which looks like this.
permission1, permission2, permission3, permission4
In our SQL database, we have a view that is where the index is getting it's data from. There is a column on the view called RequiredPermissions, it is a Collection(Edm.string) in the index, and the data looks like this.
[ 'permission1', 'permission2', 'permission3' ]
The requirement is that for a record to return in the results, a user's permissions must contain all of the RequiredPermissions for that record.
So if we have a user with the following permissions
permission1, permission3, permission5
And we have the following records
Id, SearchText, Type, Permissions
1, abc, User, [ 'permission1', 'permission2' ]
2, abc.pdf, Document, [ 'permission1' ]
3, abc, Thing, [ 'permission1', 'permission3' ]
4, abc, Stuff, [ 'permission3', 'permission4' ]
If the user searched for 'abc' and these four results would come back, I need to $filter results that do not have the proper permissions. So I would expect the following results
Id, Returned, Reason
1, no, the user does not have permission2
2, yes, the user has permission1 and nothing else is needed
3, yes, the user has both permission1 and permission3
4, no, the user does not have permission4
If I run the following filter, then I get back anything that has permission1 or permission3, which is not acceptable, since the user should not see items Id 1 or 4
RequiredPermissions/any(role:, 'permission1, permission3', ','))
If I run this filter, then I get nothing back, everything is rejected, because no records have permission5, and the user has it
RequiredPermissions/all(role: not, 'permission1, permission3', ','))
If I try to run the search using 'all' and without the 'not' I get the following error
RequiredPermissions/all(role:, 'permission1, permission3', ','))
Invalid expression: Invalid lambda expression. Found a test for equality or inequality where the opposite was expected in a lambda expression that iterates over a field of type Collection(Edm.String). For 'any', please use expressions of the form 'x eq y' or ''. For 'all', please use expressions of the form 'x ne y', 'not (x eq y)', or 'not'.\r\nParameter name: $filter
So it seems that I cannot use the 'not' with 'any', and I must use the 'not' with 'all'
What I wish for is a way to say that a user has all the permissions in their list that is in the RequiredPermissions column.
I am currently just working in Postman using the RestApi to solve this, but I will eventually move this into .Net.
Your scenario can't be implemented with Collection(Edm.String) due to the limitations on how all and any work on such collections (documented here).
Fortunately, there is an alternative. You can model permissions as a collection of complex types, which allows you to use all the way that you need to implement your permissions model. Here is a JSON example of how the field would be defined:
"name": "test",
"fields": [
{ "name": "Id", "type": "Edm.String", "key": true },
{ "name": "RequiredPermissions", "type": "Collection(Edm.ComplexType)", "fields": [{ "name": "Name", "type": "Edm.String" }] }
Here is a JSON example of what a document would look like with its permissions defined:
{ "#search.action": "upload", "Id": "1", "RequiredPermissions": [{"Name": "permission1"}, {"Name": "permission2"}] }
Here is how you could construct a filter that has the desired effect:
RequiredPermissions/all(perm:, 'permission1,permission3,permission5'))
While this works, you are strongly advised to test the performance of this solution with a realistic set of data. Under the hood, all is executed as a negated any, and negated queries can sometimes perform poorly with the type of inverted indexes used by a search engine.
Also, please be aware that there is currently a limit on the number of elements in all complex collections across a document. This limit is currently 3000. So if RequiredPermissions were the only complex collection in your index, this means you could have at most 3000 permissions defined per document.

