SQL tracking payment over time - sql-server

I have been tasked to move a process that pays people for training from an excel spreadsheet to sql server DB. I need to be able to track payments and the reason why it was approved, denied. Example:
Payment Run Jan1
Reason for NonPayment
Introduction to Python
No W2
Introduction to Java
Payment Run Feb 1
Reason for NonPayment
Introduction to Python
Now I know I should make three tables , One for student info, one for course info , and a linked table with payments. It the payments table that has me stumped. I can do that for Jan1 , but how do I track the changes ?
I want to be able to say "On Jan runs Mary did not get paid because she was missing her W2, but she was paid in Feb" . For every payment run, I need to be able to track who got paid, amount paid , reason for nonpayment ( if present ) .

My bad. I was forgetting about many to one relationship. I was thinking more about addresses, where you "retire" the address, and only have the new link active.
So instead of "retiring" the link to the payment table on every run, keep a "PaymentRunDate" field and have a key referencing the user.
Like this ( given Marys ID is 15 , John Id is 5 , dates are in European format)
Class ID
No W2
and let the front end worry about how this is presented to the user.


Add columns to a set of results depending how many rows found

I don't have sample datathat fits the example below, and it's more a theoretical question rather than a data-driven one...
I have a table called CustomerOrders. A query looks to see if any customers haven't ordered anything for more than 4 days (again, it's just an example but easier than explaining the real purpose).
If there are such customers, then the query searches an Communications table that records whether or not sales staff have noted that it's been four days or more since an order was received from that customer, and what action they're taking to address this.
Depending on the number of days since the last order, and the number of times sales staff have logged their acknowledgement (ideally it should be every day until they place an order), each customer appears in the results like this:
FirstName, LastName, LastOrderDate, NumDaysSince, SalesStaffCommentDate, SalesComment
At present, each entry sales staff log a comment about this date gap appears as a separate row in this result set, each essentially repeating themselves, other than the last two columns.
What I would prefer is for this result set to be set out as:
FirstName, LastName, LastOrderDate, NumDaysSince, SalesStaffCommentDate[1], SalesComment[1], SalesStaffCommentDate[2], SalesComment[2]
etc, with the number of additional comment and date columns showing the comments made, but all on one row.
But if the sales team only logged two comments on one customer, but ten comments on another, there is obviously a disparity between the number of columns that could be filled.
Is it possible to display the data in this way?
EDIT - thanks to #Larnu and #Smor so far.
To try and give a bit more data. This is how my data looks:
John Smith 2022-06-12 5 2022-06-15 Tried to call
John Smith 2022-06-12 5 2022-06-16 Call back later
John Smith 2022-06-12 5 2022-06-17 Not required
I want it to look like this:
John Smith 2022-06-12 5 2022-06-15 Tried to call 2022-06-16 Call back later 2022-06-17 Not required.
There may be anything from 1 - 10 entries before the customer orders again and reset the counter back to being < 4 days since their last.
#larnu, are you saying that the link you give allows me to present the data in this way? Ordinarily I would export this data to PBI and pivot it to display as I need it to, but for this bit of data I'm unable to do that, and so it needs to be in SQL.
Hope that clarifies things in case I was being a bit too vague.

Looking to count the number of times a company name appears in a column, while excluding a duplicate value in another column

Spreadsheet column setup:
A:Name B:Hours C:Client D:Invoice# E:Date
Joe 8 Acme 123 8/21/18
Bill 12 Zorg 456 8/19/18
John 9 Acme 123 8/21/18
Ben 15 Acme 987 8/5/18
I want to count the number of jobs we did for a client for the month.
Each individual job is denoted by the invoice number. A job may have multiple people on it so the same invoice number will be duplicated in column D.
I'd like exclude those duplicates so I get a true count of jobs for a particular client regardless of how many people were actually on the job.
Using the example above, if I ask for total number of "Acme" jobs this month, I need the output to read 2 (since invoice 123 had a couple guys on it) not 3 due to it not excluding the duplicate invoice number.
Nothing I try or search on the internet like function CountIf quite meets my unique parameters.
Please advise, Thank you.

