The drill down doesn't seem to be working properly in the scatter bubble chart, depending on what is selected as bubble color. In my original chart with the option Bubble color all dimensions would show values as I drill down but the chart would break after some drilling down or the next day.
In styles I cant select Bubble color as an option it sort of defaults to it at times but the only options are my drill down dimensions. My alternatives are to have color none where the drill down works but no dimensions values are showing or to select the color by the same dimension as the default drill down choice in that case only that dimension will show values regardless of what drill down choice is made.
Color options:
Google Data Studio Report
Data Set (Google Sheets)
This seems to have been or still is related to this bug report. I've gotten it to work by choosing only url metric and selecting color by url then adding a drop down and adding other metrics below. The style option changes by itself to Bubble color which is what we want.
I have a Google Data Studio pie chart showing the % of the Record Count metric, for various slices, but on hover, the tooltip shows the absolute number of Record Count. I don't want to share the absolute numbers with the customer receiving this report. How can I hide that?
Unfortunately it seems not possible as of now, here is the same question in the official support forum.
As stated by a user, the only possible workaround is to add a trasparent square over the chart, this would prevent the hover functionality to work.
Define your metric used in the pie chart as a percentage by setting the Comparison Calculation field to "percent of total". When hovering the mouse, something in the format 10%(10%) will be displayed on the card. Thus, the absolute value does not appear, even if the percentage is doubled.
Do you have any solution on how to add additional functionalities to highcharts bubble chart in react like this one bubble chart?
I need a stoke/circumference around each bubble it has two segments success in white and failure in red those values comes from series data of each point?
I tried some approaches but no luck.
Could you please guide us on how to achieve this?
another requirement is there any option to disable bubbles i.e no hover and select functionalities for particular bubbles
I am using PowerApps to create a small app which contains two comboboxes, which filter information that are being displayed on a data table and come from an excel sheet called Table. More specifically, my first combobox is called ColorCombo and displays distinct values, which come from the column Color of the sheet Table and the second combobox is called SizeCombo and displays distinct values that are contained on the column Size of the Table
My goal is to filter the information of the one combobox depending on the selection of the other combobox.
For instance, I have the colors : [Red, Blue,Green] listed on the ColorCombo and the sizes: [32,34,36] listed on the SizeCombo. If the red color is only available on size 32 then when I select the red option on the colorcombo I want to only see the number 32 on the SizeCombo and if the size 32 is available on green and blue color then when I select it on the SizeCombo I want to only see the options green and blue on the ColorCombo. The code I have so far is:
Sort(Distinct(Filter(Table, If(CountRows(ColorCombo.SelectedItems) = 0,true,
Size in SizeCombo.SelectedItems)),Color),Result,Ascending)
which works ok for the colorcombo. When I add the same statement for the SizeCombo as well though, I get an circular reference error. This is the statement I input:
Sort(Distinct(Filter(Table, If(CountRows(SizeCombo.SelectedItems) = 0,true,
Color in ColorCombo.SelectedItems)),Size),Result,Ascending)
I understand that this is happening because the selection of the comboboxes are depending on each other recursively, so this happens to prevent an infinite loop, but how could I solve this? I appreciate any help you can provide, since I have been trying to find a solution to it since a long time.
Some quick workarounds could be implemented via UI/UX:
Force the user to go through the two boxes sequentially
Start with sizecombo (for example).
Set DisplayMode of colorcombo to If(IsBlank(Size.Selected.Value), DisplayMode.Disabled, DisplayMode.Edit
Adjust the code accordingly.
Another idea: Instead of two comboboxes, have user select a size, then display swatches of Available Colors in a small Gallery. Or vice versa, choose a color then display Available Sizes.
You could accomplish that pretty easily using Filter()
I'm using the Telerik Reports graph wizard to create a bar chart. Even though I can change the ColorPalette property to GradientPalette and can choose the desired colors, the results are the same flat single color. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help and advice.
The Graph's Color Palette applies gradient coloring on the whole series, not on each of the the data points. I believe you're trying to achieve gradient-colored bars, but this feature is not supported. If in your bar chart you define series groups, then the first bar will be colored using the palette's BeginColor, the last bar will be colored with the palette's EndColor all the bars between them will have solid color, calculated based on their count and offset from the BeginColor towards the EndColor.
The Gradient Palette makes much sense when used in the Choropleth, where the color represents an additional data measure - see a demo here.
I am trying to add one box and one line on x-axis. Please look at below bar chart.
I tried using stripline but I cannot set height for stripline. It goes till 100.
Is there any way I can do this?
Unfortunately, SSRS doesn't provide the functionality you're looking for. A stripline is the closest you can get to that, but like you said, you can't control its height. The only way you could simulate this behavior would be to use a Background Image for your stripline, but that may be more work than it's worth. It would require a lot of manual adjustment to get the image to line up on the chart.
I would add a series to the chart using the Stock chart (under Range). In the Series Properties I would set the High value to the height desired for your line (~52 in your example). Ideally this would come from a dataset value.
Set the Low, Open and Close values to 0.
Try two Stripe Lines. First, create the strip line which represents the vertical value you're after. In my case, I made one that was 50% of the graph height off of the Y-Axis.
Chart Properties:
Height of StripeLine:
Once the stripe line is the correct height for the chart, create a 'mask' stripe line along the X-axis that will cover the portion of the Y-axis line you want hidden.
Chart Propterites:
Width of Stripe Mask:
Using these methods, and some really clever expression writing, you should be able to make the line exactly as high, and as wide as you desire.