Write bidimensional array into a binary file - arrays

I am trying to write a bidimensional array into a binary file (cop_bin), and I should use fwrite function in the //SAVE ARRAY INTO A BINARY FILE part.
I have used fwrite but it's not working.
As for now I have this code that works perfectly to save data from csv to the array, but now I need to save the array into the binary file.
So far, the code is:
int muestraMenu ();
void opcion0 (int matriz[699][13]);
int main ()
int opcion = 8;
int matriz[699][13];
opcion = muestraMenu ();
switch (opcion)
case 0:
printf (" 0. Configuración e inicialización");
opcion0 (matriz);
case 8:
while (opcion != 8);
return 0;
void opcion0 (int matriz[699][13])
int datos[13];
// int matriz[699][13];
int i;
int a[100];
int x = 0;
char line[100];
FILE *f = fopen ("bcancer.csv", "r");
FILE *cop_bin;
if (f == NULL)
printf ("error abriendo el fichero bcancer.csv\n");
printf ("\n");
//Recorremos fichero para guardar datos en un array bidimensional
while (fgets (line, sizeof line, f))
if (sscanf (line, "%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d",
&datos[0], &datos[1], &datos[2], &datos[3], &datos[4],
&datos[5], &datos[6], &datos[7], &datos[8], &datos[9],
&datos[10], &datos[11], &datos[12]) == 13)
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
matriz[x][i] = datos[i];
//datos guardados correctamente
printf ("Datos no válidos");
Could you give me a little help?
Thanks a lot.


C problem with saving structure to text file and downloading it back to stdout

Hey I have a problem with my code project where I try to create a project that keeps up wit Olympic medals. I have a problem of creating a text file that contains the structure and is named by user. I also have a problem to download the structure.
PROBLEM: I have a problem to make a text file named by user that contains the structure and then download it back to stdout. I don't know how to fix my functions to do this correctly. Now my function save_file can't even produce the file.
Example if the input:
A Canada
M USA 2 1 1
M Canada 0 0 1
M USA 1 3 1
M USA -1 0 0
W medals
I have defined my structure this way:
typedef struct Olympia
char* country;
int gold;
int silver;
int bronze;
Then I have a function that adds country
int add_country(struct Olympia* data, char* str, int i)
if (str[0] == '\0') //checking that input is correct
printf("Error! Try again!\n");
data[i].country = malloc(strlen(str) + 2); //allocating memory for country name
strcpy(data[i].country, str); //adding country to database
data[i].gold = 0; //setting medals to zero
data[i].silver = 0;
data[i].bronze = 0;
return i;
Next I add medals to the each country
int update_medals(struct Olympia* data, char* str, int add_gold, int add_silver, int add_bronze, int i)
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
if (str[0] == '\0') //checking that input is correct
printf("Error! Try again!");
while (a < i)
if (strcmp(data[a].country, str) == 0) //adding medals to right country
data[a].gold = data[a].gold + add_gold;
data[a].silver = data[a].silver + add_silver;
data[a].bronze = data[a].bronze + add_bronze;
if (b == 0) //and if the country didn't participate to the olympics
printf("This country isn't in the Olympics! Try Again!\n");
Next there is print function
int print_data(struct Olympia* data, int i)
for (int a = 0; a < i; a++)
printf("%s %d %d %d\n", data[a].country, data[a].gold, data[a].silver, data[a].bronze);
And then there are the two function that doesn't work. What should I do?
Olympia *save_file(Olympia* data, const char* filename, int i)
if (strlen(filename) > 100)
printf("Filename is too long: Maxium lenght for filename is 100 characters");
return data;
char name[100];
int ret = sscanf(filename, "W %s", name);
if (ret != 1)
printf("Error! Try again!");
return data;
FILE* file = fopen(name, "w");
if (!file)
printf("Error saving file! Try again");
return data;
int a = 0;
while (data[a].country[0] != 0)
fprintf(file, "%s %d %d %d\n", data[a].country, data[a].gold, data[a].silver, data[a].bronze);
return 0;
int load_file(struct Olympia* data, char* filename, int i)
int a = 0;
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file)
printf("Error opening file! Try again");
struct Olympia* arr = malloc(sizeof(Olympia));
while (fscanf(file, "%s %d %d %d", data[a].country, data[a].gold, data[a].silver, data[a].bronze))
arr = realloc(arr, sizeof(Olympia) * (i + 2));
arr[a].country[0] = 0;
return arr;
And the main function
int main(void)
char command;
int gold = 0;
int silver = 0;
int bronze = 0;
int i = 0;
char* line = (char*)malloc((100) * sizeof(char)); //allocating memory for one stdin line
char* countryname = (char*)malloc(20 * sizeof(char)); // allocating memory for country name
char* filename = (char*)malloc(100 * sizeof(char));
struct Olympia* countrydata = malloc(sizeof(struct Olympia) * 1); //allocating memory for structure
line = fgets(line, 100, stdin);
sscanf(line, "%c %s %d %d %d", &command, countryname, &gold, &silver, &bronze);
switch (command)
case 'A':
i = add_country(countrydata, countryname, i);
countrydata = realloc(countrydata, sizeof(struct Olympia) * (i + 1));
case 'M':
update_medals(countrydata, countryname, gold, silver, bronze, i);
case 'L':
print_data(countrydata, i);
case 'W':
save_file(countrydata, filename, i);
case 'O':
i = load_file(countrydata,filename, i);
case 'Q':
line = fgets(line, 100, stdin);
if (line == NULL)
You call save_file(countrydata, filename, i); without having set filename. Change to save_file(countrydata, line, i); since for whatever reason you expect the command character W to precede the name.
Then in save_file() the condition in while (data[a].country[0] != 0) is unusable, since the data element after the last one is not initialized. Use while (a < i) instead.