Generate JSON schema

Im trying a setup a Microsoft flow. In short, I need to take JSON data retrieved from a device, and parse it so that i could reference it in the Flows below. In order to parse, i need to provide the JSON Schema to Flow. Microsoft Flow has an option to generate it from a sample payload (the results returned from the API call), but it's not generating it correctly. I'm hoping someone can help me. I need the correct JSON Schema.
The data returned from the API:
"user_id": 2003,
"user_label": "Test1"
"user_id": 2004,
"user_label": "Test2"
Scheme generated in Flow from the above sample payload:
"type": "array",
"items": {}
I then tried to generate the Schema from just the data. That seemed to work, but when the Flow runs, I get a Json validation error.
Tried generating from just the data like this:
"user_id": 2003,
"user_label": "Test1"
This generated the scheme like this:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"user_id": {
"type": "number"
"user_label": {
"type": "string"
So you have 2 things going on, the nested object array, and the null.
You'll need another Parse JSON after the first Parse JSON. And you'll want to filter out the null before the second Parse JSON.
It took me a while to figure out, but I hope this helps.
Start by adding the Parse JSON step to whatever step is outputting the JSON.
Now, filter the array, make sure you use the 'Expression' when comparing with null.
Add the second Parse JSON, you'll notice that you won't have the option to select the output "Item" of the Filter array step, so select 'Parse JSON' - Item for now (we will change this to use the output of the Filter JSON step in a moment)
The step should automatically change to an 'Apply to each'. In the Parse JSON 2, generate the schema with
"user_id": 2003,
"user_label": "Test1"
"user_id": 2004,
"user_label": "Test2"
Then, modify the 'Select an output from previous steps field' and change it (from the Body of the Parse JSON step) to the Body of the Filter Array step
Finally, add an action after Parse JSON 2 and select one of the fields in Parse JSON 2, this will automatically change that step to a nested Apply to each
You should end up with something like this:

How can you retrieve a full nested document in Solr?

In my instance of Solr 4.10.3 I would like to index JSONs with a nested structure.
"id": "myDoc",
"title": "myTitle"
"nestedDoc": {
"name": "test name"
"nestedAttribute": {
"attr1": "attr1Val"
I am able to store it correctly through the admin interface:
and I'm also able to search and retrieve the document.
The problem I'm facing is that when I get the response document from my Solr search, I cannot see the nested attributes. I only see:
"id": "myDoc",
"title": "myTitle"
Is there a way to include ALL the nested fields in the returned documents?
I tried with : "fl=[child parentFilter=title:myTitle]" but it's not working (ChildDocTransformerFactory from: Is that the right way to do it or is there any other way?
I'm using: Solr 4.10.3!!!!!!
To get returned all the nested structure, you indeed need to use ChildDocTransformerFactor. However, you first need to properly index your documents.
If you just passed your structure as it is, Solr will index them as separate documents and won't know that they're actually connected. If you want to be able to correctly query nested documents, you'll have to pre-process your data structure as described in this post or try using (modifying as needed) a pre-processing script. Unfortunately, including the latest Solr 6.0, there's no nice and smooth solution on indexing and returning nested document structures, so everything is done through "workarounds".
Particularly in your case, you'll need to transform your document structure into this:
"type": "parentDoc",
"id": "myDoc",
"title": "myTitle"
"_childDocuments_": [
"type": "nestedDoc",
"name": "test name",
"_childDocuments_" :[
"type": "nestedAttribute"
"attr1": "attr1Val"
Then, the following ChildDocTransformerFactor query will return you all subdocuments (btw, although it says it's available since Solr 4.9, I've actually only seen it in Solr 5.3... so you need to test):
q=title:myTitle&fl=*,[child parentFilter=type:parentDoc limit=50]
Note, although it returns all nested documents, the returned document structure will be flattend (alas!), i.e., you'll get:
"type": "parentDoc",
"id": "myDoc",
"title": "myTitle"
"_childDocuments_": [
"type": "nestedDoc",
"name": "test name"
"type": "nestedAttribute"
"attr1": "attr1Val"
Probably, not really what you've expected but... this is the unfortunate Solr's behavior that will be fixed in a nearest future release.
You can put
q={!parent which=}
and in fl field :"fl=*,[child parentFilter=title:myTitle].
It will give you all parent field and children field of title:mytitle