SQL Server database design for evaluations

I'm designing this employee evaluation web page, and was wondering if my current database design is the correct one or if it could be improved.
This is my current design
Table Agenda:
| idEvaluation | Location | Employee | #Employee | Date | Date1 | Date2 |
Date is the date scheduled for the evaluation to be performed.
Date 1 and Date 2 its a period of time to retrieve some metrics from another database.
Table Evaluations:
| idEvaluation | Manager | Department | Date | Comments |
Table Scores:
| idEvaluation | idFactor | Score |
idFactor relates to another table which contains the factor and a description of it, like I said its this a correct design??
My concern its this, currently there are 60 employees, 11 managers and 12 factors, each employee its evaluated twice a year by every manager, so in the Agenda Table there's not much trouble since its only one record per evaluation (60 employees = 60 records), how ever on the Evaluations Table there are 11 records for every evaluation, so it goes to 660 records (60 employees * 11 managers = 660), and then on the Scores Table it goes even bigger since there are 12 factors for every evaluation, it goes to 7920 records (660 evaluations * 12 factors each = 7920).
Is this normal?? Am I doing it wrong?? Any input its appreciated.
Location, Employee, #Employee, Manager and Department are loaded automatically by the vb.net page, they are "imported" from an Active Directory and its checked before insertion so duplicate names, misspelled names, and this sort of thing its not an issue.
The main idea is you dont want to repeat string literals
So if you have
id Department
1 Sales
2 IT
3 Admin
Instead of repeat Sales many time you only use 1 which is smaller so things also get faster.
Second if you have users
id user
1 Jhon Alexander
2 Maria Jhonson
If Jhon decide change his name then you will have to check all tables and change the name. Also there is the problem if two person have same name you wont know which one are you evaluating.
So go for separated table and use the ID.

Database schema design for financial forecasting

I need to develop a web app that allows companies to forecast financials.
the app has different screens, one for defining employee salaries, another for sales projections etc..
basically turn an excel financial forecast model into an app.
question is, what would be the best way to design the database, so that financial reports (e.g. a profit and loss statement or balance sheet) could be quickly generated?
assuming the forecast period is for 5 years, would you have a table
with 5 years*12 months = 60 fields per each row? is that performant
would you use DB triggers to recalculate salary expenses whenever a single employee data is changed?
I'd think it would be better to store each month's forecast in its own row in a table that looks like this
month forecast
----- --------
1 30000
2 31000
3 28000
... ...
60 52000
Then you can use the aggregate functions to calculate forecast reports, discounted cash flow etc. ( Like if you want the un-discounted total for just 4 years):
SELECT SUM(forecast) from FORECASTS where month=>1 and month<=48
For salary expenses, I would think that having a view that does calculations on the fly (or if you DB engine supports "materialized views" should have sufficient performance unless we're talking some giant number of employees or really slow DB.
Maybe have a salary history table, that trigger populates when employee data changes/payroll runs
employeeId month Salary
---------- ----- ------
1 1 4000
2 1 3000
3 1 5000
1 2 4100
2 2 3100
3 2 4800
... ... ...
Then again, you can do SUM or other aggregate function to get to the reported data.

Query a Lookup Table in Excel or Access

I've got a mental block about what I'm sure is a common scenario:
I have some data in a csv file that I need to do some very basic reporting from.
The data is essentially a table with Resources as column headings and People as row headings, the rest of the table consists of Y/N flag, "Y" if the person has access to the resource, "N" if they don't. Both the resources and the people have unique names.
Sample data:
Res1 Res2 Res3
Bob Y Y N
Tom N N N
Jim Y N Y
The table is too large to simply view it as whole in Excel(say 300 resources and 600 people), so I need a way to easily query and display (A simple list would be ok) what resources a person has access to, given the person's name.
The person that will need to use this has MS Office, and not much else on their PC.
So, the question is: What is the best way to manipulate this data to get the report I need? My gut says MS Access would be the best, but I can't figure out to automatically import data like this into a normal relational database. If not Access, perhaps there are some functions in Excel that could help me out?
You should normalize your data. This will make it easier to query against. For example:
table users:
UserID UserName
1 Bob
2 Tim
3 Jim
table resources:
ResourceID ResourceDesc
1 Printer #1
2 Fax Machine
3 Bowling Ball Wax
table users_resources:
LinkID UserID ResourceID
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 3 1
4 3 3
FROM users_resources, users
WHERE users.UserName="Bob"