2D array working inside the loop but not working outside the loop

I have coded a formula to read the txt file, store it in array(1D) and then reading the array to calculate the moving average(2D). Program ask the user to input two values (k1 & k2) and calculate the moving average for every value from k1 to k2 (basically to find out the best value)
Following is the code
#define MAX_FILE_NAME 100
#define MAXCHAR 1000
int main()
FILE *fp;
int count = 0,k1=0,k2=0,k=0; // Line counter (result)
int buy[k2][count],sell[k2][count];
char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME];
char c; // To store a character read from file
// Get file name from user. The file should be
// either in current folder or complete path should be provided
printf("Enter file name or full path: ");
scanf("%s", filename);
printf("Enter the minimum rolling period for calculation : \n");
scanf("%d", &k1);
printf("Enter the maximum rolling period for calculation : \n");
scanf("%d", &k2);
// Open the file
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
// Check if file exists
if (fp == NULL)
printf("Could not open file %s", filename);
return 0;
// Extract characters from file and store in character c
for (c = getc(fp); c != EOF; c = getc(fp))
if (c == '\n') // Increment count if this character is newline
count = count + 1;
// Close the file
//printf("The file %s has %d lines\n", filename, count);
FILE *myFile;
myFile = fopen(filename, "r");
//read file into array
float numberArray[count];
int i;
if (myFile == NULL){
printf("Error Reading File\n");
exit (0);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
fscanf(myFile, "%f,", &numberArray[i]);
for (k=k1;k<=k2;k++)
float n;
float data[count],mag[k2][count];
double avg,sum;
for (i=0;i<k-1;i++)
avg = sum/k;
// for(i=0;i<=count;i++)
// {
// printf("MA[%d][%d] = %0.2lf ",k,i,mag[k][i]);
// if (i%3==0)
// printf("\n");
// }
printf("MA[%d][%d] = %0.2lf ",k,i,mag[k][i]);
Now when I am trying to print mag[k][i] values outside the for loop, it is showing error 'mag' undeclared. But when I am putting the print command inside the loop (comment out portion in the code), it works fine.
#define MAX_FILE_NAME 100
#define MAXCHAR 1000
int main()
FILE *fp;
int count,k1,k2,k; // Line counter (result)
char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME];
char c; // To store a character read from file
// Get file name from user. The file should be
// either in current folder or complete path should be provided
printf("Enter file name or full path: ");
scanf("%s", filename);
printf("Enter the minimum rolling period for calculation : \n");
scanf("%d", &k1);
printf("Enter the maximum rolling period for calculation : \n");
scanf("%d", &k2);
// Open the file
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
// Check if file exists
if (fp == NULL)
printf("Could not open file %s", filename);
return 0;
// Extract characters from file and store in character c
for (c = getc(fp); c != EOF; c = getc(fp))
if (c == '\n') // Increment count if this character is newline
count = count + 1;
// Close the file
//printf("The file %s has %d lines\n", filename, count);
File opening and reading section
FILE *myFile;
myFile = fopen(filename, "r");
//read file into array
float numberArray[count];
int i;
if (myFile == NULL){
printf("Error Reading File\n");
exit (0);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
fscanf(myFile, "%f,", &numberArray[i] );
Calculation of Moving Average and storing it in array
int buy[k2][count],sell[k2][count];
float mag[k2][count];
for (k=k1;k<=k2;k++)
float data[count];
double avg,sum;
for (i=1;i<k;i++)
for (i=k-1;i<=count;i++)
avg = sum/k;
// for(i=0;i<=count;i++)
// {
// printf("MA[%d][%d] = %0.2lf ",k,i,mag[k][i]);
// if (i%3==0)
// printf("\n");
// }
for (k=k1;k<=k2;k++)
for (i=0;i<=count;i++)
printf("MA[%d][%d] = %0.2lf ",k,i,mag[k][i]);
The problem boils down to this: the scope of mag is limited to the inside of the for loop:
for (k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
int mag[k2][count];
// mag is out of scope here
// therefore following line won't compile:
printf("%d", mag[0][0]);
You need to declare mag outside the for loop for example like this:
int mag[k2][count];
for (k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
printf("%d", mag[0][0]);
Beware: there are other problems within your code, mentioned in the comments.

