Make checkbox trigger when clicking on the whole section - checkbox

I am currently using Clickfunnels to build a checkout page.
Here I have a bump offer (an upsell that you can add to your cart ticking a checkbox).
This checkbox is inside a section where I can change colors and stuff, but I would like to accomplish this:
When I click on any part of the section (text, background, etc) I want the checkbox to trigger (on/off).
So if a person clicks on the whole upsell section, it can work as a macro button.
Can somebody help me achieve this?


selected item of dropDownSelectTree disappeared when create button in TabbedForm(React admin) change

I am working with react admin and I am using TabbedForm to add data, the problem is that when I select item from dropDownSelectTree, and then add text to TextInput, the create button change from disable to able and my selected itemed disappeared, I want to know how to keep my selected items when the button change.
This could be a lot of things from incorrect state handling to incorrect props setup. However, without the actual code to check not many people will be able to help you out. So if you may, share your code with us.

How do I get Panel key when I click on extraIcon and the panel is active is Antd Collapse component?

I have a situation, where I need to get the panel key when I click on extra icon (present beside expand arrow/collapse arrow) for the requirement posted below.
When I click on icon, I should remove that panel and add it to the right and vice-versa. To do that, I need to get panel key which I get when Panel is not in active state in onChange callback function, but don't get the same when the panel is active.
How do I do this? Please let me know
In the specific case wanted by #anup-r (modifying an antd sample) it is necessary to pass to the genExtra function the key of the panel
See updated sample

Hide checker (if true) in a interactive PDF with custom checkbox created with inDesign

I got a problem with checkbox field using Adobe Indesign.
I want an image to become my checkbox button and also change the image after clicking. Unfortunately, after clicking on this button the image changes properly, but it also adds checker (check sign) in the middle of the picture. Can't see to overcome this.
It looks like this:
I would consider using two buttons for that. One hiding the opposite and vice-versa. Here is an example:
And here is a link to the package :
And here is a link to a demo PDF:

Implement SlideGroup as part of Form [DevExpress]

I would like the Windows UI style SlideGroup on my WinForms page but dont want to go through the nonsense of having a document manager taking up my whole form. I simply want a few buttons at the top of my form and then a slideGroup at the bottom. On button press switch the slideview to the corresponding document.
As far as I know the SlideGroup is available only as a content container within WindowsUIView, which is a part of the DocumentManager component. Content containers can be easyly added in the related section of the WindowsUIView Designer. The SlideGroup component is not a Control itself, thus it is impossible to use SlideGroup without a DocumentManager.
Please also review the following: How to create SlideGroup container.
If you want to use the Windows UI buttons itself you can use the WindowsUIButtonsPanel control.

Customizing Navigation Buttons' Bar in MS Access Form

I am creating a form in MS Access. My form appears to the user in form of a modal pop-up box. At the bottom of the form we get Navigation Buttons, New Entry (which I have disabled), Filter and Search Options.
I want to customize this Navigation Button Bar. For example, I do not want 'Record' word to appear at the left most position in this bar.
I have been searching ways to do the same. I am not sure if the same can be achieved, but still hopeful.
Thanks in anticipation.
You can disable Navigation Buttons in form properties, which means the bar does not appear and in Access 2007 and 2010, you can set the Navigation Caption, which means you can have something instead of "Record", but you cannot customize the bar itself.
If you must have custom navigation, disable the bar and add your own navigation options.
You can change the Record into something else, but not customize the other bits of the navigation bar as far as I know.
Will show as:
If you want to go further than that, you may be able to intercept windows messages and change the wording on the fly, but that would complex and certainly a lot of work for not much.
On the other hand you could simply not show the navigation bar and create your own navigation using buttons and a bit of VBA instead.
