How to open database FoxEx file? - database

I have a database file suffix is FoxEx,It is a data file,What software can open it,Does anyboy know , thanks!eg:youfu.FoxEx


Export Data from SQL Server to FlatFile using SSIS

I am learning SSIS.
Had a question regarding the same.
I have a SQL Table
`(File id, File name, File content)
I want to give an input in SSIS:
File ID and Destination Folder
I want to export 'File Content' in the destination folder as FileName.txt.
Example: From the above table if I give input as
File ID=1
I want all the files
(file ID>1)
in the destination folder as
having the respective File Content in them.
Can you please help me with this?
I have trued using Script task but its not giving the right output.
Thank You!!

Applescript throws error when changing file name

I am trying to create a generic temp .pdf and then change the file name of thetemp file to the specific file name in the same folder on an NAS drive using the code below.
I get error -10006 'can't change name of file...". Any help would be most appreciated.
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
save active workbook in ("Volumes:FrameNASfolder:12 PANDORA:Pandora PDFs:PDF
TempFolder:TempName.pdf") as PDF file format
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set name of "Volumes:FrameNASfolder:12 PANDORA:Pandora PDFs:PDF
TempFolder:TempName Invoice + Quotation Sheet.pdf" to "3999A Estimate TEST 14-07-20 16-32.pdf"
end tell
I can generate the temp file every time, but no joy with the name change.
First of all – even if the pseudo POSIX syntax works – HFS paths are supposed to start with a disk name, not with Users nor with Volumes.
As mentioned in the comments you are going to change the file name of a string which is pretty pointless. Add the keyword file, item or alias to create a file system reference
set tempFolderPath to "FrameNASfolder:12 PANDORA:Pandora PDFs:PDF TempFolder:"
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
save active workbook in (tempFolderPath & "TempName.pdf") as PDF file format
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set name of file (tempFolderPath & "TempName Invoice + Quotation Sheet.pdf") to "3999A Estimate TEST 14-07-20 16-32.pdf"
end tell

How to Import Just The FileName into SQL via SSIS

I am trying to write a file name to a table in my database - at the moment all I am achieving is importing the whole file path.
I have a foreach loop, which on the Collection looks in a specific folder and for a specific file type (the retrieve file name is fully qualified)
This has a variable mapping to "ImportInvoiceFilePath"
Then within that is a Data Flow Task which includes the flat file source, a derived column which creates the file path in the database.
This works fine - but what I am trying really hard to do but can't work out is how do I get just the file name (no extension) to write to the database as well?
Literally worked it out. Set my forloop to nameonly then in my connection to my Source file under expressions put:
#[User::ProcessingInvoiceFilePath] + "\\"+#[User::ImportInvoiceFileName]+".saf"
Where saf is the file type

How to view 'data' file which is included by .odb database file?

I am trying to extract the data from .odb database file. For this, at first I unzipped the .odb file and then tried to read 'data' file came from this unzipped. But I guess there is an encoding problem during the reading process. I get some meaningless symbols. As far I search, this file could be a binary file. By the way, I can not see the extension of the 'data' file. I wonder how to read file to exract data?
i'm brazilian, and i saw this question without a answer.
i'm python user and i did this:
try to open the file that contains database *.odb
___________________________a file.py________________________
import sys, zipfile
myfile = zipfile.ZipFile(yourfile.odb)
listoffiles = myfile.infolist()
for s in listoffiles:
if s.orig_filename == "database/data":
print(bh.decode("utf-8", "ignore"))
my table is very simple, but it may help.
I've found this jointing parts from several websites.
as you see, an odb file is simply a zipped file that contains a xml file that contains a table information "content.xml" but only table information.
the content of database is in database/data. the values are stored here. you can decode with decode on python.
thanks to too, were i found some scripts

AS400: How to know which program create a file?

I am not expert about AS400, just know some commands and i exporti some files from AS400 (iSeries) into SQL Server 2005.
Actually i need to know which RPG Program created a file in a library. This because that file contains statistic data from other files stored in other AS400 libraries.
This screenshot show the file STTMVF in the library DAT_4DWH (by DSPLIB DAT_4DWH)
So there are a command that let me know which RPG program created the file STTMVF ?
If yes i need to open the source RPG or CL and try to understand which phisical files are used to compose this statistic file.
Thanks in advance!
You can use journal management or program references to determine what is writing to the file.
Journal management
Starting the journal
To create a basic journal you need to create a journal receiver, a journal, and activate journalling for the file. Replace RECEIVER-LIB, RECEIVER-FILE, JOURNAL-LIB, JOURNAL-FILE, FILE-LIB and FILE with values appropriate for your system.
Dumping the journal
Querying the journal
The field JOPGM will contain the program name that inserted, updated, or deleted records from the file.
Removing the journal
Program references
Dumping the references
Querying the references
Search the file for all references where the field WHFNAM equals FILE. The field WHPNAM will contain the program name. Due to file overrides, etc this method is not as accurate as using a journal.