to search and write in txt file C

I need help :/ this program is supposed to look for a text in a txt file, if this text is there, then generate another text.
for example:
I generate randomly
And I look in the txt if this text is found, if it is not then I write it in the txt.
Then it generate
I look for it in the txt, if it is not, I write it in the txt
Then it generate
I look for it in the txt, as it is in the, then I do not write it and I generate another one again.
#define fila 100
int main()
char aux[200];
char aux2[200];
int contador=0;
FILE *f;
f = fopen("prueba.txt","a+");
printf("no se ha podido abrir el archivo");
int i,num_prof,num_alum=1;
num_prof = NUMEROS_AL_PROFE();
fprintf(f,"INSERT INTO ALUM_PROF VALUES (%d,%d);\n",num_alum,num_prof); //escribo en el fichero f
num_prof = NUMEROS_AL_PROFE();
sprintf(aux,"INSERT INTO ALUM_PROF VALUES (%d,%d);\n",num_alum,num_prof); //almaceno el valor en aux
fgets(aux2,200,f); //I read from the file f and I keep each line in aux2
if(strcmp(aux,aux2) == 0 ) //If a1 and a2 are equal then it is repeated.
memset(aux2, '\0',200); //Vacio el array aux2
memset(aux, '\0',200);
fprintf(f,"INSERT INTO ALUM_PROF VALUES (%d,%d);\n",num_alum,num_prof);
//Random Number
int num;
num = rand() % 17 + 1; //Numeros aleatorios entre 1 y 17
num = num + 1;
return num;
The program compiles, and when is running it remains loading, it simply does not write anything and generates a heavy txt .
You need to reset the reading position of the file and contador flag.
example of fix code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define fila 100
int main(void){
char aux[200];
char aux2[200];
int contador=0;
FILE *f = fopen("prueba.txt","a+");
if(f==NULL) {
printf("no se ha podido abrir el archivo");
int num_alum = 1;
srand(time(NULL));//Change seed of random number
for(int i = 0; i < fila; i++){
sprintf(aux,"INSERT INTO ALUM_PROF VALUES (%d,%d);\n", num_alum++, NUMEROS_AL_PROFE());
rewind(f);//The file reading position is set to the beginning.
contador = 0;//reset flag
while(fgets(aux2, sizeof aux2, f)){//while(!feof(f)) has a problem. It has already been pointed out by stackptr's comment.
if(strcmp(aux, aux2) == 0 ){
//fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG:already exist %s", aux);
contador = 1;
if(contador == 0){
//fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG:write %s", aux);
fputs(aux, f);
int num;
num = rand() % 17 + 1;
num = num + 1;
return num;

