AppGyver vs Android Studio - mobile

Which would be better for building an cross platform application with an online database? I am assigned to create an app that features like QR code scan and generate, authentication with user accounts, etc. I would like to know your knowledge and experiences.


Technology stack for mobile based internal tools

I'm building an mobile based internal tool for a company. But I'm not able to figure out the programming stack to use. I mean, I have read that only native, hybrid or web based apps can be built on phones but I'm not looking for web based and we don't want to bring the app to the app store since it's only for the company people. Any suggestions on how to approach here?

realm mobile platform sync and web app

I'm looking at using realm for a project I'm working on which will be a multi-platform mobile app which will needs to sync data between users / devices. I think the realm mobile platform would be perfect.
However, I also need to have a admin / web app. I've seen that realm has a react-native module so I can use react-native to create my mobile app. Question is can I also use react (or react-native) to create a web admin app or even a desktop version using Electron?!.. In effect the admin app syncs to the same realm the mobile app is using via the realm mobile platform.
Hope that makes sense - Thanks is advance..
The new Professional Edition might be the solution you are looking for.
As EpicPandaForce states, you would need the enterprise license in order to use sync on the server.
There is a Node SDK for Realm: We are not officially supporting Electron yet though people have managed to make it work. However, that doesn't yet offer sync so it won't help you in this particular case but stay tuned for updates on that situation!

Make database in appengine by eclipse

I'm making a game for windows phone. And my game has a highscore board which gets value from appengine.
And I'm finding a document to do that.
I want to know how to make a database and how to send, get value.
Can you give me a link or example ?
You could look at Mobile Starter Backend that will give you a ready to use mBaaS hosted on App Engine with a generic data structure to store things like high scores, leaderboard, etc. Though the documentation mentions iOS and Android clients, you can also invoke the REST endpoints stuff from your Windows Phone code.
If you wish to roll out your own services, take a look at Google Cloud Endpoints that will give you a REST API hosted on App Engine and you can build in Datastore support. Start over here :

GAS UI Builder for GAE

to all
as we all know, Appscript tipicaly for Google Spreadsheet now have a UI builder, though you can compose UI with the script itself the builder is a big factor. now
GAS application is hosted in google drive and can be either share or publish as Webapp. which is great but this type of app is very limited to storing your data in a spreadsheet well, designing a good DB spreadsheet would be enough for small application but is NOT scalable for SME to Enterprise apps.
now having google app engine which have a very good and scalable platform for a webapp.
is there anyway to port the UI library capability and use it for app engine application. having GAS UI as a javascript base (client side) it could be integrated with any serverside language in GAE.
do any one have any example on this or is it now posible?
the way I see it this might be the future for GAE having a GAS as a client side library would be great?
Well, I think you should be looking the other way round. All of Apps Script's UI widgets are borrowed from GWT in GAE. In fact, the Apps Script documentation, at places suggests that we should lookup GWT documentation when this is found inadequate.
Coming to the point of the UI bilder, I'm no GAE expert, but since you get a GWT toolkit for Eclipse, you should be able to use any of Eclipse's UI creating tools ( I may be wrong here).
GWT is compiled to javascript. It doesn't care what the backend is. You can use json to communicate to your python AE instance just fine I would think. I do GWT on java AE so don't have an example of my own but here is an example of using python on AE to use App Scripts

How to port a PostgreSQl database to Google App engine

i am currently doing a project as one of my university projects and it uses Google maps and right now i am using a postgresql database which is on my localhost but i want to host it some where else i couldn't find any free hosting for postgres and i don't know whether i can use Google App engine or Fusion tables to do it. i am using postgres and php to manipulate data and generate KML files. Google Maps V3 javascript API as the front end
any suggestions ?
Thanks !!
PHP is one of the most requested features, but it is not yet supported in GAE, so your PHP code is useless. In the future, hosted SQL databases seem to be part of Google plans to provide "Enterprise features" in GAE, stay tuned because that could simplify what you need to do.
Currently, in case that:
your site is implemented as a Java EE or Python web appliaction
you are already using JPA/JDO (only in the Java EE case)
you are not doing JOIN statements (not supported in GAE)
Or even if your service/dao layers are already well isolated, it would be possible to host your "denormalized" database (it would not be a postgres service) and your frontend in GAE without too much effort.