C doesn't load info from file (fread, fwrite)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SLENG 50 //just a random value
typedef struct Song
char *name;
char *nameSong;
char *timeSong;
int date;
} Song;
void saveToFile(Song *x, int *songCount) //Saves info to the binary file
FILE *f = fopen("array.txt", "w");
if (f == NULL)
fwrite(songCount, sizeof(int), 1, f);
fwrite(x, sizeof(struct Song), (*songCount), f);
void readSong(Song *x, int *songCount) //Reads info fromt he file and writes it
FILE *fr = fopen("array.txt", "r");
if (fr == NULL)
fread(songCount, sizeof(int), 1, fr);
fread(x, sizeof(struct Song), (*songCount), fr);
for(int i=0; i < (*songCount); i++)
printf("%d. %s %s %s %d\n", (i+1), x[i].name, x[i].nameSong, x[i].timeSong, x[i].date);
void insertSong(Song *x, int Count) //Inserts new song into the array.
printf("\nInsert name of the band:\n");
x[Count].name=malloc(SLENG * sizeof(char));
scanf("%s", x[Count].name);
printf("Insert name of the song:\n");
x[Count].nameSong=malloc(SLENG * sizeof(char));
scanf("%s", x[Count].nameSong);
printf("Insert length of the song:\n");
x[Count].timeSong=malloc(SLENG * sizeof(char));
scanf("%s", x[Count].timeSong);
printf("Insert then song was created:\n");
scanf("%d", &(x[Count].date));
int songCount, menuOption;
Song *x=malloc(SLENG*sizeof(char)+SLENG*sizeof(char)+SLENG*sizeof(char)+sizeof(int));
printf("1. insert song\n 2. load from file\n ");
scanf("%d", &menuOption);
case(1) :
printf("Insert how many songs do you want to input?\n");
scanf("%d", &songCount);
for(int i=0; i<songCount; i++)
insertSong(x, i);
saveToFile(x, &songCount);
case(2) :
readSong(x, &songCount);
I have an assingment to write a programm which would input some data into file and could read that data from that file, the problem is probably with fwrite or fread, couse it seems to crash everytime I try to load the and write the data from file. Any ideas why is it not working properly? And can I even do it like this as it is dynamic struct array. Thanks in advance.
In order to save the structure to a file, it must only contain scalar values, not pointers into memory objects. Modify your structure to use arrays instead of pointers:
typedef struct Song {
char name[SLENG];
char nameSong[SLENG];
char timeSong[SLENG];
int date;
} Song;
And modify the code accordingly, but note that:
saving and reading the structures to and from a file requires opening it in binary mode "wb" and "rb".
it is very misleading to name a binary file array.txt.
you do not need to pass the address of the count when writing to the file, but you need to pass the address of the array pointer when reading as you do not know yet how much memory to allocate.
Here is the modified code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SLENG 50 // this value is used in the file format
typedef struct Song {
char name[SLENG];
char nameSong[SLENG];
char timeSong[SLENG];
int date;
} Song;
int saveToFile(Song *x, int songCount) { //Saves info to the binary file
FILE *f = fopen("array.bin", "wb");
if (f == NULL) {
return -1;
fwrite(songCount, sizeof(int), 1, f);
int written = fwrite(x, sizeof(struct Song), songCount, f);
return written;
int readSong(Song **x, int *songCount) { //Reads info from the file and writes it
int count = 0;
FILE *fr = fopen("array.bin", "rb");
if (fr == NULL) {
return -1;
fread(&count, sizeof(int), 1, fr);
*x = calloc(count, sizeof(Song));
if (*x == NULL) {
printf("Cannot allocate %d bytes of memory\n", count);
return -1;
int found = fread(*x, sizeof(struct Song), count, fr);
for (int i = 0; i < found; i++) {
printf("%d. %s %s %s %d\n", i + 1,
(*x)[i].name, (*x)[i].nameSong, (*x)[i].timeSong, (*x)[i].date);
return *songCount = found;
void insertSong(Song *x, int Count) { //Inserts new song into the array.
printf("\nInsert name of the band:\n");
scanf("%49s", x[Count].name);
printf("Insert name of the song:\n");
scanf("%49s", x[Count].nameSong);
printf("Insert length of the song:\n");
scanf("%49s", x[Count].timeSong);
printf("Insert then song was created:\n");
scanf("%d", &(x[Count].date));
int main(void) {
int songCount, menuOption;
Song *x = NULL;
printf("1. insert song\n 2. load from file\n ");
scanf("%d", &menuOption);
switch (menuOption) {
case 1:
printf("Insert how many songs do you want to input?\n");
if (scanf("%d", &songCount) == 1) {
x = calloc(songCount, sizeof(Song));
for (int i = 0; i < songCount; i++) {
insertSong(x, i);
saveToFile(x, songCount);
case 2:
readSong(&x, &songCount);
x = NULL;
return 0;

free(): invalid next size(normal)

When running this code with an input .txt file containing somewhere between 200-300 integers (separated by spaces) i get an error right before the for loop with the fprintf statement.
I am not sure if qsort is causing this error or why it occurs but any insight would be appreciated.
(this file is run by adding the name of the input file and the output file in the command line ex: ./program input.txt output.txt
My code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int cmpfunc (const void * a, const void * b)
return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if(argc != 3){
printf("\nInvalid input\nPlease provide the input and output text file names as %s name1 name2\n", argv[0]);
printf("\nPart A: \n");
char *fn1 = argv[1]; //variables
char *fn2 = argv[2];
int temp = 0;
int counter = 0;
int index = 0;
int index2 = 0;
int sort = 0;
FILE *fp1 = fopen(fn1, "r"); //read file
FILE *fp2 = fopen(fn2, "w"); //write file
if(fp1 == NULL){ //test if fp1 was opened
printf("There was an error opening the input file");
char data[10]; //ints can only hold 10 digits
int *integerArr;
int *tempPointer;
integerArr = malloc(10*sizeof(int));
int sizeOfArrs = 10;
printf("Reading in the textfile: ");
while(fscanf(fp1,"%s",data) != EOF){ //reads in the file breaking on each whitespace and ends at the EOF pointer
temp = strlen(data);
if(temp <=10){
temp = atoi(data);
integerArr[counter] = temp;
if(counter == sizeOfArrs -1){
temp = sizeOfArrs * 2;
tempPointer = realloc(integerArr, temp);
if(tempPointer != NULL){
integerArr = tempPointer;
}else printf("\ninteger had too many digits\n");
printf(" Done\n%d Numbers were found\n", counter);
printf("The integers found in the %s file: \n", argv[1]);
index = 0; //reset index to 0;
for(index;index<counter;index++){ //prints the unsorted contents of the file
printf("%d ", integerArr[index]);
printf("\n\nPart B\n");
printf("The integers found in the %s file after sorting: \n", argv[1]);
qsort(integerArr, counter, sizeof(int), cmpfunc); //best function ever (sorts the array using the cmpfunc to tell if an integer is greater than less than or equal to the next one)
index = 0; //resets the index
for(index; index <counter; index++){ //prints the sorted contents of the file
printf("%d ", integerArr[index]);
fprintf(fp2,"%d ",integerArr[index]); //writes the sorted integers to the new file
if(fp2 == NULL){ //tests if the write worked
printf("There was an error writing the outputfile");
close(fp1,fp2); //closes both files
return 0;
Your fscanf loop is broken. You weren't actually realloc'ing with a larger size. Here's the corrected program [sorry for the pedantic style reedit but you hit one of my nits: long sidebar comments]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
cmpfunc(const void *a, const void *b)
return (*(int *) a - *(int *) b);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 3) {
printf("\nInvalid input\nPlease provide the input and output text file names as %s name1 name2\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
printf("\nPart A: \n");
char *fn1 = argv[1]; // variables
char *fn2 = argv[2];
int temp = 0;
int counter = 0;
int index = 0;
int index2 = 0;
int sort = 0;
FILE *fp1 = fopen(fn1, "r");
FILE *fp2 = fopen(fn2, "w");
// test if fp1 was opened
if (fp1 == NULL) {
printf("There was an error opening the input file");
return 1;
// ints can only hold 10 digits
char data[10];
int *integerArr;
int *tempPointer;
int sizeOfArrs = 10;
integerArr = malloc(sizeOfArrs * sizeof(int));
printf("Reading in the textfile: ");
// reads in the file breaking on each whitespace and ends at the EOF
// pointer
while (fscanf(fp1, "%s", data) != EOF) {
temp = strlen(data);
if (temp > 10) {
printf("\ninteger had too many digits\n");
temp = atoi(data);
integerArr[counter] = temp;
if (counter == sizeOfArrs - 1) {
sizeOfArrs += 600;
integerArr = realloc(integerArr, sizeOfArrs * sizeof(int));
// trim array to actual size needed
sizeOfArrs = counter;
integerArr = realloc(integerArr, sizeOfArrs * sizeof(int));
printf(" Done\n%d Numbers were found\n", counter);
printf("The integers found in the %s file: \n", argv[1]);
// prints the unsorted contents of the file
for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
printf("%d ", integerArr[index]);
printf("\n\nPart B\n");
printf("The integers found in the %s file after sorting: \n", argv[1]);
// best function ever (sorts the array using the cmpfunc to tell if an
// integer is greater than less than or equal to the next one)
qsort(integerArr, counter, sizeof(int), cmpfunc);
// prints the sorted contents of the file
for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
printf("%d ", integerArr[index]);
// writes the sorted integers to the new file
fprintf(fp2, "%d ", integerArr[index]);
// tests if the write worked
if (fp2 == NULL) {
printf("There was an error writing the outputfile");
// closes both files
return 0;
Also, note the fclose's at the bottom. There are a few minor bugs left for you to find.
